• Title/Summary/Keyword: Urban Image

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Construction of VGIS Using Digital Map and GIS (수치지도와 지형정보를 이용한 VGIS구축에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, In-Joon;Choi, Hyun;Park, Chang-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.327-335
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    • 2001
  • This paper present to how to make VGIS(Virtual Geographic Information System) using GIS and digital map. Because the development of the GIS has been 2-dimension in the last few years, viewpoint of the high-resolution image estimate was difficult. The geo-spatial information system has lots of errors in the policy decision and the principal decision making because it was displayed as 2 dimension map that the digital map and topographical map, geological map. agronomical map, cadastral map and underground facility map are expressed as a symbol practically in spite that it is spatial topography data. It is utilized as effective administration analyzing, all kinds of discussion, transportation and environmental effect evaluation, various kinds of building discussion and policy decision thorough researching the present condition of region as 3 dimension map using digital map and GIS when drafting and deciding all kinds of urban plaining so it is considered that errors of policy decision will be minimized.

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Detecting and Restoring Occlusion Area for Generating Digital Orthoimage (수치정사투영영상 제작을 위한 폐색영역의 탐지와 복원)

  • 권오형;김형태;김용일
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2000
  • With the emergence of laser mapping systems, higher resolution DTM of urban area can be acquired and can be used to generate precise orthoimage. But, when the conventional orthoimage generation methods are applied to the area containing features with height difference such as cliffs, bridges, banks. elevated highways and buildings, they cause problems such as occlusion and double mapping. Therefore, this study proposes a new algorithm by modifying and refining conventional orthoimage generation methods. With this algorithm, areas which have occlusion are detected from the base image using camera orientation parameters and DTM. Also, detected areas are restored using alternative images which does not have occlusion in that area. This study can be distinguished from the other studies in the aspects that the proposed algorithm in this paper doesn't need information on building and that uses DTM data and orientation parameters.

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A Study on the Calculation Methods on the Ratio of Green Coverage Using Satellite Images and Land Cover Maps (위성영상과 토지피복도를 활용한 녹피율 산정방법 연구)

  • Moon, Chang-Soon;Shim, Joon-Young;Kim, Sang-Bum;Lee, Shi-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2010
  • This study aims at suggesting the attributes and limitations of each methods through the evaluation of the verified analysis results, so that it will be possible to select an efficient method that may be applied to assess the green coverage ratio. Green coverage areas of each sites subject to this study were assessed utilizing the following four methods. First, assessment of green coverage area through direct planimetry of satellite images. Second, assessment of green coverage area using land cover map. Third, assessment of green coverage area utilizing the band value in satellite images. Forth, assessment of green coverage area using and land cover map and reference materials. For this study, four urban zones of the City of Seosan in Chungcheongnam-do. As a result, this study show that the best calculation method is the one that combines the merits of first and second methods. This method is expected to be suitable for application in research sites of middle size and above. It is also deemed that it will be possible to apply this method in researches of wide area, such as setting up master plans for parks and green zones established by each local self-government organizations.

Estimation of Stroage Capacityat at Urban Stream Using Image (영상을 이용한 도시하천에서의 저수량 평가)

  • Lee, Hyun-Seok;Lee, Geun-Sang;Chae, Hyo-Sok;Koh, Deuk-Koo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.517-521
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    • 2007
  • 최근 위성영상의 해상도가 증가함에 따라, 하천을 대상으로 한 연구 사례가 많이 보고되고 있다. 하지만 대부분이 환경 생태학적 분야에서 이루어진 연구 결과들이고, 수자원 관리 분야에서의 위성영상 활용 사례는 아직 그 예를 찾아보기가 어렵다. 갑천은 1988년 이후 급속도로 도시화가 진행되어 현재는 잘 정비되어 있는 전형적인 도시하천의 모습을 갖추고 있다. 그러나 아직까지 하천 내에는 많은 양의 초지나 사주가 분포하고 있으며, 이러한 초지나 사주의 존재는 자연형 하천으로서의 역할을 담당하지만 이수 및 치수차원에서는 많은 양의 저수량 손실을 야기하는 문제도 함께 공존해 있다. 본 연구에서는 도시하천을 효율적으로 관리하기 위한 방안으로서 영상을 이용한 수자원 관리 기법을 제안하였다. 다시 말해 본 연구에서 수행한 "도시하천에서의 저수량 평가"는 보와 보사이의 흐름에 의한 유량변화가 전체 저수량에 크게 영향을 미치지 않는다는 가정 하에 다음의 세 단계로 이루어진다. 첫째, 현하천을 사주구역, 초지구역 및 그 외 구역으로 구분한다. 둘째, 현장조사를 실시하여 사주나 초지가 수면과 이루는 경사각을 조사하고, 적절한 통계적 기법을 이용하여 대상 하천의 대표 경사 값을 구한다. 또한 현장조사 시 사주나 초지로부터 충분히 떨어진 지점들의 수심을 측량하여 그 외 지역의 평균 수심을 구한다. 셋째, 영상을 해석할 수 있는 도구를 이용하여 구분된 각 구역의 면적을 계산한 후, 두 번째 단계에서 구한 경사각과 수심을 이용하여 저수량을 산정한다. 본 연구에서는 도시하천을 효율적으로 관리하기 위한 방안으로서 영상을 이용한 수자원 관리 기법을 제안하였다. 특히 도시하천에서의 저수량 산정을 위한 기초연구로서 사주 및 초지가 수면과 이루는 방위별 경사각을 조사하였으며, 그 결과를 분석하여 사주와 초지 각각의 경우에 대한 거리와 수심 간의 회귀곡선식을 구하였다. 하지만 세 번째 단계인 "저수량 산정"은 영상의 확보가 어려워, 본 연구에서는 수행되지 못하였다. 향후, 대상지역 뿐만 아니라 전국 어느 곳이라도, 하루빨리 고해상도의 위성영상이 저가에 보급되어 지기를 기대한다.

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Assessment of Inundation Rainfall Using Past Inundation Records and CCTV Images (CCTV영상과 과거침수기록을 활용한 침수 강우량 평가 - 강남역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Min Seok;Lee, Mi Ran;Choi, Woo Jung;Lee, Jong Kook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.6_1
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    • pp.567-574
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    • 2012
  • For the past few years, the video surveillance market has shown a rapid growth due to the increasing demand for Closed Circuit Television(CCTV) by the public sector and the private security industry. While the overall utilization of CCTV in the public and private sectors is expanding, its usage in the field of disaster management is less than sufficient. Therefore, the authors of this study, in an effort to revisit the role of CCTV in disaster situations, have carried out a case analysis in the vicinity of the Gangnam Station which has been designated as a natural disaster-prone area. First, the CCTV images around the target location are collected and the time and depth of inundation are measured through field surveys and image analyses. Next, a rainfall analysis was conducted using the Automatic Weather Station(AWS) data and the past inundation records. Lastly, the authors provide an estimate of rainfall for the areas around the station and suggest viable warning systems and countermeasures. The results from this study are expected to make positive contributions towards a significant reduction of the damages caused by the floods around the Gangnam Station.

Cultural and Social Implications of Metrosexual Mode

  • Oh, Yun-Jeong;Cho, Kyu-Hwa
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to understand changes of the current young generation's lifestyle, aesthetic attitude for an appearance, and way of thinking by making a close investigation into metrosexual, the recent mode, and find out its cultural and social implications. As a method of the study, the literature and the Internet data were reviewed. Articles from newspapers, magazines and the Internet were chosen roughly from the year 2000 to now because metrosexual mode remarkably boomed before and after 2000. Books related to the theory on the mode in a costume culture were referred. Also, articles in daily newspapers which dealt with cultural and social issues were reviewed, fashion magazines for men such as Esquire and GQ showing the new trend in men's lifestyle and fashion were examined, and the Internet providing us the latest news from cultural and social topics to fashion trends were investigated. The backgrounds of the rise of metrosexual mode were a collapse of stereotypes in various fields, spread of lookism in a visual image period, extension of commercialism, and expansion of men's character casual trend. Metrosexual was defined as an urban male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle. His fashion style was characterized by slim and flowing silhouette, feminine and luxurious materials such as transparent chiffon, silk and cotton with a light and soft touch, and a knitted wear with a flowing line, a wide variety of vivid and pastel colors, floral and geometric patterns, and the decorative details like lace, beads, embroidery, and fur. From spread of this mode, two cultural and social implications were extracted. Firstly, the current young generation's aesthetic standards for the perfect man changed from macho man to considerate man who had a good appearance and this suggested that a conventional sex role broke down. Secondly, men began to explore for their own identity escaping from traditionally standardized masculinity that they had been forced to follow.

Automatic Extraction of 3-Dimensional Road Information Using Road Pavement Markings (도로 노면표지를 이용한 3차원 도로정보 자동추출)

  • Kim, Jin-Gon;Han, Dong-Yeub;Yu, Ki-Yun;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.12 no.4 s.31
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we suggest an automatic technique to obtain 3-D road information in complex urban areas using road pavement markings. This method is composed of following three main steps. The first step is extracting the pavement markings from aerial images, the second one is matching the same pavement markings in two aerial images, and the last one is obtaining the 3-D coordinates of those using EOP(exterior orientation parameters) of aerial images. Here, we focus on the first and second step because the last step can be performed by using the well hewn collinearity condition equation. We used geometric properties and spatial relationships of the pavement markings to extract the lane line markings on the images and extracted arrow lane markings additionally using template matching. And then, we obtained 3-D coordinates of the road using relational matching for the pavement markings. In order to evaluate the accuracy of extraction, we did a visual inspection and compared the result of this technique with those measured by digital photogrammetric system.

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GIS Application for Site Planning

  • Han, Seung-Hee;Lee, Jin-Duk
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2009
  • The general urban plan is the plane plan which limits general and uniformed constructions; however, the district unit plan is the solid plan that can leads various constructions by discriminating by plot, housing area and lot. Therefore, for the zone plan, not only the two-dimensional plot information such as plot usage plan, but also the three-dimensional plot information needs to be used to analyze lighting, sewerage and directions. To fulfill such requirements, the information can be gathered using GIS and photogrammetric method for the reasonable and efficient zone plan. In this research, the information about the testing area for the zone plan has been gathered using GIS method, and the three-dimensional model about the area has been built using the satellite image and DEM. As the result, plot usage analysis, direction analyst, water system analysis, and slope analysis has been done and used efficiently to build the district unit plan. Also, after the result after applying the analyzed result to the actual area says this is very appropriate and efficient.

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Impact of Function and Design Elements of Sign on Customer Preference (간판의 기능과 디자인 요소가 고객 선호도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Ok;Park, Soo-Yong;Lee, Dong-Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.167-173
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    • 2018
  • Each municipality is promoting signboard improvement projects, but the effectiveness is not great. The main reason for this is that when the signboard is manufactured the location of the shop is only dependent on the visual aspiration effect and it is not harmonized with the building by applying uniform design. The signboard are installed almost everywhere in the city, such as residential, natural and commercial environments. And the signboard provides various services such as traffic information and life safety to customers. Also, by applying design and functional elements, we can enhance the competitiveness of companies and improve the urban environment by enhancing the mutual connection effect of customers and space. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of design elements and functional elements of the signboard on customer preference. In other words, we conducted surveys and analyzes of 152 specialists and non-experts (customers, self-employed). As a result of the study, the following conclusions were drawn. First, the functions and design elements of signboards are important factors that have a positive effect on customer preference. Second, the function of the signboard has a positive(+) influence on the customer preference, and the information providing function and the corporate image side function directly affect the customer preference. Third, color elements have a positive(+) meaningful effect on customer preference. Especially, similar color sign affects customer preference positively. Fourth, the signboard design component has a positive(+) significant effect on customer preference. In particular, typefaces have a positive effect on customer preference.

Accurate Estimation of Settlement Profile Behind Excavation Using Conditional Merging Technique (조건부 합성 기법을 이용한 굴착 배면 침하량 분포의 정밀 산정)

  • Kim, Taesik;Jung, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2016
  • Ground deformation around construction site in urban area where typically adjacent structures are located needs to be strictly controlled. Accordingly, it is very important to precisely monitor the ground deformation. Settlement beacon is typically employed to measure the ground deformation, but meanwhile the rapid development in electronic technology enables 3D image scanner to become available for measuring the ground deformation profile in usual construction sites. With respect to the profile measurement, the 3D scanner has an advantage, whereas its accuracy is somewhat limited because it does not measure the displacement directly. In this paper, we developed a conditional merging technique to combine the ground displacement measured from settlement beacon and the profile measured by the 3D scanner. Synthetic ground deformation profile was generated to validate the proposed technique. It is found that the ground deformation measurement error can be reduced significantly via the conditional merging technique.