• Title/Summary/Keyword: color images

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  • Wang, Yun-Wen;Hsu, Chia-Min;Shih, Zen-Chung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.01a
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 2009
  • The Chinese Ink Painting is an art with long history in Chinese culture. Painters can obtain various kinds of scenery by mixing water and ink properly. These papers provides a colorization technique that can transfer gray scale paintings to color paintings. Various colorization techniques for photorealistic images have good results. But these techniques are uncertainly suitable for Chinese Ink Painting. In our method, users only provide a gray scale Chinese Ink Painting and a similar color Chinese Ink Painting subjectively, system can automatically transfer the color from color painting to gray scale painting. We also provide a method for users to refine the automatically generated result.

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Gamut Mapping Using Variable Anchor Points for Continuous Color Reproduction between Devices (장치간 연속 색 재현을 위한 가변 닻점 방식의 색역 사상)

  • 이채수;윤태진;한찬호
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.300-310
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, new gamut-mapping algorithm (GMA) that utilizes variable anchor points (center of gravity on the luminance axis) is proposed. The proposed algorithm increases luminance range, which is reduced from conventional gamut mapping toward an anchor point. In this process, this algorithm utilizes multiple anchor points with constant slopes to both reduce a sudden color change on the gamut boundary of the printer and to maintain a uniform color change during the mapping process. Accordingly, the proposed algorithm can reproduce high quality images with low-cost color devices.

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The Binarization of Text Regions in Natural Scene Images, based on Stroke Width Estimation (자연 영상에서 획 너비 추정 기반 텍스트 영역 이진화)

  • Zhang, Chengdong;Kim, Jung Hwan;Lee, Guee Sang
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, a novel text binarization is presented that can deal with some complex conditions, such as shadows, non-uniform illumination due to highlight or object projection, and messy backgrounds. To locate the target text region, a focus line is assumed to pass through a text region. Next, connected component analysis and stroke width estimation based on location information of the focus line is used to locate the bounding box of the text region, and each box of connected components. A series of classifications are applied to identify whether each CC(Connected component) is text or non-text. Also, a modified K-means clustering method based on an HCL color space is applied to reduce the color dimension. A text binarization procedure based on location of text component and seed color pixel is then used to generate the final result.

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A New Vehicle Detection Method based on Color Integral Histogram

  • Hwang, Jae-Pil;Ryu, Kyung-Jin;Park, Seong-Keun;Kim, Eun-Tai;Kang, Hyung-Jin
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.248-253
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, a novel vehicle detection algorithm is proposed that utilizes the color histogram of the image. The color histogram is used to search the image for regions with shadow, block symmetry, and block non-homogeneity, thereby detecting the vehicle region. First, an integral histogram of the input image is computed to decrease the amount of required computation time for the block color histograms. Then, shadow detection is performed and the block symmetry and block non-homogeneity are checked in a cascade manner to detect the vehicle in the image. Finally, the proposed scheme is applied to both still images taken in a parking lot and an on-road video sequence to demonstrate its effectiveness.

Cable Color Recognition Using a Back-Propagation Neural Network (역전파 신경망을 이용한 케이블의 색깔인식)

  • Lee, Moon-Kyu;Yun, Chan-Kyun
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 1995
  • Automated vision inspection has become a vital part of computer related industries. Most of the existing inspection systems mainly utilize black and white images. In this paper, we consider an application of automated vision inspection in which cable color has to be recognized in order to detect the quality status of assembled wire harness. A back-propagation neural network is proposed to classify seven different cable colors. To represent a single point in image space, we use the ($L^*,\;a^*,\;b^*$) model which is one of commonly used color-coordinate systems in image processing. After training the neural network with ($L^*,\;a^*,\;b^*$) data obtained from color image, we tested its performance. The results show that the neural network is able to classify cable colors with high performance.

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A study on the effect of JPEG recompression with the color image quality (JPEG 재압축이 컬러 이미지 품질에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 이성형;조가람;구철희
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 2000
  • Joint photographic experts group (JPEG) is a standard still-image compression technique, established by the international organization for standardization (ISO) and international telecommunication standardization sector (ITUT). The standard is intended to be utilized in the various kinds of color still imaging systems as a standard color image coding format. Because JPEG is a lossy compression, the decompressed image pixel values are not the same as the value before compression. Various distortions of JPEG compression and JPEG recompression has been reported in various papers. The Image compressed by JPEG is often recompressed by same type compression method in JPEG. In general, JPEG is a lossy compression and the quality of compressed image is predicted that is varied in according to recompression Q-factor. In this paper, four difference color samples(photo image, gradient image, gradient image, vector drawing image, text image) were compressed in according to various Q-factor, and then the compressed images were recompressed according to various Q-factor once again. As the result, this paper evaluate the variation of image quality and file size in JPEG recompression and recommed the optimum recompression factor.

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Estimation of Spectral Radiant Distribution of Illumination and Corresponding Color Reproduction According to Viewing Conditions (광원의 분광 방사 분포의 추정과 관찰조건에 따른 대응적 색재현)

  • 방상택;이철희;곽한봉;유미옥;안석출
    • Proceedings of the Korean Printing Society Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2000
  • Because Image on the CRT change under different illuminants, human is difficult to see original color of object. If what is information of used illuminant on capturing object know, image can be transformed according to viewing condition using the linear matrix method. To know information of used illuminant at an image, the spectral radiance of illuminant can be estimated using the linear model of Maloney and Wandell form an image. And then image can be properly transformed it using color appearance model. In this paper, we predict the spectral radiance of illuminant using spectral power distribution of specular light and using surface spectral reflectance at maximum gray area. and then we perform visual experiments for the corresponding color reproduction according to viewing condition. In results, we ensure that the spectral radiance of illuminant at an image can be well estimated using above algorithms and that human visual system is 70% adapted to the monitor's white point and 30% to ambient light when viewing softcopy images.


    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.156-184
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    • 2022
  • In this article, we propose a novel variational model for restoring color images corrupted by mixed multiplicative Gamma noise and additive Gaussian noise. The model involves a data-fidelity term that characterizes the mixed noise as an infimal convolution of two noise distributions and the saturation-value total variation (SVTV) regularization. The data-fidelity term facilitates suitable separation of the multiplicative Gamma and Gaussian noise components, promoting simultaneous elimination of the mixed noise. Furthermore, the SVTV regularization enables adequate denoising of homogeneous regions, while maintaining edges and details and diminishing the color artifacts induced by noise. To solve the proposed nonconvex model, we exploit an alternating minimization approach, and then the alternating direction method of multipliers is adopted for solving subproblems. This contributes to an efficient iterative algorithm. The experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed model compared to other existing or related models, with regard to visual inspection and image quality measurements.

Cloud-Type Classification by Two-Layered Fuzzy Logic

  • Kim, Kwang Baek
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.67-72
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    • 2013
  • Cloud detection and analysis from satellite images has been a topic of research in many atmospheric and environmental studies; however, it still is a challenging task for many reasons. In this paper, we propose a new method for cloud-type classification using fuzzy logic. Knowing that visible-light images of clouds contain thickness related information, while infrared images haves height-related information, we propose a two-layered fuzzy logic based on the input source to provide us with a relatively clear-cut threshold in classification. Traditional noise-removal methods that use reflection/release characteristics of infrared images often produce false positive cloud areas, such as fog thereby it negatively affecting the classification accuracy. In this study, we used the color information from source images to extract the region of interest while avoiding false positives. The structure of fuzzy inference was also changed, because we utilized three types of source images: visible-light, infrared, and near-infrared images. When a cloud appears in both the visible-light image and the infrared image, the fuzzy membership function has a different form. Therefore we designed two sets of fuzzy inference rules and related classification rules. In our experiment, the proposed method was verified to be efficient and more accurate than the previous fuzzy logic attempt that used infrared image features.

Development of Classification System for Thermal Comfort Behavior of Pigs by Image Processing and Neural Network (영상처리와 인공신경망을 이용한 돼지의 체온조절행동 분류 시스템 개발)

  • 장동일;임영일;장홍희
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.431-438
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    • 1999
  • The environmental control based on interactive thermoregulatory behavior for swine production has many advantages over the conventional temperature-based control methods. Therefore, this study was conducted to compare various feature selection methods using postural images of growing pigs under various environmental conditions. A color CCD camera was used to capture the behavioral images which were then modified to binary images. The binary images were processed by thresholding, edge detection, and thinning techniques to separate the pigs from their background. Following feature were used for the input patterns to the neural network ; \circled1 perimeter, \circled2 area, \circled3 Fourier coefficients (5$\times$5), \circled4 combination of (\circled1 + \circled2), \circled5 combination of (\circled1 + \circled3), \circled6 combination of (\circled2 + \circled3), and \circled7 combination of (\circled1 + \circled2 + \circled3). Using the above each input pattern, the neural network could classify training images with the success rates of 96%, 96%, 96%, 100%, 100%, 96%, 100%, and testing images with those of 88%, 86%, 93%, 96%, 91%, 90%, 98%, respectively. Thus, the combination of perimeter, area and Fourier coefficients of the thinning images as neural network features gave the best performance (98%) in the behavioral classification.

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