• Title/Summary/Keyword: camera image

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A Study on the Development of YOLO-Based Maritime Object Detection System through Geometric Interpretation of Camera Images (카메라 영상의 기하학적 해석을 통한 YOLO 알고리즘 기반 해상물체탐지시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Byung-Sun;Jung, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.499-506
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    • 2022
  • For autonomous ships to be commercialized and be able to navigate in coastal water, they must be able to detect maritime obstacles. One of the most common obstacles seen in coastal area are the farm buoys. In this study, a maritime object detection system was developed that detects buoys using the YOLO algorithm and visualizes the distance and bearing between buoys and the ship through geometric interpretation of camera images. After training the maritime object detection model with 1,224 pictures of buoys, the precision of the model was 89.0%, the recall was 95.0%, and the F1-score was 92.0%. Camera calibration had been conducted to calculate the distance and bearing of an object away from the camera using the obtained image coordinates and Experiment A and B were designed to verify the performance of the maritime object detection system. As a result of verifying the performance of the maritime object detection system, it can be seen that the maritime object detection system is superior to radar in its short-distance detection capability, so that it can be used as a navigational aid along with the radar.

A study on liquid crystal-based electrical polarization control technology for polarized image monitoring device (편광 영상감시 장치를 위한 액정 기반 전기적 편광 조절 기술 연구)

  • Ahn, Hyeon-Sik;Lim, Seong-Min;Jang, Eun-Jeong;Choi, Yoonseuk
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.416-421
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    • 2022
  • In this study, we present a fully automated system that combines camera technology with liquid crystal technology to create a polarization camera capable of detecting the partial linear polarization of light reflected from an object. The use of twisted nematic (TN) liquid crystals that electro-optically modulate the polarization plane of light eliminates the need to mechanically rotate the polarizing filter in front of the camera lens. Images obtained using these techniques are imaged by computer software. In addition, liquid crystal panels have been produced in a square shape, but many camera lenses are usually round, and lighting or other driving units are installed around the lens, so space is optimized through the application of a circular liquid crystal display. Through the development of this technology, an electrically switchable and space-optimized liquid crystal polarizer is developed.

Performance Analysis of Optical Camera Communication with Applied Convolutional Neural Network (합성곱 신경망을 적용한 Optical Camera Communication 시스템 성능 분석)

  • Jong-In Kim;Hyun-Sun Park;Jung-Hyun Kim
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2023
  • Optical Camera Communication (OCC), known as the next-generation wireless communication technology, is currently under extensive research. The performance of OCC technology is affected by the communication environment, and various strategies are being studied to improve it. Among them, the most prominent method is applying convolutional neural networks (CNN) to the receiver of OCC using deep learning technology. However, in most studies, CNN is simply used to detect the transmitter. In this paper, we experiment with applying the convolutional neural network not only for transmitter detection but also for the Rx demodulation system. We hypothesize that, since the data images of the OCC system are relatively simple to classify compared to other image datasets, high accuracy results will appear in most CNN models. To prove this hypothesis, we designed and implemented an OCC system to collect data and applied it to 12 different CNN models for experimentation. The experimental results showed that not only high-performance CNN models with many parameters but also lightweight CNN models achieved an accuracy of over 99%. Through this, we confirmed the feasibility of applying the OCC system in real-time on mobile devices such as smartphones.

Stability Analysis of DMC's Block Geometry (DMC 카메라의 블록기하 안정성 분석)

  • Lee, Jae One;Lee, Dong Min
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.6D
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    • pp.771-779
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    • 2009
  • Digital topographical maps used for GIS DB are mainly produced by the traditional way of analogue aerial photogrammetry. Therefore, analogue photos are only available for digital mapping after preprocessing such as film developing, printing and scanning. However, digital aerial camera is able to get digital image directly without preprocessing and thus the performance and efficiency of photogrammetry are extremely increased. This study aims to investigate geometric stability of digital aerial frame camera DMC (Digital Modular Camera). In order to verify the geometric stability of digital aerial camera DMC, some different block conditions with and without cross strips, GPS/INS data and variation of GCPs are introduced in the block adjustment. The accuracy results of every block condition were compared each other by computation of residuals of exterior orientation (EO) parameters. Results of study shows that the geometric stability of the block adjustment with cross strips is increased about 30% against without cross strips. The accuracy of EO parameters of block adjustment with cross strips is also increased about 2cm for X-coordinate, 3cm for Y-coordinate, 3cm for Z-coordinate, and 6" for omega, 4" for phi and 3" for kappa.

GPU-Accelerated Single Image Depth Estimation with Color-Filtered Aperture

  • Hsu, Yueh-Teng;Chen, Chun-Chieh;Tseng, Shu-Ming
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.1058-1070
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    • 2014
  • There are two major ways to implement depth estimation, multiple image depth estimation and single image depth estimation, respectively. The former has a high hardware cost because it uses multiple cameras but it has a simple software algorithm. Conversely, the latter has a low hardware cost but the software algorithm is complex. One of the recent trends in this field is to make a system compact, or even portable, and to simplify the optical elements to be attached to the conventional camera. In this paper, we present an implementation of depth estimation with a single image using a graphics processing unit (GPU) in a desktop PC, and achieve real-time application via our evolutional algorithm and parallel processing technique, employing a compute shader. The methods greatly accelerate the compute-intensive implementation of depth estimation with a single view image from 0.003 frames per second (fps) (implemented in MATLAB) to 53 fps, which is almost twice the real-time standard of 30 fps. In the previous literature, to the best of our knowledge, no paper discusses the optimization of depth estimation using a single image, and the frame rate of our final result is better than that of previous studies using multiple images, whose frame rate is about 20fps.

A Study on Hybrid Filter Algorithm for Image Denoising (영상 잡음제거를 위한 하이브리드 필터 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Yinyu, Gao;Kim, Nam-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.127-129
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    • 2012
  • Due to the prevalence of digital camera, multi-media etc. the image is being used in everyday life. However, noise always damages the image and the image denoising technology is important part for improving the image visual quality. There are many existing methods to remove noise such as wiener filter, mean filter and VisuShrink etc. However, they perform not good enough for denoising. Hence, in this paper we proposed a hybrid filter algorithm which consists of wiener filter and modified wavelet based thresholding method using adaptive threshold and thresholding function. The proposed algorithm shows not only better low frequency and high frequency property, but also the outstanding noise suppression and edge preservation properties.

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Quantification of Cheongsan granite deformation using wavy extinction of quartz (석영의 파동소광 강도를 이용한 청산화강암의 변형의 정량화)

  • 정원석;이승준;나기창
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.3_4
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    • pp.250-258
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    • 2002
  • The wavy extinction of quartz can be used as a standard indicator showing the degree of rock deformation. To determine the degree of rock deformation, the intensity of wavy extinction (IWE) of quartz was measured using petroggraphic microscope, digital camera, and NIH image. In this study, this method was applied to the Cheongsan porphyritic granite, Cheongsan two mica granite, and Baekrok granite to investigate the deformation intensity of Cheongsan area. NIH Image data show a high-grade deformation in the vicinity of the strike-slip fault (between Cheongsan granite and Baekrok granite) and the unconformity (between Cheongsan granite and Youngdong basin). Thus, the main deformation in these areas is most likely to be concentrated on the faults that generate Yeongdong basin and the strike slip faults between Cheongsan granite and Baekrok granite.

Moving area detection for moving object tracking (이동 객체 추적을 위한 움직임 영역 검출)

  • 오명관;최동진;전병민
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.281-284
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    • 2003
  • In this study, we have proposed the method of moving area detection as the preprocessing step of moving object tracking system. First, we catch the two frames which are different at time in image sequence. We obtain the moving area by using their binary differential image. In differential image, the object area of previous and current frame is present. In the tracking system, the background is changed by camera motion. So, in this case we have to decide which moving area of object is current at time. We obtain the binary edge image of current frame by applying a threshold to the output of an edge detector. Then we performed logical AND operation between the edge image and differential image. As a result of this work moving area of object can be detected.

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A method for image-based shadow interaction with virtual objects

  • Ha, Hyunwoo;Ko, Kwanghee
    • Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 2015
  • A lot of researchers have been investigating interactive portable projection systems such as a mini-projector. In addition, in exhibition halls and museums, there is a trend toward using interactive projection systems to make viewing more exciting and impressive. They can also be applied in the field of art, for example, in creating shadow plays. The key idea of the interactive portable projection systems is to recognize the user's gesture in real-time. In this paper, a vision-based shadow gesture recognition method is proposed for interactive projection systems. The gesture recognition method is based on the screen image obtained by a single web camera. The method separates only the shadow area by combining the binary image with an input image using a learning algorithm that isolates the background from the input image. The region of interest is recognized with labeling the shadow of separated regions, and then hand shadows are isolated using the defect, convex hull, and moment of each region. To distinguish hand gestures, Hu's invariant moment method is used. An optical flow algorithm is used for tracking the fingertip. Using this method, a few interactive applications are developed, which are presented in this paper.

Rock/Soil proportion estimation using image processing technique (광학식 측정방법을 활용한 풍화지반 버럭의 암/토사 구성비율 추정방법)

  • Jin, Kyu-Nam;Jin, Kim-Young;Park, Sung-Wook;Cho, Gye-Choon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2010.03a
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    • pp.1425-1432
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    • 2010
  • In large construction site, although soil conversion factor is so significant to preliminary design, operation design and calculating the cost of construction that it is important to take reasonable estimation and application, the standard of soil conversion factor for weathered ground doesn't clearly suggested yet. So in this study, at first we obtain the image using DSLR - high resolution camera and Laser scanner in the Haeng-Bok city constructin site, then analysis the ratio of soil and rock using various image processing method(Sobel method, Laplace method, Highpass filter, Hue and Saturation analysis). Mutual comparation with the result of image processing analysis and manual segmentation of 5case image in the cad. As a result, best image processing method was different for each case. In case of high propotion of rock, Laplace was best and in case of high propotion of soil, Highpass was best, and mixed case Laplace was best.

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