• Title/Summary/Keyword: camera image

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Construction of the image database of Earth's lava caves useful in identifying the lunar caves

  • Hong, Ik-Seon;Jeong, Jongil;Sohn, Jongdae;Oh, Suyeon;Yi, Yu
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.138.2-138.2
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    • 2012
  • Cave on the Moon is considered as the most appropriate place for human to live during the frontier lunar exploration. While the lava flows, the outer crust gets cooled and solidified. Then, the empty space is remained inside after lava flow stops. Such empty space is called the lava caves. Those lava tubes on the Earth are formed mostly by volcanic activity. However, the lava tubes on satellite like Moon and planet like Mars without volcanic activity are mostly formed by the lava flow inside of the crater made by large meteorite impact. Some part of lava tube with collapsed ceiling appears as the entrance of the cave. Such area looks like a deep crater so called a pit crater. Four large pit craters with diameter of > 60 m and depth of > 40 m are found without difficulty from Kaguya and LRO mission image archives. However, those are too deep to use as easily accessible human frontier base. Therefore, now we are going to identify some smaller lunar caves with accessible entrances using LRO camera images of 0.5 m/pixel resolution. Earth's lava caves and their entrances are well photographed by surface and aerial camera in immense volume. Thus, if the image data are sorted and archived well, those images can be used in comparison with the less distinct lunar cave and entrance images due to its smaller size. Then, we can identify the regions on the Moon where there exist caves with accessible entrances. The database will be also useful in modeling geomorphology for lunar and Martian caves for future artificial intelligence investigation of the caves in any size.

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Hand Interface using Intelligent Recognition for Control of Mouse Pointer (마우스 포인터 제어를 위해 지능형 인식을 이용한 핸드 인터페이스)

  • Park, Il-Cheol;Kim, Kyung-Hun;Kwon, Goo-Rak
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.1060-1065
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, the proposed method is recognized the hands using color information with input image of the camera. It controls the mouse pointer using recognized hands. In addition, specific commands with the mouse pointer is designed to perform. Most users felt uncomfortable since existing interaction multimedia systems depend on a particular external input devices such as pens and mouse However, the proposed method is to compensate for these shortcomings by hand without the external input devices. In experimental methods, hand areas and backgrounds are separated using color information obtaining image from camera. And coordinates of the mouse pointer is determined using coordinates of the center of a separate hand. The mouse pointer is located in pre-filled area using these coordinates, and the robot will move and execute with the command. In experimental results, the recognition of the proposed method is more accurate but is still sensitive to the change of color of light.

Development of the Corrosion Deterioration Inspection Tool for Transmission Tower Members (송전철탑 부재 부식열화 검사장비 개발)

  • Woo, Sang-Kyun;Youn, Byong-Don;Kim, Ki-Jung;Chu, In-Yeop
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2016
  • Recently, interests for maintenance of transmission tower are increasing to extend life of structures and reduce maintenance cost. However, existing classical diagnosis method of corrosion deteriorated degree on the transmission tower steel members, visual inspection, has a problem that error often due to difference of inspector's individual knowledge and experience. In order to solve the problem, this study carried out to develop the corrosion deterioration inspection tool for transmission tower steel members. This tool is composed of camera equipment and computer-aided diagnosis system. We standardized the photographing method by camera equipment to obtain suitable pictures for image processing. Diagnosis system was designed to evaluate automatically degree of corrosion deterioration for member of transmission tower on the basis of the RGB color image processing techniques. It is anticipated that developed the corrosion deterioration inspection tool will be very helpful in decision of optimal maintenance time for transmission tower corrosion.

A Method of Image Matching by 2D Alignment of Unit Block based on Comparison between Block Content (단위블록의 색공간 내용비교 기반 2차원 블록정렬을 이용한 이미지 매칭방법)

  • Jang, Chul-Jin;Cho, Hwan-Gue
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.611-615
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    • 2009
  • Due to the popular use of digital camera, a great number of photos are taken at every usage of camera. It is essential to reveal relationship between photos to manage digital photos efficiently. We propose a method that tessellates image into unit blocks and applies 2D alignment to extend content-based similar region from seed block pair having high similarity. Through an alignment, we can get a block region scoring best matching value on whole image. The method can distinguish whether photos are sharing the same object or background. Our result is less sensitive to transition or pause change of objects. In experiment, we show how our alignment method is applied to real photo and necessities for further research like photo clustering and massive photo management.

Large scale interactive display system for touch interaction in stereopsis (입체 영상에서 터치 인터랙션을 위한 대규모 인터랙티브 디스플레이 시스템)

  • Kang, Maeng-Kwan;Kim, Jung-Hoon;Jo, Sung-Hyun;Joo, Woo-Suck;Yoon, Tae-Soo;Lee, Dong-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2010.10a
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    • pp.252-255
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    • 2010
  • In this thesis, it suggests large scale interactive display system which is able to various touch interaction and bases on infrared LED BAR and using 3D. Interaction layer formed on space from screen which is able to feel 3D using suggested IR LED BAR. It gets the image in real time what is composed in interaction section using infrared camera with band pass filter. The image finds touch interaction coordinate through image processing module and saves as packet. It send packet to server through network data communication. It analyze packet by metaphor analysis module and save as metaphor event and send it to contents. On contents, it practices to metaphor event result in real time so it makes use touch interaction in stereopsis. According to this process, it does not need touch the screen at firsthand but it is possible system and touch interaction so touch interaction is possible while use 3D.

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Image Processing Based Virtual Reality Input Method using Gesture (영상처리 기반의 제스처를 이용한 가상현실 입력기)

  • Hong, Dong-Gyun;Cheon, Mi-Hyeon;Lee, Donghwa
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2019
  • Ubiquitous computing technology is emerging as information technology advances. In line with this, a number of studies are being carried out to increase device miniaturization and user convenience. Some of the proposed devices are user-friendly and uncomfortable with hand-held operation. To address these inconveniences, this paper proposed a virtual button that could be used in watching television. When watching a video on television, a camera is installed at the top of the TV, using the fact that the user watches the video from the front, so that the camera takes a picture of the top of the head. Extract the background and hand area separately from the filmed image, extract the outline to the extracted hand area, and detect the tip point of the finger. Detection of the end point of the finger produces a virtual button interface at the top of the image being filmed in front, and the button activates when the end point of the detected finger becomes a pointer and is located inside the button.

Fabrication and Performance Test of Small Satellite Camera with Focus Mechanism (포커스 메커니즘이 적용된 소형 위성 카메라의 제작 및 성능 실험)

  • Hong, Dae Gi;Hwang, Jai Hyuk
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.26-36
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    • 2019
  • The precise alignment between optical components is required in high-resolution earth observation satellites. However, the misalignment of optical components occurs due to external factors such as severe satellite launch environment and space environment. A satellite optical system with a focus mechanism is required to compensate for the image quality degraded by these misalignments. This study designed, fabricated, aligned precisely, and carried out a performance tests for the image quality of the system. The satellite optical camera performance tests were carried out to check the image quality change by operating the focus mechanism and to analyze the satellite optical system MTF by photographing USAF target using the autocollimator. According to the experimental results, the misalignments can be compensated sufficiently with the focus mechanism. Finally the basic data for re-focusing algorithm of the optical system was obtained through this study.

A Study on Overcoming Disturbance Light using Polarization Filter and Performance Improvement of Face Recognition System

  • Yoon, Andy Kyung-yong;Park, Ki-cheul;Lee, Byeong-cheol;Jang, Jung-hyuk
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.239-248
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    • 2020
  • The performance of the facial recognition system is determined by many technical factors. Further, most of the technical factors have been realized or are still in continued research. The recognition rate has a great influence on performance not only by technical factors but also by other factors. However, researchers are trying to improve the recognition rate by focusing only on technical factors. The mechanism of recognizing is to compare a face image obtained by photography to an already stored face image and determine the score of the similarity. However, if the photographed image is damaged by external light, even a system with a good algorithm will fail to recognize it. Therefore, it is important to prevent the disturbance of light entering from the outside, so it should be blocked, but the camera will not work without light. Thus, it is proposed that a method to secure the external light but block the disturbance of light that affects photography. A method of blocking disturbance light is to use a polarization filter. There are three polarization methods: circular polarization, linear polarization, and elliptical polarization. In this paper, an experiment was performed to overcome disturbance of light using only a circularly polarized filter. In addition, a lighting system that reproduces disturbance light was provided for the experiment, and light of varying intensities and angles was installed to affect the face recognition camera. As a result of actual application, it was determined that a very improved recognition performance in various disturbance light environments.

An Experimental Study on the Frequency Characteristics of Cloud Cavitation on Naval Ship Rudder (함정용 방향타에서 발생하는 구름(cloud) 캐비테이션의 주파수 특성에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Paik, Bu-Geun;Ahn, Jong-Woo;Jeong, Hongseok;Seol, Hanshin;Song, Jae-Yeol;Ko, Yoon-Ho
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the amount and frequency characteristics of cloud cavitation formed on a navy ship rudder were investigated through cavitation image processing technique and cavitation noise analysis. A high-speed camera with high time resolution was used to observe the cavitation on a full-spade rudder. The deflection angle range of the full-spade rudder was set to 8 to 15 degrees so that cloud cavitation was generated on the rudder surface. For images taken at 104 fps (frame per second), reference values for detecting cavitation were defined and detected in Red, Green, Blue and Hue, Saturation, Lightness color spaces to quantitatively analyze the amount of cavitation. Intrinsic frequency characteristics of cloud cavitation were detected from the time series data of the amount of cavitation. The frequency characteristics of cloud cavitation obtained by using the image processing technique were found to be the same through the analysis of the noise signal measured by the hydrophone installed on the hull above the rudder, and its peak value was in the frequency band of 30~60Hz.

Measuring the Degree of Crop Growth through Image Analysis (영상 분석을 통한 작물의 생육 정도 측정)

  • Heo, Gyeongyong;Choi, Eun Young;Kim, Ji Hong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.657-659
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    • 2022
  • Hydroponics and aquaponics are attracting attention as they enable automated farm management and stable production thanks to the spread of smart farms. There are issues that need to be addressed in applying smart farm, but one of them is to be able to respond flexibly to demand by automatically deciding when to ship, which requires a method for automatically determining the growth level of crops. In this paper, we focused on the simple fact that the area and volume occupied by crops increase with the growth of them, and showed that it is possible to monitor the growth process of crops with 2D and 3D cameras, and to determine the degree of growth of crops by calculating the area and volume. It is necessary to verify the method by applying it to various environments and crops, but in the case of common crops in hydroponics and aquaponics, it is possible to determine the growth level through the analysis of the acquired image through 2D and 3D camera.

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