• Title/Summary/Keyword: Two-sample T-test

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The Impact of Human Resource Innovativeness, Learning Orientation, and Their Interaction on Innovation Effect and Business Performance : Comparison of Small and Medium-Sized vs. Large-Sized Companies (인적자원의 혁신성, 학습지향성, 이들의 상호작용이 혁신효과 및 사업성과에 미치는 영향 : 중소기업과 대기업의 비교연구)

  • Yoh, Eunah
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.19-37
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this research is to explore differences between small and medium-sized companies and large-sized companies in the impact of human resource innovativeness(HRI), learning orientation(LO), and HRI-LO interaction on innovation effect and business performance. Although learning orientation has long been considered as a key factor influencing good performance of a business, little research was devoted to exploring the effect of HRI-LO interaction on innovation effect and business performance. In this study, it is investigated whether there is a synergy effect between innovative human workforce and learning orientation corporate culture, in addition to each by itself, to generate good business performance as well as a success of new innovations in the market. Research hypotheses were as follows, including H1) human resource innovativeness(HRI), learning orientation(LO), and interactions of HRI and LO(HRI-LO interaction) positively affect innovation effect, H2) there is a difference of the effect of HRI, LO, and HRI-LO interaction on innovation effect between large-sized and small-sized companies, H3) HRI, LO, HRI-LO interaction, innovation effect positively affect business performance, and H4) there is a difference of the effect of HRI, LO, HRI-LO interaction, and innovation effect on business performance between large-sized and small-sized companies. Data were obtained from 479 practitioners through a web survey since the web survey is an efficient method to collect a national data at a variety of fields. A single respondent from a company was allowed to participate in the study after checking whether they have more than 5-year work experiences in the company. To check whether a common source bias is existed in the sample, additional data from a convenient sample of 97 companies were gathered through the traditional survey method, and were used to confirm correlations between research variables of the original sample and the additional sample. Data were divided into two groups according to company size, such as 352 small and medium-sized companies with less than 300 employees and 127 large-sized companies with 300 or more employees. Data were analyzed through t-test and regression analyses. HRI which is the innovativeness of human resources in the company was measured with 9 items assessing the innovativenss of practitioners in staff, manager, and executive-level positions. LO is the company's effort to encourage employees' development, sharing, and utilizing of knowledge through consistent learning. LO was measured by 18 items assessing commitment to learning, vision sharing, and open-mindedness. Innovation effect which assesses a success of new products/services in the market, was measured with 3 items. Business performance was measured by respondents' evaluations on profitability, sales increase, market share, and general business performance, compared to other companies in the same field. All items were measured by using 6-point Likert scales. Means of multiple items measuring a construct were used as variables based on acceptable reliability and validity. To reduce multi-collinearity problems generated on the regression analysis of interaction terms, centered data were used for HRI, LO, and Innovation effect on regression analyses. In group comparison, large-sized companies were superior on annual sales, annual net profit, the number of new products/services in the last 3 years, the number of new processes advanced in the last 3 years, and the number of R&D personnel, compared to small and medium-sized companies. Also, large-sized companies indicated a higher level of HRI, LO, HRI-LO interaction, innovation effect and business performance than did small and medium-sized companies. The results indicate that large-sized companies tend to have more innovative human resources and invest more on learning orientation than did small-sized companies, therefore, large-sized companies tend to have more success of a new product/service in the market, generating better business performance. In order to test research hypotheses, a series of multiple-regression analysis was conducted. In the regression analysis examining the impact on innovation effect, important results were generated as : 1) HRI, LO, and HRI-LO affected innovation effect, and 2) company size indicated a moderating effect. Based on the result, the impact of HRI on innovation effect would be greater in small and medium-sized companies than in large-sized companies whereas the impact of LO on innovation effect would be greater in large-sized companies than in small and medium-sized companies. In other words, innovative workforce would be more important in making new products/services that would be successful in the market for small and medium-sized companies than for large-sized companies. Otherwise, learning orientation culture would be more effective in making successful products/services for large-sized companies than for small and medium-sized companies. Based on these results, research hypotheses 1 and 2 were supported. In the analysis of a regression examining the impact on business performance, important results were generated as : 1) innovation effect, LO, and HRI-LO affected business performance, 2) HRI by itself did not have a direct effect on business performance regardless of company size, and 3) company size indicated a moderating effect. Specifically, an effect of the HRI-LO interaction on business performance was stronger in large-sized companies than in small and medium-sized companies. It means that the synergy effect of innovative human resources and learning orientation culture tends to be stronger as company is larger. Referring to these result, research hypothesis 3 was partially supported whereas hypothesis 4 was supported. Based on research results, implications for companies were generated. Regardless of company size, companies need to develop the learning orientation corporate culture as well as human resources' innovativeness together in order to achieve successful development of innovative products and services as well as to improve sales and profits. However, the effectiveness of the HRI-LO interaction would be varied by company size. Specifically, the synergy effect of HRI-LO was stronger to make a success of new products/services in small and medium-sized companies than in large-sized companies. However, the synergy effect of HRI-LO was more effective to increase business performance of large-sized companies than that of small and medium-sized companies. In the case of small and medium-sized companies, business performance was achieved more through the success of new products/services than much directly affected by HRI-LO. The most meaningful result of this study is that the effect of HRI-LO interaction on innovation effect and business performance was confirmed. It was often ignored in the previous research. Also, it was found that the innovativeness of human workforce would not directly influence in generating good business performance, however, innovative human resources would indirectly affect making good business performance by contributing to achieving the development of new products/services that would be successful in the market. These findings would provide valuable managerial implications specifically in regard to the development of corporate culture and education program of small and medium-sized as well as large-sized companies in a variety of fields.

Optimization of Support Vector Machines for Financial Forecasting (재무예측을 위한 Support Vector Machine의 최적화)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Jae;Ahn, Hyun-Chul
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.241-254
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    • 2011
  • Financial time-series forecasting is one of the most important issues because it is essential for the risk management of financial institutions. Therefore, researchers have tried to forecast financial time-series using various data mining techniques such as regression, artificial neural networks, decision trees, k-nearest neighbor etc. Recently, support vector machines (SVMs) are popularly applied to this research area because they have advantages that they don't require huge training data and have low possibility of overfitting. However, a user must determine several design factors by heuristics in order to use SVM. For example, the selection of appropriate kernel function and its parameters and proper feature subset selection are major design factors of SVM. Other than these factors, the proper selection of instance subset may also improve the forecasting performance of SVM by eliminating irrelevant and distorting training instances. Nonetheless, there have been few studies that have applied instance selection to SVM, especially in the domain of stock market prediction. Instance selection tries to choose proper instance subsets from original training data. It may be considered as a method of knowledge refinement and it maintains the instance-base. This study proposes the novel instance selection algorithm for SVMs. The proposed technique in this study uses genetic algorithm (GA) to optimize instance selection process with parameter optimization simultaneously. We call the model as ISVM (SVM with Instance selection) in this study. Experiments on stock market data are implemented using ISVM. In this study, the GA searches for optimal or near-optimal values of kernel parameters and relevant instances for SVMs. This study needs two sets of parameters in chromosomes in GA setting : The codes for kernel parameters and for instance selection. For the controlling parameters of the GA search, the population size is set at 50 organisms and the value of the crossover rate is set at 0.7 while the mutation rate is 0.1. As the stopping condition, 50 generations are permitted. The application data used in this study consists of technical indicators and the direction of change in the daily Korea stock price index (KOSPI). The total number of samples is 2218 trading days. We separate the whole data into three subsets as training, test, hold-out data set. The number of data in each subset is 1056, 581, 581 respectively. This study compares ISVM to several comparative models including logistic regression (logit), backpropagation neural networks (ANN), nearest neighbor (1-NN), conventional SVM (SVM) and SVM with the optimized parameters (PSVM). In especial, PSVM uses optimized kernel parameters by the genetic algorithm. The experimental results show that ISVM outperforms 1-NN by 15.32%, ANN by 6.89%, Logit and SVM by 5.34%, and PSVM by 4.82% for the holdout data. For ISVM, only 556 data from 1056 original training data are used to produce the result. In addition, the two-sample test for proportions is used to examine whether ISVM significantly outperforms other comparative models. The results indicate that ISVM outperforms ANN and 1-NN at the 1% statistical significance level. In addition, ISVM performs better than Logit, SVM and PSVM at the 5% statistical significance level.

A Diagnostic Study on High School Students' Health and Quality of Life - Based on the PRECEDE model - (고등학생의 건강 및 삶의 질에 대한 진단적 연구 - PRECEDE 모형을 근간으로 -)

  • Yoo Jae-Soon;Hong Yeo-Shin
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.3
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    • pp.78-98
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    • 1997
  • Health education, as the most fundamental concept for national health promotion, alms for developing the self-care ability of the general public. High school days are regarded as the period when most important physical, mental and social developments occur, and most health-related behaviors are formed. School health education is one of the major learning resources influencing health potential in the home and community as well as for the individual student. High school health education in Korea has a fundamental systemic flaw in that health-related subjects are divided and taught under various subjects areas at school. In order to achieve the goal of school health education, it is essential to make a systematic assessment of the learner's concerns connected with his health and life, and the factors affecting them. So far, most of the research projects that had been carried out for improving high school health education were limited in their concerns to a particular aspect of health. Even though some had been done in view of comprehensive school health education, they failed to Include a health assessment of the learner. Therefore, in this study the high school students' concerns related to health and life were investigated in the first place on the basis of the PRECEDE model, developed by Green and others for the purpose of a comprehensive diagnostic research on high school health education. This study was done in two steps : one was the basic study for developing research instrument and the other was the main one. The former was conducted at five high schools in Seoul and Cheongju for 2 months-beginning in March, 1996. The students were asked to respond to questions related to their health and lives in unstructured open-ended question forms. On the basis of analysis of the basic study, the diagnostic instruments for the quality of life, health problems, health behavior and educational factors were constructed to be used for the collection of data for main study. An expert panel and the pilot study were used to improve content validity and reliability of the instruments. The reliability of the instruments was measured at between .7697 and .9611 by the Cronbach $\alpha$. The data for this study were collected from the sample consisted of the junior and senior classes of twenty general and vocational high schools in Seoul and Cheongju for two months period beginning in July, 1996. In analyzing the data, both t-test and $X^2$-test were done by using SAS-$PC^+$ Program to compare data between the sexes of the high school students and the types of high school. A canonical correlation analysis was carried out to determine the relationships among the diagnostic variables, and a multivariate multiple regression analysis was conducted by using LISREL 8.03 to ascertain the influences of variables on the high school students' health and quality of life. The results were as follows : 1) The findings of the hypothesis tests (1) The canonical correlation between the educational diagnosis variables and behavioral, epidemiological, social diagnosis variables was .7221, which was significant at the level of p<.001. (2) The canonical correlation between the educational diagnosis variables and the behavior variables was .6851, which also was significant (p<.001). (3) The canonical correlation between the behavioral diagnosis variables and the epidemiological variables was 4295, which was significant (p<.001). (4) The canonical correlation between the epidemiological diagnosis variables and the social variables was .6005, which was also significant (p<.001). Therefore, the relationship between each diagnosis variable suggested by the PRECEDE model had been experimentally proven to be valid, supporting the conceptual framework of the study as appropriate for assessing the multi-dimensional factors affecting high school students' health and quality of life. Health behavior self-efficacy, the level of parents' interest and knowledge of health, and the level of the perception of school health education, all of which are the educational diagnostic variables, are the most influential variables in students' health and quality of life. In particular, health behavior self-efficacy, a causative factor, was one of the main influential variables in their health and quality of life. Other diagnostic variables suggested in the steps of the PRECEDE model were found to have reciprocal relations rather than a unidirectional causative relationship. The significance of this research is that it has diagnosed the needs of high school health education by the learner-centered assessment of variety of factors related to the health and the life of the students. This research findings suggest an integrated system of school health education to be contrived to enhance the effectiveness of the education by strengthening the influential factors such as self-efficacy to improve the health and quality of the lives of high school students.

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The effect of surface treatment conditioning on shear bond strength between zirconia and dental resin cements (지르코니아 세라믹의 표면처리에 따른 치과용 접착제의 전단결합강도)

  • Kim, Ji-Hye;Seo, Jae-Min;Ahn, Seung-Geun;Park, Ju-Mi;Song, Kwang-Yeob
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of surface treatment on the shear bond strength of zirconia ceramic to 3 resin cements. Materials and methods: A total of 143 disk-shaped Zirconia blocks (HASS Co., Gangneung, Korea) were randomly divided into three treatment groups: (1) only 50 ${\mu}m$ $Al_2O_3$ sandblasting, (2) 50 ${\mu}m$ $Al_2O_3$ sandblast and zircona liner, (3) 50 ${\mu}m$ $Al_2O_3$ sandblasting and Rocatec (3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany). Bistite II (Tokuyama Dental Co., Japan), Panavia F (Kuraray Medical, Japan), and Superbond C&B (Sun Medical, Japan) were used to cement onto the zirconia. After 24h of storage in distilled water, shear bond strength was evaluated. High value group was re-tested after thermocycling at 5,000 cycles(5-$55^{\circ}C$). Shear bond strength data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA test and Post Hoc Test (${\alpha}$=.05). Shear bond strength data before and after thermocycling were analyzed with Independent sample T test (${\alpha}$=.05). Results: Super-bond C&B treated with Rocatec showed the most high shear bond strength. Super-bond C&B groups resulted in significantly higher than other cement groups (P<.05). Rocatec groups resulted in significantly higher than other surface treatment groups (P<.05). Shear bond strength has increased in Panavia F treated with Zirconia liner (P<.05). After thermocycling, shear bond strength was increased in Super-bond C&B treated with Rocatec but decreased in other groups (P<.05). Conclusion: Super-bond C&B cement resulted the highest shear bond strength and Rocatec system enhanced the shear bond strength. After thermocycling, shear bond strength has decreased in most resin cements except Super-bond C&B treated with Rocatec.

The Relationships among Patient's Perception, Patient's Satisfaction of Nursing Service Quality and Revisiting intention (간호서비스 질에 대한 환자의 인식과 만족도 및 재방문의도와의 관계)

  • Lee, Sun-Ah
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.307-319
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    • 1998
  • This study is an empirical investigation and study on the measurement of nursing service quality as perceived by patients. A series of H1. H2. H3 alternative hypotheses were tested using a sample of 250 patients in Taegu City. Korea. HI hypothese were tested for application of five component of service quality (SERVQlTAL and SE RPERF : tangiblity. reliability. responsiveness. accessibility. understandability) in Taegu area Hospitals. Validity test - the five components of service quality were rearranged into two components of service quality (personal factor. nonpersonal factor). Although SERVQUAL was verified in USA. application for five components of service quality in Korea indicated that it need more analytical studies. Nobody can deny the fact that the recent growth of the nursing service quality is one of the most important driving forces of hospital management. In many hospitals. the nursing quality charges more than 50% of the medical service quality. As a result. many hospital managers should be enormous interests in the investment potentiality of the nursing service. However. doesn't many researchers invest their time and effort on the research of the quality control in nursing service. Nursing service management is the process to satisfy customer's desires and expectations through the various service activities. Presently nursing service are being faced with three Common tasks of improving quality of nursing service. competitively differential advantage and productivity because of quantitative expansion of Nursing service. Such a phenomenon is also found in our medical service industry. resulting from increasing demands for medical service owing to national medical insurance policy and consumer's attitude change emphasizing prevention of illness. excessiveness of medical facilities in large cities and increasing medical lawsuits due to influence of consumerism. Therefore. under such circumstances. this research on nursing service is conducted from nursing managements to improve the nursing service quality problems faced by medical institutions. The results of this theoretical/empirical research are as follows: 1. Nursing service Quality is regarded as patients' perceived quality and evaluated on the basis (5 dimension) of technical and functional quality. 2. Nursing service Quality is a concept of patients evaluation on the measurable multi-dimensions intrinsic and extrinsic attributes of service. 3. Nursing service Quality is conceptually defined as the difference between the perceived service and the expected service. 4. Korean consumers trend to evaluate nursing service quality based on such dimensions as responsiveness and reliability. understandability. accessibility. tangibility. 5. After analyzing whether or not there are some differences in respective medical institution. it was found that there are significant difference on understandability. reliability. communicability. courtesy. competence. 6. After analyzing the difference between the expected nursing service and the nursing perceived service, it was found that the expected nursing service is higher than the perceived service in every medical institution. 7. HI hypothesis was tested with regard to the validity test between SERVQUAL and SERVPERF in nursing service quality. The result of validity test between SERVQUAL and SERVPERF was found to have differential result. That is the R2 of SERVPERF is higher than that of SERVQUAL. Therefore. HI was verified in nursing management. H2. H3 hypotheses were tested whether or not the nursing service quality and patient satisfaction is the preceding variable. The result of H2 hypothes is that the nursing service quality is the preceding variable of patient satisfaction and the patient satisfaction is that of revisiting intention. After analyzing whether or not there is any differences on the demographic variable of five nursing service quality factor. it was found that there are statistically significant differences on communicability and courtesy at the sex. understand ability. accessibility and tangibility at the age. understandability at the academic background respectively.

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A Comparative Study on Quantity of Phoria between New Phoria Measurement with 3D Display and Existing Methods (개발된 3D Display 장치를 이용한 사위검사법과 기존 사위검사법으로 측정한 사위량 비교에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Seok Hyon;Hong, Hyungki
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.313-320
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study compared the quantity of phoria for distance by new method with that by existing methods. Methods: For this study, it was selected to two existing phoria measurements, von Graefe and Maddox rod. And new method named "3D polarizing phoria measurement" was designed to measure the quantity of phoria using polarizing glasses and 3D display. Unlike existing measurement using polarized lens, newly considered method measured the quantity of phoria in condition removed perfect binocular fusion using field stop on apparatus and polarized lens. For using new method for distance, it was developed a phoria test chart. It supports three kinds of phoria measurements. Subjects were 12 (male 6, female 6). They had three phoria tests (1 sets) including new method. It was considered the effect of experimental order, so we tested all cases about experimental order. The number of cases was 6 sets, and the sample size in this experiment was 72 sets. For removing binocular fusion, lighting of the laboratory that was below 10 lx and the background color of phoria test chart was dark, RGB=(20, 20, 20). Results: Subjects were sorted into three groups. Samples with exophoria and orthophoria were 30 sets each, and those with esophoria were 12 sets. The quantity of phoria measured three tests differ from each other like "newmethod < von Graefe < Maddox rod", and there were statistically significant difference each other. Conclusions: This study has great significance in the sense that new method was the measurement with naturally removing binocular fusion without dizziness during the tests.

Preliminary Study on Actuated Signal Control at Rural Area of Cheon-an City (천안시 외곽지역의 감응식 신호운영을 위한 기초연구)

  • Park, Soon-Yong;Kim, Dong-Nyong
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.52-63
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    • 2009
  • Recently in Korea, in the case of metropolis, the urban signalized intersections are controlled by traffic information center or ITS center. Cheon-an City also established traffic information center through the 1st.-$\sim$3rd. ITS public construction and has managed this center that includes bus information service, traffic information collection and providing service, parking information service, and traffic responsive control system. In the Cheon-an metropolitan traffic signal operation, traffic signal controllers were grouped by the each main traffic flow axes and performed with coordinated signal timing for the signalized arterials, and also cycle and split changed by realtime traffic demands. Cheon-an urban traffic responsive control system was evaluated by intersection delay and speed, then it was verified that the delay decreased and vehicle speed improved. However, the rural signal control system to connect adjacency town was evaluated to have lower status than urban area due to the unimproved TOD (Time of day) plan. Therefore actuated signal control was examined for substitutive control system in isolated signal intersection. The aim of this article is to compare actuated signal control with TOD mode in the rural intersection of Cheon-an and to fine superiority of these two control mode, with evaluation of vehicle delay by using HCM(2000) method and by micro-simulation CORSlM. The result of field test show that actuated signal control gave better performance in delay comparison than the existing TOD signal control. And simulation outcome verified that non-optimized TOD has higher delay than optimized TOD mode, non-optimal actuated mode, and optimal actuated signal control mode. Particularly, these three modes delays had not different values according to the paired sample t-test. This is because small traffic demands were loaded in each links. This suggested actuated signal control is expected to be more effective than TOD mode in some rural isolated intersections which frequently need to survey for traffic volume.

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Development and Effectiveness of the Primary Hospice Education Program for Nurses (간호사를 위한 호스피스 기초 교육 프로그램 및 효과)

  • In, Sook-Jin
    • 한국호스피스완화의료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.07a
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    • pp.100-102
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    • 2004
  • Under the current medical system, a terminal patient and his/her family who are neglected inevitably face various aspects of crises including not only physical, but also psychological, social, economic, spiritual and legal problems. Nurses often look after many terminal patents with these types of complicated problems. Therefore, educating the nurses who will take care of such patents would greatly reduce stress so the patents end could their lives in peace and without losing their dignity. This research is a quasi experimental study of nonequivalent control group. A pretest-posttest design where a basic education program is developed for nurses, who frequently treat terminal patents, to understand the importance of the role of hospice and to apply their understandings to treat terminal lancer patents. A sample of the nurses were taken from those who were working in general wards at two general hospitals in Seoul during October, 2003${\sim}$December 2003. The study was composed of 46 experimental group and 43 control group. A basic hospice education program was developed by taking emphasized and overlapping parts from advanced practice hospice nurses education course, short-term education course, an extensive literature survey and by consulting three professionals as well. With the group of 5 professors with vast experiences in oncolgy, 5 nursing administrator, 3 nursing practitioner, the tentative first version of the program was developed and reviewed. Afterwards, by utilizing person to person interviews with 2 head nurses experienced with terminal patients, 1 nurse in charge of hospice, 1 nurse on the contents of the program, and a person to person rating on the educating medium by a nurse were performed. The final version of a basic education program was developed after the second revision. The hospice basic education program consists of introduction to hospice, hospice and commucation, management of pain for terminal cancer patients, physical management for terminal cancer patients, socio-psycological caring of terminal cancer patients and management of death and separation. Total education time was four hours organized into 50 minutes of instruction and 10 minutes of break. $Powerpoint^{(R)}$ software was used as the education medium. As research tools, "Knowledge on Hospice" was developed by the author after receiving a review from one expert. "Attitude of Hospice Nursing" was revised Kim(2001)'s attitude measuring tool which was based on Wang(1998), Kwon(1989), Park and Sung(1991)'s tool. "Liability on nursing terminal patients" was used as developed by Zarits(1980) and Mongomory(1985) translated by Lee(1985). For collecting data, preliminary investigation prior to 1 week of the hospice basic education program and post-investigations after 1 week and 4 weeks of the education were carried out for the nurses at a general ward who understood and agreed on the purpose of the program. Collected data were analyzed throughout t-test, $x^2-test$, Manova test and Bonferroni correction in $SAS^{(R)}$ program. The summary of the investigation is as follows: Hypothesis 1: "Educated experimental group would possess more knowledge on hospice compared to the un-educated control group" was supported after 1 (F=12.14, p=.00) and 4 (F=5.3, p=.02) weeks of education. Hypothesis 2: "Educated experimental group would take a positive attitude toward hospice nursing compared to the un-educated control group" was supported after 1(F=3.92, p=.05) and 4(F=5.05, p=.02) weeks of education. Hypothesis 3: "Educated experimental poop would feel less liability compared to the un-educated control group in nursing terminal cancer patients' was rejected. In this study, it was found that knowledge on hospice was significantly important. By applying hospice basic education programs to nurses, the education program helped nurses to take a positive attitude toward terminal patients. It was, however, seen that the education program had no effect on alleviating liability in nursing terminal patients. Therefore, it is expected that this educational program would help hospices and nurses at general wards to understand the concept and the role of hospice so that terminal patents, now neglected under current medical system, would be able to end their lives in peace.

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  • Park, Eun-Hee;So, Yu-Kyoung;Choi, Nak-Kyung;Kim, Se-Joo;Noh, Joo-Sun;Ko, Yun-Joo;Kim, Young-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.183-196
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    • 2003
  • Objectives:The Purpose of this study is to investigate the reliability and validity of Korean Parent and Teacher Conners' Rating Scale. Methods:Randomly selected 1st to 6th graders of the two elementary schools(N=1044) in Anyang City participated in the study. Children diagnosed with ADHD(N=23) at the child and adolescent clinic at a university affiliated hospital were included in the study for the analysis of clinical validity of the scales. Parent and teacher completed Korean Conners' Rating Scale and Korean-ADHD Rating Scale(KARS). In addition, parents completed Korean-Children Behavior CheckList(K-CBCL). Descriptive statistics, t-test, and analysis of variance were performed. Results:Scores of Korean Conners' Parents Rating Scale were significantly correlated with those of Korean Conners Teacher Rating Scale. High internal consistency reliability were demonstrated in both parent and teacher rating scales. There were significant correlations among sub-scales of Conners' Rating Scales, K-CBCL and K-ARS. Factor analyses revealed that the K-CTRS had three-factor structure (Inattention-Passivity, Hyperactivity, Conduct Problem) and the K-CPRS had five-factor structure(Impulsive-Hyperactive, Conduct Problem I, Anxiety, Psychosomatic, Conduct Problem II). Conners' Rating Scales effectively distinguish children with ADHD from children without ADHD. Conclusion:Korean Parent and Teacher Conners' Rating Scales are valid and reliable instruments that are useful for screening and identifying childhood problem behaviors. Future studies are required with a larger number of sample sizes including adolescents from various geographic regions.

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The Effect of the Instruction Using PSpice Simulation in 'Digital Logic Circuit' Subject at Industrial High School (공업계열 전문계고등학교 '디지털 논리 회로' 수업에서 PSpice를 이용한 수업의 효과)

  • Choi, Seung-Woo;Woo, Sang-Ho;Kim, Jinsoo
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.149-168
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of PSpice instruction on academic achievement in 'Combination logic circuit' unit of 'Digital Logic Circuit' in industrial high school. Three kinds of null hypotheses were formulated. Two classes of the third grade of C technical high school in Gyeong-buk were divided into experimental group and control group in order to verify null hypotheses. In the experimental design, 'Non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest' model was utilized. This experiment was conducted for six classes, the experimental group was applied to PSpice instruction method before the circuit traning while the control group was applied to traditional lecture oriented method before the circuit traning. Window SPSS 10.0 korean language version program was used for the data analysis and independent sample t-test was used to identify the average of each group. Significance level was set to .05 level. The results obtained in this study were as follows; First, PSpice instruction had not an effect on academic achievement according to a group type. However, these instruction had an effect on the following sub-domains; the psychomotor domain. Second, PSpice instruction had not an effect on academic achievement according to a studies level. However, these instruction for middle and low level students had an effect on the cognitive and psychomotor domain, and for middle level students had an effect on the affective domain. Third, PSpice instruction had not an effect on shortening of a training requirement. However, this instruction for low level students had an effect on shortening of a training requirement. The study results of simulation instruction was chiefly efficient in the psychomotor domain. We could know that simulation instruction is efficient as went to a low level students than an upper level students. Thus, We may make the study effectiveness in various instruction method.