• Title/Summary/Keyword: career and vocational education

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An Analysis Study on the Contents of Occupation in Technology & Home Economics Textbooks for Middle School : focusing on preparation for Low Birthrate & Aging Society (저출산·고령사회 대비 관점에서 중학교 기술·가정 교과서에 제시된 직업 내용 분석)

  • Lee, Soo-jeong
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.139-156
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzed the aspect of occupational contents shown in total 24 types of Technology & Home Economics (1). (2) textbooks for middle school in accordance with the 2009 revised curriculum. Analyzing the type of occupation shown in textbooks based on the Korean Standard Classification of Occupations(hierarchical classification), the frequency(ratio), and the aspect of occupational contents in each unit of textbooks and each data type, this study provided basic data to be able to understand diverse aspects of occupational contents. In the results of study, in case of Technology & Home Economics textbooks for middle school, the large area of 'home life' presented occupational contents in the relatively high ratio than the 'world of technology' while the frequency(ratio) of occupational contents was very much different in each publisher, large area, and unit. The occupation name presented in textbooks provided very limited information in the level of 5.27% of occupations presented in the Korea Dictionary of Occupations. Especially, providing occupational information concentrated in professionals & relevant practiceans in the type of the Korean Standard Classification of Occupations(hierarchical classification), it was limited to provide opportunities to learn the diversity related to occupation. Based on such results of study, on top of introducing diverse occupational contents to make students cherish all the occupations, it would be also necessary to seek for institutional measures related to textbook development/career education, so that they could explore career by considering their aptitude and interest.

Effects of Job Autonomy on Career Maturity in High School Students: Focused on the Mediation Effect of Job Satisfaction (고등학생의 아르바이트 업무자율성과 진로의식성숙과의 관계: 업무만족도의 매개효과)

  • Choi, Eun-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.86-97
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to find the mediation effect of job satisfaction between job autonomy and career maturity in high school students. It sampled 849 students who have experienced part-time work. Data were analyzed by regression analysis with SPSS 18.0 version. Results showed significant relationships between socio-economic variables(gender, educational aspiration) and main variables. Females showed higher level of job autonomy, job satisfaction, and career maturity than males' ones. Second, job autonomy was a significant predictor of career maturity by gender and educational aspiration. In addition, job satisfaction proved to have a partial mediating effect on job autonomy and career maturity. Based on the results, this study suggest that adolescents actively participate when they work on the field, and employers have to recognize a role of collaborator about vocational education to increase the career maturity of adolescents. Also, communities and schools have to give adolescents right information on job and make an official system to find a good job.

A Study of Affecting Factors on Outcome in Labor Market using Hierarchical Linear Modeling (대학 진로·취업 프로그램이 대졸자 노동시장 성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 다층분석 연구)

  • Heo, Gyun
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.47-61
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze student and university features affecting outcome in labor market after university graduates. For accomplish this, multi-level analysis modeling with HLM(Hierarchical Linear Modeling) was adopted. GOMS(Graduates Occupational Mobility Survey) 2013 data were used for this study, and we added the Information Service of Education data for university information. The result of analysis were as follows. (a) Factors affecting outcome in labor market after university graduate were both student and university features. Significant features were house income, gender, academic major, GPA, and satisfaction in view point of student level. In university level, there were significant variables likes foundation, location, education costs, school type, and satisfaction. (b) We found the different significant variables between student and school level in the participations on the university career program. Significant features were job-experience and job-exhibition in student level, but there were no significant after adding variable in school level. In the school level, there were significant in subjects related career and job, job-exhibition, and consulting.

Effects of DISC Behavior Types on Education Recognition, Satisfaction and Job Preference of College Students Majoring in Beauty (DISC 행동유형에 따른 미용전공 대학생들의 교육인식, 만족도 및 직업선호도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Mi;You, Seon-Hee;Li, Shun-Hua
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.254-263
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    • 2019
  • This study was designed to understand the Education recognition, satisfaction, and job preferences of college students majoring in beauty through the DISC behavior type, and to be used as customized career and beauty education data considering individual tendencies through the DISC behaviour type. From September 20 to October 11, 2017, the final questionnaire was analyzed for students of beauty education who lived in South Chungnam Province and Gyeonggi Province. Significant differences in the Education recognition and job preferences of the study participants were shown, followed by D, I, S, and C, and were found to be satisfactory for their majors. Through this study, it is believed that it will be possible to identify the Education recognition, satisfaction and job preferences of college students in beauty education and use them as basic data that can help them decide their career path after beauty education.

Career Developmental Competency and Academic Outcomes according to Parent-Adolescent Contact Frequency (부모-자녀 간 대화 빈도 인식에 따른 진로개발역량, 학업적 특성 차이)

  • Yeon, Eun Mo;Choi, Hyo-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.339-351
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    • 2021
  • This study was designed to classify the parents' and their children's perception of contact frequency and to examine differences between career development competency and academic outcomes according to perceptional differences. Data of elementary school to high school students from the School Career Education Survey (2018) were used, and latent profile analysis (LPA) was utilized to explore the parents' and their children's perception of contact frequency. The perception of parents' and their children's contact frequency was classified into six groups in elementary and middle school and seven groups in high school. Career development competency (self-understanding and social competence, job understanding, career exploration, and career design and reparation) and academic outcomes (autonomous learning, motivation, and self-directed learning) of classified groups related to contact frequency significantly differed. In general, groups who reported a higher perception of contact frequency by children than parents showed higher vocational identity and better academic outcomes. This result implies that perceived contact frequency between parents and children can differ by school level, and its differences can be related to career development competency and academic outcomes of adolescents.

Activation of the Elderly Individual-Led Training Strategies and Policy Implications in Response to Demographic Shifts (인구 프로파일 변화에 따른 고령자의 개인주도 훈련 활성화 방안 및 정책적 함의)

  • Hanna Moon;Yumi Kim;Seonae Kang
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.553-566
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    • 2024
  • The core of this study is to review South Korea's individual-driven training scheme, identify factors hindering elderly participation, and derive implications to support their retention and participation of the elderly in the labor market. This study focuses on population aging, examining the National Lifelong Learning Card system and the current employment insurance scheme, both initiatives of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, to assess the status and issues surrounding elderly participation in vocational training. Based on this analysis, the study seeks to derive policy measures and academic significance to promote elderly participation in vocational training. Based on this analysis, the study aims to derive policy measures and academic significance to promote the participation of older adults in vocational training. The findings emphasized the importance of employment retention for elderly and highlighted the need for vocational training tailored to the specific characteristics of each individual, along with the necessity for professional life-career consulting. Based on these findings, the study proposed recommendations to promote self-directed training among elderly, including enhancing the diversity of vocational training to meet individuals' varied needs, implementing lifelong vocational training programs from a life-cycle perspective, creating age-friendly workplaces at the national level, encouraging individual-driven training participation for the self-realization of elderly, and strengthening the linkage between employment counseling and vocational training for elderly.

Life History Research on the Vocational Identity of Mechanical Education Teachers in Technical High School (공업계 고등학교 기계과 교사의 직업정체성에 관한 생애사 연구)

  • Cho, Dong-Geun;Lim, Se-Yung
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the vocational identity through the reflection of the major experience as the teacher through the life history of the technical high school. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, two technical high school mechanical and career teachers were selected as research participants and in-depth interviews were conducted with them. The data obtained through the in-depth interviews were analyzed through six steps. Six major experiences of the participants were identified as results of the research: (1) the experience of trying to train the specialist of precision machining in the beginning of teacher's life, (2) experience as a skill competition team teacher, (3) experience of innovating public education by introducing new industry field, (4) experience of constant learning new field and sharing with colleagues, (5) experience in the rapid change of the status of technical high school, (6) experience in the prevention of students' safety accidents and maintenance of the practice field. Through these educational experiences, each research participant was forming one's vocational identity as a mechanical teacher. The vocational identity of the research participants were identified as follows: (1) identity drifting phase, (2) identity stability stage, (3) transition stage of the teacher role, (4) suspended stage to preserve identity, (5) identification sublimation stage, (6) identification of the true meaning of the teacher, and integration of the identity. Through these six steps, their identities were formed, strengthened and changed at each stage.

Analysis of Career Strategy according to Career Identity Confusion at the Each Life Career Branching Point (생애진로분기점별 진로정체성 혼돈에 따른 진로전략 분석)

  • Son, Min-Jeong;Cho, In-Soo;Choi, Jeong-Eun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.299-323
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    • 2018
  • This study confirmed the life career branching points, and studied qualitatively the career strategy and career identity at that time. The participants in this study were three students from third graders of middle school, three ones from third graders of high school, and three before and after college graduation, which correspond to the vertical transition stage of school education. Three participants were selected before and after 30 years of age, three before and after 40 years of age, and three before and after 60 years of age. Subject analysis of the contents of the 18 interviews, showed that the life career branching point appeared in middle school grade 3, high school grade 3, until employment after graduation, within 3 years after entering their first job, early 40 years, 60 years old, and 80 years old. Second, external situations were due to the influence of important others, or external stimuli, environment, and career events. Third, negative emotions were repeated for each life career branching point. Fourth, as a result of the interview, the career identity confusion was repeated in every life career branching point. Fifth, the career strategy at the life career branching point was categorized as an approach strategy and avoidance strategy.

An Analysis on the Management of Support Business of Industry and Learning Cooperation Superior Vocational High Schools (산학협력 우수 전문계고 지원 사업의 운영 실태 분석)

  • Choi, Jae-Hoon;Rho, Tae-Choen
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.113-128
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    • 2009
  • This study aimed at seeking the improvement and developmental direction of support business of industry and learning cooperation superior vocational high schools by providing basic materials. Of 20 high schools selected for the support of industry and learning cooperation superior vocational high schools, 10 schools were selected with the consideration of local characteristics and the features of support business of the schools. Based on initial business plan and interim reports of the selected schools, the data were collected from related report materials, theses and reports. The following conclusions were made in this study. First, with regard to consignment education conducted under the agreement with an outside education specialized institution, consignment education institution directly related to the business area which was promoted by the school was selected. Second, the management of industrial field experience education program included various activities Third, as for employing teachers involving both industry and teaching and lecturing by outside experts, lectures by outside experts were aggressively delivered based on specialized areas. Fourth, as for graduates' career status, the employment rates of the entire university students and students who participated in business were lower than the rate of students who entered schools of higher grade.

A study on the Possibility of Utilizing and Management Course Assessment type of National Technical Qualification at Industrial Secondary Vocational High Schools (공업계열 직업계고에서의 과정평가형 자격 도입 가능성 및 운영 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Wook;Kim, Shin Myeong
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this research was to draw implications for preparing utilizing and management course assessment type of national technical qualification based on the awareness of teachers in industrial secondary vocational high schools. To achieve it, this researcher analyzed the awareness about management course assessment type of national technical qualification of teachers at industrial secondary vocational high schools and analyze possibility to introduce course assessment qualification, degree of agreement for expected effects, and importance and necessity for the matters to be considered when introducing management course assessment qualification. Concrete results of this research are as follows. First, the degree of understanding management course assessment type of national technical qualification at industrial secondary vocational high schools was common, but the degree of agreement for introducing goal, purpose, and necessities was low. Second, for the expected effects to be obtained when acquiring course assessment qualifications, there were acquisition of qualification at the same time of education, suggestion of studying goal from an angle of concrete and significant performance, systematic education based on NCS, possibility to develop and form training career, and possibility to acquire industrial field-centered knowledge and technology in order. Third, to draw priority of each item to be considered when introducing course assessment type of national technical qualification at industrial secondary vocational high schools, the importance and necessities were analyzed. As a result, for the sectors whose requirements are more than average, there were flexibility of course assessment type qualification classes, preparation of proper measure by NCS revision, relief of edited classes of necessity ability unit, etc.