• Title/Summary/Keyword: Urban modeling

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Analysis of Water Quality on Distributed Watershed using Topographic Data (공간정보를 이용한 분포형 유역 수질 모의)

  • Ryu, Byong-Ro;Jung, Seung-Kwon;Jun, Kye-Won
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.37 no.11
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    • pp.897-913
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    • 2004
  • There has been continuous efforts to manage the water resources for the required water quality criterion at river channel in Korea. However, we could not obtain the partial improvement only for the point source pollutant such as, wastewater from urban and industrial site through the water quality management. Therefore, it is strongly needed that the Best Management Practice(BMP) throughout the river basin for water quality management including non-point source pollutant loads. This problem should be resolved by recognizing the non-point source pollutant loads from upstream river basin to the outlet depends on the land use and soil type characteristic of the river basin using the computer simulation by distributed parameter model based on the detailed investigation and the application of Geographic Information System(GIS). Used in this study, Annualized Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution (AnnAGNPS) model is a tool suitable for long term evaluation of the effects of BMPs and can be used for un gauged watershed simulation of runoff and sediment yield. Now applications of model are in progress. So we just describe the limited result. However If well have done modeling and have investigated of propriety of model, well achieve our final goal of this study.

A Study on Automatic Classification of Newspaper Articles Based on Unsupervised Learning by Departments (비지도학습 기반의 행정부서별 신문기사 자동분류 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jong;Ryu, Seung-Eui;Lee, Chul-Ho;Nam, Kwang Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.345-351
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    • 2020
  • Administrative agencies today are paying keen attention to big data analysis to improve their policy responsiveness. Of all the big data, news articles can be used to understand public opinion regarding policy and policy issues. The amount of news output has increased rapidly because of the emergence of new online media outlets, which calls for the use of automated bots or automatic document classification tools. There are, however, limits to the automatic collection of news articles related to specific agencies or departments based on the existing news article categories and keyword search queries. Thus, this paper proposes a method to process articles using classification glossaries that take into account each agency's different work features. To this end, classification glossaries were developed by extracting the work features of different departments using Word2Vec and topic modeling techniques from news articles related to different agencies. As a result, the automatic classification of newspaper articles for each department yielded approximately 71% accuracy. This study is meaningful in making academic and practical contributions because it presents a method of extracting the work features for each department, and it is an unsupervised learning-based automatic classification method for automatically classifying news articles relevant to each agency.

Algorithm of Detecting Ground Fault by Using Insulation Monitoring Device(IMD) in Ungrounded DC System (직류 비접지계통에서 절연저항측정장치(IMD)를 이용한 사고검출 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Ki-Young;Lee, Hu-Dong;Tae, Dong-Hyun;Rho, Dae-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.528-535
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the protection coordination method of DC systems has been presented because renewable energy and distributed resources are being installed and operated in distribution systems. On the other hand, it is difficult to detect ground faults because there is no significant difference compared to a steady-state current in ungrounded IT systems, such as DC load networks and urban railways. Therefore, this paper formulates the detection principle of IMD (Insulation Monitoring Device) to use it as a protection coordination device in a DC system. Based on the signal injection method of IMD, which is analyzed by a wavelet transform, this paper presents an algorithm of detecting ground faults in a DC system in a fast and accurate manner. In addition, this paper modeled an IMD and an ungrounded DC system using the PSCAD/EMTDC S/W and performed numerical analysis of a wavelet transform with the Matlab S/W. The simulation results of a ground fault case in an ungrounded DC system showed that the proposed algorithm and modeling are useful and practical tools for detecting a ground fault in a DC system.

Study on the Change of Wind Field and Temperature According to Location of High-rise Building Using Micrometeorology Numerical Model (미기상 수치 모델을 이용한 고층아파트 입지에 따른 바람장 및 기온 변화 연구)

  • Seo, Houng-Seok;Kim, Yoo-Gon;Young, Go-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.340-352
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to analyze the change of wind filed and heat island according to the location of the high rise building using micrometeorology numerical model Envi-met3.0. In this study, the real urban planning of Jeonju city was used as input for the location and height of buildings. Modeling was performed for two conditions as input data. Case 1 is that wind direction is SSE and case 2 is W. To analyse the change of wind filed, wind speed results were used. To analyze the change of heat island, temperature results were used. Below the building height, wind speed increased 0.2~2.5 m/s at the inflow area and decreased 0.5~2.0 m/s at the area between the buildings. Above the building height, wind speed decreased 0.1~0.8 m/s near the building complex. On the other hand, wind speed increased 0.2~0.4 m/s in the outside area of the building complex. In the case of temperature, below the building height, temperatures increased $0.01{\sim}0.1^{\circ}C$ in the building complex and leeward area. On the other hand, temperature decreased $0.01{\sim}0.005^{\circ}C$ in the outside area of the building complex. Above the buildings height, temperatures decreased $0.05{\sim}0.2^{\circ}C$ in most of the area.

A Study on the Component Design for Water Network Analysis (상수도 관망해석 컴포넌트 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kye-Hyun;Kim, Jun-Chul;Park, Tae-Og
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.2 no.2 s.4
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2000
  • GIS has been building for various application fields with the aids of NGIS project, especially numerous municipal governments are building a UIS in the level of local governments' informatization. Although there are some difference between municipal governments' business, still many things are in common. So far, individual municipal governments have developed a UIS for their own use, which lead to duplicated development of the UIS. The component technology has been introduced to remove such duplicated efforts and it enabled maximizing the reusablilty of the UIS already developed. This paper proposes a component design for network analysis of the drinking water to calculate the amount of flow and the head loss. This component design provides the initial water amount to estimate the amount of the network flow and the head loss, thereby supports the decision making such as installation or extension of the pipe network. The process of the component design accompanies the business reengineering to support the standardized business work flow. Also, the design of the network analysis component uses the algorithms induced with UML specification. Based on the component design, the component development has been progressing and the network analysis system would be followed. In the near future, another component to integrate the network analysis and the business related to the drinking water needs to be developed.

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Meta-analysis of Site Distribution and Researcher Network of the Korean Society of Limnology: 1968~2017 (한국 육수학 연구지 분포의 메타분석과 연구자 네트워크 변화: 1968~2017)

  • Kim, Ji Yoon;Joo, Gea-Jae;Do, Yuno
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.124-134
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    • 2018
  • We analyzed research topics, temporal distribution of field sites, and researcher network of 1,508 limnology publications in the Korean Journal of Limnology (1968~2012) and the Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment (2013~2017). We found that water quality and sediment, phytoplankton, invertebrates, and fish were major subjects during the study periods. Survey of flora and fauna and physiological experiment of freshwater species were the largest subjects during 1970~80s, while other subjects including production, behavior, modeling, and ecological assessment have been rapidly increased since the 1990s. Most of the biological taxa equally studied lotic and lentic system, however, invertebrates and fish related studies more focused on the lotic system. Spatially, the field site of Korean limnology studies was found to be concentrated in main river channels runs through urban areas and artificial lakes than preserved natural areas. Freshwater system, located at the elevation range of 301~400 m (upstream of main channels), had the lowest number of field sites. Collaboration among researchers and different institution types have been steadily increased and expanded as the number of publications increased.

Analysis of Contributory Factors in Causing Crashes at Rural Unsignalized intersections Based on Statistical Modeling (지방부 무신호교차로 교통사고의 영향요인 분석 및 통계적 모형 개발)

  • PARK, Jeong Soon;OH, Ju Taek;OH, Sang Jin;KIM, Young Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2016
  • Traffic accident at intersections takes 44.3% of total number of accidents on entire road network of Korea in 2014. Although several studies addressed contributory factors of accidents at signalized intersection, very few is known about the factors at rural unsignalized intersections. The objective of this study is therefore to investigate specific characteristics of crashes at rural unsignalized intersection and to identify contributory factors in causing crashes by statistical approach using the Ordered Logistic Regression Model. The results show that main type of car crashes at unsignalized intersection during the daytime is T-bone crashes and the number of crashes at 4-legged intersections are 1.53 times more than that at 3-legged intersections. Most collisions are caused by negligence of drivers and violation of Right of Way. Based upon the analysis, accident severity is modeled as classified by two types such as 3-legged intersection and 4-legged intersection. It shows that contributory factors in causing crashes at rural unsignalized intersections are poor sight distance problem, average daily traffic, time of day(night, or day), angle of intersection, ratio of heavy vehicles, number of traffic violations at intersection, and number of lanes on minor street.

하수도 업무지원을 위한 하수도 관망해석 컴포넌트 설계에 관한 연구

  • Kim, Kye-Hyun;Lee, Woo-Chul;Kim, Jun-Chul
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.06a
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    • pp.181-186
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    • 2000
  • 국가지리정보체계사업을 시작으로 여러 응용분야에서 지리정보시스템을 구축하고 있으며, 특히 지자체에서는 도시정보화 차원에서 UIS(Urban Information System;도시정보시스템)를 구축하고 있다. 지자체의 업무들은 지자체의 상황에 따라 조금씩 차이를 보이지만 업무 단위로 따져 볼 때 공통적으로 수행되는 업무들이 많으며, 지리정보 관련 업무 또한 예외가 아니다. 지금까지 각 지자체의 도시정보시스템은 공통업무에 대하여 중복개발이 불가피 하였으며, 재사용성을 기대하기 어려웠다. 이런 비효율을 극복하는 방안으로 컴포넌트 기술이 대두되었으며, 컴포넌트 기술을 이용하여 업무변화에 유연하고 재활용을 극대화할 수 있는 업무 컴포넌트 개발이 필요한 시점이다. 본 논문은 지자체의 지리정보 관련 업무의 하나인 하수도 업무 중 하수배출용량 산정을 위한 하수도 관망해석 컴포넌트 설계를 제시하였다. 하수도 관망해석 컴포넌트는 하수배출용량을 산정하고, 하수 배출용량을 토대로 통수능이 부족한 하수관거를 추출하며, 통수능 부족 관거에 대하여 적정한 교체 관경 결정을 지원할 수 있도록 설계하였다 컴포넌트 설계과정은 표준업무를 지원할 수 있도록 업무분석을 수행하였으며, 이의 결과물로 하수도 관망해석 알고리즘을 도출하였으며, 알고리즘을 기반으로 하수도 관망해석 업무를 수행하는 하수도 관망해석 컴포넌트를 설계하고 설계 내용을 UML(Unified Modeling Language)로써 명세화 하였다. 현재 설계에 따라 하수도 관망해석 컴포넌트가 개발되고 있으며, 개발된 컴포넌트를 이용한 하수도 관망해석 시스템을 구축할 예정이다. 추후에는 하수도 관망해석 컴포넌트와 하수도 업무 컴포넌트와의 통합부분에 대한 연구가 진행되어야 할 것이다.7.0로 하고 표준(標準) EDTA 용액(溶液)을 소량(少量)넣고 8N-KOH로 pH $12{\sim}13$으로 하고 N-N 희석분말(稀釋粉末)을 지시약(指示藥) 으로써 표준(標準) EDTA 용액(溶液)으로 적정(滴定)하여 Ca 치(値)를 얻었다. Ca와 Mg의 합계결정치(合計決定値)와 Ca 적정치(滴定値) 차(差)로 Mg 치(値)를 얻었다. 음(陰) ion 구분(區分)으로부터 상법(常法)에 의하여 $MgNH_4PO_4$의 침전(沈澱)을 만들어서 HCl에 녹키고 일정량(一定量)의 표준(標準) EDTA 용액(溶液)을 넣어 pH 7.0로 한다음 완충액(緩衝液)으로 pH 10으로 하고 BT 지시약(指示藥)을 써서 표준(標準) Mg $SO_4$용액(溶液)으로 적정(滴定)하여 P 치(値)를 얻었다. 본법(本法)으로 Na-phytate를 분석(分析)한 결과(結果) Na-phytate의 분자식(分子式)을 $C_6H_6O_{24}P_6Mg_4CaNa_2{\cdot}5H_2O$라고 하였을 때의 이론치(理論値)에 비(比)하여 P가 98.9% Cark 97.1%, Mg가 99.1%이고 통계처리(統計處理)한 결과분석치(結果分析値)와 이론치(理論値)는 잘 일치(一致)된다. 그러나 종래법(從來法)에 의(依)한 분석치(分析値)는 이론치(理論値)에 비(比)하여 P가 92.40%, Cark 86.80%, Mg가 93.80%로서 이론치(理論値)와 일치(一致)하지 않는다. 3) Na-phytate를 전분(澱粉)과 일정(一定)한 비(比)로 혼합(混合)하고 본법(本法)으로 P,Ca 및 Mc를 정량(定量)한 결과(結果) 이들의 회수율(回收率)은 거의 100%이었다. 4) 본분석법

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The Optimal Energy Mix in South Korea's Electricity Sector for Low Carbon Energy Transition in 2030: In Consideration of INDC and Sequential Shutdown of Decrepit Nuclear Power Plants (저탄소 에너지 전환을 위한 2030년 최적전력구성비: 노후 원전 단계적 폐쇄와 INDC를 고려한 시나리오)

  • Kim, Dongyoon;Hwang, Minsup
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.479-494
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    • 2017
  • After Fukushima incident, negative sentiment towards nuclear power has led to transition in policies that reduce the dependency on nuclear power in some countries. President Moon of Republic of Korea also announced a national plan of decommissioning retired nuclear power plants stage by stage. Therefore, nuclear power that once was considered the critical solution to energy security and climate change is now a limited option. This study aims to find an optimal energy mix in Korea's electricity system from 2016 through 2030 to combat climate change through energy transition with minimum cost. The study is divided into two different scenarios; energy transition and nuclear sustenance, to compare the total costs of the systems. Both scenarios show that electricity generated by wind technology increases from 2018 whereas that of photovoltaic(PV) increases from 2021. However, the total cost of the energy transition scenario was USD 4.7 billion more expensive than the nuclear sustenance scenario.

Developing a Structural Equation Model of Drivers' Preference on Route Diagrams of Variable Message Sign (구조방정식 모형을 이용한 도형식 가변안내표지판의 운전자 선호도 평가 모형 개발)

  • Kwon, Hye Ri;Kim, Byung Jong;Kim, Won Kyu;Yu, Su In
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.47-65
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    • 2014
  • VMS(Variable Message Sign) helps drivers to choose their path to destinations on roadways. Some types of VMS often provide traffic information with clearly visible and comprehensible graphical route diagrams. Currently many diagramed types of VMS are installed on urban arterial and highways. This type of VMS surely enhances drivers' ability to comprehend traffic route information while they are driving on the roadway. Nevertheless, some of them are presented with so much information and design elements and they sometimes lead to decline of drivers' comprehensible level for traffic information. Drivers would fail to decide their preferable route in this state of information overflow. The purpose of this paper is to develop a drivers preference model for effective design principle including size and height of displaying font, and the amount of information in the route diagram considering driving speed, sex and age of the driver. This model is developed using structural equation modeling techniques. This model considers driver's emotional factor and, human factor and design component of route diagram. To collect data, we built driving simulator which is able to replicate real driving condition. 72 people who participated in the simulation were selected considering gender and age. The developed model showed that the amount of information, and visibility are more influential factors to the drivers' preference of the route diagram on VMS than design elements such as the shape and the font of the diagram.