• Title/Summary/Keyword: block fields

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Metaverse Technology and Security Threats and Countermeasures (메타버스 기술과 보안 위협 및 대응방안)

  • Woo, SungHee;Lee, HyoJeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.328-330
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    • 2022
  • Currently, the Metaverse is introduced in various fields, and a virtual convergence economy that uses NFTs for content or item transactions is expected to develop into a 'metaverse environment'. The 'metaverse environment' will lead the changes in our society in the future and it will be fused with AI, big data, cloud, IoT, block chain, and next-generation network technology. However, personal information, device information, and behavior information provided by Metaverse users to use the service are subject to major attacks. Therefore, in order to provide a safe environment for users to use and to expand the business base of related companies, building a public-private cooperation system and developing a security guide are the leading tasks. Therefore, in this study, we compare and analyze metaverse features and technologies, and examine possible security threats and countermeasures.

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Effects of Chemical Foliar Herbicide on Weed Control in Alfalfa Field

  • Seung Min Jeong;Ki Won Lee;Hyung Soo Park
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.140-144
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to contribute to resolving the critical issue of weed management in newly established alfalfa fields, study has been conducted on effective herbicide use. The study evaluated the impact of various domestically available foliar herbicides on alfalfa phytotoxicity, weed control, yield, and nutritive value. The experiment was designed in a randomized complete block design with four treatments. Alfalfa 'SW 5615' seeded in the spring of 2024 on a 1 ha field (March 18), with herbicide treatments including fluazifop-P-butyl (FPB), bentazone (BEN), and a mixture of these herbicides (MIX). Herbicide efficacy, alfalfa yield, and nutritive value were assessed 30 days post-application. Results indicated that the MIX treatment achieved superior weed control comparable to hand weeding (HW), although it exhibited higher phytotoxicity, requiring extended recovery periods. While MIX led to lower overall yield, it enhanced alfalfa purity, resulting in higher crude protein (CP) content and relative feed value (RFV) compared to other treatments. The study concludes that despite the potential for increased phytotoxicity, mixed herbicide treatments could offer a strategic advantage in enhancing the quality of alfalfa feed through effective weed management, thereby improving CP and RFV, critical factors for the nutritional value of alfalfa. These findings provide valuable insights for optimizing weed management practices in alfalfa cultivation, suggesting that mixed herbicide application, although associated with increased phytotoxicity on the plants, could improve the overall feed quality by reducing weed competition.

Dose distribution at junctional area abutting X-ray and electron fields (X-선과 전자선의 인접조사에서 접합 조사면에서의 선량분포)

  • Yang, Kwang-Mo
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2004
  • Purpose : For the head and neck radiotherapy, abutting photon field with electron field is frequently used for the irradiation of posterior neck when tolerable dose on spinal cord has been reached. Materials and methods : Using 6 MV X-ray and 9 MeV electron beams of Clinac1800(Varian, USA) linear accelerator, we performed film dosimetry by the X-OMAT V film of Kodak in solid water phantom according to depths(0 cm, 1.5 cm, 3 cm, 5 cm). 6 MV X-ray and 9 MeV electron(1Gy) were exposes to 8cm depth and surface(SSD 100cm) of phantom. The dose distribution to the junction line between photon($10cm{\times}10cm$ field with block) and electron($15cm{\times}15cm$ field with block) fields was also measured according to depths(0 cm, 0.5 1.5 cm, 3 cm, 5 cm). Results : At the junction line between photon and electron fields, the hot spot was developed on the side of the photon field and a cold spot was developed on that of the electron field. The hot spot in the photon side was developed at depth 1.5 cm with 7 mm width. The maximum dose of hot spot was increased to $6\%$ of reference doses in the photon field. The cold spot in the electron side was developed at all measured depths(0.5 cm-3 cm) with 1-12.5 mm widths. The decreased dose in the cold spot was $4.5-30\%$ of reference dose in the electron field. Conclusion : When we make use of abutting photon field with electron field for the treatment of head and neck cancer we should consider the hot and cold dose area in the junction of photon and electron field according to location of tumor.

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Palaeomagnetism of Cretaceous Rocks in the Ǔisǒng Area, Kyǒngsang Basin, Korea (의성지역 백악기 암석에 대한 고자기 연구)

  • Kim, In-Soo;Lee, Hyun Koo;Yun, Hyesu;Kang, Hee-Cheol
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.403-420
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    • 1993
  • The Cretaceous Kyongsang Basin is known to be composed of several tectonic blocks (or subbasins) with each distinct stratigraphic succession. The study area represents a major part of one of these blocks, i. e. the $\check{U}is\check{o}ng$ block. The area is charaterized by a suite of WNW-trending sinistral strike-slip faults as well as a number of ring faults. A total of 292 independently oriented core samples were drilled from 23 sites, covering virtually all the formations of the Cretaceous $Ky\check{o}ngsang$ Supergroup. Alternating field and thermal demagnetization experiments were conducted to reveal the primary magnetization. Due to the homoclinal nature of the strata in the area, it was not possible to make use of the conventional fold test It is, however, believed that the primary remanent components have been obtained from the majority of the formations, considering the similarity of the palaeomagnetic pole positions with those of contemporary strata of other blocks and the existence of antiparallel reversed remanence. It was found neither any significant difference in magnetic declination on each side of the strike-slip faults nor systematic change of magnetic declination with distance from the fault-line. This does not support such a block rotation hypothesis associated with the strike-slip faulting in the area as alleged by some authors. The samples from the outcrops on or near the fault-lines were severely overprinted by the recent magnetic fields regardless of age and lithology. Epithermal Au-Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn mineralizations are known along some fault lines in the area. It is interpreted that these two facts are closely related with fluid circulations along the fracture zones caused by fault activities. In regard to the age of the strata as deduced from the magnetostratigraphic consideration, the $Ch\check{o}mgok$ formation and the lower strata should be older than Barremian or 124 Ma. The age of volcanics of the $Yuch^{\prime}\check{o}n$ Group sampled in this study should be younger than Campanian or 83 Ma.

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First-order Wire-wound SQUID Gradiometer System Having Compact Superconductive Connection Structure between SQUID and Pickup Coil (SQUID와 검출코일의 초전도 결합방식이 개선된 1차 권선형 미분계 시스템)

  • Lee, Y.H.;Yu, K.K.;Kim, J.M.;Kwon, H.;Kim, K.;Park, Y.K.
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2007
  • In order to have a superconductive connection between the wire-wound pickup coil and input coil, typically Nb terminal blocks with screw holes are used. Since this connection structure occupies large volume, large stray pickup area can be generated which can pickup external noise fields. Thus, SQUID and connection block are shielded inside a superconducting tube, and this SQUID module is located at some distance from the distal coil of the gradiometer to minimize the distortion or imbalance of uniform background field due to the superconducting module. To operate this conventional SQUID module, we need a higher liquid He level, resulting in shorter refill interval. To make the fabrication of gradiometers simpler and refill interval longer, we developed a novel method of connecting the pickup coil into the input coil. Gradiometer coil wound of 0.125-mm diameter NbTi wires were glued close to the input coil pads of SQUID. The superconductive connection was made using an ultrasonic bonding of annealed 0.025-mm diameter Nb wires, bonded directly on the surface of NbTi wires where insulation layer was stripped out. The reliability of the superconductive bonding was good enough to sustain several thermal cycling. The stray pickup area due to this connection structure is about $0.1\;mm^2$, much smaller than the typical stray pickup area using the conventional screw block method. By using this compact connection structure, the position of the SQUID sensor is only about 20-30 mm from the distal coil of the gradiometer. Based on this compact module, we fabricated a magnetocardiography system having 61 first-order axial gradiometers, and measured MCG signals. The gradiometers have a coil diameter of 20 mm, and the baseline is 70 mm. The 61 axial gradiometer bobbins were distributed in a hexagonal lattice structure with a sensor interval of 26 mm, measuring $dB_z/dz$ component of magnetocardiography signals.

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Interpretation of Finite HMD Source EM Data using Cagniard Impedance (Cagniard 임피던스를 이용한 수평 자기쌍극자 송신원 전자탐사 자료의 해석)

  • Kwon Hyoung-Seok;Song Yoonho;Seol Soon-Jee;Son Jeong-Sul;Suh Jung-Hee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.108-117
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    • 2002
  • We have introduced a new approach to obtain the conductivity information of subsurface using Cagniard impedance over two-dimensional (2-D) model in the presence of horizontal magnetic dipole source with the frequency range of $1\;kHz\~1\;MHz$. Firstly, we designed the method to calculate the apparent resistivity from the ratio between horizontal electric and magnetic fields, Cagniard impedance, considering the source effects when the plane wave assumption is failed in finite source EM problem, and applied it to several numerical models such as homogeneous half-space or layered-earth model. It successfully provided subsurface information even though it is still rough, while the one with plane wave assumption is hard to give useful information. Next, through analyzing Cagniard impedance and apparent resistivity considering source effect over 2-D models containing conductive- or resistive-block, we showed that the possibility of obtaining conductivities of background media and anomaly using this approach. In addition, the apparent resistivity considering source effect and phase pseudosections constructed from Cagniard impedance over the isolated conductive- and resistive block model well demonstrated outlines of anomalies and conductivity distribution even though there were some distortions came from sidelobes caused by 2-D body.

Present and Future of Thermoplastic Elastomers As Environmentally Friendly Organic Materials (친환경 유기 소재로서 열가소성 탄성체의 오늘과 내일)

  • Choi, Eun-Ji;Yoon, Ji-Hwan;Jo, Jung-Kyu;Shim, Sang-Eun;Yun, Ju-Ho;Kim, Il
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.170-187
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    • 2010
  • Much interest on the thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) has recently been attracted in commercial fields as well as scientific and applied researches. The TPEs have their own characteristic area especially in relation with block copolymers as well as many other polymeric materials, since they show interesting features displayed by the conventional vulcanized rubber, and at the same time, by the thermoplastics. In addition, they are characterized by a set of interesting properties inherent to block and graft copolymers, variety of blends and vulcanized materials. The importance of TPE as organic materials can be evaluated by the number of published reports (papers, patents, technical reports, etc). The input of the concept 'thermoplastic elastomer' to SciFinderScholar yields 18,508 results between 1939 and July 10, 2010, and the number increased exponentially after the mid of 1990. For the suitable introduction of the TPE, historic, scientific, technical and commercial considerations should be taken into account. This review article starts with a brief discussion on historical considerations, followed by a introduction of the main preparations and analytical techniques utilized in chemical, structural, and morphological studies. The properties, processing tools, the position among organic materials, and applications of TPEs are also briefly reviewed. Finally, the most probable trends of their future development are discussed in a short final remarks.

Computed Tomographic Simulation of Craniospinal Irradiation (전산화 단층 촬영 장치를 이용한 뇌척수 조사의 치료 계획)

  • Lee CI;Kim HN;Oh TY;Hwang DS;Park NS;Kye CS;Kim YS
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 1999
  • The aim of this study is to improve the accuracy of field placement and junction between adjacent fields and block shielding through the use of a computed tomography(CT) simulator and virtual simulation. The information was acquired by assessment of Alderson Rando phantom image using CT simulator (I.Q. Xtra - Picker), determination of each field by virtual fluoroscopy of voxel IQ workstation AcQsim and colored critical structures that were obtained by contouring in virtual simulation. And also using a coronal, sagittal and axial view can determine the field and adjacent field gap correctly without calculation during the procedure. With the treatment planning by using the Helax TMS 4.0, the dose in the junction among the adjacent fields and the spinal cord and cribriform plate of the critical structure was evaluated by the dose volume histogram. The pilot image of coronal and sagittal view took about 2minutes and 26minutes to get 100 images. Image translation to the virtual simulation workstation took about 6minutes. Contouring a critical structure such as cribriform plate, spinal cord using a virtual fluoroscopy were eligible to determine a correct field and shielding. The process took about 20 minutes. As the result of the Helax planning, the dose distribution in adjacent field junction was ideal, and the dose level shows almost 100 percentage in the dose volume histogram of the spinal cord and cribriform plate CT simulation can get a correct therapy area due to enhancement of critical structures such as spinal cord and cribriform plate. In addition, using a Spiral CT scanner can be saved a lot of time to plan a simulation therefore this function can reduce difficulties to keep the patient position without any movements to the patient, physician and radiotherapy technician.

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The effect of Camelina sativa (L.) cv. Crantz Seed Yield according to Seeding Rate and Chemical Fertilization (파종량과 비료 시용이 봄 재배용 카멜리나 종자 생산량에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Min-Woo;Choi, Chung-Won;Wu, Ming-Gen;Lee, Sang-Hyeob
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this study was comparison of seed yields according to different seeding rates, seeding time and application of chemical fertilizations in Yanji region of China. The experiment was conducted on commercial farmland at Yanji region in 2013. All the experimental fields were designed following randomized block design with 3 replicates. The plant spacing was applied as $65{\times}1cm$ distance. To check the effect of seeding rate, two different seeding rate, 0.2 kg/0.1ha and 0.5 kg/0.1ha were applied. The higher seed yield was observed in low seeding rate (0.2 kg/0.1ha). The application of fertilizer (mixture of N and P) showed different results following different experimental fields. However, there were little positive effects following fertilizer application into commercial farmland. When we compare seed yields between two different seeding dates, $4^{th}$ May and $29^{th}$ May, the earlier seeding date ($4^{th}$ May) showed higher seed yields. In considering these results, low seeding rate and early seeding time is important for getting high camelina seed yields.

Verification of Spatial Resolution in DMC Imagery using Bar Target (Bar 타겟을 이용한 DMC 영상의 공간해상력 검증)

  • Lee, Tae Yun;Lee, Jae One;Yun, Bu Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.485-492
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    • 2012
  • Today, a digital airborne imaging sensor plays an important role in construction of the numerous National Spatial Data Infrastructure. However, an appropriate quality assesment procedure for the acquired digital images should be preceded to make them useful data with high precision and reliability. A lot of studies therefore have been conducted in attempt to assess quality of digital images at home and abroad. In this regard, many test fields have been already established and operated to calibrate digital photogrammetric airborne imaging systems in Europe and America. These test fields contain not only GCPs(Ground Control Points) to test geometric performance of a digital camera but also various types of targets to evaluate its spatial and radiometric resolution. The purpose of this paper is to present a method to verify the spatial resolution of the Intergraph DMC digital camera and its results based on an experimental field testing. In field test, a simple bar target to be easily identified in image is used to check the spatial resolution. Images, theoretically designed to 12cm GSD(Ground Sample Distance), were used to calculate the actual resolution for all sub-images and virtual images in flight direction as well as in cross flight direction. The results showed that the actual image resolution was about 0.6cm worse than theoretically expected resolution. In addition, the greatest difference of 1.5cm between them was found in the image of block edge.