• Title/Summary/Keyword: fixed window smoothing

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Comparison Analysis of Methods for Smoothing the Stream Profiles Extracted from Digital Elevation Models and Suggestion of a New Smoothing Method (DEM에서 추출한 하천종단곡선의 평활화 방법 고찰 및 새로운 방법의 제안)

  • Byun, Jongmin;Seong, Yeong Bae
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.339-356
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    • 2014
  • Easy access to DEMs and the development of technology treating DEMs make it easier to extract stream longitudinal profiles from DEMs than previously done. Since such profiles possess many problems such as artificial flats and steps, it should be required for them to be smoothed like natural profiles to estimate gradient values along those sections. However smoothing itself comes with much distortion of raw profile from original DEMs. There has been no research evaluating quantitatively the effects due to smoothing process. Here we attempt to quantify the effects of major smoothing methods on raw and real profiles, suggest a new method to overcome the limitations of them, and evaluate it. This study not only suggests a new smoothing method, but also provides a guideline for choosing a proper smoothing method.

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The Bias Error due to Windows for the Wigner-Ville Distribution Estimation (위그너-빌 분포함수의 계산시 창문함수의 적용에 의한 바이어스 오차)

  • 박연규;김양한
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.80-85
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    • 1995
  • Too see the effects of finite record on the estimation of WVD in practice, a window which has time varying length is examined. Its length increases linearly with time in the first half of the record, and decreases from the center of the record. The bias error due to this window decreases inversely proportionally to the window length as time increases in the first half. In the second half, the bias error increases and the resolution decreases as time increases. The bias error due to the smoothing of WVD, which is obtained by two-dimensional convolution of the true WVD and the smoothing window, which has fixed lengths along time and frequency axes, is derived for arbitrary smoothing window function. In the case of using a Gaussian window as a smoothing window, the bias error is found to be expressed as an infinite summation of differential operators. It is demonstrated that the derived formula is well applicable to the continuous WVD, but when WVD has some discontinuities, it shows the trend of the error. This is a consequence of the assumption of the derivation, that is the continuity of WVD. For windows other than Gaussian window, the derived equation is shown to be well applicable for the prediction of the bias error.

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A Variable Window Method for Three-Dimensional Structure Reconstruction in Stereo Vision (삼차원 구조 복원을 위한 스테레오 비전의 가변윈도우법)

  • 김경범
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.138-146
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    • 2003
  • A critical issue in area-based stereo matching lies in selecting a fixed rectangular window size. Previous stereo methods doesn't deal effectively with occluding boundary due to inevitable window-based problems, and so give inaccurate and noisy matching results in areas with steep disparity variations. In this paper, a variable window approach is presented to estimate accurate, detailed and smooth disparities for three-dimensional structure reconstruction. It makes the smoothing of depth discontinuity reduced by evaluating corresponding correlation values and intensity gradient-based similarity in the three-dimensional disparity space. In addition, it investigates maximum connected match candidate points and then devise the novel arbitrarily shaped variable window representative of a same disparity to treat with disparity variations of various structure shapes. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed variable window method with synthetic images, and show how our results improve on those of closely related techniques for accuracy, robustness, matching density and computing speed.

Improved Minimum Statistics Based on Environment-Awareness for Noise Power Estimation (환경인식 기반의 향상된 Minimum Statistics 잡음전력 추정기법)

  • Son, Young-Ho;Choi, Jae-Hun;Chang, Joon-Hyuk
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.123-128
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose the improved noise power estimation in speech enhancement under various noise environments. The previous MS algorithm tracking the minimum value of finite search window uses the optimal power spectrum of signal for smoothing and adopts minimum probability. From the investigation of the previous MS-based methods it can be seen that a fixed size of the minimum search window is assumed regardless of the various environment. To achieve the different search window size, we use the noise classification algorithm based on the Gaussian mixture model (GMM). Performance of the proposed enhancement algorithm is evaluated by ITU-T P.862 perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) under various noise environments. Based on this, we show that the proposed algorithm yields better result compared to the conventional MS method.

A Study on a Multiresolution Filtering Algorithm based on a Physical Model of SPECT Lesion Detectability (SPECT 이상조직 검출능 모델에 근거한 다해상도 필터링 기법 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hui;Kim, Gwang-Ik
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.551-562
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    • 1998
  • Amultiresolution filtering algorithm based on the physical SPECT lesion detachability provides and optimal solution for SPECT reconstruction problem. Related to the previous study, we estimated the SPECT lesion detection capability by m minimum detectable lesion sizes (MDLSs), and generated m reconstruction filters which are designed to maximize the smoothing effect at a fixed MDLS-dependent resolution level $\frac{MDLS}{4\sqrt{2In2}}$. The proposed multiresolution filtering algorithm used a coarse-to-fine approach for the m-level resolution filter images obtained from these m filters for a given projection image. First, the local homogeneity is determined for every pixel of the filter images, by comparing the local variance value computed in a window centered at the pixel and the mode determined from the distribution of the local variances. Based on the local homogeneity, the pixels declared as homogeneous are chosen from the filter image of the lowest resolution, and for the other pixels the same process is repeated for the higher resolution filter images. For the non-homogeneous pixels after this pixels after this repetition process ends, the pixel values of the highest resolution filter image are substituted. From the results of the simulated experiments, the proposed multiresolution filtering algorithm showed a strong smoothing effect in the homogeneous regions and a significant resolution improvement near the edge regions of the projection images, and so produced good adaptability effects in the reconstructed images.

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