Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration (간호행정학회지)
- Volume 4 Issue 2
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- Pages.307-319
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- 1998
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
The Relationships among Patient's Perception, Patient's Satisfaction of Nursing Service Quality and Revisiting intention
간호서비스 질에 대한 환자의 인식과 만족도 및 재방문의도와의 관계
This study is an empirical investigation and study on the measurement of nursing service quality as perceived by patients. A series of H1. H2. H3 alternative hypotheses were tested using a sample of 250 patients in Taegu City. Korea. HI hypothese were tested for application of five component of service quality (SERVQlTAL and SE RPERF : tangiblity. reliability. responsiveness. accessibility. understandability) in Taegu area Hospitals. Validity test - the five components of service quality were rearranged into two components of service quality (personal factor. nonpersonal factor). Although SERVQUAL was verified in USA. application for five components of service quality in Korea indicated that it need more analytical studies. Nobody can deny the fact that the recent growth of the nursing service quality is one of the most important driving forces of hospital management. In many hospitals. the nursing quality charges more than 50% of the medical service quality. As a result. many hospital managers should be enormous interests in the investment potentiality of the nursing service. However. doesn't many researchers invest their time and effort on the research of the quality control in nursing service. Nursing service management is the process to satisfy customer's desires and expectations through the various service activities. Presently nursing service are being faced with three Common tasks of improving quality of nursing service. competitively differential advantage and productivity because of quantitative expansion of Nursing service. Such a phenomenon is also found in our medical service industry. resulting from increasing demands for medical service owing to national medical insurance policy and consumer's attitude change emphasizing prevention of illness. excessiveness of medical facilities in large cities and increasing medical lawsuits due to influence of consumerism. Therefore. under such circumstances. this research on nursing service is conducted from nursing managements to improve the nursing service quality problems faced by medical institutions. The results of this theoretical/empirical research are as follows: 1. Nursing service Quality is regarded as patients' perceived quality and evaluated on the basis (5 dimension) of technical and functional quality. 2. Nursing service Quality is a concept of patients evaluation on the measurable multi-dimensions intrinsic and extrinsic attributes of service. 3. Nursing service Quality is conceptually defined as the difference between the perceived service and the expected service. 4. Korean consumers trend to evaluate nursing service quality based on such dimensions as responsiveness and reliability. understandability. accessibility. tangibility. 5. After analyzing whether or not there are some differences in respective medical institution. it was found that there are significant difference on understandability. reliability. communicability. courtesy. competence. 6. After analyzing the difference between the expected nursing service and the nursing perceived service, it was found that the expected nursing service is higher than the perceived service in every medical institution. 7. HI hypothesis was tested with regard to the validity test between SERVQUAL and SERVPERF in nursing service quality. The result of validity test between SERVQUAL and SERVPERF was found to have differential result. That is the R2 of SERVPERF is higher than that of SERVQUAL. Therefore. HI was verified in nursing management. H2. H3 hypotheses were tested whether or not the nursing service quality and patient satisfaction is the preceding variable. The result of H2 hypothes is that the nursing service quality is the preceding variable of patient satisfaction and the patient satisfaction is that of revisiting intention. After analyzing whether or not there is any differences on the demographic variable of five nursing service quality factor. it was found that there are statistically significant differences on communicability and courtesy at the sex. understand ability. accessibility and tangibility at the age. understandability at the academic background respectively.