• Title/Summary/Keyword: Web data

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Connection of PDM System and Web-Based CAE Supporting System for Small and Medium Enterprises (중소기업을 위한 제품정보관리 시스템과 웹기반 CAE 지원 시스템의 연동)

  • Bang, Je-Sung;Lee, Jai-Kyung;Han, Seung-Ho;Park, Seong-Whan;Lee, Tae-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.459-468
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    • 2008
  • A web-based Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) supporting system is connected with a Product Data Management (PDM) system for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) suffering from the lack of building hardware, software and related experts. An analysis of current business models and worksite requirements provides an improved process model and data to be shared between the PDM system and the CAE supporting system. Since all engineering tasks such as geometric modeling, mesh generation, static stress and modal analysis, and fatigue durability analysis are automated in the CAE supporting system, the user in charge of the CAE have only to configure the concerned values of design variables and result data through the web page. The existing Change Management module of the PDM system is modified for seamless data exchange, i.e. sending the Engineering Change Order (ECO) data to the CAE supporting system and receiving the CAE result data bark. The hi-directional data transfers between the PDM system and the CAE supporting system is made possible by adaptors bused on the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). The current approach will be very helpful for SMEs that only have the PDM system and have no adequate infrastructure for CAE.

Developing a Multi-purpose Ecotoxicity Database Model and Web-based Searching System for Ecological Risk Assessment of EDCs in Korea (웹 기반 EDCs 생태 독성 자료베이스 모델 및 시스템 개발)

  • Kwon, Bareum;Lee, Hunjoo
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.412-421
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: To establish a system for integrated risk assessment of EDCs in Korea, infrastructure for providing toxicity data of ecological media should be established. Some systems provide soil ecotoxicity databases along with aquatic ecotoxicity information, but a well-structured ecotoxicity database system is still lacking. Methods: Aquatic and soil ecotoxicological information were collected by a toxicologist based on a human readable data (HRD) format for collecting ecotoxicity data that we provided. Among these data, anomalies were removed according to database normalization theory. Also, the data were cleaned and encoded to establish a machine-readable data (MRD) ecotoxicity database system. Results: We have developed a multi-purpose ecotoxicity database model focusing on EDCs, ecological species, and toxic effects. Also, we have constructed a web-based data searching system to retrieve, extract, and download data with greater availability. Conclusions: The results of our study will contribute to decision-making as a tool for efficient ecological risk assessment of EDCs in Korea.

Spatio-Temporal Semantic Sensor Web based on SSNO (SSNO 기반 시공간 시맨틱 센서 웹)

  • Shin, In-Su;Kim, Su-Jeong;Kim, Jeong-Joon;Han, Ki-Joon
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2014
  • According to the recent development of the ubiquitous computing environment, the use of spatio-temporal data from sensors with GPS is increasing, and studies on the Semantic Sensor Web using spatio-temporal data for providing different kinds of services are being actively conducted. Especially, the W3C developed the SSNO(Semantic Sensor Network Ontology) which uses sensor-related standards such as the SWE(Sensor Web Enablement) of OGC and defines classes and properties for expressing sensor data. Since these studies are available for the query processing about non-spatio-temporal sensor data, it is hard to apply them to spatio-temporal sensor data processing which uses spatio-temporal data types and operators. Therefore, in this paper, we developed the SWE based on SSNO which supports the spatio-temporal sensor data types and operators expanding spatial data types and operators in "OpenGIS Simple Feature Specification for SQL" by OGC. The system receives SensorML(Sensor Model Language) and O&M (Observations and Measurements) Schema and converts the data into SSNO. It also performs the efficient query processing which supports spatio-temporal operators and reasoning rules. In addition, we have proved that this system can be utilized for the web service by applying it to a virtual scenario.

Interoperability Framework between GRID and PACS based on Web Services (웹서비스 기반의 Grid-PACS 상호운용성 프레임워크)

  • Lee, Bong-Hwan;Cho, Hyun-Sug
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.1799-1808
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    • 2010
  • Recently the increasing collaborative research requires the remote medical and clinical data sharing and access of external institutions. In this paper, an interoperability framework between Grid and PACS using Web services is proposed and implemented in order to provide flexible and efficient medical data management. The Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine(DICOM) standard defines medical image data exchange and transfer between PACSs and image databases. However, medical data exchange between hospitals is limited within the trusted and static environments. Moreover, DICOM does not provide medical data management and the Grid middleware does not include standard toolkit to access DICOM data. To address this issue, a Web services-based Grid Service Mediator (WGSM) which provides PACS integration and medical image data management is developed. The WGSM consists of several service mediators such as compress mediator, GridFTP mediator, RFT mediator, MyProxy mediator, MDS mediator, and RLS mediator and others. The proposed Web services-based framework provides user authentication and secure data access between PACSs in collaborative environments. In particular, the WGSM allows ordinary users to access remote PACS data in a simple and efficient manner without any the knowledge about underlying Grid middleware.

Design and Implementation of an Educational RSS Sharing System for e-Learning 2.0

  • Lee, Myung-Jin;Oh, Sun-Jin;Bae, Ihn-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.851-865
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    • 2008
  • Recently, the Web 2.0 and RSS techniques have gained enormous attention in the Internet and e-Learning fields. In this paper, we design a RSS system on the Web 2,0 base for e-Learning, and implement the educational RSS information sharing system for back-to-basic curriculum of secondary schools that is called EduRSS. Our EduRSS can create web feed file with RSS format from learning blogs for back-to-basic curriculum, and share it with other users conveniently. In addition, it also provide the recommendation function to improve the reliability of the RSS feed resources.

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Development of a Web-based Powertrain Performance Simulation System (웹기반 자동차 동력전달계 성능 시뮬레이션 시스템 개발)

  • 한형석;이계경
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.100-107
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    • 2004
  • The development of a Web-based powertrain performance simulation system is introduced. The development approach of system architecture and each module is introduced along with the H/W and S/W used. The interface with all users is developed via a JAVA Applet. The powertrain modeling and other job history data of a user is managed systematically on the server by database to increase the reusability of the data. A self-developed program using object-oriented programming is used as a solver for the performance simulation. The graph tool for the analysis of simulation results has the collaboration support developed based on JAVA so that synchronous users can view the same result. As a result, the powertrain simulation is possible only with Web-browser for the user and the collaboration support among the relevant engineers is possible.

Differentiated Service for Hypermedia data on the Web (하이퍼미디어 데이터를 위한 차별화된 서비스 연구)

  • Rhee, Yoon-Jung;Kim, Tai-Yun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2001.10b
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    • pp.1481-1484
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    • 2001
  • Most implementations of HTTP servers do not distinguish among requests for hypermedia data from different clients. Commercialization of Web site is becoming increasingly common. Therefore providing quality of service with members paying to the site is often an important issue for the hosts. For some uses, such as web prefetching or multiple priority schemes, different levels of service are desirable. We propose server-side TCP connection management mechanisms to provide two different levels of Web service, high and regular levels by setting different timeout for inactive connection. Therefore this mechanism can effectively provide different service classes even in the absence of operating system and network support.

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Scaling Reuse Detection in the Web through Two-way Boosting with Signatures and LSH

  • Kim, Jong Wook
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.735-745
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    • 2013
  • The emergence of Web 2.0 technologies, such as blogs and wiki, enable even naive users to easily create and share content on the Web using freely available content sharing tools. Wide availability of almost free data and promiscuous sharing of content through social networking platforms created a content borrowing phenomenon, where the same content appears (in many cases in the form of extensive quotations) in different outlets. An immediate side effect of this phenomenon is that identifying which content is re-used by whom is becoming a critical tool in social network analysis, including expert identification and analysis of information flow. Internet-scale reuse detection, however, poses extremely challenging scalability issues: considering the large size of user created data on the web, it is essential that the techniques developed for content-reuse detection should be fast and scalable. Thus, in this paper, we propose a $qSign_{lsh}$ algorithm, a mechanism for identifying multi-sentence content reuse among documents by efficiently combining sentence-level evidences. The experiment results show that $qSign_{lsh}$ significantly improves the reuse detection speed and provides high recall.

Remote Patient Monitoring Service through World-Wide Web (Web을 통한 원격 환자 모니터링 서비스)

  • Lee, H.S.;Park, S.H.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1997 no.05
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    • pp.188-191
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, we present a real-time remote patient monitoring service through world-wide web, which allows the medical doctor to monitor his patients in remote sites using popular web browsers. The real-time service consists of two services: Patient Locator Service (PLS) and Vital Sign Monitoring Service (VSMS). The PLS provides the information of patients currently being monitored. The VSMS allows the user to observe a stream of vital sign data of a specific patient. The vital sign data include ECG, respiration, temperature, $SPO_2$, invasive blood pressure and non-invasive blood pressure.

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An Efficient Scheme for Web Services Performance Improvement (웹 서비스 성능 개선 방안)

  • Huh Eui-Nam;Lee Pil-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes a novel Web Services enhancement method, which enhances XML based e-commerce and Web Services securely and efficiently. Recently, the ratio of XML Denial of Services (XDOS) is increased significantly However, XML data is visible only at the target application site or the application layer. Thus, an efficient and secure mechanism handling XML data on the network layer to provide fast performance on the server and protect XDOS at network level is strongly required basic component. This paper presents many issues and gives useful results from the various experiments to support an implemented XAN platform.

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