• Title/Summary/Keyword: User Create Content

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A study on the impact of online contents characteristics on customer loyalty - Mediated effect of flow perspective - (고객충성도에 영향을 미치는 온라인 콘텐츠 특성에 관한연구 -몰입(Flow)의 매개효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Young-Chul;Jeong, Seung-Ryul
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.101-117
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    • 2013
  • As the number of online game user has been rapidly increased thanks to the recent vitalization of online contents market, not only new business opportunity but also the opportunity to create high profits have been provided as well. However, the increase of the number of online game user and the rapid expansion of the market evoke a cutthroat completion among online game service providers, and also high barriers to entry to online game market have been erected. Thus, what kinds of efforts need for the business success and sales increase in online game market? In lots of researches regarding online contents business, the deepening of loyalty was considered as a critical factor for the business success. According to the study on user's behavior in online environment, users would experience the Flow while using online service, and then, if they were in state of the Flow, they would use the service constantly. High customer loyalty to online game means high will to use the online game too. The purpose of this research was i) to examine what factors enable users to be naturally immersed in online game while playing it, ii) to examine what properties of online game can make game more interesting and exciting, iii) to verify that such factors are critical in deepening customer loyalty, and iv) to suggest some essential factors to be fun and exciting games, on where the focus should be put, and the directionality for the development for sales expansion of online game developer or online game service provider. The research results are as below: First, the involvement and the perceived quality which were characteristics of brand appeared to be factors most affecting Flow. This shows that once game user get interested in online game that user has played frequently, even though new games are released, user will continuously flow the game not moving to new games, and also shows that users not only get more interested but also put more trust in games in the site to where users are frequently going than games in other sites, and consequently user can increasingly flow the game. Second, the compensation and graphics which are the characteristics of contents appeared to be factors affecting Flow. Proper compensation which is given to game users triggers fun and interests in game and makes them flow more and more. And graphics make users to feel game space as if real space and let them flow in game with more reality. Third, challenges, support, and the stability which are technical characteristics appeared to be factors affecting Flow. Challenges enable users to not only experience new virtual world but also solve various difficulties and obstacles. Once users feel fun and interests through this challenge, they can naturally flow games. In addition, the stability of network provides reliability in security and hacking. By doing so, it can induce users to flow more and more. Lastly, when aforementioned characteristics including contents characteristics, technical characteristics, and brand characteristics are organically combined each other, game users feel fun and total minutes are naturally increased, so that game users experience Flow, and consequently the customer loyalty will be deepened as well.

Research on successful model application of Indonesian Cultural Content "Batik" to E-biz/local Informatization "Green Smart Village" (인도네시아 문화콘텐츠 "바��"을 통한 e-비즈/지역정보화 "그린스마트빌리지" 성공모델 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Ryoung;Kim, Kio-Chung
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.601-609
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    • 2011
  • In developing countries, economically under-privileged are mostly consisted of women, therefore supporting those women signify supporting the local society and the family. Advancement of women's economic status not only contributes to her family but also to the local society, nation, and to the global world as a whole. This paper is a research on local informatization and successful model in e-business for Indonesia, which established interactive research model networking with Korea-Indonesia Research Institution and policy-makers for two years and susggested practical research model through visiting Pekalongan. Through activated interaction between women enterprises and policy makers from Korea and Indonesia, the research paper seeks to create research based network and provide opportunities of information access and business matching to local informatized and e-business enterprises. In research adopted regions, city development project has been accomplished in human, business and environmental field since 2005, and have selected Pekalongan region where infra is settled to certain extent. With the information about Indonesia's city development project, investigation on Pekalongan's current geographical, humanistic status quo, the paper aims to and create Indonesian female e-business professionals, e-business user, e-business producers and provide successful model on Pekalongan's local informatization and e-business.

A Study on Development of Digital Compilation Management System for Local Culture Contents: Focusing on the Case of The Encyclopedia of Korean Local Culture (향토문화 콘텐츠를 위한 디지털 편찬 관리시스템 개발에 관한 연구: "한국향토문화전자대전"의 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Su-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.213-237
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    • 2009
  • Local culture is a cultural heritage that has come down from generation to generation in the natural environment of a region. It includes history, tradition, natural features, art, and historic relics. The Academy of Korean Studies has complied "The Encyclopedia of Korean Local Culture" using those local culture contents. Local culture content shave the features of documentary, such as authenticating the source, and managing hierarchy structure. Thus, to deal with local culture contents, a "circular knowledge information management system" is sought for that helps basic, fragmentary, and high-level information to circulate to create new knowledge information within the system. A user of this circular knowledge information management system is able not only to collect data directly in it, but also to fetch data from other database. Besides, processing the collected data helps to create new knowledge information. But, it's very difficult to sustain the features of the original hierarchy bearing meaning contained in the various kinds of local culture contents when building a new database. Moreover, this kind of work needs many times of correction over a long period of time. Therefore, a system in which compilation, correction, and service can be done simultaneously is needed. Therefore, in this study, focusing on the case of "The Encyclopedia of Korean Local Culture", I propose a XML-based digital compilation management system that can express hierarchy information and sustain the semantic features of the local culture contents containing lots of ancient documents, and introduce the expanded functions developed to manage contents in the system.

A Study on the Relationship Between Online Community Characteristics and Loyalty : Focused on Mediating Roles of Self-Congruency, Consumer Experience, and Consumer to Consumer Interactivity (온라인 커뮤니티 특성과 충성도 간의 관계에 대한 연구: 자아일치성, 소비자 체험, 상호작용성의 매개적 역할을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Moon-Tae;Ock, Jung-Won
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.157-194
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    • 2008
  • The popularity of communities on the internet has captured the attention of marketing scholars and practitioners. By adapting to the culture of the internet, however, and providing consumer with the ability to interact with one another in addition to the company, businesses can build new and deeper relationships with customers. The economic potential of online communities has been discussed with much hope in the many popular papers. In contrast to this enthusiastic prognostications, empirical and practical evidence regarding the economic potential of the online community has shown a little different conclusion. To date, even communities with high levels of membership and vibrant social arenas have failed to build financial viability. In this perspective, this study investigates the role of various kinds of influencing factors to online community loyalty and basically suggests the framework that explains the process of building purchase loyalty. Even though the importance of building loyalty in an online environment has been emphasized from the marketing theorists and practitioners, there is no sufficient research conclusion about what is the process of building purchase loyalty and the most powerful factors that influence to it. In this study, the process of building purchase loyalty is divided into three levels; characteristics of community site such as content superiority, site vividness, navigation easiness, and customerization, the mediating variables such as self congruency, consumer experience, and consumer to consumer interactivity, and finally various factors about online community loyalty such as visit loyalty, affect, trust, and purchase loyalty are those things. And the findings of this research are as follows. First, consumer-to-consumer interactivity is an important factor to online community purchase loyalty and other loyalty factors. This means, in order to interact with other people more actively, many participants in online community have the willingness to buy some kinds of products such as music, content, avatar, and etc. From this perspective, marketers of online community have to create some online environments in order that consumers can easily interact with other consumers and make some site environments in order that consumer can feel experience in this site is interesting and self congruency is higher than at other community sites. It has been argued that giving consumers a good experience is vital in cyber space, and websites create an active (rather than passive) customer by their nature. Some researchers have tried to pin down the positive experience, with limited success and less empirical support. Web sites can provide a cognitively stimulating experience for the user. We define the online community experience as playfulness based on the past studies. Playfulness is created by the excitement generated through a website's content and measured using three descriptors Marketers can promote using and visiting online communities, which deliver a superior web experience, to influence their customers' attitudes and actions, encouraging high involvement with those communities. Specially, we suggest that transcendent customer experiences(TCEs) which have aspects of flow and/or peak experience, can generate lasting shifts in beliefs and attitudes including subjective self-transformation and facilitate strong consumer's ties to a online community. And we find that website success is closely related to positive website experiences: consumers will spend more time on the site, interacting with other users. As we can see figure 2, visit loyalty and consumer affect toward the online community site didn't directly influence to purchase loyalty. This implies that there may be a little different situations here in online community site compared to online shopping mall studies that shows close relations between revisit intention and purchase intention. There are so many alternative sites on web, consumers do not want to spend money to buy content and etc. In this sense, marketers of community websites must know consumers' affect toward online community site is not a last goal and important factor to influnece consumers' purchase. Third, building good content environment can be a really important marketing tool to create a competitive advantage in cyberspace. For example, Cyworld, Korea's number one community site shows distinctive superiority in the consumer evaluations of content characteristics such as content superiority, site vividness, and customerization. Particularly, comsumer evaluation about customerization was remarkably higher than the other sites. In this point, we can conclude that providing comsumers with good, unique and highly customized content will be urgent and important task directly and indirectly impacting to self congruency, consumer experience, c-to-c interactivity, and various loyalty factors of online community. By creating enjoyable, useful, and unique online community environments, online community portals such as Daum, Naver, and Cyworld are able to build customer loyalty to a degree that many of today's online marketer can only dream of these loyalty, in turn, generates strong economic returns. Another way to build good online community site is to provide consumers with an interactive, fun, experience-oriented or experiential Web site. Elements that can make a dot.com's Web site experiential include graphics, 3-D images, animation, video and audio capabilities. In addition, chat rooms and real-time customer service applications (which link site visitors directly to other visitors, or with company support personnel, respectively) are also being used to make web sites more interactive. Researchers note that online communities are increasingly incorporating such applications in their Web sites, in order to make consumers' online shopping experience more similar to that of an offline store. That is, if consumers are able to experience sensory stimulation (e.g. via 3-D images and audio sound), interact with other consumers (e.g., via chat rooms), and interact with sales or support people (e.g. via a real-time chat interface or e-mail), then they are likely to have a more positive dot.com experience, and develop a more positive image toward the online company itself). Analysts caution, however, that, while high quality graphics, animation and the like may create a fun experience for consumers, when heavily used, they can slow site navigation, resulting in frustrated consumers, who may never return to a site. Consequently, some analysts suggest that, at least with current technology, the rule-of-thumb is that less is more. That is, while graphics etc. can draw consumers to a site, they should be kept to a minimum, so as not to impact negatively on consumers' overall site experience.

  • PDF

The Qualitative Study for User Needs and Acceptance of Smart Clothing: Focused on Women Aged 56 and Over (스마트 의류의 인식과 수용에 관한 질적 연구 : 56세 이상 여성을 대상으로)

  • Paek, Kyung-Ja;Cross, Meghan;Ashdown, Susan
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2009
  • By definition, smart clothing describes a garment whose functionality is enhanced by technological advancements in order to ease one’'s lifestyle. To know user’'s understanding and needs, the research had consisted of brainstorming sessions, personal interviews, focus group meeting, and a series of content analyses. Ten of the interview subjects and focus group panel were found by contacting women aged 56-64 in the Ithaca community, NY. They were prompted with general questions on style choices for their lifestyles and age group and then presented with two examples of smart clothing to discuss and critique. Meanwhile, the other three interview subjects, located outside of the Ithaca community, were aged either above or below the targeted bracket. These subjects were interviewed as a method of comparison on multiple levels. Findings had shown that there was indeed a need for smart clothing amongst the increasingly populated demographic of older women: devices to help one’'s body temperature regulation and vision problem, and well-designed clothing. However, the functionalities must be carefully constructed and conveyed in order to be taken seriously by the mainstream consumer market. Once successfully designed, the smart clothing will ideally create a greater sense of autonomy for older women.

A Development of a Mixed-Reality (MR) Education and Training System based on user Environment for Job Training for Radiation Workers in the Nondestructive Industry (비파괴산업 분야 방사선작업종사자 직장교육을 위한 사용자 환경 기반 혼합현실(MR) 교육훈련 시스템 개발)

  • Park, Hyong-Hu;Shim, Jae-Goo;Park, Jeong-kyu;Son, Jeong-Bong;Kwon, Soon-Mu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2021
  • This study was written to create educational content in non-destructive fields based on Mixed Reality. Currently, in the field of radiation, there is almost no content for educational Mixed Reality-based educational content. And in the field of non-destructive inspection, the working environment is poor, the number of employees is often 10 or less for each manufacturer, and the educational infrastructure is not built. There is no practical training, only practical training and safety education to convey information. To solve this, it was decided to develop non-destructive worker education content based on Mixed Reality. This content was developed based on Microsoft's HoloLens 2 HMD device. It is manufactured based on the resolution of 1280 ⁎ 720, and the resolution is different for each device, and the Side is created by aligning the Left, Right, Bottom, and TOP positions of Anchor, and the large image affects the size of Atlas. The large volume like the wallpaper and the upper part was made by replacing it with UITexture. For UI Widget Wizard, I made Label, Buttom, ScrollView, and Sprite. In this study, it is possible to provide workers with realistic educational content, enable self-directed education, and educate with 3D stereoscopic images based on reality to provide interesting and immersive education. Through the images provided in Mixed Reality, the learner can directly operate things through the interaction between the real world and the Virtual Reality, and the learner's learning efficiency can be improved. In addition, mixed reality education can play a major role in non-face-to-face learning content in the corona era, where time and place are not disturbed.

Change Acceptable In-Depth Searching in LOD Cloud for Efficient Knowledge Expansion (효과적인 지식확장을 위한 LOD 클라우드에서의 변화수용적 심층검색)

  • Kim, Kwangmin;Sohn, Yonglak
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.171-193
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    • 2018
  • LOD(Linked Open Data) cloud is a practical implementation of semantic web. We suggested a new method that provides identity links conveniently in LOD cloud. It also allows changes in LOD to be reflected to searching results without any omissions. LOD provides detail descriptions of entities to public in RDF triple form. RDF triple is composed of subject, predicates, and objects and presents detail description for an entity. Links in LOD cloud, named identity links, are realized by asserting entities of different RDF triples to be identical. Currently, the identity link is provided with creating a link triple explicitly in which associates its subject and object with source and target entities. Link triples are appended to LOD. With identity links, a knowledge achieves from an LOD can be expanded with different knowledge from different LODs. The goal of LOD cloud is providing opportunity of knowledge expansion to users. Appending link triples to LOD, however, has serious difficulties in discovering identity links between entities one by one notwithstanding the enormous scale of LOD. Newly added entities cannot be reflected to searching results until identity links heading for them are serialized and published to LOD cloud. Instead of creating enormous identity links, we propose LOD to prepare its own link policy. The link policy specifies a set of target LODs to link and constraints necessary to discover identity links to entities on target LODs. On searching, it becomes possible to access newly added entities and reflect them to searching results without any omissions by referencing the link policies. Link policy specifies a set of predicate pairs for discovering identity between associated entities in source and target LODs. For the link policy specification, we have suggested a set of vocabularies that conform to RDFS and OWL. Identity between entities is evaluated in accordance with a similarity of the source and the target entities' objects which have been associated with the predicates' pair in the link policy. We implemented a system "Change Acceptable In-Depth Searching System(CAIDS)". With CAIDS, user's searching request starts from depth_0 LOD, i.e. surface searching. Referencing the link policies of LODs, CAIDS proceeds in-depth searching, next LODs of next depths. To supplement identity links derived from the link policies, CAIDS uses explicit link triples as well. Following the identity links, CAIDS's in-depth searching progresses. Content of an entity obtained from depth_0 LOD expands with the contents of entities of other LODs which have been discovered to be identical to depth_0 LOD entity. Expanding content of depth_0 LOD entity without user's cognition of such other LODs is the implementation of knowledge expansion. It is the goal of LOD cloud. The more identity links in LOD cloud, the wider content expansions in LOD cloud. We have suggested a new way to create identity links abundantly and supply them to LOD cloud. Experiments on CAIDS performed against DBpedia LODs of Korea, France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. They present that CAIDS provides appropriate expansion ratio and inclusion ratio as long as degree of similarity between source and target objects is 0.8 ~ 0.9. Expansion ratio, for each depth, depicts the ratio of the entities discovered at the depth to the entities of depth_0 LOD. For each depth, inclusion ratio illustrates the ratio of the entities discovered only with explicit links to the entities discovered only with link policies. In cases of similarity degrees with under 0.8, expansion becomes excessive and thus contents become distorted. Similarity degree of 0.8 ~ 0.9 provides appropriate amount of RDF triples searched as well. Experiments have evaluated confidence degree of contents which have been expanded in accordance with in-depth searching. Confidence degree of content is directly coupled with identity ratio of an entity, which means the degree of identity to the entity of depth_0 LOD. Identity ratio of an entity is obtained by multiplying source LOD's confidence and source entity's identity ratio. By tracing the identity links in advance, LOD's confidence is evaluated in accordance with the amount of identity links incoming to the entities in the LOD. While evaluating the identity ratio, concept of identity agreement, which means that multiple identity links head to a common entity, has been considered. With the identity agreement concept, experimental results present that identity ratio decreases as depth deepens, but rebounds as the depth deepens more. For each entity, as the number of identity links increases, identity ratio rebounds early and reaches at 1 finally. We found out that more than 8 identity links for each entity would lead users to give their confidence to the contents expanded. Link policy based in-depth searching method, we proposed, is expected to contribute to abundant identity links provisions to LOD cloud.

A Design Perspective on Instagram Addiction (디자인적 관점에서 바라본 인스타그램 중독)

  • Changhee Han
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.339-345
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    • 2023
  • Design exists behind technology. Design is intertwined with the needs of daily life and market structures, and while dealing with technology, it can become insensitive to its meaning. Unlike other social media platforms, Instagram consists of image-based content. The purpose of this study is to examine the addictive design of Instagram. Furthermore, we discuss the ethical responsibilities that designers must have. A theoretical framework for understanding Instagram design is established through a review of major domestic and international literature that has been previously studied. Understand the history, structure, and functions of Instagram and identify Instagram designs that promote social media addiction. In this study, we introduced the mechanism by which Instagram promotes user addiction through design issues. (1) Pull-to-Refresh (2) Red color in push alarm (3) Profile photo border expression in Instagram Story. This design stimulates users' social desires and FOMO, forming the structure of obsessive Instagram usage habits. Instagram is an example that forces us to reconsider the ethical role of design and designers along with the advancement of technology. In today's world, the intrinsic value of what they create, including our society and life itself.

Literature Review on Applying Digital Therapeutic Art Therapy for Adolescent Substance Addiction Treatment (청소년 마약류 중독 치료를 위한 디지털치료제 예술치료 적용을 위한 문헌연구)

  • Jiwon Kim;Daniel H. Byun
    • Trans-
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    • v.16
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 2024
  • The advent of digital media has facilitated easy access for adolescents to environments conducive to the purchase of narcotics. In particular, there's an increasing trend in the purchase and consumption of narcotics mediated through Social Network Services (SNS) and messenger services. Adolescents, sensitive to such environments, are at risk of experiencing neurological and mental health issues due to narcotic addiction, increasing their exposure to criminal activities, hence necessitating national-level management and support. Consequently, the quest for sustainable treatment methods for adolescents exposed to narcotics emerges as a critical challenge. In the context of high relapse rates in narcotic addiction, the necessity for cost-effective and user-friendly treatment programs is emphasized. This study conducts a literature review aimed at utilizing digital platforms to create an environment where adolescents can voluntarily participate, focusing on the development of therapeutic content through art. Specifically, it reviews societal perceptions and treatment statuses of adolescent drug addiction, analyzes the impact of narcotic addiction on adolescent brain activity and cognitive function degradation, and explores approaches for developing digital therapeutics to promote the rehabilitation of the addicted brain through analysis of precedential case studies. Moreover, the study investigates the benefits that the integration of digital therapeutic approaches and art therapy can provide in the treatment process and proposes the possibility of enhancing therapeutic effects through various treatment programs such as drama therapy, music therapy, and art therapy. The application of art therapy methods is anticipated to offer positive effects in terms of tool expansion, diversification of expression, data acquisition, and motivation. Through such approaches, an enhancement in the effectiveness of treatments for adolescent narcotic addiction is anticipated. Overall, this study undertakes foundational research for the development of digital therapeutics and related applications, offering economically viable and sustainable treatment options in consideration of the societal context of adolescent narcotic addiction.

A Study on the Entrepreneurial Intention of College Students in the Entertainment Industry with Idea Education and Support for Startup Infrastructure (아이디어 교육 및 창업 인프라 지원이 엔터테인먼트 산업 분야에 대한 대학생 창업의도 연구)

  • Lee, Ji-Hun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 2021
  • This study tried to identify the characteristics of college students' entrepreneurial intentions in the entertainment industry, focusing on existing literature studies. Based on this, it was intended to suggest realistic educational alternatives for university student start-ups and implications for start-up management to university start-up officials and those in charge of national start-up support policy. Therefore, the implications of this study are as follows. First, technology(item) for idea creation education, which is an essential element in the entertainment industry, how to connect ideas and products, technology methods that can increase content value, and user characteristics education within the entertainment industry will need to be continued. In addition, along with the idea education, it is necessary to increase the understanding of start-up business management such as financing, human resource management, marketing, and operation management, and furthermore, confidence education should be provided so that the possibility of success in an entertainment start-up and a sense of adventure in a new job can be developed. Second, the space and equipment necessary for start-up (club room, student start-up room, entertainment-related equipment, etc.) should be provided centering on the opinion survey of students who are interested in starting a business, and various regulations of universities and government for student start-up should be relaxed. will have to In addition, education for the formation of entrepreneurial knowledge inside and outside of the school, special lectures and consultations by experts, and on-the-spot education, etc., should be made to create more practical entrepreneurial knowledge. something to do. Third, for students wishing to start a business in the entertainment industry, it is necessary to inform their families about the field situation of the entertainment industry accurately so that their children can develop a positive perception rather than a negative perception when choosing a business field. In addition, by promoting various successful cases of college students to their families after starting a business, families should be encouraged so that their children can develop a challenging spirit about starting a business. Fourth, it should be possible to form continuous clubs or gatherings with friends who wish to start a business in the entertainment industry, and furthermore, an opportunity to listen to the opinions of friends who actually started a business through these meetings should be provided. In addition, the meeting and the formation of friends should create a place for discussion about writing a business plan, how to succeed in starting a business, and management of startups, and psychological stimulation activities should be conducted so that each other's will to start a business arises. Fifth, various knowledge related to start-up (methods for securing funds, management of start-up organizations, grasping information about the market in which they want to start a business, etc.) should be cultivated, and how to write a business plan for the various entertainment industry fields they want to start up. You will also need to train them to be practical. Also, based on this knowledge formation, students themselves should be able to respond to risks and changes that may occur in entrepreneurship. Lastly, it is necessary to increase the understanding of business start-up management, and various psychological stimulation activities are needed to make the confidence and fear of starting a business disappear.