• Title/Summary/Keyword: automatic modeling

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Spherical-Coordinate-Based Guiding System for Automatic 3D Shape Scanning (3D 형상정보 자동 수집을 위한 구면좌표계식 스캐닝 시스템)

  • Park, Sang Wook;Maeng, Hee-Young;Lee, Myoung Sang;Kwon, Kil Sun;Na, Mi-Sun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.38 no.9
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    • pp.1029-1036
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    • 2014
  • Several types of automatic 3D scanners are available for use in the 3D scanning industry, e.g., an automatic 3D scanner that uses a robot arm and one that uses an automatic rotary table. Specifically, these scanners are used to obtain a 3D shape using automatic assisting devices. Most of these scanners are required to perform numerous operations, such as merging, aligning, trimming, and filling holes. We are interested in developing an automatic 3D shape collection device using a spherical-coordinate-based guiding system. Then, the aim of the present study is to design an automatic guiding system that can automatically collect 3D shape data. We develop a 3D model of this system and measuring data which are collected by a personal computer. An optimal design of this system and the geometrical accuracy of the measured data are both evaluated using 3D modeling software. The developed system is then applied to an object having a highly complex shape and manifold sections. Our simulation results demonstrate that the developed system collects higher-quality 3D data than the conventional method.

The Role of Spreadsheet in Teaching Function and Modeling Activity (함수 지도와 수학적 모델링 활동에서 스프레드시트의 활용)

  • Son, Hong-Chan;Lew, Hee-Chan
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.505-522
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    • 2005
  • In this article we studied the role of spreadsheet in teaching function and modeling activity by some examples and students' activity performed by the six 10th graders. We especially focused the role of spreadsheet in understanding of various kinds of functions and the families of functions, and in the explanation of the given modeling problem situations. The functions of automatic copy, graphic and the cell reference of spreadsheet can be used to make students observe the causes and effects of changes of the various kind of mathematical representations of functions such as algebraic formulas, tables and graphs. Especially those functions give students a chance to identify family of functions by changing the parameters and this may lead them to the discovery of mathematical facts. In modeling activities they play a key role in the stages of the analysis of the model, explanation of the results of model and conjecture of the real world situations. As well as they make students find the rules underlying in the real world by making spreadsheet as simulation environments, which are almost impossible to make in paper and pencil environments, and give them a chance to justify their findings using mathematics.

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Automatic Prioritization of Requirements using Topic Modeling and Stakeholder Needs-Artifacts (토픽 모델링과 이해관계자 요구 산출물을 이용한 요구사항 자동 우선순위화)

  • Jang, Jong-In;Baik, Jongmoon
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.196-203
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    • 2016
  • Due to the limitations of budget, resources, and time invested in a project, software requirements should be prioritized and be implemented in order of importance. Existing approaches to prioritizing requirements mostly depend on human decisions. The manual prioritization process is based on intensive interactions with the stakeholders, thus raising the issues of scalability and biased prioritization. To solve these problems, we propose a fully automated requirements prioritization approach, ToMSN (Topic Modeling Stakeholder Needs for requirements prioritization), by topic modeling the stakeholder needs-artifacts earned in the requirements elicitation phase. The requirements dataset of a 30,000-user system was utilized for the performance evaluation. ToMSN showed competitive prioritizing accuracy with existing approaches without human aids, therefore solving scalability and biased prioritization issues.

Remote Sensing Information Models for Sediment and Soil

  • Ma, Ainai
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.739-744
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    • 2002
  • Recently we have discovered that sediments should be separated from lithosphere, and soil should be separated from biosphere, both sediment and soil will be mixed sediments-soil-sphere (Seso-sphere), which is using particulate mechanics to be solved. Erosion and sediment both are moving by particulate matter with water or wind. But ancient sediments will be erosion same to soil. Nowadays, real soil has already reduced much more. Many places have only remained sediments that have ploughed artificial farming layer. Thus it means sediments-soil-sphere. This paper discusses sediments-soil-sphere erosion modeling. In fact sediments-soil-sphere erosion is including water erosion, wind erosion, melt-water erosion, gravitational water erosion, and mixed erosion. We have established geographical remote sensing information modeling (RSIM) for different erosion that was using remote sensing digital images with geographical ground truth water stations and meteorological observatories data by remote sensing digital images processing and geographical information system (GIS). All of those RSIM will be a geographical multidimensional gray non-linear equation using mathematics equation (non-dimension analysis) and mathematics statistics. The mixed erosion equation is more complex that is a geographical polynomial gray non-linear equation that must use time-space fuzzy condition equations to be solved. RSIM is digital image modeling that has separated physical factors and geographical parameters. There are a lot of geographical analogous criterions that are non-dimensional factor groups. The geographical RSIM could be automatic to change them analogous criterions to be fixed difference scale maps. For example, if smaller scale maps (1:1000 000) that then will be one or two analogous criterions and if larger scale map (1:10 000) that then will be four or five analogous criterions. And the geographical parameters that are including coefficient and indexes will change too with images. The geographical RSIM has higher precision more than mathematics modeling even mathematical equation or mathematical statistics modeling.

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Waveform Simulation of Full-Waveform LIDAR (풀웨이브폼 라이다의 반사파형 시뮬레이션)

  • Kim, Seong-Joon;Lee, Im-Pyeong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2010
  • The LIDAR data can be efficiently utilized for automatic reconstruction of 3D models of objects on the terrain and the terrain itself. In this paper, we attempted to generate simulated waveforms of FW (Full-Waveform) LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging). We performed the geometric modeling of the sensor and objects, and the radiometric modeling of the waveform intensity. First, we compute the origins and directions of the sub-beams by considering the divergence effects of a laser beam. We then searched for the locations at which the sub-beams intersected with the objects, such as ground, buildings and trees. Finally, we generate the individual waveforms of the reflected sub-beams and the waveform of the entire beam by summing the individual ones. With the experimental results, we confirmed the waveforms were reasonably generated, showing the characteristics of the surfaces the beam interacted with.

A Study on Automatic Classification of Class Diagram Images (클래스 다이어그램 이미지의 자동 분류에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong Kwan
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2022
  • UML class diagrams are used to visualize the static aspects of a software system and are involved from analysis and design to documentation and testing. Software modeling using class diagrams is essential for software development, but it may be not an easy activity for inexperienced modelers. The modeling productivity could be improved with a dataset of class diagrams which are classified by domain categories. To this end, this paper provides a classification method for a dataset of class diagram images. First, real class diagrams are selected from collected images. Then, class names are extracted from the real class diagram images and the class diagram images are classified according to domain categories. The proposed classification model has achieved 100.00%, 95.59%, 97.74%, and 97.77% in precision, recall, F1-score, and accuracy, respectively. The accuracy scores for the domain categorization are distributed between 81.1% and 95.2%. Although the number of class diagram images in the experiment is not large enough, the experimental results indicate that it is worth considering the proposed approach to class diagram image classification.

A Study on Applying a Consistent UML Model to Naval Combat System Software Using Model Verification System

  • Jung, Seung-Mo;Lee, Woo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2022
  • Recently, a model-based development method centered on highly readable and standardized UML (Unified Modeling Language) models has been applied to solve unclear communications in large-scale software development. However, it is difficult to apply consistent UML models depending on software developers' proficiency, understanding of models and modeling tools. In this paper, we propose a method for developing a Model Verification System to apply an consistent UML model to software development. Then, the developed Model Verification System is partially applied to the Naval Combat System Software development to prove its function. The Model Verification System provides automatic verification of models created by developers according to domain characteristics. If the Model Verification System proposed in this paper is used, It has the advantage of being able to apply the consistent UML model more easily to Naval Combat System Software Development.

Application Possibility of Control Points Extracted from Ortho Images and DTED Level 2 for High Resolution Satellite Sensor Modeling (정사영상과 DTED Level 2 자료에서 자동 추출한 지상기준점의 IKONOS 위성영상 모델링 적용 가능성 연구)

  • Lee, Tae-Yoon;Kim, Tae-Jung;Park, Wan-Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.103-109
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    • 2007
  • Ortho images and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) have been applied in various fields. It is necessary to acquire Ground Control Points (GCPs) for processing high resolution satellite images. However surveying GCPs require many time and expense. This study was performed to investigate whether GCPs automatically extracted from ortho images and DTED Level 2 can be applied to sensor modeling for high resolution satellite images. We analyzed the performance of the sensor model established by GCPs extracted automatically. We acquired GCPs by matching satellite image against ortho images. We included the height acquired from DTED Level 2 data in these GCPs. The spatial resolution of the DTED Level 2 data is about 30m. Absolution accuracy of this data is below 18m above MSL. The spatial resolution of ortho image is 1m. We established sensor model from IKONOS images using GCPs extracted automatically and generated DEMs from the images. The accuracy of sensor modeling is about $4{\sim}5$ pixel. We also established sensor models using GCPs acquired based on GPS surveying and generated DEMs. Two DEMs were similar. The RMSE of height from the DEM by automatic GCPs and DTED Level 2 is about 9 m. So we think that GCPs by DTED Level 2 and ortho image can use for IKONOS sensor modeling.

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A Study on the Automatic Detection of Railroad Power Lines Using LiDAR Data and RANSAC Algorithm (LiDAR 데이터와 RANSAC 알고리즘을 이용한 철도 전력선 자동탐지에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Wang Gyu;Choi, Byoung Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.331-339
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    • 2013
  • LiDAR has been one of the widely used and important technologies for 3D modeling of ground surface and objects because of its ability to provide dense and accurate range measurement. The objective of this research is to develop a method for automatic detection and modeling of railroad power lines using high density LiDAR data and RANSAC algorithms. For detecting railroad power lines, multi-echoes properties of laser data and shape knowledge of railroad power lines were employed. Cuboid analysis for detecting seed line segments, tracking lines, connecting and labeling are the main processes. For modeling railroad power lines, iterative RANSAC and least square adjustment were carried out to estimate the lines parameters. The validation of the result is very challenging due to the difficulties in determining the actual references on the ground surface. Standard deviations of 8cm and 5cm for x-y and z coordinates, respectively are satisfactory outcomes. In case of completeness, the result of visual inspection shows that all the lines are detected and modeled well as compare with the original point clouds. The overall processes are fully automated and the methods manage any state of railroad wires efficiently.

Evaluation of Practical Requirements for Automated Detailed Design Module of Interior Finishes in Architectural Building Information Model (건축 내부 마감부재의 BIM 기반 상세설계 자동화를 위한 실무적 요구사항 분석)

  • Hong, Sunghyun;Koo, Bonsang;Yu, Youngsu;Ha, Daemok;Won, Youngkwon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2022
  • Although the use of BIM in architectural projects has increased, repetitive modeling tasks and frequent design errors remain as obstacles to the practical application of BIM. In particular, interior finishing elements include the most varied and detailed requirements, and thus requires improving its modelling efficiency and resolving potential design errors. Recently, visual programming-based modules has gained traction as a way to automate a series of repetitive modeling tasks. However, existing approaches do not adequately reflect the practical modeling needs and focus only on replacing siimple, repetitive tasks. This study developed and evaluated the performance of three modules for automatic detailing of walls, floors and ceilings. The three elements were selected by analyzing the man-hours and the number of errors that typically occur when detailing BIM models. The modules were then applied to automatically detail a sample commercial facility BIM model. Results showed that the implementations met the practical modeling requirements identified by actual modelers of an construction management firm.