• Title/Summary/Keyword: environmental mapping

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Development of "Drink Smart" Alcohol Education Program for University Students: Application of the Intervention Mapping and Transtheoretical Model (대학생 절주교육 프로그램(과음없는 캠퍼스 만들기) 개발: Intervention Mapping과 Transtheoretical Model의 적용)

  • Kim, Hye-Kyeong;Kim, Myung;Lee, Eun-Hee;Kwon, Eun-Joo;Cho, Han-Ik
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.145-160
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: This study attempted to apply the Intervention mapping and Transtheoretical models to develop a program to promote moderate alcohol drinking in university students. Methods: Surveyed data from 1,137 university students were analyzed to identify personal and environmental determinants for alcohol drinking. Based on these determinants, program objectives were established. Crossing the objectives with related important determinants resulted in matrices of learning objectives for which educational strategies were developed. Subsequently, an intervention program were designed to achieve those objectives. Results: Identified personal determinants included awareness, attitudes, self-efficacy and behavioral skills. Environmental determinants were binge drinking behaviors of family members and peers, and social pressure for drinking. Program, impact and learning objectives were developed to change the identified determinants. Program activities included provision of information on positive and negative consequences of binge drinking, opportunities for assessing one's drinking pattern, increasing outcome expectancies of and skill building for monitoring drinking, resisting peer pressure and managing stress. To facilitate adoption and maintenance of the program, an intervention diffusion plan was suggested. An evaluation plan was developed by utilizing RE-AIM framework. Conclusions: In order to expand evidence bases for effective theory-based programs, the developed program should be tested in diverse university settings.

Lithological and Structural Lineament Mapping from Landsat 8 OLI Images in Ras Kammouna Arid Area (Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco)

  • Es-Sabbar, Brahim;Essalhi, Mourad;Essalhi, Abdelhafid;Mhamdi, Hicham Si
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.425-440
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    • 2020
  • The study area is located in the southern part of the M'aider Paleozoic basin in the Moroccan Eastern Anti-Atlas. It is an arid region, characterized by minimal vegetation cover, which can provide an ideal environment to apply remote sensing. In this study, remote sensing and field investigations were integrated for lithological and structural lineaments mapping. The Landsat 8 OLI data were processed in order to understand the role of lithology and geological structures in the distribution of mineral deposits in the study area. To achieve this purpose, the Color Composite (CC), the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Band Rationing transformation (BR) tests were performed. The results of remote sensing techniques coupled with field investigations have shown that the zones of high lineaments densities are highly correlated with the occurrences of barite mineralization. These findings depict a spatial relationship between structural lineaments and the mineralization distribution zones. Therefore, the barite and Iron oxides mineralization veins, which occur mainly in the Ras Kammouna district, seem to have a structural control. The methodological approach used in this study examining lithological mapping and lineament extractions can be used to explore mineral deposits in arid regions to a high degree of efficiency.

Real-time Polygon Generation and Texture Mapping for Tele-operation using 3D Point Cloud Data (원격 작업을 위한 3 차원 점군 데이터기반의 실시간 폴리곤 생성 및 텍스처 맵핑 기법)

  • Jang, Ga-Ram;Shin, Yong-Deuk;Yoon, Jae-Shik;Park, Jae-Han;Bae, Ji-Hun;Lee, Young-Soo;Baeg, Moon-Hong
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.928-935
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, real-time polygon generation algorithm of 3D point cloud data and texture mapping for tele-operation is proposed. In a tele-operation, it is essential to provide more highly realistic visual information to a tele-operator. By using 3D point cloud data, the tele-operator can observe the working environment from various view point with a reconstructed 3D environment. However, there are huge empty space in 3D point cloud data, since there is no environmental information among the points. This empty space is not suitable for an environmental information. Therefore, real-time polygon generation algorithm of 3D point cloud data and texture mapping is presented to provide more highly realistic visual information to the tele-operator. The 3D environment reconstructed from the 3D point cloud data with texture mapped polygons is the crucial part of the tele-operation.

Time-series Mapping and Uncertainty Modeling of Environmental Variables: A Case Study of PM10 Concentration Mapping (시계열 환경변수 분포도 작성 및 불확실성 모델링: 미세먼지(PM10) 농도 분포도 작성 사례연구)

  • Park, No-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.249-264
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    • 2011
  • A multi-Gaussian kriging approach extended to space-time domain is presented for uncertainty modeling as well as time-series mapping of environmental variables. Within a multi-Gaussian framework, normal score transformed environmental variables are first decomposed into deterministic trend and stochastic residual components. After local temporal trend models are constructed, the parameters of the models are estimated and interpolated in space. Space-time correlation structures of stationary residual components are quantified using a product-sum space-time variogram model. The ccdf is modeled at all grid locations using this space-time variogram model and space-time kriging. Finally, e-type estimates and conditional variances are computed from the ccdf models for spatial mapping and uncertainty analysis, respectively. The proposed approach is illustrated through a case of time-series Particulate Matter 10 ($PM_{10}$) concentration mapping in Incheon Metropolitan city using monthly $PM_{10}$ concentrations at 13 stations for 3 years. It is shown that the proposed approach would generate reliable time-series $PM_{10}$ concentration maps with less mean bias and better prediction capability, compared to conventional spatial-only ordinary kriging. It is also demonstrated that the conditional variances and the probability exceeding a certain thresholding value would be useful information sources for interpretation.

Preparation of Tomographic Maps Based on the R Package (R 패키지를 이용한 토모그라피 지도 제작)

  • Chung, Tae-Woong;Lees, Jonathan M.
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.373-378
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    • 2008
  • Being widely used for preparation of geographic maps in the field of earth sciences, Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) is difficult to understand the contents for user, and not working well with Microsoft (MS) Window PC. By utilizing R package, 'GEOmap', we can do mapping work at MS window PC with commands easier than those of GMT. In addition, the R commands offer interactive help. Here we introduce brief feature of 'GEOmap', and illustrate the procedure for preparing tomographic maps with an example.

Integration of AutoCAD and Microsoft Excel for Forest Survey Application

  • Mamat, Mohd Rizuwan;Hamzah, Khali Aziz;Rashid, Muhammad Farid;Faidi, Mohd Azahari;Norizan, Azharizan Mohd
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.307-313
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    • 2013
  • Forest Survey consists of road survey, topographic survey, tree mapping survey, stream survey and also ridge survey. Information from forest survey is important and become essential in preparing base map to be used for forest harvesting planning and control. With the current technologies technique of data processing and mapping from traditionally hand drawn method had shifted to a computer system particularly the use of Computer Aided Design (CAD). This gives great advantages to the forest managers and logging operators. However data processing and mapping duration could be further reduced by integrating CAD with other established software such as Microsoft Excel. This time study to show that there is significance difference in term of duration for data processing and efficiency using AutoCAD in combination with Microsoft Excel program as compare to the use of AutoCAD program alone. From the study, it shows that the integration of AutoCAD and Microsoft Excel is able to reduce 70% of duration for data processing and mapping as compared to the use of AutoCAD program alone.

Mapping Vegetation Volume in Urban Environments by Fusing LiDAR and Multispectral Data

  • Jung, Jinha;Pijanowski, Bryan
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.661-670
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    • 2012
  • Urban forests provide great ecosystem services to population in metropolitan areas even though they occupy little green space in a huge gray landscape. Unfortunately, urbanization inherently results in threatening the green infrastructure, and the recent urbanization trends drew great attention of scientists and policy makers on how to preserve or restore green infrastructure in metropolitan area. For this reason, mapping the spatial distribution of the green infrastructure is important in urban environments since the resulting map helps us identify hot green spots and set up long term plan on how to preserve or restore green infrastructure in urban environments. As a preliminary step for mapping green infrastructure utilizing multi-source remote sensing data in urban environments, the objective of this study is to map vegetation volume by fusing LiDAR and multispectral data in urban environments. Multispectral imageries are used to identify the two dimensional distribution of green infrastructure, while LiDAR data are utilized to characterize the vertical structure of the identified green structure. Vegetation volume was calculated over the metropolitan Chicago city area, and the vegetation volume was summarized over 16 NLCD classes. The experimental results indicated that vegetation volume varies greatly even in the same land cover class, and traditional land cover map based above ground biomass estimation approach may introduce bias in the estimation results.

Efficient Method to Estimate the Number of Exposed People to Industrial Noise Using the GIS and Three Dimensional Noise Mapping - Focusing on the Industrial Noise - (GIS와 3차원 소음지도를 이용한 소음 노출 인구 산정 방법에 관한 연구 - 공장 소음을 중심으로 -)

  • Ko, Joon-Hee;Chun, Hyung-Joon;Chang, Seo-Il
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.17 no.6 s.123
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    • pp.491-497
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    • 2007
  • Reasonably accurate estimation of the exposed population to the distinct levels of noise is essential to the efficient management of urban environmental noise. This study proposes a method of calculating the number of exposed people to industrial noise by using GIS tool and noise mapping. The exposed population of noise based on estimation of the number of people that lived in each building in urban area is compared with the one based on density of population. This study suggests the five step method that consists of gathering the fundamental data, extracting the property from the digital map, noise mapping based on the three dimensional topography, estimating population that lives in each building, merging the various results with GIS tool, and estimating exposed population to industrial noise through analyzing the noise map with GIS tools.

Concrete Reinforcement Modeling with IFC for Automated Rebar Fabrication

  • LIU, Yuhan;AFZAL, Muhammad;CHENG, Jack C.P.;GAN, Vincent J.L.
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2020.12a
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2020
  • Automated rebar fabrication, which requires effective information exchange between model designers and fabricators, has brought the integration and interoperability of data from different sources to the notice of both academics and industry practitioners. Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) was one of the most commonly used data formats to represent the semantic information of prefabricated components in buildings, whereas the data format utilized by rebar fabrication machine is BundesVereinigung der Bausoftware (BVBS), which is a numerical data structure exchanging reinforcement information through ASCII encoded files. Seamless transformation between IFC and BVBS empowers the automated rebar fabrication and improve the construction productivity. In order to improve data interoperability between IFC and BVBS, this study presents an IFC extension based on the attributes required by automated rebar fabrication machines with the help of Information Delivery Manual (IDM) and Model View Definition (MVD). IDM is applied to describe and display the information needed for the design, construction and operation of projects, whereas MVD is a subset of IFC schema used to describe the automated rebar fabrication workflow. Firstly, with a rich pool of vocabularies practitioners, OmniClass is used in information exchange between IFC and BVBS, providing a hierarchy classification structure for reinforcing elements. Then, using International Framework for Dictionaries (IFD), the usage of each attribute is defined in a more consistent manner to assist the data mapping process. Besides, in order to address missing information within automated fabrication process, a schematic data mapping diagram has been made to deliver IFC information from BIM models to BVBS format for better data interoperability among different software agents. A case study based on the data mapping will be presented to demonstrate the proposed IFC extension and how it could assist/facilitate the information management.

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Development of a Smoking and Drinking Prevention Program for Adolescents using Intervention Mapping (Intervention Mapping 설계를 통한 중학생 대상 흡연음주예방 교육프로그램 개발)

  • Kye, Su-Yeon;Choi, Seul-Ki;Park, Kee-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: We describe the development of a smoking and drinking prevention program for adolescents, using intervention mapping. Methods: The study sample consisted of 1,000 high school second-grade students from 6 high schools in Seoul. The PRECEDE model was applied for the needs assessment. We carried out a social diagnosis by assessing the factors such as the quality of life, happiness level, and satisfaction with school life; an epidemiological diagnosis on the perceived health status, stress levels, and priority of health issues; a behavioral diagnosis on the smoking and drinking rate and the intention to smoke and drink; and an educational diagnosis on knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, social norms and life skills. Results: The development process included a needs assessment, identifying factors that influence smoking and drinking among adolescents. Intention, knowledge, perceived norms, perceived benefit, perceived cost, perceived susceptibility, self-efficacy, and life skills were identified as determinants. Three performance objectives were formulated to describe what an individual needs to do in order to avoid smoking and drinking. Subsequently, we constructed an intervention matrix by crossing the performance objectives with the selected determinants. Each cell describes the learning objectives of the smoking and drinking prevention program. The program used methods from the transtheoretical model, such as consciousness raising, outcome expectations, self-reevaluation, self-liberation, counterconditioning, environmental reevaluation, and stimulus control. The program deals with the effects of smoking and drinking, self-improvement, decision making, understanding advertisements, communication skills, social relationships, and assertiveness. Conclusions: By using the process of intervention mapping, the program developer was able to ensure a systematical incorporation of empirical and new data and theories to guide the intervention design. Programs targeting other health-related behavior and other methods or strategies can also be developed using this intervention mapping process.

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