• 제목/요약/키워드: View of Form

검색결과 1,367건 처리시간 0.031초

동양회화에 있어서 형상관점의 심미 (The beauty of form in Oriental painting from a realistic point of view)

  • 정진룡
    • 조형예술학연구
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    • 제6권
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    • pp.119-139
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    • 2004
  • The intention of the research is to look into the form reflecting the spiritual image due to Oriental aesthetic from a realistic point of view. In this regard, I will pay attention to examining the process from figurative perspectives, in which painting image by subject acquires the beauty of form. Of the main subjection this paper, figure is an image itself appearing in painting. At this point, I will attempt to show how the meaning and value of image have been interpreted and judged on the aesthetic standard in Oriental painting in particular. For this process, I generalize the conception of the image as 'figure' and through this I will reconsider the standard of understanding and the value of perception regarding painting images on the method which are more applicable to the expressions of Oriental painting. The reason why I try to find out the true nature of images in Oriental painting from a figurative viewpoint is to convert a conventional sense of value which recognizes the images of Oriental painting only as results of idealism, into more practical field. If the true nature of Oriental painting is fixed and restricted to natures of idealism, any productive development and any changes in form for future couldn't be expected at all. In fact, what the ideological and aesthetic values of art suggest is clearly a proof of real art form. However, it is not a hard thing to prospect that only a superficial idealism will be ceaselessly produced, while the practical study about aesthetic values, meaningful results of painting expressions, is totally ignored, if ideology itself is used as criteria to judge the identity of it or if only the idealistic aesthetic values are emphasized while any clue to show a real existence of oriental paintings is not certain. Actually, nobody can deny the fact that interests about real natures regarding art expressions have been relatively ignored while armed with mental ideology for esthetic view of oriental painting in traditionalism Therefore, it is clear that 'spiritual status' itself can generate any form. Traditionally, in the Orient, the standard of judging a real value of things, which put a focus on a spiritual view of value rather than on a materialistic view of it, has been vaguely positioned the identity of images in painting As a result, the aesthetic convention has finally committed to an error that for images of oriental painting, ideological criteria like so called spiritualism are applied as a judging way, and esthetic meanings and values of real painting are considered as strategic results and spiritual intentions.

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제품디자인의 조형언어에 대한 연구 -산업디자이너의 연구사례를 중심으로- (A Study on the Form-Language in Product Design -Focus on the Example of the Study from Industrial Designer-)

  • 정충모;이재용
    • 디자인학연구
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.243-254
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구는 제품조형에 대한 언어적 연구로 디자이너들의 연구사례의 유형을 분석하고자 했다. 특히 제품조형의 언어적 개념을 도구와 사고의 관계에서 언어적 관계성을 통해서 창출하고자 했다. 언어적인 영역과 비 언어적인 영역에서 조형언어의 역할이 어떡해 활동하고 있는지를 분석하였다. 특히 디자인 프로세스상에 형성되는 조형언어의 역하로 조형해석과 조형개념 창출 즉 아이디어 창출에 대한 디자인 프로세스의 관계성을 파악하였다. 이러한 조형언어가 디자인 사적인 측면에서의 기원과 최초 연구가(EnzoMari)의 연구사례를 제시하였다. 또한 디자이너와 디자인 관련 학자들의 조형언어에 대한 관심을 언어적 측면에서의 다양한 요소로 나누어 분류하였다. 또한 이러한 분류과정을 통해서 제품과 관련된 추상적 이론과 시스템적인 연구보다 구체적인 실무의 사례와 개별화된 제품조형언어에 대한 연구의 필요성을 가지고 이러한 측면을 강조하여 상호문화적인 측면에서 개별화된 실제 제품의 조형 언어의 차이와 관심의 차이 그리고 상호공존 할 수 있는 제품조형언어의 개념 창출을 향후 연구과제로 제안한다.

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20세기 패션디자인의 건축적 패러다임 특성 고찰 (An Observation on Characteristic of Architectural Paradigm in Twentieth Century Fashion Design)

  • 박신미;이재정
    • 복식
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    • 제58권2호
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    • pp.78-92
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    • 2008
  • The mutual relationship between fashion and architecture and the similarities in their form and structure have been continuously debated over the decades, considering that both spheres are objects used in human life. Both spheres bring about the creation of three-dimensional space structures that are completed by the human body and material, based on a design targeted for people. The similarities between fashion and architecture in terms of form and structure have been debated by western architecture scholars focusing on the support that holds the garment's shape, the tailoring of a men's suit and also the material. The debate originates from the discussion of F. Th. Vischer, Kritische Gnge, and Gottfried Semper during the nineteenth century on the similarities between crinoline and the form of architecture and also the similarities between sewing and architecture. However, architects always regarded fashion as the inferior creative process that follows architecture in viewing the relationship between fashion and architecture. During the mid to end of the twentieth century, contrary to previous decades, the sense of fashion in architecture stood out, as an issue and a different approach was taken in discussing architecture that incorporates fashion. Accordingly, in the mid 1990's, architecture scholars such as Deborah Fausch and Mark Wigley began to conduct close observation of the mutual relationship between fashion and architecture from a more equal point of view. Notwithstanding, their point of view was still biased towards architectural standards. Commencing the Millennium, fashion has become the primary work of creation which leads style in all spheres, and under these circumstances this point of view has transferred from architecture to fashion when thinking about relationships between these spheres. The discussion on fashion and architecture form fashion's point of view is currently concentrated on the post 1990's phenomenon and illustrates the environment that is related to architecture. In general, the discussion is limited to determining a work of an individual designer as 'being architectural' when explaining the sculptural form of fashion. Therefore, this research aims to renew the discussion on twentieth century fashion design, which was neglected in any studies on observing architecture and fashion. The aim of this research is to classify the architectural paradigm of twentieth century fashion design and to observe the architectural forms of the respective eras. It is necessary to have a close observation of the architectural paradigm in twentieth century fashion design where support tools such as the crinoline was avoided and the form and functionality of the garment itself was emphasized. I will conduct this research by considering the architectural form shown in fashion as a practical three-dimensional creation that exists in space.

공동주택에 의한 인접지역의 일조 및 조망 영향에 관한 연구 - 건물 높이 변화를 중심으로 - (A Study on the Impact Factor of Sunlight and View by Apartment Building in its Neighboring Area (focused on the variation of building height))

  • 김용이;최정민
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제14권6호
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2003
  • When apartment buildings are builed and re-builded, they tends to be taller. This tendency causes the problems for solar access and view in the neighboring area. So the impact factor of sunlight and view by apartment building in its neighboring area is examined. The results of this study are as follows: When analyzing sky view by dividing the sky vault into the differential area, the analysis of view can be efficient. The shorter the apartment building, the more the continuous solar access time. And the taller the building, the more the accumulated solar access time. As the height of building is taller and it is farther from the border of apartment building, view ratio, sky view ratio, and form ratio are increased. It implies that the slimmer the building, the more the visual environment can be improved.

사실주의 연극의 Narrator 연구 - Our Town과 A View from the Bridge의 경우 (Study on Narrators in the Realism Plays -Our Town and A View from the Bridge)

  • 오순모
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.395-403
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    • 2017
  • 20세기 연극의 주류였던 사실주의 연극에서는 보이지 않는 '제4의 벽'이 관객과 무대사이에 존재한다고 전제하였고 관객으로 하여금 극 중에 몰입하여 무대 위의 연극을 완전한 사실로 인식할 수 있도록 하는 것이 그 특징이었다. 당연히 극의 형식에서 극 중 몰입을 방해하는 요소들은 배제되었으나 당대 몇몇 작가들은 사실주의 극의 극 중 몰입을 방해하는 '나레이터'라는 형식을 도입하였다. 나레이터는 극의 흐름을 끊고 관객과 직접 소통하며 극의 내용을 부연 설명 하기도 하고, 관객으로 하여금 극에 직접 참여하도록 하거나 극의 결말을 예상하도록 유도하는 등의 역할을 하였다. 본 논문에서는 20세기 연극의 대표적 작가인 Thorton Wilder와 Arthur Miller의 작품 Our Town과 A View from the Bridge에 등장하는 나레이터를 통해 두 극을 비교 분석하였으며 두 작가는 나레이터라는 형식을 도입함으로써 관객으로 하여금 극의 있음직한 사실이 아닌 삶의 진실을 직시하도록 하고자 하였다.

정밀 좌표측정용 머신비전 시스템의 광학적 해석에 관한 연구 (A Study on the optical aspects of machine vision based dimensional measurement system)

  • Lee, E.H.
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.149-163
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    • 1994
  • A novel method of dimensional measurement using machine vision, which is called Landmark Tracking System, has been developed. Its advantages come form tracking only the bright, standard shaped "landmarks" which are made from retroreflective sheets. In the design of the LTS, it is essential to know the relationship between optical parameters and their influence on system performance. Such optical parameters include the brightness of landmark image, the illumination system design, and the choice of imaging optics. And the performance of retroreflective material also plays important role in the LTS performances. Influences of such optical parameters on LTS's dimensional measurement characteristics are investigated, with respect to the retroreflective material, the imaging optics, and the illumination system. Measuremtn errors due to parameter variations are also analyzed. Experiments are performed with a LTS prototype. Retroreflective characteristics are verified, and the LTS's measurement performances are measured in the form of repeatability and accuracy. Experimental results shgow that the LTS has repeatability better than 1/30,000 of a field of view(30 degrees), and accuracy better tha 1/3,000 of a field fo view.d fo view.

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한일여대생의 주거관에 관한 비교연구 (A Comparative Study on the View of Housing between Korean and Japanese Female University Students.)

  • 정미란;안옥희
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the view of housing of Korean and Japanese female university students. The view of housing was investigated in four stages-housing consciousness, resident opinion, ideal housing and housing needs-in this study. The data was collected through the self-entry questionnaire designed for this study and the sample of 400 in total, 200 cases form Korea and 200 cases form Japan. The results are as follows : The major findings of the housing consciousness were that Japanese female university students preferred the detached in the future. The resident opinion of Korean and Japanese female university students showed that the group space was more important than the private space. In the ideal image, they wanted psychological and physical comfort from their houses. In the housing needs, Korean have considered the distance of friend and family and been satisfied with interior design, whereas Japanese have considered the expression of social level and been satisfied with outdoor design.

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주거환경분석시스템의 CAD 시스템 통합을 통한 공동주택단지설계 시 일조 및 조망분석에 관한 연구 (The Analysis of View and Daylights for the Design of Public Housing Complexes Using a Residential Environment Analysis System Integrated into a CAD System)

  • 박수훈;유정원
    • 한국CDE학회논문집
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 2007
  • This paper concerns about residential environment analysis program implementation for design and analysis on public housing complexes such that view and daylight analysis processes are automated and integrated into existing design routine to achieve better design efficiency. Considering the architectural design trends this paper chooses ArchiCAD as a platform for a CAD system, which contains the concepts such as integrated object-oriented CAD, virtual building and BIM. Residential environment analysis system consists of three components. The first component is the 3D modeling part defining 3D form information for external geographic contour models, site models and interior/exterior of apartment buildings. The second is the parametric library part handling the design parameters for view and daylight analysis. The last is the user interface for the input/output and integration of data for the environment analysis. Daylight analysis shows rendered images as well as results of daylight reports and grades per time and performs the calculations for floor shadow. It separates the site-only analysis from the analysis of site and exterior environmental parameters. View analysis considers horizontal and vertical view angles to produce view image from each unit and uses the bitmap analysis method to determine opening ratio, scenery ratio and void ratio. We could expect better performance and precision from this residential environment analysis system than the existing 2D drawing based view and daylight analysis methods and overcome the existing one-way flow of design information from 3D form to analysis reports so that site design modifications are automatically reflected on analysis results. Each part is developed in a module so that further integration and extension into other related estimation and construction management systems are made possible.

모바일 환경의 이동형 카메라를 이용한 사용자 저작 다시점 동영상의 제안 (User-created multi-view video generation with portable camera in mobile environment)

  • 성보경;박준형;여지혜;고일주
    • 디지털산업정보학회논문지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.157-170
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    • 2012
  • Recently, user-created video shows high increasing in production and consumption. Among these, videos records an identical subject in limited space with multi-view are coming out. Occurring main reason of this kind of video is popularization of portable camera and mobile web environment. Multi-view has studied in visually representation technique fields for point of view. Definition of multi-view has been expanded and applied to various contents authoring lately. To make user-created videos into multi-view contents can be a kind of suggestion as a user experience for new form of video consumption. In this paper, we show the possibility to make user-created videos into multi-view video content through analyzing multi-view video contents even there exist attribute differentiations. To understanding definition and attribution of multi-view classified and analyzed existing multi-view contents. To solve time axis arranging problem occurred in multi-view processing proposed audio matching method. Audio matching method organize feature extracting and comparing. To extract features is proposed MFCC that is most universally used. Comparing is proposed n by n. We proposed multi-view video contents that can consume arranged user-created video by user selection.

집합주택단지 Sequence 경관에 관한 연구 -정량적 분석을 중심으로- (A Study on a Sequence View of Multiple Dwelling Zone -Focusing on Quantitative Analysis-)

  • 최석창;이봉수;조용준
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to understand a view in the light of sequence by human\\`s moving by quantitatively dealing with the elements of sequence view of multiple dwelling zone and to explain its characteristics. As a result, this study found that the sequence view of multiple dwelling zone makes difference according to the degree of sequential changes, layout form, width and moving interval in the zone, as well as view elements outside the zone. The changes in view elements are also treated qualitatively in comparing each multiple dwelling zone in order to explain the characteristics of view of multiple dwelling zone using their mean value and change coefficient.

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