• Title/Summary/Keyword: elasto-plastic response analysis

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Investigation of elasto-plastic seismic response analysis method for complex steel bridges

  • Tang, Zhanzhan;Xie, Xu;Wang, Yan;Wang, Junzhe
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.333-347
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    • 2014
  • Multi-scale model can take both computational efficiency and accuracy into consideration when it is used to conduct elasto-plastic seismic response analysis for complex steel bridges. This paper proposed a method based on pushover analysis of member sharing the same section pattern to verify the accuracy of multi-scale model. A deck-through type steel arch bridge with a span length of 200m was employed for seismic response analysis using multi-scale model and fiber model respectively, the validity and necessity of elasto-plastic seismic analysis for steel bridge by multi-scale model was then verified. The results show that the convergence of load-displacement curves obtained from pushover analysis for members having the same section pattern can be used as a proof of the accuracy of multi-scale model. It is noted that the computational precision of multi-scale model can be guaranteed when length of shell element segment is 1.40 times longer than the width of section where was in compression status. Fiber model can only be used for the predictions of the global deformations and the approximate positions of plastic areas on steel structures. However, it cannot give exact prediction on the distribution of plastic areas and the degree of the plasticity.

A Study on the Seismic Response Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Building (철근콘크리트 건물의 지진응답해석에 관한 연구)

  • 한상훈;이상호
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.507-512
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    • 1997
  • The objective of present paper is to provide the fundamental data of earthquake-resistance design such as estimating the resistance capacity and evaluating the design seismic load. With one bending failed building, it is checked and compared between real damaged result and analysis value by means of static and dynamic analysis using multi-degree of freedom system. In this analysis, four kinds of the earthquake waves are used. Through elasto-plastic seismic response analysis of reinforced concrete building, we could estimate dynamic behaviour of building.

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Numerical Analysis of Responses of a Elasto-plastic Tube under Kerosene-air Mixture Detonation (케로신-공기 혼합물의 비정상연소 모델과 탄소성 관의 동적 거동 수치해석)

  • Lee, Younghun;Gwak, Min-cheol;Yoh, Jai-ick
    • 한국연소학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2015.12a
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    • pp.169-172
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents a numerical investigation on kerosene-air mixture detonation and behaviors of thermal elasto-plstic thin metal tube under detonation loading based on multi-material analysis. The detonation loading is modeled by the kerosene-air mixture detonation which is compared with CJ condition and experimental cell size. And the thermal softening effect on elasto-plstic model of metal tube is indicated by different dynamic response of detonation loaded tube in various temperature and tube thickness.

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Finite Element Analysis for Plastic Large Deformation and Anisotropic Damage

  • Nho, In-Sik;Yim, Sahng-Jun
    • Journal of Hydrospace Technology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.111-124
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    • 1995
  • An improved analysis model for material nonlinearity induced by elasto-plastic deformation and damage including a large strain response was proposed. The elasto-plastic-damage constitutive model based on the continuum damage mechanics approach was adopted to overcome limitations of the conventional plastic analysis theory. It can manage the anisotropic tonsorial damage evolved during the time-independent plastic deformation process of materials. Updated Lagrangian finite element formulation for elasto-plastic damage coupling problems including large deformation, large rotation and large strain problems was completed to develop a numerical model which can predict all kinds of structural nonlinearities and damage rationally. Finally a finite element analysis code for two-dimensional plane problems was developed and the applicability and validity of the numerical model was investigated through some numerical examples. Calculations showed reasonable results in both geometrical nonlinear problems due to large deformation and material nonlinearity including the damage effect.

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Design Sensitivity Analysis of Elasto-perfectly-plastic Structure for Stiffened Shell Structure (탄성-완전-소성 보강쉘 구조물의 설계민감도해석)

  • Jung, Jae-Joon;Lee, Tae-Hee;Lim, Jang-Keun
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.746-752
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    • 2001
  • Design sensitivity analysis for nonlinear structural problems has been emerged in the last decade as a glowing area of engineering research. As a result, theoretical formulations and computational algorithms have already developed for design sensitivity of nonlinear structural problems. There is not enough research for practical nonlinear problems using multi-element, due to difficulties of implementation into FEA. Therefore, nonlinear response analysis for stiffened shell which consists of Mindlin plate and Timoshenko beam, was considered. Specially, it presents the backward-Euler method which is adopted to describe an exact yield state in the stress computation procedure. Then, design sensitivity analysis of nonlinear structures, particularly elasto-perfectly-plastic structure, is developed using direct differentiation method. The accuracy of the developed sensitivity analysis was compared with the central finite difference method. Finally, on the basis of above results, design improvement for stiffened shell is suggested.

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The Seismic Performance of Rockfill Dam with Elasto-Plastic Constitutive Model (탄-소성 구성모델을 이용한 사력댐의 동적거동특성)

  • 이종욱;임정열;오병현;임희대
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2002
  • Total stress analysis method and nonlinear constitutive models have been used to analyze a dynamic performance of Dams but, there is some limitation in analysis, for example, effects of build up of pore pressure and generations of permanent deformations. Therefore considering these limitations, which is mentioned before, dynamic behavior characteristics of dams and response acceleration characteristics was analyzed in time domain, applying an elasto-plastic constitutive model and effective analysis method.

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Finite Element Analysis for Plastic Large Deformation and Anisotropic Damage (소성 대변형 및 이방성 손상의 유한요소해석)

  • I.S. Nho;S.J. Yim
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.145-156
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    • 1993
  • An improved analysis model for material nonlinearity induced by elasto-plastic deformation and damage including large strain response was proposed. The elasto-plastic-damage constitutive model based on the continuum damage mechanics approach was adopted to overcome limitations of the conventional plastic theory, which can manage the anisotropic tonsorial damages evolved during time-independent plastic deformation process of materials. Updated Lagrangian finite element formulation for elasto-plastic damage coupling problem including large deformation, large rotation and large strain problems was completed to develop a numerical model which can predict all kinds of structural nonlinearities and damage rationally. Finally, a finite element analysis code for the 2-dimensional plane problem was developed and the applicability and validity of the numerical model was investigated through some numerial examples. Calculations showed reasonable results in both geometrical nonlinear problem due to large deformation and material nonlinearity including the damage effect.

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Reducing Effect Analysis on Earthquake Response of 100m Spanned Single-Layered Lattice Domes With LRB Seismic Isolation System (LRB 면진 장치를 갖는 100m 단층 래티스 돔의 지진 응답에 대한 감소 효과 분석)

  • Park, Kang-Geun;Lee, Dong-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2019
  • The objective of this study is to investigate the earthquake response for the design of 100m spanned single-layer lattice dome. The plastic hinge analysis and eigenvalue buckling analysis are performed to estimate the ultimate load of single-layered lattice domes under vertical loads. In order to ensure the stability of lattice domes, it is investigated for the plastic hinge progressive status by the pushover increment analysis considering the elasto-plastic connection. One of the most effective methods to reduce the earthquake response of large span domes is to install the LRB isolation system of a dome. The authors discuss the reducing effect for the earthquake dynamic response of 100m spanned single-layered lattice domes. The LRB seismic isolation system can greatly reduce the dynamic response of lattice domes for the horizontal and vertical earthquake ground motion.

A Geotechnical Parameter Estimation of Underground Structures in Elasto -plastic Condition (지하공간 건설시 탄.소성 모델에 의한 지반계수 추정)

  • Lee, In-Mo;Kim, Dong-Hyeon;Lee, U-Jin
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 1997
  • The design and construction of underground structures contain many substantial mincer dainties. A reasonable estimation of geotechnical parameters is of paramount importance and must be one of the most difficult tasks in designing and constructing underground structures. If the plastic zone exists by tunnel excavation, the ground response may also be dependent on the yield criterion mainly composed of strength parameters. In order to estimate unknown model parameters from the in-situ measurements as well as prior estimates for designing tunnels which have plastic zones, the Extended Bayesian Method(EBM) is adopted : an elasto-plastic finite element program is linked to the EBM as a mathematical model to predict the ground response. Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion is used to represent the plastic behavior. A hypothetical underground site, where the ground behaves elasto-plastically, is adopted to demonstrate the validity of the proposed feedback system.

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Elasto-plastic Earthquake Response Analysis of Beam-Shear Wall Structural System (보-전단벽식 구조 시스템의 탄소성 지진응답 해석)

  • 정명채;이정원
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 1997
  • The objective of present paper is to investigate elasto-plastic behaviour and estimate the resistance capacity of a beam-shear wall structural system against earthquake ground accleration exciations. Pushover analysis is adopted to estimate inttiate and post stiffnesses and yielding point for inelastic response analysis in LPM (Lumped Parameter Mass) model, and modified Clough model is used as the hysteresis rule of each story. Three earthquake waves are used in the analysis but their peak ground accelerations are changed to be 0.12g, 0.24g. It is assumed that the earthquakes act in the longigtudianl direction of a 25 Story apartment building which consists of two some unit plan. The distribution of story ratio and ductility ratio are estimated and discussed within Korean, Japanese code and UBC.

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