• Title/Summary/Keyword: discrete-element

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Shock-Resistance Responses of Frigate Equipments by Underwater Explosion

  • Kim, Hyunwoo;Choung, Joonmo
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 2022
  • Three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D-FEA) models have been used to evaluate the shock-resistance responses of various equipments, including armaments mounted on a warship caused by underwater explosion (UNDEX). This paper aims to check the possibility of using one-dimensional (1D) FEA models for the shock-resistance responses. A frigate was chosen for the evaluation of the shock-resistance responses by the UNDEX. The frigate was divided into the thirteen discrete segments along the length of the ship. The 1D Timoshenko beam elements were used to model the frigate. The explosive charge mass and the stand-off distance were determined based on the ship length and the keel shock factor (KSF), respectively. The UNDEX pressure fields were generated using the Geers-Hunter doubly asymptotic model. The pseudo-velocity shock response spectrum (PVSS) for the 1D-FEA model (1D-PVSS) was calculated using the acceleration history at a concerned equipment position where the digital recursive filtering algorithm was used. The 1D-PVSS was compared with the 3D-PVSS that was taken from a reference, and a relatively good agreement was found. In addition, the 1D-PVSS was compared with the design criteria specified by the German Federal Armed forces, which is called the BV043. The 1D-PVSS was proven to be relatively reasonable, reducing the computing cost dramatically.

Two scale seismic analysis of masonry infill concrete frames through hybrid simulation

  • Cesar Paniagua Lovera;Gustavo Ayala Milian
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.393-404
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    • 2023
  • This paper presents the application of hybrid-simulation-based adapter elements for the non-linear two-scale analysis of reinforced concrete frames with masonry infills under seismic-like demands. The approach provides communication and distribution of the computations carried out by two or more remote or locally distributed numerical models connected through the OpenFresco Framework. The modeling consists of a global analysis formed by macro-elements to represent frames and walls, and to reduce global degrees of freedom, portions of the structure that require advanced analysis are substituted by experimental elements and dimensional couplings acting as interfaces with their respective sub-assemblies. The local sub-assemblies are modeled by solid finite elements where the non-linear behavior of concrete matrix and masonry infill adopt a continuum damage representation and the reinforcement steel a discrete one, the conditions at interfaces between concrete and masonry are considered through a contact model. The methodology is illustrated through the analysis of a frame-wall system subjected to lateral loads comparing the results of using macro-elements, finite element model and experimental observations. Finally, to further assess and validate the methodology proposed, the paper presents the pushover analysis of two more complex structures applying both modeling scales to obtain their corresponding capacity curves.

Retrieving Phase from Single Interferogram with Spatial Carrier Frequency by Using Morlet Wavelet

  • Hongxin Zhang;Mengyuan Cui
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.529-536
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    • 2023
  • The Morlet wavelet transform method is proposed to analyze a single interferogram with spatial carrier frequency that is captured by an optical interferometer. The method can retain low frequency components that contain the phase information of a measured optical surface, and remove high frequency disturbances by wavelet decomposition and reconstruction. The key to retrieving the phases from the low-frequency wavelet components is to extract wavelet ridges by calculating the maximum value of the wavelet transform amplitude. Afterwards, the wrapped phases can be accurately solved by multiple iterative calculations on wavelet ridges. Finally, we can reconstruct the wave-front of the measured optical element by applying two-dimensional discrete cosine transform to those wrapped phases. Morlet wavelet transform does not need to remove the spatial carrier frequency components manually in the processing of interferogram analysis, but the step is necessary in the Fourier transform algorithm. So, the Morlet wavelet simplifies the process of the analysis of interference fringe patterns compared to Fourier transform. Consequently, wavelet transform is more suitable for automated programming analysis of interference fringes and avoiding the introduction of additional errors compared with Fourier transform.

Development of threshing cylinder simulation model of combine harvester for high-speed harvesting operation

  • Min Jong Park;Hyeon Ho Jeon;Seung Yun Baek;Seung Min Baek;Su Young Yoon;Jang Young Choi;Ryu Gap Lim;Yong Joo Kim
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.499-510
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a high-speed combine harvester. The performance was evaluated by composing a dynamic simulation model of a threshing cylinder and analyzing the amount of threshed rice grain during threshing operations. The rotational speed of the threshing cylinder was set at 10 rpm intervals from 500 rpm until 540 rpm, based on the rated rotational speed of 507 rpm. The rice stem model was developed using the EDEM software using measured rice stem properties. Multibody dynamics software was utilized to model the threshing cylinder and tank comprising five sections below the threshing cylinder, and the threshing performance was evaluated by weighing the grain collected in the threshing tank during threshing simulations. The simulation results showed that section 1 and 2 threshed more grains compared to section 3 and 4. It was also found that when the threshing speed was higher, the larger number of grains were threshed. Only simulation was conducted in this study. Therefore, the validation of the simulation model is required. A comparative analysis to validate the simulation model by field experiment will be conducted in the future.

Topology Optimization of Incompressible Flow Using P1 Nonconforming Finite Elements (P1 비순응 요소를 이용한 비압축성 유동 문제의 위상최적화)

  • Jang, Gang-Won;Chang, Se-Myong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.10
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    • pp.1139-1146
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    • 2012
  • An alternative approach for topology optimization of steady incompressible Navier-Stokes flow problems is presented by using P1 nonconforming finite elements. This study is the extended research of the earlier application of P1 nonconforming elements to topology optimization of Stokes problems. The advantages of the P1 nonconforming elements for topology optimization of incompressible materials based on locking-free property and linear shape functions are investigated if they are also valid in fluid equations with the inertia term. Compared with a mixed finite element formulation, the number of degrees of freedom of P1 nonconforming elements is reduced by using the discrete divergence-free property; the continuity equation of incompressible flow can be imposed by using the penalty method into the momentum equation. The effect of penalty parameters on the solution accuracy and proper bounds will be investigated. While nodes of most quadrilateral nonconforming elements are located at the midpoints of element edges and higher order shape functions are used, the present P1 nonconforming elements have P1, {1, x, y}, shape functions and vertex-wisely defined degrees of freedom. So its implentation is as simple as in the standard bilinear conforming elements. The effectiveness of the proposed formulation is verified by showing examples with various Reynolds numbers.

Defining the hydraulic excavation damaged zone considering hydraulic aperture change (수리적 간극변화를 고려한 수리적 굴착손상영역의 정의에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Sung;Ryu, Chang-Ha;Lee, Chung-In;Ryu, Dong-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 2007
  • The excavation damaged zone (EDZ) is an area around an excavation where in situ rock mass properties, stress condition, displacement, groundwater flow conditions have been altered due to the processes induced by the excavation. Various studies have been carried out on EDZ, but most studies have focused on the mechanical bahavior of EDZ by in situ experiment. Even though the EDZ could potentially form a high permeable pathway of groundwater flow, only a few studies were performed on the analysis of groundwater flow in EDZ. In this study, the 'hydraulic EDZ' was defined as the rock zone adjacent to the excavation where the hydraulic aperture has been changed due to the excavation by using H-M coupling analysis. Fundamental principles of distinct element method (DEM) were used in the analysis. In the same groundwater level, the behavior of hydraulic aperture near the cavern was analyzed for different stress ratios, initial apertures, fracture angles and fracture spacings by using a two-dimensional DEM program. We evaluate the excavation induced hydraulic aperture change. Using the results of the study, hydraulic EDZ was defined as an elliptical shape model perpendicular to the joint.

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Comparison of Two Methods for Analyzing Stress-Strain Behavior of Soil Beam (지반보의 응력-변형률 거동에 대한 해석법 비교)

  • Lee, Seung-Hyun;Han, Jin-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.294-302
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    • 2018
  • To analyze the behavior of a soil beam under pore water pressure, the results of analytical solutions and finite element analysis (FEM) were compared quantitatively. In contrast to the results of the analytical solution, the horizontal stress obtained from the FEM did not show a symmetrical distribution. On the other hand, the horizontal stress became closer to symmetrical distribution as the number of elements of the soil beam were increased. A comparison of the horizontal stresses from the analytic solution with those obtained from Gaussian points of FEM showed that the magnitude of the tensile stress from the FEM using 3 elements was 6% of the maximum value of the analytical solution and the compressive stress from the FEM using the same elements was 37% of the maximum value of the analytical solution. The magnitude of the tensile stress from the FEM using 6 elements was 61% of the maximum value of the analytical solution and the magnitude of the compressive stress from the FEM using the elements was 83% of the maximum value of the analytical solution. Vertical stresses, which were obtained from the analytical solution, showed a continuous distribution with the depth of the soil beam, whereas the vertical stresses from the FEM showed a discrete distribution corresponding to each element. The results also showed that the average value of the vertical stresses of each element was close to that of the pore water pressure. A comparison of the vertical displacements computed at the near vertical center line of the soil beam from the FEM with those of the analytical solution showed that the magnitude of the vertical displacement from FEM using 3 elements was 35% of the value of the analytical solution and the magnitude of the vertical displacement from FEM using 6 elements was 57% of the value of the analytical solution.

Analytical Model of Beam-Column Joint for Inelastic Behavior Under Various Loading History (철근콘크리트 보-기둥 접합부 해석모델)

  • 유영찬;서수연;이원호;이리형
    • Magazine of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.120-130
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study is to propose the analytical model for the hysteretic behavior of Reinforced Concrete bearn-column joints under various loading history. Discrete line elernents , YVith inelastic rotational spring was adopted to consider the movement of plastic hinging zone influenced by the details of longitudinal reinforcements. Also hysteretic model was constructed by excluding such variables which can not be utilized in dynamic analysis of Reinforced Concrete. structure that it will be adoptable in two-dimensional inelastic frame ardysis with 6-DOF. From the analysis of previous test results, it was found that stiffness deterioration caused by inelastic hysteretic loadings can be predicted by the functron of basic pinching coefficients, ductility ratio.and yield strength ratio of members. Strength degradation coefficients were newly proposed to explain the difference of inelastic behavior of members caused by spacing ratio of transverse steel and sectlon aspect ratio. The energy dissipation capacities calculated using the analytical model proposed in thls paper show a good agreements w~lh test results by an error of 10~20%.

The Mechanical Behavior of Jointed Rock Masses by Using PFC2D (PFC2D를 이용한 절리암반의 역학적 물성 평가연구)

  • Park Eui-Seob;Ryu Chang-Ha
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.15 no.2 s.55
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2005
  • Although the evaluation of the mechanical properties and behavior of jointed rock masses is very important for the design of tunnel and underground openings, it has always been considered the most difficult problem. One of the difficulties in describing the rock mass behavior is the selection of the appropriate constitutive model. This limitation may be overcome with the progress in discrete element software such as PFC, which does not need the user to prescribe a constitutive model for rock mass. In this paper, a 30\;m\;\times\;30\;m\;\times\;30\;m m jointed rock mass of road tunnel site was analyzed. h discrete fracture network was developed from the joint geometry obtained from core logging and surface survey. Using the discontinuities geometry from the DFN model, PFC simulations were carried out, starting with the intact rock and systematically adding the joints and the stress-strain response was recorded for each case. With the stress-strain response curves, the mechanical properties of jointed rock masses were determined. As expected, the presence of joints had a pronounced effect on mechanical properties of the rock mass. More importantly, getting the mechanical response of the PFC model doesn't require a user specified constitutive model.

A Numerical study on characteristics of fluid flow in a three-dimensional discrete fracture network with variation of length distributions of fracture elements (3차원 이산 균열망 흐름장에서 균열요소의 길이분포 변화에 따른 내 유체 흐름 특성에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • Jeong, Woochang
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.149-161
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the effect of the fluid flow characteristics on the length distribution of the fracture elements composing the fracture network is analyzed numerically using the 3D fracture crack network model. The truncated power-law distribution is applied to generate the length distribution of the fracture elements and the simulations of fluid flow are carried out with the exponent ${\beta}_l$ from 1.0 to 6.0. As a result of simulations, when the exponent ${\beta}_l$ increases, the length distribution of the fracture elements gradually decreases, and the connectivity between the fracture elements affecting the permeability of the fracture network becomes weak. When we analyzed the distributions of flow rate calculated at each fracture element with the exponent ${\beta}_l$, the mean flow rate at ${\beta}_l=1.0$ was estimated to be about 447 times larger than that at ${\beta}_l=6.0$ and for the flow calculated at the outflow boundary of the fracture network, the case of ${\beta}_l=1.0$ was estimated to be 6,440 times larger than that of ${\beta}_l=6.0$.