• Title/Summary/Keyword: Transportation-Inventory

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Development of Greenhouse Gas Estimation Method for a Local Government Level Using Traffic Demand Model

  • Maurillo, Pennie Rose Anne R.;Jung, Hyeon-Ji;Lee, Seon-Ha;Ha, Dong-Ik
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.114-128
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    • 2013
  • Greenhouse gas emissions have been an important issue in different countries because of their effects on global warming. The government has to organize greenhouse gas reduction measures suitable to regional characteristics by establishing annual implementation plans and comprehensive policies based on the UNFCCC. The transportation sector is one of the major contributors of air pollution; hence increasing need to estimate current and future traffic emissions precisely. Under these circumstances, a number of emission models have been developed recently. However, current methods of estimation cannot carry out effective analyses because it does not reflect vehicle movement characteristics. This study aims to present a new method for calculating road traffic emissions in Goyang city. A travel demand model is utilized to carry out GHG emission estimates according the traffic data (fleet composition, vehicle kilometers travelled, traffic intensity, road type, emission factors and speed). This study evaluates two approaches to estimate the road traffic emissions in Goyang City: Pollution-Emis and the Handbook of Emission Factors for Road Transport (HBEFA v.3.1) which is representative of the "average speed" and the "traffic situation" model types. The evaluation of results shows that the proposed emission estimation method may be a good practice if vigilant implementation of model inputs is observed.

Design of Supplementary Cementitious Materials and Unit Content of Binder for Reducing CO2 Emission of Concrete (콘크리트 CO2 저감을 고려한 혼화재 및 단위 결합재 양의 설계)

  • Yang, Keun-Hyeok;Moon, Jae-Heum
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.597-604
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    • 2012
  • The present study assessed the $CO_2$ emissions of concrete according to the type and replacement ratio of supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) and concrete compressive strength using a comprehensive database including 2464 cement concrete specimens and 776 cement concrete mixes with different SCMs. The system studied in $CO_2$ assessment of concrete based on Korean lifecycle inventory was from cradle to pre-construction, which includes consistent materials, transportation and production phases. As the performance efficiency indicators, binder and $CO_2$ intensities were analyzed, and simple equations to evaluate the amount of $CO_2$ emission of concrete were then formulated as a function of concrete compressive strength and the replacement ratio of each SCM. Hence, the proposed equations are expected to be practical and useful as a guideline to determine the type and replacement ratio of SCM and unit content of binder in concrete mix design that can satisfy the target compressive strength and $CO_2$ reduction percentage relative to cement concrete.

A Study on the Effect of the IoT Technology on SCM (IoT 기술이 공급사슬관리에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kangbae;Baek, Daehan;Kim, Doohawn
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.227-243
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    • 2016
  • In order to maximize profitability by optimizing the entire supply chain process, enterprises have made efforts to apply IT technologies such as POS, MES, and TMS. In addition, academic societies have also made efforts to verify the effects of IT technology introduction through various researches. However, until now, there is almost no research that analyzes the relationship between the IoT, a new IT technology, and the SCM. To study the effect of IoT technology on SCM, this study conducted professional Delphi surveys for three times. Through this method, this study analyzed changes that will be caused by the IoT technology, the priority area in IoT introduction, and the expected difficulty in IoT introduction on SCM. As a result of the Delphi surveys and analyses, it was expected that when IoT technology is introduced, the level of SCM's IT use and partnership will increase. However, the effect of the increased performance of the supply chain, which includes inventory management and quality control, will become weaker. The reason is that the development of operation and management skills, as well as the improvement of IT technology, are also important elements for the performance improvement of the supply chain. As for the priority area in IoT introduction, it was expected that the effect will be greater when IoT is introduced in customer service, transportation, and delivery areas. As difficulties in IoT technology introduction, such as the shortage of IoT platform development personnel, standardization, integration with the existing system, securing professional manpower, expenses, data management, and operation, were derived, it has thus become necessary for us to exert greater efforts in order to come up with solutions.

Environmental Impact Assessment of the Carbody of a Electric Motor Unit(EMU) Using Simplified Life Cycle Assessment(S-LCA) (간략화 전과정 평가(S-LCA) 기법을 이용한 전동차 구체의 환경성 평가)

  • Lee Jae-Young;Mok Jai-Kyun;Jeong In-Tae;Kim Yong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.8 no.6 s.31
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    • pp.520-524
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    • 2005
  • It is consequential to reduce the environmental impact of a product for sustainable development in 21st Century. In the field of transportation, especially, the technological market concerned about reduction and assessment of greenhouse gas emission is expected to be extended. The LCA gas been esteemed and utilized as a realistic alternative greenhouse gas emission is expected to be extended. The LCA has been esteemed and utilized as a realistic alternative to improve the environment by the assessment of environmental impacts. In this study, simplified life cycle assessment(S-LCA), was performed to analyze the environmental impacts quantitatively, which were produced through the life cycle of a electric motor unit(EMU). The object of the present work is rth investigate main parameters of environmental impacts and to establish the plans to improve the environment impact of EMU. As a result of quantitative assessment for environmental impact and manufacturing, the EMU carbody made of SUS showed acidification(AD) and marine water aquatic ecotoxicity(MAET) the most, while that made of Mild showed high impact of global warning(GW) and abiotic resources depletion(ARD). For the SUS EMU, the high AD and MAET impact is occurred by the discharged pollutants during acid-washing process. Also, high value of GW and ARD for Mild EMU is resulted from the consumption of iron ore, coal and crude oil during manufacturing. Therefore, the environment impact of carbody would be decreased by enhancing of energy efficiency and the lightening the weight of it.

Life Cycle Assessment of Rural Community Buildings Using OpenLCATM DB (OpenLCATM DB를 이용한 농촌 공동체 건축물 전과정평가)

  • Kim, Yongmin;Lee, Byungjoon;Yoon, Seongsoo
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.63 no.3
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    • pp.97-105
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    • 2021
  • Most of the rural development projects for the welfare of residents are mainly new construction and remodeling projects for community buildings such as village halls and senior citizens. However, in the case of the construction industry, it has been studied that 23% of the total carbon dioxide emissions generated in Korea are generated in the building-related sector. (GGIC, 2015) In order to reduce the emission of environmental pollutants resulting from construction of rural community buildings, there is a need to establish a system for rural buildings by predicting the environmental impact. As a result of this study, the emissions of air pollutants from buildings in rural communities were analyzed by dividing into seven stages: material production, construction, operation, maintenance, demolition, recycling, and transportation activities related to disposal. As a result, 12 kg of carbon dioxide (CO), 0.06 kg of carbon monoxide (CO), 0.02 kg of methane (CH), 0.04 kg of nitrogen oxides (NO), 0.02 kg of sulfurous acid gas (SO), and non-methane volatile organics per 1m of buildings in rural communities It was analyzed that 0.02 kg of compound (NMVOC) and 0.00011 kg of nitrous oxide (NO) were released. This study proved that environmentally friendly design is possible with a quantitative methodology for the comparison of operating energy and air pollutant emissions through the design specification change based on the statement of the rural community building. It is considered that it can function as basic data for further research by collecting major structural changes and materials of rural community buildings.

Application of Throughput Costing in Smart Factory Manufacturing Environment (스마트공장 제조환경에서의 초변동원가회계의 적용)

  • Kim, Kyung-Ihl
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to propose a throughput costing as a performance measurement tool to measure cost indicators, which are one of the indicators for evaluating organizational performance in a smart factory manufacturing environment. An empirical study by questionnaire was conducted, and 60 experts were surveyed to verify the hypothesis. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the information provided based on throughput costing is helpful in cost measurement and in evaluating organizational performance efficiency and effectiveness, and it was confirmed that this method has usefulness to support the planning and control process. It is proposed that the use of throughput costing by constraint theory, which can maximize throughput and optimize inventory levels in the manufacturing process, can find solutions to bottlenecks affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational performance.

A Study on Port's Decarbonization Strategies : focusing on its Barriers and Solutions (항만의 탈탄소 전환에 관한 연구: 장애요인과 해결방안을 중심으로)

  • Han, Chul-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.137-155
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    • 2024
  • To achieve the national goal of "2050 Carbon Neutrality" in the era of the climate crisis, it is important to support the decarbonization of ports, which are the vital node of the global supply chain. Following the establishment of the concept of port's decarbonzation, this study reviewed the obstacles and solutions to port decarbonization through literature research. Furthermore, the goals and strategies for decarbonization implementation of world major ports were examined through case analysis, and the level of decarbonization implementation of the five Korean major ports was quantitatively evaluated using a performance-based score measurement method. As a result of the analysis, the level of decarbonization of Korean ports is generally far behind that of advanced countries. In particular, measures for environment-friendly inland transportation, future alternative fuel bunkering facilities, and various market-based incentive policies are needed. As a policy task for the decarbonization of Korean ports, first, the necessity of establishing a emission inventory, monitoring, and reporting system and the disclosure of related information, second, the mixing strategy of various greenhouse gas reduction measures, and third, the increase in the proportion of renewable energy at ports were suggested.

Trends and Interpretation of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for Carbon Footprinting of Fruit Products: Focused on Kiwifruits in Gyeongnam Region (과수의 탄소발자국 표지를 위한 LCA 동향 및 해석: 경남지역 참다래를 중심으로)

  • Deurer, Markus;Clothier, Brent;Huh, Keun-Young;Jun, Gee-Ill;Kim, In-Hea;Kim, Dae-Il
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.389-406
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    • 2011
  • As part of a feasibility study for introducing carbon labeling of fruit products in Korea, we explore the use of carbon footprints for Korean kiwifruit from Gyeongnam region as a case study. In Korea, the Korean Environmental Industry and Technology Institute (KEITI) is responsible for the carbon footprint labeling certification, and has two types of certification programs: one program focuses on climate change response (carbon footprint labeling analysis) and the other on low-carbon products (reduction of carbon footprints analysis). Currently agricultural products have not yet been included in the program. Carbon labeling could soon be a prerequisite for the international trading of agricultural products. In general the carbon footprints of various agricultural products from New Zealand followed the methodology described in the ISO standards and conformed to the PAS 2050. The carbon footprint assessment focuses on a supply chain, and considers the foreground and the background systems. The basic scheme consists of four phases, which are the 'goal', 'scope', 'inventory analysis', and 'interpretation' phases. In the case of the carbon footprint of New Zealand kiwifruit the study tried to understand each phase's contribution to total GHG emissions. According to the results, shipping, orchard, and coolstore operation are the main life cycle stages that contribute to the carbon footprint of the kiwifruit supply chain stretching from the orchard in New Zealand to the consumer in the UK. The carbon emission of long-distance transportation such as shipping can be a hot-spot of GHG emissions, but can be balanced out by minimizing the carbon footprint of other life cycle phases. For this reason it is important that orchard and coolstore operations reduce the GHG-intensive inputs such as fuel or electricity to minimize GHG emissions and consequently facilitate the industry to compete in international markets. The carbon footprint labeling guided by international standards should be introduced for fruit products in Korea as soon as possible. The already established LCA methodology of NZ kiwifruit can be applied for fruit products as a case study.

Present Status and Prospect of Valuation for Tangible Fixed Asset in South Korea (유형고정자산 가치평가 현황: 우리나라 사례를 중심으로)

  • Jin-Hyung Cho;Hyun-Seung O;Sae-Jae Lee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.91-104
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    • 2023
  • The records system is believed to have started in Italy in the 14th century in line with trade developments in Europe. In 1491, Luca Pacioli, a mathematician, and an Italian Franciscan monk wrote the first book that described double-entry accounting processes. In many countries, including Korea, the government accounting standards used single-entry bookkeeping rather than double-entry bookkeeping that can be aggregated by account subject. The cash-based and single-entry bookkeeping used by the government in the past had limitations in providing clear information on financial status and establishing a performance-oriented financial management system. Accordingly, the National Accounting Act (promulgated in October 2007) stipulated the introduction of double-entry bookkeeping and accrual accounting systems in the government sector from January 1, 2009. Furthermore, the Korean government has also introduced International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and the System of National Accounts (SNA). Since 2014, Korea owned five national accounts. In Korea, valuation began with the 1968 National Wealth Statistics Survey. The academic origins of the valuation of national wealth statistics which had been investigated by due diligence every 10 years since 1968 are based on the 'Engineering Valuation' of professor Marston in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Iowa State University in the 1930s. This field has spread to economics, etc. In economics, it became the basis of capital stock estimation for positive economics such as econometrics. The valuation by the National Wealth Statistics Survey contributed greatly to converting the book value of accounting data into vintage data. And in 2000 National Statistical Office collected actual disposal data for the 1-digit asset class and obtained the ASL(average service life) by Iowa curve. Then, with the data on fixed capital formation centered on the National B/S Team of the Bank of Korea, the national wealth statistics were prepared by the Permanent Inventory Method(PIM). The asset classification was also classified into 59 types, including 2 types of residential buildings, 4 types of non-residential buildings, 14 types of structures, 9 types of transportation equipment, 28 types of machinery, and 2 types of intangible fixed assets. Tables of useful lives of tangible fixed assets published by the Korea Appraisal Board in 1999 and 2013 were made by the Iowa curve method. In Korea, the Iowa curve method has been adopted as a method of ASL estimation. There are three types of the Iowa curve method. The retirement rate method of the three types is the best because it is based on the collection and compilation of the data of all properties in service during a period of recent years, both properties retired and that are still in service. We hope the retirement rate method instead of the individual unit method is used in the estimation of ASL. Recently Korean government's accounting system has been developed. When revenue expenditure and capital expenditure were mixed in the past single-entry bookkeeping we would like to suggest that BOK and National Statistical Office have accumulated knowledge of a rational difference between revenue expenditure and capital expenditure. In particular, it is important when it is estimated capital stock by PIM. Korea also needs an empirical study on economic depreciation like Hulten & Wykoff Catalog A of the US BEA.

The Estimation of PM2.5 Emissions and Their Contribution Analysis by Source Categories in Korea (국내 배출원별 PM2.5 배출량 산정 및 배출 기여도 분석)

  • Jin, Hyung-Ah;Lee, Ju-Hyoung;Lee, Kyung-Mi;Lee, Hyang-Kyeong;Kim, Bo-Eun;Lee, Dong-Won;Hong, You-Deog
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.211-221
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    • 2012
  • The Ministry of Environment will enforce air quality standards for $PM_{2.5}$ in 2015 because it affects human health as well as climate change and brings about other adverse effects. Until recently, even though a number of researches have reported $PM_{2.5}$ emissions according to sources, they have not precisely considered the emission factors correspondent to each source for emission estimation. For the sake of establishing $PM_{2.5}$ emission inventories, this study was undertaken using activity data of each source taken from CAPSS (Clean Air Policy Support System) multiplied by each emission factor of U.S. EPA Speciate or EEA CORINAIR. The 2008's total annual $PM_{2.5}$ emission (73.971 ton/yr) can be apportioned into five sources, such as fuel combustion facilities (62.2%), mobiles (33.8%), production processes (3.2%), fires (0.4%), and waste treatments (0.3%). The results show that fuel combustion facilities and mobiles are the predominant sources of $PM_{2.5}$, and they should be taken into great account in establishing $PM_{2.5}$ standards. In addition, it is necessary and urgent to develop effective measures for reduction of $PM_{2.5}$ emissions from those two main sources as well.