• Title/Summary/Keyword: Total survey

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The Relationship between Social Relations and Physical Activity in the Young-old and Old-old Elderly (전·후기 노인들의 사회적 관계와 신체활동 실천과의 관련성)

  • So Youn Jeon;Sok Goo Lee
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.103-117
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This study aims to reveal the relationship between social relations and physical activity in the young-old and old-old elderly. Methods: Data from 2020 National survey of Older Koreans were used, and a total of 10,097 subjects over the age of 65 were included in analysis. The dependent variable was physical activity, and the independent variables were social relations barrier and motivational factors. x2-test and binary logistic regression were performed for data analysis. Results: The physical activity rate in the elderly were 40.8% in the young-old and 29.2% in the old-old. The socio-demographic characteristics affecting physical activity were the young-old elderly were sex, residential area, employment status and household income, and the old-old elderly were sex, age, residential area, education level and household income. The social relations barrier factors affecting physical activity were the young-old elderly were number of close friends, family care, exercise information search and video viewing, and the old-old elderly were household type, number of close friends, participation in exercise education, exercise information search and video viewing. The social relations motivational factors affecting physical activity were the young-old elderly were call with children/relative/friend, participation in sports activity, access time from home to parks, and the old-old elderly were call with children/relative/friend, participation in sports activity, satisfaction with green spaces. Conclusions: It was found that social relations barrier and motivational factors of the elderly are important factors to consider when developing physical activity promotion strategy, and there are also difference between the age of the elderly.

A Study on the Cause and Improvement of the Red-Water Occurrence in Urban Stream (도심하천 내 적수발생 지점에 대한 원인검토 및 개선방안 연구)

  • Beomjin Eun;Jong Hwan Kim;Zi Yu Lin;Jeong Sook Heo;I Song Choi;Jong-Min Oh
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.166-175
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to identify the cause of the red-water occurrence (the phenomenon of water being red) that occurs at some points and sections of rivers in Yongin City. As a result of conducting a preliminary investigation, total three sites were selected as the investigation point as it was found that the red-water occurrence continued. As a result of the investigation, it is judged that the cause of the red-water in Yongin-city river is due to the soil color and iron content of the region. JPS, SBS, and JJS sites all showed that the color of soil is mainly consist of reddish brown and red-yellow. The average Fe concentration was 13.75 mg/L, 10.85 mg/L, and 1.31 mg/L, for each sites, and considering that the Fe concentration in general river water was less than 0.5 mg/L, it was confirmed that the concentration was quite high. At the JPS and JJS points, the red-water occurrence occurred mainly in stagnant places, which is believed to be strengthened by the reaction of organic and microorganisms. In the case of SBS, the wateris red, but as a result of observing the actual color, it is judged that the iron component deposited in the pipe causes an optical illusion with a deep red color. In addition, it is believed that the iron concentration can be reduced to the general river water concentration range by removing the particulate iron component through a decrease of more than 95% as a result of filtering with glass fiber filter with particulate iron. As a result of this study, it is necessary to manage the river to maintain the flow, and it is believed that the occurrence of red-water at the survey point can be alleviated through uptake action through planting and agglomeration precipitation and agglomeration filtration methods for particulate iron treatment.

A relationship between food environment and food insecurity in households with immigrant women residing in the Seoul metropolitan area (수도권 거주 결혼이주여성 가구의 식품환경과 식품불안정성 간의 관련성)

  • Sung-Min Yook;Ji-Yun Hwang
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.264-276
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: Food environmental factors related to food insecurity affect household food intake in several socio-ecological aspects. This study explores the relationship between food environment factors and food insecurity in households with married immigrant women. Methods: From November 2018 to February 2020, a survey was conducted enrolling 249 married immigrant women residing in the metropolitan areas of South Korea. In the final analysis, 229 subjects were divided into 2 groups classified as food security (n = 154) and food insecurity (n = 75), as assessed by the score of food security. Three aspects of food environments were measured: built·natural, political·economic, and socio-cultural Results: Food environments were significantly different between food security and food insecurity groups, as follows: the number of foods market and their distance from the home and food status for the last week at home in the built·natural domain; monthly cost of food purchase and experience for food assistance in the political·economic domain; total score of social support, parenting, and cooking skills in the socio-cultural domain. A stepwise multivariate linear regression model showed a negative association between the food insecurity score with social support from family and food inventory status in the last week. After adjusting for confounders, a positive association was obtained between the experience of a food support program. The final regression model explains about 30% of the relationship obtained in the three food environment domains and food insecurity (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Not only economic factors, which are common determinants of household food insecurity, but socio-cultural factors such as social support also affect household food insecurity. Therefore, plans for implementing a food assistance program to improve food insecurity for households with immigrant women should consider financial support as well as other comprehensive aspects, including socio-cultural domain such as social support from family and community.

Leisure Performance and Leisure Satisfaction by Preference Leisure Performance in the Elderly: Comparison between Young-old and Old-old (노년기 선호여가 수행여부에 따른 여가수행도 및 여가만족도의 차이분석: 전기노인과 후기노인의 비교)

  • Woo, Ye-Shin;Park, Da-Sol;Shin, Ga-In;Park, Hae-Yeon
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.199-211
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze leisure satisfaction and leisure performance according to whether elderly people are performing their preferred leisure activities. For the analysis, we used sample from the 6th (2015) panal data as Korean Retirement and Income Study(KReIS). The results of this study were as follows. First, the total data of 4,197 elderly (2,212 young-old and 1,985 old-old) were analyzed. As a result, weekday and weekend leisure time of the old-old (7.64 hours / 7.81 hours) than the young-old (6.83 hour / 7.39 hour) was increased and resting activites (over 70% of watching TV and listening to the radio) accounted for more than 80% of the both elderly leisure activities. Leisure performance were higher in old-old who did not perform preferred leisure activities during weekdays. Leisure performance on weekends was higher in old-old regardless of whether they had preferred leisure time. Average of leisure performance was high in both groups and they responded leisure satisfaction was moderate. In the case of need for leisure change, young-old was higher than oid-old regardless of preference leisure performance and day of the week. However, the responses of the both groups are closed to those that do not want to change. Based on the results of this study, it should be practiced such as develomenting program and introduction of health management system considering leisure constraints to improve leisure satisfaction and continuance of leisure activities for young-old and old-old. We also emphasize the need for a systematic survey scale that takes into account the qualitative aspects of leisure activities as well as the subjective factors influencing leisure participation.

The Mediating Role of Brand Recall and Brand Attitude in Influencing Purchase Intention in Advergames

  • Abdul Adis, Azaze-Azizi;Kim, Hyung-Jun
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.117-139
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    • 2013
  • Research on purchase intention had showed remarkable progress in contributing to the theory of consumer behavior. Despite the popularity of academic discussions on various issues influencing purchase intention, the mediating role of brand recall and brand attitude on purchase intention, in particular advergames, has not yet been well explored, especially in developing economies such as Malaysia. Furthermore, the influence of self-brand congruity, entertainment and brand placement acceptance as antecedents to brand recall and brand attitude are expected to add value to the brand recall, brand attitude and purchase intention relationships. This paper aims to investigate the impact of the mediating role of brand recall and brand attitude on purchase intention in advergames among Malaysian gamers. The antecedents towards brand recall and brand attitude are also examined to measure their influence on purchase intention. A total of 350 Malaysian gamers were interviewed through online survey in this study. The results showed that brand recall and brand attitude mediate the relationship between self-brand congruity, entertainment and brand placement acceptance with purchase intention. Also, entertainment and brand placement acceptance were found to have a significant relationship with brand recall. As expected, brand recall and brand attitude showed a positive relationship with consumer purchase intention in advergames. It was found that self-brand congruity has a significant influence on brand attitude and purchase intention. When users see the brand which matches with them, they tend to act positively toward the brand exposed in the game. This is consistent with Escalas and Bettman (2005) who suggested that the greater the congruity, the more positive the consumer's attitude toward the brand in question. This leads to game usage and purchase (Davis and Lang, 2013). In the advergaming context, the entertainment value in advergames is very important to determine the level of enjoyment and pleasure experienced by gamers during game-playing. Therefore, the more entertaining the ads, the more it will be remembered and the greater the positive behavior of the consumer towards the advergames - this ultimately stimulates their intention to purchase the brand. This study shows the effect of brand placement on brand recall and brand attitude and also purchase intention. Brand placements might not work in games due to the interactivity involved in game-playing as people could be distracted from noticing the brand placements (Yang et al., 2006). However, the significant influence of brand placements found in this study may provide major promise for advertisers. Game players may or may not explicitly remember the brands they see in the games, but these placements may influence their brand recall and brand attitude and could therefore influence later decisions (Yang et al., 2006). In this study, it was found that self-brand congruity was not significantly related with brand recall. The reason for this could be attributed to the fact that this study examined gamers who are highly involved in the interactive medium of games which force them to focus on game play rather than advertisements; the level of recognition to remember the brand exposed in the game is low and contributes to the "mismatch" between the gamers and the said brand. The present study contributes to the existing literature of the antecedents of brand recall and brand attitude in advergames. This study contributes to the role of brand recall and brand attitude as mediators in purchase behavior theory. Academically, the relationship between brand recall and brand attitude is well known in advergaming research, but their impact as important mediators on purchase intention add new understanding in the interactive communication literature. Their mediating role may provide new insights on how they facilitate the effects of self-brand congruity, entertainment and brand placement on purchase intention. Besides that, the studies on the influence of self-brand congruity on brand recall and brand attitude and also consumer intention to purchase had not well-investigated in advergames. This study contributes to fill those gaps in advergames literature. For practitioners, this study could suggest the use of illustrative or demonstrative placements of new products to help customers remember new brands, and the use of associative placements for existing products to increase consumers' purchase intention (Ho et al., 2011). To advertisers, this study may provide useful information to improve their current advertising strategies in games, for instance, by considering game players' congruity, entertainment value and brand placement factors.

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A survey on status of quality and risk assessment in dentifrices and mouthwashes (치약제 및 구중청량제의 품질 실태 조사 및 안전성 평가)

  • Jaeeun Kwak;Wonhee Park;Hoejin Ryu;Jin Han;Jeongeun Choe;Sungdan Kim;Insook Hwang;Yongseung Shin
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.300-314
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    • 2023
  • The quality of the products was investigated by analyzing fluorine content, pH, preservatives and tar colors in 31 dentifrice products (6 items for children) and 15 mouthwash products (2 items for children) marketed. It was intended to provide correct information to consumers by checking whether the standards and product indications match. As a result of measuring the fluoride concentration, 26 dentifrice and 15 mouthwash products contained from 48 to 1,472 ppm and from 85 to 225 ppm, respectively. Fluorine detection rates of dentifrice and mouthwash products were 83.9 and 83.3 %, respectively showing similar levels. Of the 41 fluoride-detected dentifrice and mouthwash products, 40 were 90.7~109.8 % of the displayed amount and suitable for the fluorine content standard of 90.0 to 110.0 %, but one dentifrice was found to be inappropriate at 36.3 % of the content indicated on the product. The pH of the dentifrice was 5.1~9.4, and the mouthwash was 4.2~6.2, which met all standards. As a result of simultaneous analysis of the concentration of six preservatives, benzoic acid was detected the most in 15 cases with a 30.6 % detection rate, sorbic acid was detected in 9 cases (detection rate of 18.4 %), and all four types of methyl p-hydroxybenzoate, ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate, propyl p-hydroxybenzoate, butyl p-hydroxybenzoate were not detected. As a result of analyzing the concentration of 10 types of tar colors, six types including red40, yellow4, yellow5, yellow203, green3, and blue1 were detected in a total of 9 cases (2 dentifrices and 7 mouthwashes) with blue1 being the most frequently detected. Detected fluorine concentration, added preservatives and tar colors were consistent with the product markings and it was well written on product packaging. The detected preservatives and tar colors were at a safe level due to low risk compared to Acceptable Daily Intake.

Factors Affecting Participation Intention of Urban Agriculture : Focusing on the Combination of Pine II & Gilmore and Schmitt's Experiential Economy Theory (도시농업 참여 의도에 영향을 미치는 요인 : Pine II and Gilmore 이론과 Schmitt 이론의 결합을 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Joong-whan;Chung, Byoung-gyu
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.81-98
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    • 2022
  • In the recent COVID-19 pandemic, urban agriculture is attracting attention as a healing concept. In 2020, 1,848,000 people participated in urban agriculture activities in Korea. Therefore, this study was conducted to empirically analyze the factors affecting the intention to participate in urban agriculture, which is rapidly increasing. The theoretical basis of this study is the experiential economy theory of Pine II and Gilmore and the experiential theory of Schmitt. As independent variables, a total of five variables were set as the four elements of Pine II and Gilmore's experiential economy theory, namely, educational, entertainment, escapist, and aesthetic experiences, and relational experience reclassified using Schmitt's theory. Interest was set as a mediating variable between these independent variables and the dependent variable, intention to participate in urban agriculture. For empirical analysis, data were collected through a survey. Based on the significant 314 samples of the collected data, the hypothesis was tested through statistical analysis. First, as a result of testing the influence relationship between the independent and dependent variables, educational, entertainment, and escapist experiences had a significant positive (+) effect on the intention to participate in urban agriculture. The impact of the influence was in the order of entertainment experience, escapist experience, and educational experience. There was no significant influence relationship between aesthetic experience, relational experience and intention to participate in urban agriculture. On the other hand, as a result of this study, interest introduced as a mediating variable was found to play a mediating role between entertainment, escapist, aesthetic experiences and intention to participate in urban agriculture. The mediating effect of interest was not tested between educational, relational experiences and intention to participate in urban agriculture. This study approached urban agriculture participation from the concept of healing and analyzes the factors affecting participation in urban agriculture activities empirically based on a theoretical framework by combining and analyzing the representative Pine II and Gilmore theories and Schmitt theories. It had academic significance. In addition, it was meaningful to suggest that the healing concept approach is directional in relation to urban agriculture by revealing that entertainment and escapist experiences are important influencing variables in decision-making to participate in urban agriculture in practice.

The Hidden Lynchpin of Startup Accelerators : Accelerator Entrepreneur Passion (스타트업 액셀러레이터의 감춰진 린치핀 : 액셀러레이터 창업가 열정)

  • Kim, Sang-cheol;Chung, Byoung-gyu
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2022
  • There is growing empirical evidence that passion is an important part of entrepreneurship and influences the intentions, behaviors and performance of entrepreneurs, employees and startups. Passion is especially important in an entrepreneurial context, given the effort and challenge that entrepreneurs starting a startup must overcome. The purpose of this study was to confirm the effect of the passion of startup entrepreneurs participating in the accelerator incubation program and the passion of accelerator entrepreneurs and managers on the entrepreneurial performance of incubator startups. In addition, we tried to confirm whether entrepreneurial self-efficacy plays a mediating role in this influence relationship. The survey was conducted online by startups entrepreneur who completed the accelerator incubation program. A total of 330 questionnaires were used for the analysis. As a result of the empirical analysis, it was confirmed that the passion of startup entrepreneurs and the passion of accelerator entrepreneurs and managers all had a positive (+) effect on the entrepreneurial performance of incubator startups. The influence of passion was found to be high in the order of startup entrepreneurs, accelerator entrepreneurs, and accelerator managers. It was confirmed that entrepreneurial self-efficacy plays a mediating role between the passion of startup entrepreneurs, the passion of accelerator entrepreneurs, and the entrepreneurial performance of incubator startups, respectively. However, no significant mediating role was identified between the passion of accelerator managers and the entrepreneurial performance of incubator startups. This study is significant in empirically confirming for the first time that the passion of accelerator entrepreneurs and managers has a positive effect on the entrepreneurial performance of incubator startups. The passion of accelerator entrepreneurs and managers is playing an important role as a hidden lynchpin in creating the entrepreneurial performance of incubator startups. In particular, since the passion of accelerator entrepreneurs has a great influence on the performance of incubator startups, it is necessary to recognize this fact and carefully examine their passion reputation when startups select accelerators.

Perception of USA and American influence in Korea: Psychological, Social, and Cultural Basis of Anti-American Sentiments among Students and Adults (한국 중학생, 대학생, 성인의 미국에 대한 인식: 반미감정의 심리 사회 문화적 토대 탐색)

  • Uichol Kim;Young-Shin Park;Nara Oh
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.139-178
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    • 2003
  • This study investigates Koreans respondents' perception of American society, American people and its influence in Korea and the world. These analyses have been conducted to provide the psychological, social and cultural basis for understanding the anti-American sentiments among Korean junior high school students, university students and adults. American influence is further divided into American influence on Korean society, on North-South Korean unification, and in the world. In addition, respondents' knowledge of the USA, their satisfaction with the current political functioning, and background information were obtained. A total of 763 respondents (171 junior high school students, 250 university students, and 342 parents of junior high school students) completed a survey questionnaire developed by the first two authors. The overall results indicate that the respondents had a negative view of the USA and its influence in Korea and the world. Majority of respondents perceive American society as being commercial, exclusionary, and ethnocentric. Some respondents perceive American society as being democratic and advanced. As for American people, they are perceive them as being selfish and at the same time independent and carefree. The trust for American society is very low. As for American influence in Korea, it is perceived it as creating dependency and less likely to be perceived as promoting progress and development. As for North-South Korean relations, respondents perceive the USA as interfering with the unification of two Koreas. Finally, respondents perceive the USA as a superpower with imperialistic and dominating tendencies and they were less like to perceive the USA as promoting democracy and justice. Significant differences across the age groups have been found with the junior high school students holding the most negative view about the USA and their parents holding the most positive view of the USA. University students had mixed views of the USA. holding both positive and negative views of the USA. Those respondents with greater dissatisfaction of the political system and with less knowledge about the USA has more negative views of the USA.

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The basis of trust in relationships: Indigenous psychological analysis of adolescents and their parents (청소년과 부모의 인간관계를 통해 본 신뢰의식: 토착심리학적 접근)

  • Uichol Kim;Young-Shin Park
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.103-137
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    • 2004
  • This study examines the basis of trust in relationships by adolescents and their parents using the indigenous psychological approach. Using the indigenous methodology, adolescents were asked the reasons why they trusted their mother, father, friends, and teachers. Parents were asked why they trusted their children, spouse and their children's teachers. A total of 1,737 participants completed an open-ended survey: 579 adolescents (274 middle school and 305 high school students) and their parents (579 fathers) and (579 mothers). The results indicate that adolescents trust their parents because of their sacrifice, followed by consanguinity (i.e., blood relationship), respect, their trust in me, dependability, and their advice and counseling. The reasons why adolescents trust their teachers is because of the academic guidance they provide, unconditional trust of teachers, their concern and care, respect for teachers, advice and counseling they provide, they are like parents, and because of their sacrifice for the students. The reasons for trusting their friends are as follows: Dependability, closeness, unconditional trust of friends, their understanding of me, and their emotional support. The reasons why parents trust their children are: Children's sincerity, honesty, consanguinity, parents' expectation and communication with the children, children's obedience, and since they are diligent in their schoolwork. The reasons for trusting one's spouse are reported to be sincerity, their sacrifice for the family, honesty, unconditional trust of a spouse, and because of mutual support. The reasons why parents trust their children's teachers are reported as follows: Unconditional trust of teachers, their sacrifice for the students, and their sincerity. There were no significant differences across the type of school and academic grades in terms of trust of parents. However, middle school students are more likely to trust their teachers, and high school students are more likely trust their friends. The male students rather than female students and those students with higher academic grades are more likely to trust their parents, friends, and teachers. For parents, there were no significant differences across age, sex, and educational status concerning the trust of their children, spouse, and children's teachers. There was a positive correlations between parents' trust of their spouse and children and their children's trust of their parents. There was also a positive correlations of mothers' trust of children's teachers and the children's trust of their teachers.

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