• Title/Summary/Keyword: digital elevation map

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A Study on Optimal Site Selection for Automatic Mountain Meteorology Observation System (AMOS): the Case of Honam and Jeju Areas (최적의 산악기상관측망 적정위치 선정 연구 - 호남·제주 권역을 대상으로)

  • Yoon, Sukhee;Won, Myoungsoo;Jang, Keunchang
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.208-220
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    • 2016
  • Automatic Mountain Meteorology Observation System (AMOS) is an important ingredient for several climatological and forest disaster prediction studies. In this study, we select the optimal sites for AMOS in the mountain areas of Honam and Jeju in order to prevent forest disasters such as forest fires and landslides. So, this study used spatial dataset such as national forest map, forest roads, hiking trails and 30m DEM(Digital Elevation Model) as well as forest risk map(forest fire and landslide), national AWS information to extract optimal site selection of AMOS. Technical methods for optimal site selection of the AMOS was the firstly used multifractal model, IDW interpolation, spatial redundancy for 2.5km AWS buffering analysis, and 200m buffering analysis by using ArcGIS. Secondly, optimal sites selected by spatial analysis were estimated site accessibility, observatory environment of solar power and wireless communication through field survey. The threshold score for the final selection of the sites have to be higher than 70 points in the field assessment. In the result, a total of 159 polygons in national forest map were extracted by the spatial analysis and a total of 64 secondary candidate sites were selected for the ridge and the top of the area using Google Earth. Finally, a total of 26 optimal sites were selected by quantitative assessment based on field survey. Our selection criteria will serve for the establishment of the AMOS network for the best observations of weather conditions in the national forests. The effective observation network may enhance the mountain weather observations, which leads to accurate prediction of forest disasters.

Site Selection for Geologic Records of Extreme Climate Events based on Environmental Change and Topographic Analyses using Paleo Map for Myeongsanimni Coast, South Korea (고지도 기반 환경변화연구 및 지형분석을 통한 명사십리 해안의 제4기 연안지대 이상기후 퇴적기록 적지선정)

  • Kim, Jieun;Yu, Jaehyung;Yang, Dongyoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.589-599
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    • 2014
  • This study selected optimal sites in Myeongsasimni located in west coast of Korea for stratigraphic research containing extreme climate event during quaternary period by spatio-temporal analyses of changes in sedimentary environment and land use employing 1918 topographic map, 2000 digital terrain map, 1976 and 2012 air photographies. The study area shows no significant changes in topographic characteristics that hilly areas with relatively large variations in elevation are distributed over north and south part of the study area, and sand dues are developed along the coast line. Moreover, flat low lying areas are located at the back side of the sand dues. The movement of surface run off and sediment loads shows two major trends of inland direction flow from back sides of sand dunes and outland direction flow from high terrains inland, and the two flows merge into the stream located in the center of the study area. Two sink with individual area of $0.2km^2$ are observed in Yongjeong-ri and Jaryong-ri which are located in south central part and south part of the study area, respectively. In addition, sea level change simulation reveals that $3.4km^2$ and $3.64km^2$ are inundated with 3 m of sea level rise in 1918 and 2000, respectively, and it would contribute to chase sea level change records preserved in stratigraphy. The inundated areas overlaps well with sink areas where it indicates the low lying areas located in south cental and south part of the study area are identical for sediment accumulation. The areas with minimal human impact on sediment records over last 100 years are $3.51km^2$ distributed over central and south part of the study area with the land use changes of mud and rice field in 1918 to rice field in 2012. The candidate sites of $0.15km^2$ in central part and $0.09km^2$ in south part are identified for preferable locations of geologic record of extreme climate events during quaternary period based on the overlay analysis of optimal sedimentary environment and land use changes.

Sewer overflow simulation evaluation of urban runoff model according to detailed terrain scale (상세지형스케일에 따른 도시유출모형의 관거월류 모의성능평가)

  • Tak, Yong Hun;Kim, Young Do;Kang, Boosik;Park, Mun Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.519-528
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    • 2016
  • Frequently torrential rain is occurred by climate change and urbanization. Urban is formed with road, residential and underground area. Without detailed topographic flooded analysis consideration can take a result which are wrong flooded depth and flooded area. Especially, flood analysis error of population and assets in dense downtown is causing a big problem for establishments and disaster response of flood measures. It can lead to casualties and property damage. Urban flood analysis is divided into sewer flow analysis and surface inundation analysis. Accuracy is very important point of these analysis. In this study, to confirm the effects of the elevation data precision in the process of flooded analysis were studied using 10m DEM, LiDAR data and 1:1,000 digital map. Study area is Dorim-stream basin in the Darim drainage basin, Sinrim 3 drainage basin, Sinrim 4 drainage basin. Flooding simulation through 2010's heavy rain by using XP-SWMM. Result, from 10m DEM, shows wrong flood depth which is more than 1m. In particular, some of the overflow manhole is not seen occurrence. Accordingly, detailed surface data is very important factor and it should be very careful when using the 10m DEM.

Development of Climate Analysis Seoul(CAS) Maps Based on Landuse and Meteorogical Model (토지이용도와 기상모델을 이용한 서울기후분석(CAS)지도 개발)

  • Yi, Chae-Yeon;Eum, Jeong-Hee;Choi, Young-Jean;Kim, Kyu-Rang;Scherer, Dieter;Fehrenbach, Ute;Kim, Geun-Hoi
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.12-25
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    • 2011
  • It is needed to preserve good effects and to prevent bad influences on local climate in urban and environmental planning. This study seeks to develop climate analysis maps to provide realistic information considering local air temperature and wind flows. Quantitative analyses are conducted by CAS for the production, transportation, and stagnation of cold air, wind flow and thermal conditions by incorporating GIS analysis on land cover and elevation and meteorological analysis from MetPhoMod - a mesoscale weather model. The CAS helps The easier analysis and assessment of urban development on local climate. It will contribute to the better life of the people in cities by providing better understanding of the local climate to the urban space planners.

Analysis of Land Cover Characteristics with Object-Based Classification Method - Focusing on the DMZ in Inje-gun, Gangwon-do - (객체기반 분류기법을 이용한 토지피복 특성분석 - 강원도 인제군의 DMZ지역 일원을 대상으로 -)

  • Na, Hyun-Sup;Lee, Jung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.121-135
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    • 2014
  • Object-based classification methods provide a valid alternative to traditional pixel-based methods. This study reports the results of an object-based classification to examine land cover in the demilitarized zones(DMZs) of Inje-gun. We used land cover classes(7 classes for main category and 13 classes for sub-category) selected from the criteria by Korea Ministry of Environment. The average and standard deviation of the spectrum values, and homogeneity of GLCM were chosen to map land cover types in an hierarchical approach using the nearest neighborhood method. We then identified the distributional characteristics of land cover by considering 3 topographic characteristics (altitude, slope gradient, distance from the Southern Limited Line(SLL)) within the DMZs. The results showed that scale 72, shape 0.2, color 0.8, compactness 0.5 and smoothness 0.5 were the optimum weight values while scale, shape and color were most influenced parameters in image segmentation. The forests (92%) were main land cover type in the DMZs; the grassland(5%), the urban area (2%) and the forests (broadleaf forest: 44%, mixed forest: 42%, coniferous forest: 6%) also occupied mostly in land cover classes for sub-category. The results also showed that facilities and roads had higher density within 2 km from the SLL, while paddy, field and bare land were distributed largely outside 6 km from the SLL. In addition, there was apparent distinction in land cover by topographic characteristics. The forest had higher density at above altitude 600m and above slope gradient $30^{\circ}$ while agriculture, bare land and grass land were distributed mainly at below altitude 600m and below slope gradient $30^{\circ}$.

Building a Model for Estimate the Soil Organic Carbon Using Decision Tree Algorithm (의사결정나무를 이용한 토양유기탄소 추정 모델 제작)

  • Yoo, Su-Hong;Heo, Joon;Jung, Jae-Hoon;Han, Su-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2010
  • Soil organic carbon (SOC), being a help to forest formation and control of carbon dioxide in the air, is found to be an important factor by which global warming is influenced. Excavating the samples by whole area is very inefficient method to discovering the distribution of SOC. So, the development of suitable model for expecting the relative amount of the SOC makes better use of expecting the SOC. In the present study, a model based on a decision tree algorithm is introduced to estimate the amount of SOC along with accessing influencing factors such as altitude, aspect, slope and type of trees. The model was applied to a real site and validated by 10-fold cross validation using two softwares, See 5 and Weka. From the results given by See 5, it can be concluded that the amount of SOC in surface layers is highly related to the type of trees, while it is, in middle depth layers, dominated by both type of trees and altitude. The estimation accuracy was rated as 70.8% in surface layers and 64.7% in middle depth layers. A similar result was, in surface layers, given by Weka, but aspect was, in middle depth layers, found to be a meaningful factor along with types of trees and altitude. The estimation accuracy was rated as 68.87% and 60.65% in surface and middle depth layers. The introduced model is, from the tests, conceived to be useful to estimation of SOC amount and its application to SOC map production for wide areas.

Integration of Geographic Information System and Air Dispersion Model (지리정보체계와 대기확산의 통합)

  • Kim, Myung-Jin;Han, Eui-Jung;Kang, In-Goo;Kim, Jeong-Soo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 1996
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Korea has worked toward environmental conservation and decision making since the Environmental Impact Statement of 1981. In order to implement the EIA process effectively, we have developed a system for and various methods of EIA. Among these methods, the Geographic Information System (GIS), which was introduced recently in Korea, can be used to integrate geographic and attribute data effectively. So GIS begins to increase the necessity of the application in EIA process. This study includes the integration method of the GIS and air dispersion model on the odor impact assessment of $NH_3$ emission in landfill sites. First, it computes surface values by grids using the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Second, it presents predicted data considering topography and climate by grids. Third, it shows the overlaying analysis of the administrative map including population and odor predictive data. The results could systematically analyze impact areas, and assess residential impact by alternatives. Integration analysis of the air predictive model and GIS as a residential area assessment can support negotiations of public and proponent in EIA.

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The Study on the Selection of Suitable site for Palustrine Wetland Creation at Habitat Restoration Areas for Oriental stork(Ciconia boyciana) (황새서식처 복원지역에서의 소택지 조성 적지선정 연구)

  • Son, Jin-Kwan;Sung, Hyun-Chan;Kang, Bang-Hun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2011
  • This study was implemented to select the suitable site for Palustrine Wetland at habitat restoration for Oriental stork, red species and top-level predator in ecosystem. The evaluation items was fitted by review the antecedent studies on the suitable site selection model and evaluation items of wetland. The study sites were setted in $5,884,800m^2$ area including Yesan-gun Dae-ree, in which Oriental stork' park will be located, through DEM(Digital Elevation Model) watershed analysis. The thematic map by valuation items with secure of water resource, soil, topography, distance between roads, houses, etc., land using, wildlife corridor, and type of water resource was prepared using GIS program. The sites with high evaluation score were selected as suitable creation sites for wetland through overlapping those maps. Total 8 sites with over 18 point were selected. The characteristics of selected sites show that the soil are consisted of clay, the connectivity is valued high with surface water, the slope are gentle, and the connectivity is good with surroundings ecosystem. The result of water quality analysis, which was implement to survey available water resources and develop the solution of problem of water environment, showed that water quality at Salmok reservoir and Bogang reservoir is generally good, but the water quality at stagnant water body rising out from groundwater is not good. This study has limit to select the suitable sites of wetland only by analyzing physiotherapy environment in study area. Hereafter, the study is need to examine closely enhancement effects of biological diversity through investigation of biotic environment.

A Study on the Reproduction of 3-Dimensional Building Model from Single High Resolution Image without Meta Information (메타정보 없는 단일 고해상도 영상으로부터 3차원 건물 모델 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Tae-Yoon;Kim, Tae-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2009
  • We expanded the 3D building information extraction method using shadow and vertical line from single high resolution image with meta information into the method for single high resolution image without meta information. Our method guesses an azimuth angle and an elevation angle of the sensor and the sun using reference building, selected by user, on an image. For test, we used an IKONOS image and an image extracted from the Google Earth. We calculated the Root Mean Square (RMS) error of heights extracted by our method using the building height extracted from stereo IKONOS image as reference, and the RMS error from the IKONOS image and the Google Earth image was under than 3 m. We also calculated the RMS error of horizontality position by comparison between building position extracted from only the IKONOS image and it from 1:1,000 digital map, and the result was under than 3 m. This test results showed that the height pattern of building models by our method was similar with it by the method using meta information.

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Sensitivity Analysis of the High-Resolution WISE-WRF Model with the Use of Surface Roughness Length in Seoul Metropolitan Areas (서울지역의 고해상도 WISE-WRF 모델의 지표면 거칠기 길이 개선에 따른 민감도 분석)

  • Jee, Joon-Bum;Jang, Min;Yi, Chaeyeon;Zo, Il-Sung;Kim, Bu-Yo;Park, Moon-Soo;Choi, Young-Jean
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.111-126
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    • 2016
  • In the numerical weather model, surface properties can be defined by various parameters such as terrain height, landuse, surface albedo, soil moisture, surface emissivity, roughness length and so on. And these parameters need to be improved in the Seoul metropolitan area that established high-rise and complex buildings by urbanization at a recent time. The surface roughness length map is developed from digital elevation model (DEM) and it is implemented to the high-resolution numerical weather (WISE-WRF) model. Simulated results from WISE-WRF model are analyzed the relationship between meteorological variables to changes in the surface roughness length. Friction speed and wind speed are improved with various surface roughness in urban, these variables affected to temperature and relative humidity and hence the surface roughness length will affect to the precipitation and Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) height. When surface variables by the WISE-WRF model are validated with Automatic Weather System (AWS) observations, NEW experiment is able to simulate more accurate than ORG experiment in temperature and wind speed. Especially, wind speed is overestimated over $2.5m\;s^{-1}$ on some AWS stations in Seoul and surrounding area but it improved with positive correlation and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) below $2.5m\;s^{-1}$ in whole area. There are close relationship between surface roughness length and wind speed, and the change of surface variables lead to the change of location and duration of precipitation. As a result, the accuracy of WISE-WRF model is improved with the new surface roughness length retrieved from DEM, and its surface roughness length is important role in the high-resolution WISE-WRF model. By the way, the result in this study need various validation from retrieved the surface roughness length to numerical weather model simulations with observation data.