• Title/Summary/Keyword: design office

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A Study for Safety Environment around School Facilities. - Focused on School Routes - (학교시설 외부 안전환경 현황 조사연구 - 학교 주변 통학로를 중심으로 -)

  • Maeng, Jun-Ho;Kim, Kwan-Yeong;Kim, Sung-Joong;Park, Young-Bin;Shin, Soyoung;Kim, Hyosun
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2020
  • Despite the legal and institutional measures that have been enacted for the safety management of school facilities, the number of school accidents has continued to rise, particularly in regards to the number of accidents related to schools. However, school facilities have had a difficult time creating safe school environments for the school administration and local governments. This is due to the fact that the Office of Education and the Ministry of Education, not the school or educational offices, have insufficient institutional devices such as standards and systems for the promotion of safe school environments. This study attempted to confirm the direction of the improvement of the safety of school facilities. To this end, four safety assessment topics (separation of pedestrians, pedestrian path management, pedestrian visibility, and surrounding risk factors) were derived based on the surveyed data for the safety of the external environment of domestic and international school facilities. 179 school facilities nationwide (kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and special schools) were analyzed for current cases of accidents that occurred mainly on school roads. Roughly 50% of the analyzed evaluation scores showed that it is necessary to improve the external environment of school facilities.

Application Profile for Multi-Cultural Content Based on KS X 7006 Metadata for Learning Resources (다문화 구성원을 위한 학습자원 메타데이터 응용표준 프로파일)

  • Cho, Yong-Sang;Woo, Ji-Ryung;Noh, KyooSung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.91-105
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    • 2017
  • Korea is rapidly becoming a multicultural society in recent years, and the number of multicultural families in 2015 exceeds 3.5% and 800,000. Also, as international marriage rate exceeds 10% by 2016, the number of multicultural families is expected to steadily increase. This study is a design of a metadata application profile as part of the foundation for providing learning resources and content tailored to the needs and preferences of married immigrant women and multicultural family members who need to adapt to Korean society. In order to verify the necessity of the research, we conducted an in-depth interview by screening consumer groups, and analyzed the relevant international and Korean national standards as de-jure standards for the design of metadata standard profiles. Then, we analyzed the contents characteristics for multicultural members, and organized the necessary metadata elements into profiles. We defined the mandatory/optional conditions to reflect the needs of content providers. This study is meaningful in that the study analyzes the educational needs of married immigrant women and presents the necessary metadata standards to develop and service effective educational content, such as korean-to-korean conversion system, personalized learning contents recommendation service, and learning management system.

Evaluation of the Pharmacy Student Practice Programs in the Mono Community Pharmacy and Multiple Community Pharmacies (단일약국과 다약국 프로그램에서 수행한 지역약국 필수실무실습에 대한 평가)

  • Lee, Min Cheol;Cho, Min Hwi;Jung, Young Joon;Lee, Ji Young;Yoon, Hyonok
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.296-303
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    • 2014
  • Background: The first pharmacy student practice undergoing 6 year pharmacy school curriculum have begun in the hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy, pharmaceutical company and administrative office since 2013. Although most of practice sites have prepared the program of pharmacy student practice education for several years under guideline of Korean Association of Pharmacy Education, generally community pharmacies which start the pharmacy student practice education have difficulty in performing the desirable student practice program due to absent experience for it. So we reported the comparison of student practice programs between mono pharmacy and multiple pharmacies conducted by Gyeongsang National University College of Pharmacy to provide the future design information of the ideal pharmacy student practice in community pharmacy. Method: Students who practiced both multiple (multi) and mono pharmacy (mono) programs for each 5 weeks were participated the survey to evaluate the student practice programs. Results: The results of the survey on the student practice program reported that students were much more satisfied with the multiple pharmacies program than mono pharmacy program in both practical contents ($4.12{\pm}0.72$ : $3.27{\pm}1.28$; multi : mono) and satisfaction ($4.54{\pm}0.54$ : $3.54{\pm}1.3$; multi : mono) and they all gave the highest points ($5.00{\pm}0.00$) to multiple pharmacies program for recommendation because the multiple pharmacies program was significantly helpful for their experience to plan the future career. Conclusion: Mono and multiple pharmacy practice programs would be a great helpful for student's future career. However, the disadvantages of each program should be amended gradually for the unified and specialized program to be established the ideal community pharmacy student practice in Korea. The results will be affected the pharmacy practice program for students in community pharmacy and the other colleges of pharmacy to design the ideal community pharmacy practice program.

Structural Capacity Evaluation of System Scaffolding using X-Type Advanced Guardrail (교차가새형 선행 안전난간을 적용한 시스템비계의 구조 성능 평가)

  • Park, J.D.;Lee, H.S.;Shin, W.S.;Kwon, Y.J.;Park, S.E.;Yang, S.S.;Jung, K.
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2020
  • In domestic construction sites, when installing steel pipe scaffolding and system scaffolding, the guardrails are installed after the installation of the work platforms. This conventional guardrail system (CGS) is always exposed to the risk of falls because the safety railing is installed later. In order to prevent fall disasters during erecting and dismantling scaffolds, it is necessary to introduce the advanced guardrail system (AGS) which installs railings in advance of climbing onto a work platform. For the introduction of the AGS, the structural performance of the system scaffolding applying the CGS and the AGS was compared and evaluated. The structural analysis of the system scaffold (height: 31 m and width: 27.4 m) with AGS confirmed that structural safety was ensured because the maximum stress of each element of the system scaffolding satisfies the allowable stress of each element. As a result of performance comparison of CGS and AGS for each element, the combined stress ratio of vertical posts in AGS was 6.4% lower than that of CGS. In addition, in the case of ledger and transom, the combined stress ratios of AGS and CGS were almost the same. The compression test of the assembled system scaffolding (three-storied, 1 bay) showed that the AGS had better performance than the CGS by 9.7% (8.91 kN). The cross bracing exceeds the limit on slenderness ratio of codes for structural steel design. But the safety factor for the compressive load of the cross bracing was evaluated as meeting the design criteria by securing 3 or more. In actual experiments, it was confirmed that brace buckling did not occur even though the overall scaffold was buckled. Therefore, in the case of temporary structures, it was proposed to revise the standards for limiting on slenderness ratio of secondary or auxiliary elements to recommendations. This study can be used as basic data for the introduction of AGS for installing guardrails in advance at domestic construction sites.

The Design and Development of Online System to Improve Undergraduate Students' Competency (대학생의 역량개발을 위한 온라인 시스템 설계 및 개발)

  • Moon, Yun-Kyoung;Lee, Kyoung-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.3807-3818
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this study is to develop an on-line system for improving undergraduate students' competency development. After drawing elements necessary for the competency development such as assessment and planning, competency development, analysis of competency assessment, portfolio, analysis of job ability and community, based on the literature research related to competency and the analysis of the existing system, the direction of the system design was set up. The system was developed by using Microsoft Windows operating system in Windows server, ORACLE ver.10 as its database management system, and JSP and JAVA as its programing language. Reviewing errors and improvements of the system, it was modified and complemented. In order to examine the content functional utilization of the final competency development system, the utilization was verified. The competency development system for undergraduate students can be used as on-line space filled with the internalization of knowledge, self-directed competency development, convenience of record management and interactions between students-professors-alumna, owing to its functions such as boosting competency activities, cultivating career-pioneering ability and introspecting. When it is rare to find researches on the competency development system for undergraduate students, it is expected to be helpful to the development of competency education and the career education for undergraduate students as a new alternative for the competency development.

A study on School Safety Policies by an Needs Analysis (요구분석을 통한 학교안전정책 개선방안 연구)

  • Oh, Dae-Young;Shin, Seon-Hi;Park, Youn-Ju;Kim, Kyung-Hwoi;Han, Jong-Guk
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.22-34
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was two-fold. Firstly, it investigated the current state of the 34 specific policies of school safety-accident prevention that were implemented at K-12 public schools in accordance with the $1^{st}$ School Safety-Accident Prevention Plan established in December 2015. Secondly, it prioritized the policies based on the outcomes from the investigation to make policy recommendations for future improvement. For this purpose, we surveyed 614 school teachers and staff from 24 school-safety research schools across the nation on their perception of the current policies for preventing school safety accidents. Specifically, they were asked about the degree of realization and the necessity of expansion of the policies. Based on the survey results, the Borich index as a needs measure was computed for each policy and a list of policies prioritized in descending order of the index was presented. The results of the study showed that school teachers and staff's perception of the improvement of school safety since the policies took effect was highly positive in general. It was also shown that the policies perceived as best-implemented were, in descending order, "first-aid education for teachers and staff", "safety management of school meals", "prevention activity of student traffic safety-accident", and so on. The majority of survey respondents said that the policies were being implemented well and that they should be expanded and enhanced. As a result of the Borich's needs analysis, it was found that "more collegial collaboration between the Office of Education and other relevant organizations in the community for school safety", "prevention education activity for water safety", and so forth should be more actively implemented.

A basic research on the number of elementary school students for the proper school size policy in Korea - Focusing on small elementary school in Seoul - (우리나라 적정규모학교 정책 수립을 위한 기초 조사 연구 - 서울시 소규모 초등학교를 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Yong-Gi
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2019
  • This study investigated and analyzed the rise and fall trend of enrolled students during the recent 30 years with the subject of 607 elementary schools in 11 Education Support Centers (25 Gu-districts) in Seoul to provide the basic data related to establishing the school accommodation plan of the Seoul Education Office. In particular, the study focuses on the 53 small schools in Seoul and examines whether a correlation exists between the 8 factors of the school accommodation plan and the increasing and decreasing of enrolled student numbers. First, 'school establishment policy' should not be a short-term therapy but a long-term and predictable sustainable policy. Second, among the eight factors, there seems to be a very high correlation between the 'aged low-rise house districts' and 'spatially isolated areas'. Third, 'close-packed apartment complexes' and 'rental apartment complexes' are also highly correlated. Fourth, the planning factors such as 'joint school districts, the reconstruction of apartment complexes and the connection to commercial districts' seem to be correlated to some degree. Therefore, further studies are needed to overcome these problems.

A Study on the Actual Condition of Middle School Space Usage For Future School - Focused on the Reorganization of Student-Oriented School Space - (미래학교 조성을 위한 중학교 공간사용 실태 분석 연구 - 학생중심 공간 재구조화를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Suk
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.26-39
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed the usage characteristics and requirements of students who are users of the middle school education space, and the following results were obtained: First, we could see that various types of classes were needed, such as lecture-style classes, team projects, and four-person consultation and discussion classes, in a way that helped to improve the desirable teaching patterns and learning ability. Second, the place where space was used during the break and the relationship between peers, revealed that most of them were in the classroom and the hallway, and the peer group was composed of three to eight people or more, that were active with various compositions. Third, a gym, library, toilet, stairway, cafeteria, nurse's office, and teachers' room appeared in the center of the building, indicating the need for a balanced layout. Fourth, physical education (dance) rooms, audiovisual rooms (performance rooms), workshops (personal creation), snack bar, rest area, spacious indoor square, and study rooms were needed as facilities that can help learning activities other than current facilities. These outcomes show that the existing classroom layout and space composition formats require some spatial restructuring.

Study on Structural Stability Analysis of Excavation Stage Considering Excavation Process and Supporting Materials in Room-and-Pillar Underground Space (격자형 지하공간에서 굴착 공정과 지보재를 고려한 굴착 단계별 구조 안정성 해석 연구)

  • Soon-Wook, Choi;Soo-Ho, Chang;Tae-Ho, Kang;Chulho, Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2022
  • The room-and-pillar method or grid-type underground space is a method of forming a space by excavating the excavation part at regular intervals so that it is orthogonal and using natural rock mass as a structure. Such excavation may appear different in size from the excavation stage where the maximum displacement occurs depending on the excavation direction and sequence. In this study, considering the installation of support materials such as shotcrete and rock bolts for the optimal design of the excavation process, the safety and constructability of the design and construction of the grid-type underground space under specific ground conditions were analytically reviewed. The ground conditions were set using an numerical method, and the stress at pillar and displacement at center of room were considered for each excavation stage and construction type under a constant surcharge. The height of the space was 8m, which was set higher than the size of a general office, and was reviewed in consideration of equipment and plant facilities. In addition, the degree of displacement control according to the installation of support materials was reviewed in consideration of shotcrete and rock bolts.

Data analysis by Integrating statistics and visualization: Visual verification for the prediction model (통계와 시각화를 결합한 데이터 분석: 예측모형 대한 시각화 검증)

  • Mun, Seong Min;Lee, Kyung Won
    • Design Convergence Study
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.195-214
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    • 2016
  • Predictive analysis is based on a probabilistic learning algorithm called pattern recognition or machine learning. Therefore, if users want to extract more information from the data, they are required high statistical knowledge. In addition, it is difficult to find out data pattern and characteristics of the data. This study conducted statistical data analyses and visual data analyses to supplement prediction analysis's weakness. Through this study, we could find some implications that haven't been found in the previous studies. First, we could find data pattern when adjust data selection according as splitting criteria for the decision tree method. Second, we could find what type of data included in the final prediction model. We found some implications that haven't been found in the previous studies from the results of statistical and visual analyses. In statistical analysis we found relation among the multivariable and deducted prediction model to predict high box office performance. In visualization analysis we proposed visual analysis method with various interactive functions. Finally through this study we verified final prediction model and suggested analysis method extract variety of information from the data.