Integration of AutoCAD and Microsoft Excel for Forest Survey Application

  • Received : 2012.08.27
  • Accepted : 2013.09.23
  • Published : 2013.11.30


Forest Survey consists of road survey, topographic survey, tree mapping survey, stream survey and also ridge survey. Information from forest survey is important and become essential in preparing base map to be used for forest harvesting planning and control. With the current technologies technique of data processing and mapping from traditionally hand drawn method had shifted to a computer system particularly the use of Computer Aided Design (CAD). This gives great advantages to the forest managers and logging operators. However data processing and mapping duration could be further reduced by integrating CAD with other established software such as Microsoft Excel. This time study to show that there is significance difference in term of duration for data processing and efficiency using AutoCAD in combination with Microsoft Excel program as compare to the use of AutoCAD program alone. From the study, it shows that the integration of AutoCAD and Microsoft Excel is able to reduce 70% of duration for data processing and mapping as compared to the use of AutoCAD program alone.



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