• Title/Summary/Keyword: Village residents

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The Activation Plan of an Agricultural Region through Resident Participation - Focusing on Jeongeupsi Naejangsangdong - (주민참여를 통한 농촌중심지 활성화 방안 연구 - 정읍시 내장상동을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Hyung-Eun;Kim, Young-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2015
  • Village-concentrated agricultural regional development projects that aim for increased profits are now being aimed at core agricultural and fishing areas. These agricultural and fishing stimulus projects aim to not only increase the net profit of local citizens but also improve their living conditions. As the industry itself has changed, local rural areas have also changed in various ways. One such aspect is the emergence of rural-urban complexes known as "rurban" areas. These naturally occurring rurban regions are created by a combination of complex urban infrastructure while maintaining the insulated rural communities that agricultural areas are usually so readily identified by. "Jeongeupsi Naejangsnagdong", the target of this research, also specifies the unaltered surrounding natural environment of rural areas while at the same time containing complex central living areas typically found in urban areas. This research suggests that the direction of residents' participation in community-level rurban projects could solve the problems found in existing top-down government development projects. This research also suggests rurban area activation plans to improve living conditions through analysis of both local rurban agricultural characteristics and citizen demands. In order to encourage citizen autonomy and self-governing attitudes, citizen-strengthening workshop programs are proposed, such as citizen workshops or pilot activities. This research was carried out by target area analysis, rudimentary planning, development direction setting, detailed project planning, and finally project processing. This procedure established three goals, which are walking environment improvement, community infrastructure establishment, and good living environment establishments, based on actual site research and citizen demands. This research suggests plans to activate community groups that were already established and reflect citizen needs as the main avenues for local businesses. This research is predicted to promote more active and successful growth through autonomy in stimulating these increasingly emerging rurban agricultural regions.

Economic Valuation of the Ecosystem Services in Seocheon Intertidal Mudflats (선택실험을 이용한 서천갯벌의 생태계서비스 경제가치 추정 연구)

  • Choi, Andy Sungnok;Oh, Chi-Ok
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.233-260
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    • 2018
  • The West Coast is known as one of the world's three largest intertidal mudflats but the mudflat ecosystems have been constantly destroyed by various reclamation projects and industrial complexes. This study intends to estimate the economic values of major ecosystem services provided by the Seocheon intertidal flats using a choice modeling method. The benefits of the intertidal flats are categorized as four different attributes: number of migratory birds (related to biodiversity and cultural services), production of fish and shellfish (regulating services and habitats), tourism activities (cultural services), and number of fishing households in local communities (cultural services). Study results show that the general public enjoys the economic benefits of 1.777 trillion won (900 million won/hectare) as of 2015 in order to preserve 1,200ha of Seocheon mudflat. Assuming that future generations continue to enjoy these economic benefits of mudflat conservation, the annual value converted is about 64.7 billion won/year, corresponding to 53.9 million won/hectare per year. Individuals are willing to pay are expected to maintain their entire life in the 1,000 households living in the Seocheon tidal-flat fishing village, with an average of 11,000 won per person and an additional 50,000 tourist activities per year. It was estimated to have the amount of payment of 9,000 won. An individual's marginal willingness to pay was estimated to be about 11,000 won per year for supporting a total of 1,000 fishing households, 6,000 won to provide tourism activities of 50,000 visitors, and 9,000 won to provide the habitats of 90,000 migratory birds. For segmentation analysis, residents of Seocheon did not place significant values for the attributes besides migratory bird conservation. However, those of Gunsan showed relatively low margtinal willingness to pay for conservation of migratory birds and fishing villages but showed similar preferences for the maintenance of tourism activities compared to the general public. The results imply that the introduction of economic incentive system is needed to effectively manage and conserve ecosystem services of specific intertidal flats.

Improved Preservation Methods for Big and Old Tress in South Korea (우리 나라의 노거수자원(老巨樹資源) 보호관리실태(保護管理室態) 및 개선방안(改善方案))

  • Park, Chong-Min;Seo, Byun-Soo;Lee, Cheong-Taek
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.89 no.3
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    • pp.440-451
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted in order to provide essential data and relevant management proposal to conserve and maintain big and old trees in a rational way. For the field survey, 77 big and old trees preserved by the laws in Chollabuk-do, Korea were investigated. The study results are summarized as follows : 1. To conserve and manage big and old trees, the valuable trees have been designated as natural monument trees and protection-needed trees. There are 141 individuals of 37 species designated as natural monuments and 10,049 individuals of 102 species designated as protection-needed trees. 2. Management budget for natural monument trees was devoted at 70% from the national expenditure, but that for protection-needed trees was devoted at 98% from the local expenditure. 3. Standardized sign boards and sign stones for natural monument trees were well placed and other protection facilities such as fences, branch supports and branch holdings were established. On the other hand, management of protection-needed trees was deficient overall. 4. Problems for designation process and management of protection-needed trees could include items such as insufficient management budget, various development activities, land ownership, misjudgement of tree age and species identification, unsatisfaction of sign board placement, insufficient surgery for damaged trees, pavement around tree root system and environmental pollution around the trees. 5. In order to improve the existing management methods of big and old trees, the following schemes were suggested : the development of practical criteria for natural monument and protection-needed trees, nationwide surveys of big and old tree resources, the security of national budget, securing sufficient spaces for the tree growth, specialization of management systems, extended practices of tree form management, establishment of permanent standard signs and consideration of opinions of village residents.

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Ethnosientific Approach of Health Practice in Korea (한국인의 건강관행에 대한 민속과학적 접근)

  • 김귀분;최연희
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.396-417
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    • 1991
  • In order that nursing care an essential quality of nursing practice be acceptable and satisfying, it is necessary that client's culture be respected and that nursing practice be appropriate to that culture. Since cultural elements are an important influence on health practices and life patterns related to medical treatment, recovery from and prevention of disease, nurses need to have an understanding and knowledge of social and cultural phenomena to aid in the planning of nursing interventions. To understand the health practices surrounding health and illness, the health beliefs and practices of both folk and professional healing systems should be ascertained. Cultural data are required to provide care of high quality to clients and to reduce possible conflict between the client and the nurse. It is nursing's goal to provide clients from various cultures with quality nursing care which is satisfying and valuable. The problem addressed by this study was to identify Korean health practices which would contribute to the planning of professional caring practice with the culture : ultimately this study was intended to make a contribution to the development of the science of nursing. The concrete objectives of this study were ; 1) to identify Korean health practices, 2) to interpret the identitial health practices through traditional cultural thought, and 3) to compare the Korean health practices with those of other cultures. The investigator used the ethnosceintific approach outlined by spradly in a qualitative study. To discover ancestral wisdom and knowledge related to traditional health practeces, the subjects of this study were selected from residents of a small rural mountain village in south west Korea, a place considered to be maintaining and transmitting the traditional culture in a relatively well -preserved state because of being isolated from the modern world. The number of subjects was 18, aged 71 to 89. Research data were collected from January 8 to March 31, 1990. Five categories of health practices were identified : “Manage one's own mind”, “Moderation in all thing”, “Live in accord with nature”, “Live in mutuality with others”, and “Live to the best of one's ability”. Values derived from these ways of thinking from Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism help fashion a traditional way of life, examplified by the saying “Benifience to all”. Korean thought and philosophy is influenced primerily by Confucianism, Confucian principles of ethics, embedded deeply in the peoples' minds, form the idea that “heaven and human being are intimately united” based on concept that “heaven is, so to speak, reason”. Twoe Gae's theory of existential subjectivity develops the concept of self which is the basis of the spirit of reverence in modern Confucian philosophy. The human md is granted from heaven out of the idea of matter, and what control the mind is the spirit of reverence. Hence the idea of “The primacy of the mind" and provided that one should control one's own mind. The precepts of duty to parents, respect for elders and worship of ancestors, and moderation in all behavior put a restraint on life which directed that one live earnestly according to Nature's laws with their neighbors. Not only Confucianism, but also Buddism and Taoism have had an important effect upon these patterns of ideas. When compared with western culture, Korean health practices tend to be more inclusive, abstract and intuitive while westerner health practices found to be mere concrete, practical and personal. Values and beliefs based and pragmatism and existentialism infuence western civilization, Ethical values may be founded on utilitarianism, which considers what is good for the persons in their circumstances as the basis of conduct and takes a serious view of their practical lives including human aspirations rather than an absolute truth. These philosophical and ethical ideas are foundations for health practices related to active, practical and progressive attitudes. This study should be enable nursing not only to understand clients as reflections of the traditional culture when planning nursing practice, but to dovelop health education corresponding to cultural requiments for the purpose of protection against disease and improvement of health, and thus promote sound health practice. Eventually it is hoped that through these processes quality nursing care as the central idea of the science of nursing will be achieved.

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A Case Study on High and Low Performance Areas for Family Planning (가족계획 우수.부진지역 사례연구)

  • 홍성열;김태일
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.105-130
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    • 1981
  • This study was conducted to compare the characteristics of high performane areas for family planning with that of low performance areas and to find factors which strongly affected contraceptive practice behavior. For the study, eight areas were selected from 274 rural family planning canvassing areas of Korean Population Policy and Program Evaluation Study, which was an action study operated in all areas of Cheju Island from July 1, 1976 until December 31,1979. As a first step of the action study, Cheju Island was devided up 318 family planning canvasser areas Each area was consisted of 200 households in rural district and 300 households in urhan one Duriog the period of project, each canvassing area had been managed by a female family planning canvasser, selected by director of health center considering several individual conditions needed for family planning activities Basic activities of canvassers were to counsell all the eligihie couples in own charged area about family planning methods and also to distribute contraceptives such as condoms and oral pills. In case couples desire to accept sterilization including vasectomy and tubal-ligation, the canvassers played a linking role connecting potential client with family planning field workers. Canvassng areas shows significant differentce in performance for family planning, nevertheless they are supposed to have almost the same conditions regarding family planning distribution channel. Because the purpose of the Cheju project was to eliminate all the problems that existed in governmental distribution system, that is to remove geographic, economic, cognitive and administrative barriers Accumulated performances of family planning methods accepted by residents in each area were calculated by eligible women aged 14-49. And then canvassing areas were ranked according to performance score. Consequently, 4 areas in extremely high and low family planning performance areas were selected respectively. Major results were obtained by comparing characteristics of high performance area with that of low performance areas, which are as follows: 1. The mean number of living children was about the same both in high and low performance areas for family planning. But respondents' mean age (38.5) in high performance areas was higher than that (37.0) in low performance areas 2. Respondents' perception in the expectant educational level of others' children in high performance areas was higher than that in low performance areas, although respondents educational level, monthly expenditure and ratio of children in high school and above was not different. 3. Ratio of ownerships of TV and newspaper in high performance areas was highen than that in low performance areas 4. The duration of canvasser' charge in high performance areas was longer than that of low performance areas, showing the fact that canvassers didn't move cut in high performance areas 5. In high performance areas, canvassers' houses were relatively located in the center part of the village. And so villagers resided in near distances from the anvasser's house 6. 4H clubs' activities in high performance areas were more active than those in low performance areas Therefore it was assumed that cohesiveness of community in high performance areas were stronger than that in low areas. 7. Canvassers' family planning practice rate was higher than that in low performance areas, and also canvassers' human relationship was more sociable than that of canvassers in low performance areas. 8. Fourteen variables which showed relatively high significance level in $X^2$ and F test were selected as independent variables for stepwise regression analysis. According to the results of regression analysis. five of 14 variables-distributors education level ($R^2$=.4439), duration of distributor's charge ($R^2$=.6166), 4H club activities ($R^2$=.6697), canvasser's contraceptive practice ($R^2$=.7377) and location of distributions house ($R^2$=.8010) explained 80.1 percent of total variance.

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A Study on the Contents and Distribution of Palgyeong in Gangneung Area (강릉지역 팔경의 내용 및 분포에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Ji-Young;Kim, Sung-Kyun;Sung, Jong-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.16-26
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we collected information on Palgyeong of the Gangneung area that were scattered around several literatures, and analyzed and interpreted regional distribution, elements of scenery and inherent meanings from various angles. we shed light on the origin and the meaning of Palgyeong, which have been passed down in the Gangneung area. Palgyeong of the Gangneung area have been accumulated and expanded for a long period of time, since Goryeo up to the modern times, and it does not simply reflect the beauty of natural scenery, but also reflect historical facts and sentiments rooted in this region. In addition, given the comprehensive veiw of Palgyeong of the Gangneung area and in consideration of its type and distribution of the eight sceneries the most common format is similar to Sosang(瀟湘類似型). What are repeatedly appearing among them include 'smoke from cooking supper' and 'catching fish', showing the living conditions of local residents of Gangneung at the time, which refers to the fact that Palgyeong consisted of village units. Palgyeong in the Gangneung area are distributed in diverse ranges between the city and Nujung. Most of Palgyeong are clustered in the east of Gangneung city and in the region tangent to Gangdong-myeon and Gujeong-myeon. When we consider the situation where most of Palgyeong in the Gangneung area are distributed in this region, it suggests that the region occupies the heart of scenery of Gangneung. Palgyeong of the Gangneung area consists of 60% natural factors, 36% humanity factors, and 4% other factors, where the natural factors hold the beauty of nature itself and the humanities and other factors hold the legends and history contained in the targets. The sceneries expressed by Palgyeong cannot be individually separated. Namedaecheon, Jukdobong, Sumseokcheon, Sumdulmaeul, Gunseongang, Pungho and Kyungpoho were connected to Nujung and Hongjamam, and they eventually became a panorama. Hansongjung, Hwanseondeung, Hansongsa, Pungho and Gunseongang are related to Hwarang of Silla and have become representative historical sceneries of the Gangneung area. Judging from the fact that currently non-existing sceneries such as Kyeonjodo, Hansongjung and Gulsansa remained in Palgyeong and been passed, Palgyeong have positioned imaginary spaces of the Gangneung people beyond simply expressing sceneries. In conclusion, Palgyeong in the Gangneung area are aesthetical objects and while at the same time, they are historical and cultural space, and furthermore, we can see that they still remain as imaginary spaces.

Assessment of Growth Conditions and Maintenance of Law-Protected Trees in Je-cheon City (제천시 보호수의 생육환경 및 관리현황 평가)

  • Yoon, Young-Han;Ju, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2010
  • Law-protected trees are our precious asset as natural resources with history and tradition and natural heritage which should be protected and maintained well to bequeath next generation. Law-protected trees have not only thremmatologic and genetic meaning but also environmental and emotional meaning for their value to be high. This study investigated location, vitality, wrapping condition of root area and status of maintenance of the trees to figure out their growth environment and status of maintenance in a small-middle city through survey on those of law-protected trees in Je-cheon. There showed 300 more year old trees in Je-cheon mostly and the number of trees located in flat fields was the highest. For location type, village, hill and road types were presented in the order and for degree of development, land for building was found most frequently. The average electric resistance of the formative layer was measured to be $8.4k{\Omega}$ and four trees showed bark separation. Most law-protected trees underwent tree surgery, and complete bareness of root area was observed in a tree. The root area of two trees was covered with concrete. pH of soil was recorded to be 5.0~8.4 with its average of 7.1 and electric conductivity(EC) was less than 0.5 dS/m. For status of maintenance rearing facilities were placed for 16 trees out of totally 48 ones and stone fence was done for three ones. Tree surgery was conducted for 33 trees to prevent and to treat decomposed parts of holes. Direction boards were installed for 23 trees. Based on these results, measures to manage systematically law-protected trees in Jecheon could be suggested as follows. First, a sufficient space for growth of low part of trees should be secured. Second, a voluntary management should be induced by advertising them to residents in a community. Third, rearing facilities and direction boards of law-protected trees should be placed and related education should be conducted. Fourth, through operation of the department for law-protected trees consisting of related professions and cooperation among related departments the trees should be maintained continuously.

A Review of Current Status and Placeness on the Yusang-Goksu Ruins in Hwanggak-dong, Geumma, Iksan (익산 금마 황각동 유상곡수 유적 일대의 현황과 장소성에 대한 일고찰)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Han, Min-Soon;Seo, Youn-Mi;Park, Yool-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.20-35
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted on the locational results of the 'Yusanggoksu(流觴曲水)' petroglyphs located in Hwanggak-dong(黃閣洞), Shinsong-ri, Geumma-myeon, Iksan-si through literature study, analysis of old maps and aerial photos, field observations, drone photography, elevation surveys, and interviews with residents. It was attempted for the purpose of illuminating and preserving the relics of the domestic Yusanggoksu garden by clarifying the spatiality of this place by tracing the spatiality and examining the possibility of enjoying the Yusanggoksu water system in this place. The conclusion of this study is as follows. The area around Hwanggak-dong, where the Yusanggoksu remains, has been selected as the most beautiful scenic spot in Iksan in various documents. The origin of 'Hwanggak' is considered to be closely related to the nickname of Uijeongbu(議政府). In other words, he paid attention to the relationship with Yanggok, So Se-yang(蘇世讓), who served as Chan-seong Jwa(左贊成). In particular, he paid attention to the relationship with his birthplace, Taeheojeong, a separate book, and Toehyudang, a retreat hall), tombs, and posthumous Confucian academies were distributed in the vicinity. Haseo-dae(荷鋤臺), a wide rock on which a hoe is hung on a rock after field work, seems to express a leisurely rural life and a simple and hermit life, based on the examples of Chinese and Korean poetry. The dark blood on the upper part of the Seobwi Rock with the inscription 'Yusanggoksu', which is the core of this site, is identified as a chailgong(遮日孔) to support the water system, and Ilgan-pavilion and Mojeong(茅亭) nearby are to support the yusanggoksu. It seems to have performed a spatial function for The inscription 'Hwanggak-dong' engraved on the front of Deungzanbawi is the gateway to Hwanggakdongcheon(黃閣洞天) and identified the idealized world existing in the village. Judging from the documentary records of the Iksan-gun 『Chongswaelog(叢瑣錄)』, the rock letters 'Hwanggak-dong' and 'Haseodae' were engraved on March 29, 1901, the 5th year of Gwangmu, the 5th year of the Korean Empire, by Iksan-gun Governor Oh Haeng-mook(吳宖默) and his acquaintance Seokseong Kim In-gil(金寅吉) Confirmed. Also, considering the tense of Lee Bong-gu's 「Hwanggakdongun(黃閣洞韻)」 and So Jin-deok, a descendant of Yanggok, 「Hwanggakdongsihoe(黃閣洞詩會)」, it is presumed that it was related to Goksuyeon(曲水宴) in Hwanggak-dong. It can be inferred that the current affairs meetings were held at least until the early days of Japanese colonial rule. Meanwhile, the maximum width of the current curved waterway was calculated as 11.3m and the transverse slope was 15.0%. If so, it is estimated that the width and extension distance of the curved waterway would have been much longer. Judging from the use of mochun(暮春), drinking and poetry, the tense 'Hwanggakdongsihoe' related to the Yusanggoksu relics in Hwanggak-dong, and the existence of a pavilion presumed to be Yusangjeong(流觴亭) called Ilgan-pavilion in the nearby Yusanggoksu site It is confirmed that it was a space where Yusanggoksuyeon(流觴曲水宴) spread at least until the end of the Joseon Dynasty. Unfortunately, it remains a limitation of the study that it cannot be confirmed due to lack of data on the rock characters of 'Yusanggoksu' and those who enjoyed it before the end of the Joseon Dynasty. This is an area that needs to be elucidated through continuous efforts to find data on this issue in the future.