• Title/Summary/Keyword: drug use evaluation

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Analysis of a Targeted Intervention Programme on the Risk Behaviours of Injecting Drug Users in India: Evidence From the National Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveillance Survey

  • Sahu, Damodar;Ranjan, Varsha;Chandra, Nalini;Nair, Saritha;Kumar, Anil;Arumugam, Elangovan;Rao, Mendu Vishnu Vardhana
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.407-413
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: This study provides insights on the impact of a targeted intervention (TI) programme on behaviour change among injecting drug users (IDUs) in India. Methods: This paper examined the data from the Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveillance 2014-2015 for IDUs in India. Logistic regression was performed to understand the factors (TI programme services) that affected injecting risk behaviours by adjusting for covariates. Propensity score matching was conducted to understand the impact of the TI programme on using new needles/syringes and sharing needles/syringes in the most recent injecting episode by accounting for the covariates that predicted receiving the intervention. Results: Participants who received new needles and syringes from peer educators or outreach workers were 1.3 times (adjusted odds ratio, 1.29; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.09 to 1.53) more likely to use new needles/syringes during most recent injecting episode than participants who did not receive needles/syringes. The matched-samples estimate (i.e., average treatment effect on treated) of using new needles in the most recent injecting episode showed a 2.8% (95% CI, 0.0 to 5.6) increase in the use of new needles and a 6.5% (95% CI, -9.7 to -3.3) decrease in needle sharing in the most recent injecting episode in participants who received new needles/syringes. There was a 2.2% (95% CI, -3.8 to -0.6) decrease in needle sharing in the most recent injecting episode among participants who were referred to other services (integrated counselling and testing centre, detox centres, etc.). Conclusions: The TI programme proved to be effective for behaviour change among IDUs, as substantiated by the use of new needles/syringes and sharing of needles/syringes.

Diagnostic Reference Levels for Patient Radiation Doses in Pelvis and Lumbar spine Radiography in Korea (우리나라의 골반 및 요추 엑스선검사에서의 환자선량 권고량)

  • Lee, Kwang-Yong;Lee, Byung-Young;Lee, Jung-Eun;Lee, Hyun-Koo;Jung, Seung-Hwan;Kim, Byung-Woo;Kim, Hyeog-Ju;Kim, Dong-Sup
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.401-410
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : Pelvis and lumbar spine radiography, among various types of diagnostic radiography, include gonads of the human body and give patients high radiation dose. Nevertheless, diagnostic reference levels for patient radiation dose in pelvis and lumbar spine radiography has not yet been established in Korea. Therefore, the radiation dose that patients receive from pelvis and lumbar radiography is measured and the diagnostic reference level on patient radiation dose for the optimization of radiation protection of patients in pelvis and lumbar spine radiography was established. Methods : The conditions and diagnostic imaging information acquired during the time of the postero-anterior view of the pelvis and the postero-anterior and lateral view of the lumbar spine at 125 medical institutions throughout Korea are collected for analysis and the entrance surface dose received by patients is measured using a glass dosimeter. The diagnostic reference levels for patient radiation dose in pelvis and lumbar spine radiography to be recommended to the medical institutes is arranged by establishing the dose from the patient radiation dose that corresponds to the 3rd quartile values as the appropriate diagnostic reference level for patient radiation dose. Results : According to the results of the assessment of diagnostic imaging information acquired from pelvis and lumbar spine radiography and the measurement of patient entrance surface dose taken at the 125 medical institutes throughout Korea, the tube voltage ranged between 60~97 kVp, with the average use being 75 kVp, and the tube current ranged between 8~123 mAs, with the average use being 30 mAs. In the posteroanterior and lateral views of lumbar spine radiography, the tube voltage of each view ranged between 65~100 kVp (average use: 78 kVp) and 70~109 kVp (average use: 87 kVp), respectively, and the tube current of each view ranged between 10~100 mAs(average use: 35 mAs) and between 8.9~300 mAs(average use: 64 mAs), respectively. The measurements of entrance surface dose that patients receive during the pelvis and lumbar spine radiography show the following results: in the posteroanterior view of pelvis radiography, the minimum value is 0.59 mGy, the maximum value is 12.69 mGy and the average value is 2.88 mGy with the 1st quartile value being 1.91 mGy, the median being 0.59 mGy, and the 3rd quartile value being 3.43 mGy. Also, in the posteroanterior view of lumbar spine radiography, the minimum value is 0.64 mGy, the maximum value is 23.84 mGy, and the average value is 3.68 mGy with the 1st quartile value being 2.41 mGy, the median being 3.40 mGy, and the 3rd quartile value being 4.08 mGy. In the lateral view of lumbar spine radiography, the minimum value is 1.90 mGy, the maximum value is 45.42 mGy, and the average value is 10.08 mGy with the 1st quartile value being 6.03 mGy, the median being 9.09 mGy and the 3rd quartile value being 12.65 mGy. Conclusions : The diagnostic reference levels for patient radiation dose to be recommended to the medical institutes in Korea is 3.42 mGy for the posteroanterior view of pelvis radiography, 4.08 mGy for the posteroanterior view of lumbar spine radiography, and 12.65 mGy for the lateral view of lumbar spine radiography. Such values are all lower than the values recommended by 6 international organizations including World Health Organization, where the recommended values are 10 mGy for the posteroanterior view of pelvis radiography, 10 mGy for the posteroanterior view of lumbar spine radiography and 30 mGy for the lateral view of lumbar spine radiography.

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In silico discovery and evaluation of phytochemicals binding mechanism against human catechol-O-methyltransferase as a putative bioenhancer of L-DOPA therapy in Parkinson disease

  • Rath, Surya Narayan;Jena, Lingaraja;Bhuyan, Rajabrata;Mahanandia, Nimai Charan;Patri, Manorama
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.7.1-7.13
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    • 2021
  • Levodopa (L-DOPA) therapy is normally practised to treat motor pattern associated with Parkinson disease (PD). Additionally, several inhibitory drugs such as Entacapone and Opicapone are also cosupplemented to protect peripheral inactivation of exogenous L-DOPA (~80%) that occurs due to metabolic activity of the enzyme catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT). Although, both Entacapone and Opicapone have U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval but regular use of these drugs is associated with high risk of side effects. Thus, authors have focused on in silico discovery of phytochemicals and evaluation of their effectiveness against human soluble COMT using virtual screening, molecular docking, drug-like property prediction, generation of pharmacophoric property, and molecular dynamics simulation. Overall, study proposed, nine phytochemicals (withaphysalin D, withaphysalin N, withaferin A, withacnistin, withaphysalin C, withaphysalin O, withanolide B, withasomnine, and withaphysalin F) of plant Withania somnifera have strong binding efficiency against human COMT in comparison to both of the drugs i.e., Opicapone and Entacapone, thus may be used as putative bioenhancer in L-DOPA therapy. The present study needs further experimental validation to be used as an adjuvant in PD treatment.

Bladder Cancer Biomarkers: Review and Update

  • Ghafouri-Fard, Soudeh;Nekoohesh, Leili;Motevaseli, Elahe
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.2395-2403
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    • 2014
  • As the recurrence and mortality rates of bladder cancer are high, research is needed to find suitable biomarkers for early detection, evaluation of prognosis, and surveillance of drug responses. We performed a computerized search of the Medline/PubMed databases with the key words bladder cancer, biomarker, early detection, prognosis and drug response. Several markers were identified at DNA, RNA and protein levels with different sensitivities and specificities. Only a few of the potential bladder cancer biomarkers have been approved for clinical use. Efforts now should be concentrated on finding a panel of markers with acceptable sensitivity and specificity for early detection of bladder cancer.

Determination of Methamphetamine and its Metabolite Amphetamine in Biological Fluids from 11 Fatal Gases

  • Yoo, Young-Chan;Chung, Hee-Sun;Choi, Hwa-Kyung
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.175-179
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    • 1993
  • Gas chromoatography with flame ionization detector (FID) along with mass spectrometry (GC/MS) were used for the screening and quantification of methamphetamine (MA) and its major metabolite, amphetamine (AM0, in blood and urine in eleven fatal cases in which MA abuse was suspected. Postmortem blood MA varied from $0.5-30.2\;\mu{g/ml}$, while Am levels ranged from none detected (6 of 11 cases) to 4.8 .mu.g/ml. Additionally, distribution studies were performed in three of these cases in which tissue smaples were available for evaluation. Liver contained the highest ocncentration of MA among the tissu samples. In eight of the eleven cases, when no other direct cause of death was evident (i.e. 3 cases of traumatic dath0, either no blood AM was found or the ratio of MA/AM was 3.4 or greater. These data are consistent with acute MA use followed by death due to acute drug intoxication or by the occurrence of hypersensitivity and reverse seen in cases of chronic drug abuse.

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ADC and ARC: The Road to Coexistence

  • In Ho Song;Seung Won Kim
    • Journal of Radiopharmaceuticals and Molecular Probes
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2024
  • Recent advances in disease understanding have led to the discovery of new molecular targets and biomarkers. Therapeutic antibodies targeting specific molecules have been successful in the development of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) due to their proven clinical effectiveness and manageable toxicity. Antibody-radionuclide conjugates (ARCs), which use radionuclides instead of drugs, also show promise for their potential therapeutic effects in radioimmunotherapy. Identifying these biomarkers before treatment is increasingly important, leading to personalized medicine. Immuno-positron emission tomography (PET) using radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies is promising for non-invasively assessing target expression and distribution. It can provide valuable information for risk assessment, diagnosis, treatment selection, and evaluation of treatment response. This review discusses recent developments in ADC and ARC and aims to explore opportunities for the simultaneous progress of these drugs.

Evaluation of Phototoxicity for Cosmetics and Alternative Method (화장품 광독성 평가와 동물대체시험법)

  • Lee, Jong-Kwon;Sin, Ji-Soon;Kim, Jin-Ho;Eom, Jun-Ho;Kim, Hyung-Soo;Park, Kui-Lea
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.31 no.3 s.52
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    • pp.245-251
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    • 2005
  • Safety is one of the key issue in the regulation of cosmetics. Cosmetic Act deals with it in Korea. The guidance for the testing cosmetic ingredients and their safety evaluation are prepared by Korea Food and Drug Administration. Ultraviolet radiation could Induce skin damage, edema, erythema, photoaging, immune dysfunction and skin cancer. Ultraviolet radiation is classified as Group 2A(probably carcinogenic to humans) by International Agenry for Reaserch on Cancer(IARC). The in vitro methodologies for evaluating the toxic potential of ingredients reported in the literature have not yet been sufficiently validated for use in areas other than the study for mutagenicity/genotoxicity, for pre-screening for severe irritancy, for screening of phototoxicity and for evaluating the percutaneous absorption. The 3T3 neutral red uptake photoxicity test (3T3 NRU PT) was accepted as OECD toxicity guideline in 2002. The 3T3 NRU PT is an in vitro method based on a comparison of the cytotoxicitv of a chemical when tested in the presence and in the absence of exposure to a non-cytotoxic dose of UVA/visible light.

Korean Pharmacogenomic Database: Pharmacogenomic Haplotype Analysis of the Korean Population and Ethnic Comparisons

  • Kang, Tae-Sun;Woo, Sun-Wook;Park, Hyun-Joo;Roh, Jae-Sook
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.77-81
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    • 2008
  • The major aim of the Korean Pharmacogenomic Database (KPD) is to offer to users a "bridging" function, making the search for useful information easier. This database has also been established to collect unique Korean genotype data from other databases and to directly link these data to other major databases that offer more informative data. In this way, searches for information about new drug developments and easier and faster evaluation of the more complex and larger databases are possible. The KPD is located at the National Institute of Toxicological Research homepage (http://www.nitr.go.kr/nitr/contents/m134700/view.do), and offers Korean single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) information for 154 genes and haplotype information. It also compares the Korean SNP and haplotype frequencies with those of the other ethnic groups registered in the International HapMap. Through the Pharmacogenomic Information and Education facility, we also provide evaluators and the public with information about the concept of pharmacogenomic information, research trends, and the drug regulations of other countries. Because the drug responses of Koreans are not necessarily the same as those of Chinese or Japanese people, it is expected that the systematic operation of the KPD will allow the definition of racial differences and various genomic biomarkers (haplotypes or SNPs) for use in bridging studies and in the approval of new drugs.

Analysis and Stability Test of the Water Extract and Powder from Polygoni Multiflori Radix for Toxicity Study (하수오의 독성평가를 위한 성분분석 및 안정성 시험)

  • Tran, Huynh Nguyen Khanh;Han, Kang-Hyun;Kim, Yong-Bum;Woo, Mi Hee;Kim, Jeong Ah;Min, Byung Sun
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.86-91
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    • 2020
  • For toxicological evaluation, water extracts and powder from Polygoni Multiflori Radix were made and the component analysis was followed by the Korean Pharmacopoeia method. To verify the stability of the water extract and powder from Polygoni Multiflori Radix used for toxic testing, the stability test was examined after storage at room temperature and in the cold room for one year. Water extract and powder from Polygoni Multiflori Radix were found to be stable for one year. Therefore, the use of the specimen of Polygoni Multiflori Radix after preparation during the animal test turned out to be stable.

Clinical and pharmacological application of multiscale multiphysics heart simulator, UT-Heart

  • Okada, Jun-ichi;Washio, Takumi;Sugiura, Seiryo;Hisada, Toshiaki
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.295-303
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    • 2019
  • A heart simulator, UT-Heart, is a finite element model of the human heart that can reproduce all the fundamental activities of the working heart, including propagation of excitation, contraction, and relaxation and generation of blood pressure and blood flow, based on the molecular aspects of the cardiac electrophysiology and excitation-contraction coupling. In this paper, we present a brief review of the practical use of UT-Heart. As an example, we focus on its application for predicting the effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) and evaluating the proarrhythmic risk of drugs. Patient-specific, multiscale heart simulation successfully predicted the response to CRT by reproducing the complex pathophysiology of the heart. A proarrhythmic risk assessment system combining in vitro channel assays and in silico simulation of cardiac electrophysiology using UT-Heart successfully predicted drug-induced arrhythmogenic risk. The assessment system was found to be reliable and efficient. We also developed a comprehensive hazard map on the various combinations of ion channel inhibitors. This in silico electrocardiogram database (now freely available at http://ut-heart.com/) can facilitate proarrhythmic risk assessment without the need to perform computationally expensive heart simulation. Based on these results, we conclude that the heart simulator, UT-Heart, could be a useful tool in clinical medicine and drug discovery.