• 제목/요약/키워드: environmental approach

검색결과 3,912건 처리시간 0.035초

Construction of cooperative teaching system to support dynamics in gifted students' social studies learning (영재학생들의 사회과 학습의 역동성을 지원하는 협력교수 체제의 구안)

  • Park, Hae-Jin;Back, Sun-Hwa;Nam, Youl-Soo;Noh, Kyung-Hyun;Lee, Su-Seong
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.11-36
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    • 2005
  • Cooperative teaching emerged as one of the interesting topics on curriculum administration and teaching-learning method in BSA(Busan Science Academy). The purpose of this study is to do research on social studies learning with respect to cooperative teaching, and to develop the model of cooperative teaching. The results of this study are as follows: First, We surveyed both the concept of cooperative teaching in all aspects and the methodological application on cooperative teaching. Second, We searched all teaching-learning methods in BSA in terms of cooperative teaching. Third, We studied cooperative teaching system on social studies considering current environmental factors. Forth, We performed seminar class which is constructed as one of the cooperative teaching models. The topic of seminar was 'The distortion and falsification of Koguryeo history in China'. The participants of seminar were volunteer students and social studies teachers whose subjects were geography, history, social studies, and ethics. And the participants conducted the research and cooperative learning based on teacher's subjects and subtopics. Fifth, The interactions between teacher and teacher, student and student, and teacher and student in the process of seminar preparation and publication were conducted very excitedly. Especially we found the possibility of cooperative teaching by the interaction between teachers. Finally, students developed the mind-frame to participate in social studies learning actively, and learned the method to research social affairs for themselves, and extended the eyes to approach social affairs with different opinions.

Establishing Effective Screening Methodology for Novel Herbicide Substances from Metagenome (신규 제초활성 물질 발굴을 위한 메타게놈 스크리닝 방법 연구)

  • Lee, Boyoung;Choi, Ji Eun;Kim, Young Sook;Song, Jae Kwang;Ko, Young Kwan;Choi, Jung Sup
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.118-123
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    • 2015
  • Metagenomics is a powerful tool to isolate novel biocatalyst and biomolecules directly from the environmental DNA libraries. Since the metagenomics approach bypasses cultivation of microorganisms, un-cultured microorganisms that are majority of exists can be the richest reservoir for natural products discovery. To discover novel herbicidal substances from soil metagenome, we established three easy, simple and effective high throughput screening methods such as cucumber cotyledon leaf disc assay, microalgae assay and seed germination assay. Employing the methods, we isolated two active single clones (9-G1 and 9-G12) expressing herbicidal activity which whitened leaf discs, inhibited growth of microalgae and inhibited root growth of germinated Arabidopsis seeds. Spraying butanol fraction of the isolated active clones' culture broth led to growth retardation or desiccation of Digitalia sanguinalis (L) Scop. in vivo. These results represent that the screening methods established in this study are useful to screen herbicidal substances from metagenome libraries. Further identifying molecular structure of the herbicidal active substances and analyzing gene clusters encoding synthesis systems for the active substances are in progress.

Numerical Approach to Investigate the Effect of Mud Pressure on the Borehole Stability during Horizontal Directional Drilling (수평굴착 시 점토압력이 굴착공의 안정에 미치는 영향에 관한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Kang, Jae Mo;Lee, Janggeun;Bae, Kyu-Jin;Moon, Changyeul;Ban, Hoki
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • 제31권12호
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    • pp.71-76
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    • 2015
  • Recently, people are increasingly interested in horizontal directional drilling (HDD) to construct oil and gas pipeline and utility pipeline in the urban area as one of trenchless methods. One of major issues during the HDD is the collapse of borehole, which may be the potential causes of ground collapse. This study investigated the effect of mud pressure on the borehole stability, using finite element analysis. Since the borehole is being drilled with a certain angle, three dimensional analysis should be performed. The borehole stability was examined by applying two different types of mud pressures, i.e., uniform and non-uniform, to the exterior surface of borehole. The results show that the high mud pressure at the beginning of drilling, i.e., at shallow depth, causes the borehole collapse, whereas the borehole was stable even at high mud pressure as the drilling depth increases. It can be said that the determination of maximum mud pressure is strongly related to the drilling depth.

Construction Waste Management System for Improving Waste Treatment on the Construction Site (건축현장의 환경관리 업무 효율성 향상을 위한 폐기물 관리 시스템 - 공동주택을 중심으로 -)

  • Cha, Namwoo;Park, Wansu;Kim, Kyungrai;Cha, Heesung;Shin, Dongwoo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2014
  • The problems of environmental pollutions and resources depletion have been growing issues in global construction recently. Efforts to reduce $CO_2$ emission have been also made in all sectors of construction industry these days. As one of the biggest industries that consume a huge amount of resources and generate complex construction wastes, the construction industry has significant impacts on environment issues. However, systematic approach to manage wastes has been rarely made, and most construction wastes from construction sites are being land-filled or incinerated. In this study, a system is proposed to predict the amount of wastes in visual formats, and to control the process of wastes management. The system's main functions include : (1) to estimate the amount of wastes to be generated in project schedule, (2) to categorize the types of wastes, (3) to determine the timing of taking out wastes from sites, and (4) to share information regarding wastes for recycling. A huge amount of wastes are generated in construction process, but most of the wastes have been discharged in forms of mixed wastes, which make them hardly reused. The system not only provide information on wastes to be generated, but also prevent mixing various wastes by classifying them by types and schedules. This features of the system, along with functions to share wastes information with other agencies outside the site, are expected to enhance the level of wastes recycling to a great extent. By saving construction materials through wastes recycling, the system also contributes in reducing $CO_2$ emission.

Outlook for a New International Agreement on Climate Change Adaptation: How to Approach (기후변화 적응의 신기후체제 합의: 전망을 위한 접근방법)

  • Lee, Seungjun
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.75-94
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the major issues discussed among Parties and provide a framework for predicting the agreements on those issues, prior to the final negotiation on a new legally-binding agreement on climate change adaptation in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The analyses of documents, adaptation actions, and work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) under the UNFCCC informed that the adaptation issue has primarily been focused on the support of developed country Parties for the adaptation of developing country Parties following the principle of the Convention, Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities (CBDR-RC). Three-year work of the ADP acknowledged the major issues on adaptation in the new climate agreement, which would be categorized as long-term and global aspects, commitments/contributions/actions, monitoring and evaluation, institutional arrangements, and loss and damage. A final agreement on each issue could be predicted by setting a zone of possible agreement in-between the two extremes of developing and developed country Parties and considering three major elements affecting the Parties' positions, national priority, adaptation action, and social expectation, which are proposed in this study. The three major elements should be considered in a balanced manner by Parties to draw a durable agreement that will enhance global adaptation actions from a long-term perspective. That is, the agreement needs to reflect adaptation actions occurring outside the Convention as well as social expectations for adaptation. It is expected that the new agreement on climate change adaptation, from a long-term and global perspective, would be an opportunity to reduce vulnerability and build resilience to climate change by incorporating global expectations.

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Initial Development of Forest Structure and Understory Vegetation after Clear-cut in Pinus densiflora Forest in Southern Gangwon-do Province (강원도 남부 지역에서 소나무림 개벌 후 초기 임분 구조 및 하층식생 발달)

  • Bae, Kwan Ho;Kim, Jun Soo;Lee, Change Seok;Cho, Hyun Je;Lee, Ho Young;Cho, Yong Chan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • 제103권1호
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2014
  • Open- to closed canopy stage and it's ecological characteristics in vegetation succession are commonly described, but poorly understood in Korea. Vegetation development on structure, environment and understory abundance were studied for 16 yr in post-clearcut Pinus densiflora forests in the southern Gangwon-do province by applying space-for-time approach. We sampled 210 plots (10 for structure and 200 for understory) for four seral stages (1yr, 3yr, 10yr and 16yr). After clear-cut, mean stem density increased gradually to $5,714{\pm}645$ stems/ha after 16 years and mean basal area was also from $5.5{\pm}0.7m^2/ha$ after 10 years and doubled at $10.0{\pm}1.6m^2/ha$ in 16 years. Woody debris and bared soil on the forest floor peaked at 11--- after 10 years and at 10.3--- after 3 years, respectively. In understory mean cover declined with all growth form groups following succession, but in richness, forb specie increased with structural development during 16 years. Our study suggested that overstory development did not suppressed whole understory properties especially in richness, thus appeared to act as a filter selectively constraining the understory characteristics. However only long-term studies are essential for elucidating patterns and processes that cannot be inferred form short-term or space-for-time researches. Strong negative relationship between overstory and understory characteristics in conventional models surely reexamined.

Recovery Process of Forest Edge Formed by Clear-cutting Harvest in Korean Red Pine (Pinus densiflora) Forest in Gangwondo, South Korea (강원도 남부 지역에서 소나무림 벌채 후 형성된 숲 가장자리의 회복 과정)

  • Kim, Jun-Soo;Cho, Yong-Chan;Bae, Kwan-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • 제106권1호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2017
  • Forest harvest as large scale artificial disturbance makes edge environment in both clear-cutted and forested habitat. To clarify the development and recovery process of forest edge after disturbances is essential to understand vegetation responses and landscape level consequences such as edge-distance. In Korea, after clear-cutting, edge-related changes of environment and vegetation was not clarified yet. In Korean red pine (Pinus densiflora) forest, by applying space-for-time approach (sites with undisturbed and 1, 3, 10, 16 yr after cutting), the edge-related change of plant abundance and abiotic factors were determined for 20 line-transect (60 m) and 340 ($1m{\times}5m$) quadrats, and clarified depth and duration of the disturbance. Immediately after edge formation, within 15m form the edge, biotic and abiotic factors such as cover, richness, canopy openness, temperature and moisture content exhibited larger changes compared to forest interior. Plant abundance and abiotic variables were stabilized at the level of forest inside within 16 yr and 10 yr after edge creation, respectively. Woody (tree and shrub) species generally was showed larger increment with proximity to edge than did herb or graminoid species. In addition, negative interactions between woody and herbaceous species were detected during the period of forest edge closure. Our results suggested that depth of forest edge formed by clear-cutting of Korean red pine forest was at least from 15 m to 20 m and edge effect were likely sustained more than 16 years. As the first empirical study on edge-distance between two contrast habitats of clear-cutted and adjacent forest in South Korea, the analytical reality on landscape structure and habitat patches can be improved.

Factors Affecting Visual Satisfaction of Benches at Urban Park (도시공원에서 벤치의 시각적 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • 유상완;권상준;정정섭
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.88-96
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    • 2000
  • The objective of this study is to evaluate the preference and visual characteristic of users according to the location of benches at urban community parks. The types of benches are separated into four patterns and located in four representative places at urban community parks. Each relations between visual preference and adjective related factors are calibrated by the estimated results of Pearson correlation coefficient. Moreover, the factors which affect the visual preference are obtained by multiple regression analysis and to calibrate the each factors significant level, the method of multivariate variance analysis is applied. The results of this study are summzrized as belows: 1. Four types of factors which consist the visual characteristic are classified as emotional factor of visual images(aesthetic factor(F1), texture related factor(F2)) and physical factor(physical factor(F3), transformable factor(F4)). Each factor's eigenvalue is appears as 5.27∼1.78 and the eigenvalue of emotional factor of visual images is more higher than the physical factor. 2. The correlation coefficient between visual preference according to the location of benches(X21) and aesthetic factor(f1) is estimated as 0.79, which is highest value among the four factors. And the correlation coefficient of texture related factor(f2), physical factor(F3) and transformable factor(F4) is estimated as 0.14, 0.04 and 0.08 respectively. 3. The visual preference of users according to the location of benches is greatly affected by the emotional factor of visual images(F1, F2) and the physical factor(F3, F4) are poorly related. The results of this study suggest the effective guidelines for the location of leisure facilities. Moreover the design and planning of leisure facilities at the urban community park have to be reexamined. What must be examined from now on is as follows: First, the preference research of rest facilities in the urban park through the multiple approach must be carried out continuously. Second, the research about the visual quality of the environmental sight observed in sitting on the bench as well as the visual quality of the showed object and place needs to be supported. Nevertheless, through this study the utilization into the useful data of the plan and the design for the systematic disposition of landscape architecture equipments centered on the users can be expected.

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Pungsu Aesthetics of Korean Traditional Garden - Focused on Kosan Yoon Sun-Do's Gardens in Mountain- (한국전통정원에 구현된 풍수미학 연구 - 고산 윤선도의 원림을 중심으로 -)

  • Sung, Jong-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.70-80
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    • 2012
  • There isn't much of discussion about survey of traditional Korean garden with a perspective of Pungsu. Strictly speaking, it is difficult to list the names of gardens in which Pungsu theory is applied. But it is necessary to study in depth the Korean garden in mountain in relation with Pungsu. The reason is as follow; First, Pung-su and gardening both reflect man's responsive attitude and approach toward nature. Second, selecting a site for a garden requires aesthetic eyes to consider the harmony with the surrounding landscape and its compositions, where the perspective of Pungsu can play as an important component at work. Third, Pungsus complementary function justifies the correlation between Pungsu and Korean gardens. Gardens can be viewed as a solution to complement negative elements of Pungsu on site. This article tries to study the relationship between Pungsu and Korean garden in mountain in terms of Pungsu aesthetics. In Kosan Yoon Sun-Do's Buyong-dong garden, excavated perspectives of Pungsu aesthetics are fell into two categories; the spatial frame based on Pungsu topography and the dimension of enjoyment through visual angles between essential points. The former can be said as Pungsu topography as a mental image which was constructed by selected points and given Pungsu meanings; the latter is visual angles between those points by which make it possible to see and enjoy in comfortable sights. In such way making and enjoying Buyong-dong garden with full of Pungsu oriented meanings and aesthetics, Kosan Yoon Sun-Do enjoyed and sublimated his experience in nature into art.

A Study on the Restoration of the Royal Tombs in the Joseon Dynasty - Focused on Ureung.Gunreung - (조선왕릉의 능제복원 연구 - 융릉.건릉을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Chang-Hwan;Jung, Jong-Soo;Lee, Won-Ho;Choi, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 2010
  • The royal tombs of the Joseon dynasty are very important cultural heritage with the palaces and Jongmyo. They being promoted as World Heritage of UNESCO and are archaeological sites that need to complex approach. The purpose of this study is to propose the restoration plan of Ureung Gunreung. The results are as follows: First. In the area of Ureung Gunreung, there are many land-use except the royal tombs such as a new town development site and industrial districts, cultural assets districts, They have to be removed and new routes have to be established same as the original form. Second The traditional trees such as a pine tree, a fir tree, a big cone pine and a rhododendron etc. have to be planted In the traditional forest We introduce upper trees and lower trees in the entrance part and religious service part, and pine tree forest in burial mound part and maintain the lawn. Third, The traditional buildings and facilities such as Jaesil, Subokbang have to be restored maintained, and we planed some convinient facilities and rest facilities for visitors.