• 제목/요약/키워드: combustion method

검색결과 1,737건 처리시간 0.028초

Feasibility of combinational burnable poison pins for 24-month cycle PWR reload core

  • Dandi, Aiman;Lee, MinJae;Kim, Myung Hyun
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제52권2호
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    • pp.238-247
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    • 2020
  • The Burnable Poison (BP) is very important for all Light Water Reactors in order to hold-down the initial excess reactivity and to control power peaking. The use of BP is even more essential as the excess reactivity increases significantly with a longer operation cycle. In this paper a feasibility study was conducted in order to investigate the benefits of a new combinational BP concept designed for 24-month cycle PWR core. The reference designs in this study are based on the two Korean fuel assemblies; 17 × 17 Westinghouse (WH) design and 16 × 16 Combustion Engineering (CE) design. A modification was done on these two designs to extend their cycle length from 18 months into 24 months. DeCART2D-MASTER code system was used to perform assembly and core calculations for both designs. A preliminary test was conducted in order to choose the best BP suitable for 24-month as a representative for single BP concept. The comparison between the results of two concepts (combinational BP concept and single BP concept) showed that the combinational BP concept can replace the single BP concept with better performance on holding down the initial excess reactivity without violating the design limitations.

Online Burning Material Pile Detection on Color Clustering and Quaternion based Edge Detection in Boiler

  • Wang, Weixing;Liu, Sheng
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.190-207
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    • 2015
  • In the combustion engineering, to decrease pollution and increase production efficiency, and to optimally keep solid burning material amount constant in a burner online, it needs a smart method to detect the amount variation of the burning materials in a high temperature environment. This paper presents an online machine vision system for automatically measuring and detecting the burning material amount inside a burner or a boiler. In the camera-protecting box of the system, a sub-system for cooling is constructed by using the cooling water circulation techqique. In addition, the key and intelligent step in the system is to detect the pile profile of the variable burning material, and the algorithm for the pile profile tracing was studied based on the combination of the gey level (color) discontinuity and similarity based image segmentation methods, the discontinuity based sub-algorithm is made on the quaternion convolution, and the similarity based sub-algorithm is designed according to the region growing with multi-scale clustering. The results of the two sub-algoritms are fused to delineate the final pile profile, and the algorithm has been tested and applied in different industrial burners and boilers. The experiements show that the proposed algorithm works satisfactorily.

이동식 미분무수 노즐의 소화 특성에 대한 수치 시뮬레이션 (Thermal Numerical Simulation on Fire Suppression Characteristics through Mobile Mist Spray Nozzles)

  • 배강열;정희택;김형범;정인수;김창
    • 동력기계공학회지
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    • 제13권5호
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2009
  • In the present study, the numerical investigation has been carried out to see the effects of water mist sprays on the fire suppression mechanism. The special-purposed program named as FDS was used to simulate the interaction of fire plume and water mists. This program solves the fire-driven flows using LES turbulence model, the mixture fraction combustion model, the finite volume method of radiation transport for a non-scattering gray gas, and conjugate heat transfer between wall and gas flow. The computational domain was composed of a rectangular space dimensioned as $L{\times}W{\times}H=4.0{\times}4.0{\times}2.5\;m^3$ with a mist-injecting nozzle installed 1.0 m high from the fire pool. In this paper, two types of nozzles were chosen to compare the performance of the fire suppression. Numerical results showed that the nozzle, type A, with more orifices having smaller diameters had poorer performance than the other one, type B because the flow injected through side holes deteriorated the primary flow. The fire-extinguishing time of type A was 2.6 times bigger than that of type B.

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분사압력에 따른 CRDI 분사계의 분무특성에 관한 연구 (A study on the spray characteristics of CRDI system with injection pressure)

  • 김상암;왕우경;양정규
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제52권1호
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2016
  • Injection rate, injection quantity and injection timing of fuel are controlled precisely by electric control in CRDI system. Particularly, injection rate being influenced with injection pressure affects to spray characteristics and fuel-air ratio, so it is a very important factor in diesel combustion. In this study, injection rates in accordance with injection pressure at a constant ambient pressure were measured with Zeuch's method. Under the same condition, non-evaporating spray images were taken with a high speed camera and analyzed carefully with Adobe Photoshop CS3. Macroscopic spray characteristics and breakup processes in the spray could be found from the examined and analyzed data. Injection start time and injection period were practically affected with injection pressure. Also, initial injection rate, spray penetration, spray angle and breakup of high density droplets region in the spray were affected with injection pressure. The results and techniques of spray visualization and injection rate measurement in this study would be practically effective to study a high pressure diesel spray for common rail direct injection system.

리튬 2차 전지용 Li[Co0.1Ni0.15Li0.2Mn0.55]O2 양극물질의 안정성 고찰 (Stability of Li[Co0.1Ni0.15Li0.2Mn0.55]O2 Cathode Material for Lithium Secondary Battery)

  • 박용준
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.443-449
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    • 2007
  • The structural and thermal stability of $Li[Co_{0.1}Ni_{0.15}Li_{0.2}Mn_{0.55}]O_2$ electrode during cycling process was studied. The sample was prepared by simple combustion method. Although there were irreversible changes on the initial cycle, O3 stacking for $Li[Co_{0.1}Ni_{0.15}Li_{0.2}Mn_{0.55}]O_2$ structure was retained during the first and subsequent cycling process. Impedance of the test cell was decreased after the first charge-discharge process, which would be of benefit to intercalation and deintercalation of lithium ion on subsequent cycling. As expected, cycling test for 75 times increased impedance of the cell a little, instead, thermal stability of $Li[Co_{0.1}Ni_{0.15}Li_{0.2}Mn_{0.55}]O_2$ was improved. Moreover, based on DSC analysis, the initial exothermic peak was shifted to high temperature range and the amount of heat was also decreased after cycling test, which displayed that thermal stability was not deteriorated during cycling.

Li[Ni0.2Li0.2Mn0.6]O2 양극물질의 Ag 도핑(Doping) 효과 (Ag Doping Effect on Li[Ni0.2Li0.2Mn0.6]O2 Cathode Material)

  • 유제혁;김석범;박용준
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.249-254
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    • 2008
  • Ag doping effect on $Li[Ni_{0.2}Li_{0.2}Mn_{0.6}]O_2$ cathode material was studied. Specially, we focused on rate performance of Ag doped samples. The $Li[Ni_{0.2}Li_{0.2}Mn_{0.6}]O_2$ powder was prepared by simple combustion method and the Ag was doped using $AgNO_3$ during gelation process. Based on X-ray diffraction analysis, there was no structural change by Ag doping, but the 'metallic' form of Ag was included in the doped powder. Both bare and Ag 1 wt.% doped sample showed similar discharge capacity of 242 mAh/g at 0.2C rate. However, as the increase of charge-discharge rate to 3C, Ag 1 wt.% doped sample showed higher discharge capacity (172 mAh/g) and better cyclic performance than those of bare sample. The discharge capacity of Ag 5 wt.% doped sample was relatively low at all rate condition. However it displayed better rate performance than other samples.

밀폐공간내 화재에 의해 생성된 연소가스 분석 및 유동에 관한 연구 (A study on the Analysis of Combustion Gas and its Flow Induced by Fire in an Enclosure)

  • 추병길;조성곤
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.77-93
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    • 1997
  • The natural convection and combined heat transfer induced by fire in a rectangular enclosure is numerically studied. The model for this numerical analysis is partially opened, it is divided by a vertical baffle projecting from ceiling. The solution procedure Includes the standard k- $\varepsilon$ model for turbulent flow and the discrete ordinates method (DOM ) is used for the calculation of radiative heat transfer equation. In this study, numerical simulation on the combined naturnal convection and radiation is carried out in a partial enclosure filled with absorbed-emitted gray media, but is not considered scattering problem. The velocity vectors, streamlines, and isothermal lines are compared the results of pure convection with those of the combined convection-radiation, the combined heat transfer. Comparing the results of pure convection with those of the combined convection-radiation, the combined heat transfer analysis shows the stronger circulation than those of the pure convection. Three different locations of heat source are considered to observe the effect of heat source location on the heat transfer phenomena. As the results, the circulation and the heat transfer In the left region from heating block are much more influenced than those in the right region. It is also founded that the radiation effect cannot be neglected in analyzing the building in fire.

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직접 광대전의 대전특성에 관한 실험적 연구 (An Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Direct Photoelectric Charging)

  • 이창선;김용진;김상수
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.753-759
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    • 2000
  • Photoelectric charging is a very efficient way of charging small particles. This method can be applied to combustion measurement, electrostatic precipitator, metal separation and control of micro-contamination. To understand the photoelectric charging mechanism, particle charging of silver by exposure to ultraviolet is investigated in this study. Average charges and charge distributions are measured at various conditions, using two differential mobility analyzers, a condensation nucleus counter, and an aerosol electrometer. The silver particles are generated in a spark discharge aerosol generator. After that process, the generated particles are charged in the photoelectric charger using low-pressure mercury lamp that emits ultraviolet having wavelength 253.7 nm. The results show that ultra-fine particles are highly charged by the photoelectric charging. The average charges linearly increase with increasing particle size and the charge distribution change with particle size. These results are discussed by comparison with previous experiments and proposed equations. It is assumed that the coefficient of electron emission probability is affected by initial charge. The results also show that the charge distribution of a particle is dependent on initial charge. Single changed particle, uncharged particle and neutralized particle are compared. The differences of charge distribution in each case increase with increasing particle size.

딤플 튜브형 EGR Cooler 구조건전성 및 열효율 평가 (Evaluation of Structural Integrity and Heat Exchange Efficiency for Dimpled Tube Type EGR Cooler)

  • 서영호;이현민;박중원;구태완;김정;강범수
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2008년도 추계학술대회A
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    • pp.554-559
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    • 2008
  • Most of vehicle manufacturers have applied exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system to the development of diesel engines in order to obtain the high thermal efficiency without $NO_X$ and Particulate Matter (PM) emitted from the engine. EGR system, which reflow a cooled exhaust gas from vehicles burning diesel as fuel to a combustion chamber of engine, has been used to solve this problem. In order to confirm the safety of the EGR system, finite element analysis was carried out. The safety of EGR system against temperature variation in the shell and tubes was evaluated through the thermal and structural analysis, and the modal analysis using ANSYS was also performed. Finally, the performance of EGR system was verified through the experiment and numerical simulation using effectiveness-NTU method. Program for the estimation of the heat exchange efficiency of the EGR system with regard to the dimpled tube shape was developed.

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Effects of a Swirling and Recirculating Flow on the Combustion Characteristics in Non- Premixed Flat Flames

  • Jeong, Yong-Ki;Jeon, Chung-Hwan;Chang, Young-June
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.499-512
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    • 2004
  • The effects of swirl intensity on non-reacting and reacting flow characteristics in a flat flame burner (FFB) with four types of swirlers were investigated. Experiments using the PIV method were conducted for several flow conditions with four swirl numbers of 0, 0.26, 0.6 and 1.24 in non-reacting flow. The results show that the strong swirling flow causes a recirculation, which has the toroidal structures, and spreads above the burner exit plane. Reacting flow characteristics such as temperature and the NO concentrations were also investigated in comparison with non-reacting flow characteristics. The mean flame temperature was measured as the function of radial distance, and the results show that the strong swirl intensity causes the mean temperature distributions to be uniform. However the mean temperature distributions at the swirl number of 0 show the typical distribution of long flames. NO concentration measurements show that the central toroidal recirculation zone caused by the strong swirl intensity results in much greater reduction in NO emissions, compared to the non-swirl condition. For classification into the flame structure interiorly, the turbulence Reynolds number and the Damkohler number have been examined at each condition. The interrelation between reacting and non-reacting flows shows that flame structures with swirl intensity belong to a wrinkled laminar-flame regime.