• Title/Summary/Keyword: Theory U

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A Study on Bang-Yak-Hap-Py$\breve{u}$n (${\ll}$방약합편(方藥合編)${\gg}$에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyung-Tae;Yoon, Chang-Yeul
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.5
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    • pp.151-199
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    • 1992
  • A study on Bang-Yak-Hap-Py$\breve{u}$n, one of the most widely-known Korean medicine books, has been conducted and the findings are as follows:the political and social background at the end of Yi-dynasty amidst the inflow of western civilization and the aggression of foreign forces can be seen as a historical period of trial, when civilization and independence had to be preserved at the same time, during the period, the social trend was to pursue a rapid practical solution rather than a profound theory. Responding to this trend, simple and easy medical science became to prevailand the representative medicine book of this kind was Bang-Yak-Hap-Py$\breve{u}$n. 1. Bang-Yak-Hap-Py$\breve{u}$n was written comprising the characteristics of simple and easy medical science with a view to popularizing-collection of logics, easy readability, medical science in time, etc. 2. Bang Yak-Hap-Py$\breve{u}$n, rich and grand in content, came out of Dong-$\breve{U}$i-Bo-Gam at the right moment as a pragmatic guide book of Korea medical practice symbolizing Korean spirit. 3. Do-yun Whang whose pen name was Hye-Am was born in Changwon, Kyungnam-do as the 18th descendant of Changwon Whang family. He engaged in medical practice in Seoul and wrote and edited Boo-Bang-Py$\breve{u}$n-Ram. $\breve{U}$i-Jong-Son-Ik, $\breve{U}$i-J$\breve{u}$ng-Son-Ik-Bu-Yeo, $\breve{U}$i-Bang-Whan-Tu, ect. and made his son, Pil-Su follow him and let him edit Bang-Yak-Hap-Py$\breve{u}$n, which put $\breve{U}$i-Bang-Whal-Tu and Son-Ik-Bon-Cho together. 4. The construct of Bang-Yak-Hap-Py$\breve{u}$n can be subdivied into three parts: herbs of 34 classes and 514 kinds were arranged on the upper part and $\breve{U}$i-Bang-Whal-Tu was arranged on the middle end lower part. Such arrangement can be very effective in clinics. 5. Bang-Yak-Hap-Py$\breve{u}$n as a curative book of Korean medical science has been a necessary another ego for many Korean medical practioners. It also played a great role of enhancing Korean oriental medical science to be widely used by Koreans. On the other hand, it produced a side effect of emergence of employed medical practioner who lacked in scholastic aptitude. 6. Tens or newly edited Bang-Yak-Hap-Py$\breve{u}$n have been issued. Among them, Jung-Jeong, Bang-Yak-Hap-py$\breve{u}$n, J$\breve{u}$ng-Mak-Bang-Yak-Hap-Py$\breve{u}$n. By$\breve{u}$n-J$\breve{u}$ng-Bang-Yak-Hap-Py$\breve{u}$n, and By$\breve{u}$n-J$\breve{u}$ng-Bang-Yak-Jung-Jeon have been widely known. Lately, Bang-Yak-Hap-Py$\breve{u}$n which includes more symptoms and remedies or is translated into Korean came out in several kinds. 7. The number of korea classical medicinal books quoted in Bang-Yak-Hap-Py$\breve{u}$n is 68, among which Dong-$\breve{U}$i-Bo-Gam Occupies the top in the list enlisting 69 medicinal treatment. This Shows that Dong-$\breve{U}$i-Bo-Gam gave birth to Bang-Yak-Hap-Py$\breve{u}$n.

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IT Convergence u-Learning Contents using Agent Based Modeling (에이전트 기반 모델링을 활용한 IT 융합 u-러닝 콘텐츠)

  • Park, Hong-Joon;Kim, Jin-Young;Jun, Young-Cook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.513-521
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this research is to develope and implement a convergent educational contents based on theoretical background of integrated education using agent based modeling in the ubiquitous learning environment. The structure of this contents consists of three modules that were designed by trans-disciplinary concept and situated learning theory. These three modules are: convergent problem presenting module, resource of knowledge module and learning of agent based modeling and IT tools module. After the satisfaction survey of the implemented content, out of 5 total value, the average value was 3.86 for effectiveness, 4.13 for convenience and 3.86 for design. The result of the survey shows that the users are generally satisfied. By using this u-learning contents, learners can experience and learn how to solve the convergent problem by utilizing IT tools without any limitation of device, time and space. At the same time, the proposal of structural design of contents can be a good guideline to the researchers to develop the convergent educational contents in the future.

A Study of U.S. Animation University Curriculum Focus on the Required Courses, Liberal Arts at AAU, CalArts, RCAD, RSID, SVA (미국 대학 애니메이션학과 교육과정에 관한 연구 AAU, CalArts, RCAD, RSID, SVA 전공, 교양 교육과정 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.614-622
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    • 2016
  • As media become diversified, animation fields are being expanded. Various types of animations which were not seen in the past have appeared and the fields which did not have a suffix of "animation" now use the words of animation like motion graphic-animation or interactive-animation. This thesis is a comparative analysis study of U.S. animation education. This study collected and reviewed respective curricula of total 5 universities such as Academy of Art University, California Art of Institute), Ringling College of Art and Design, Rhode Island School of Design, and School of Visual Arts which have led U.S. animation education since animation education was first introduced in 1961. Based on the result drawn from the analysis on the classification of animation curricula into a required subject, an elective subject, liberal arts, a theory subject and a practical subject, it intends to consider improvements of Korean animation curriculum.

Ist Text ein Prototyp? - Versuch einer Begriffsbestimmung aus prototypentheoretischer Sicht - (텍스트는 원형인가? - 개념 정립을 위한 원형 이론적 토대를 찾아서 -)

  • Lee Seong-Man
    • Koreanishche Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft
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    • v.5
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    • pp.289-310
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    • 2002
  • Die Arbeit versucht, den Textbegriff aus prototypentheoretischer Sicht neu zu orientieren. Damit wird unter Text immer eine monologisch geschriebene sprachliche $\"{A}u{\ss}erung$ aus mehreren $S\"{a}tzen$ verstanden. Die in de Beaugrande/Dressler(l98l) als wichtig bezeichnete Textmerkmale wird dann in Bezug auf Vater(1992), $L\"{o}tscher(1987)$ und Klein/von Stutterheim (1991) kritisch $gekl\"{a}rt$. Daraus ergibt sich eine merkmalsorientierte Textbestimmung: Ein Text ist eine abgeschlossene themenorientierte kommunikative Einheit in einem konkreten Kontext; er hat eine bestimmte kommunikative Funktion und $erf\"{u}llt\;koh\"{a}rente$ Bedingungen. Meine These ist: Typische Texte sind auf Mustern, $n\"{a}mlich$ auf Prototypen bezogen. Textmuster sind als Prototypen bezeichnet, die in unterschiedlichem $Ma\ss\;Spielraum\;f\"{u}r\;Variationen\;und\;Kreativit\"{a}t$ lassen. Textmuster sind zu beschreiben $\"{u}ber$ das Zusammenspiel von nichtsprachlichem Handlungstyp und sprachlicher Textsorte. Dieses Zusammenspiel yon Handlungsaspekten wird in prototypischer Weise mit bestimmten Textmerkmalen verbalisiert. Mit Textmusterbeschreibungen werden jeweils prototypische Exemplare beschrieben: die beste Exemplare, die klar als solehe erkennbar sind. Die Formulierung 'Es war einmal....'. ist $f\"{u}r\M\"{a}rchen$ zwar prototypische Anfangsform, aber sie wird nur in etwa einem drittel der $F\"{a}lle$ verwendet. Prototypische Textmustermerkmale sind also nicht obligatorisch. Das $hei{\ss}t$, dass die Realiseirungen je nach individueller bzw. kultureller Situation und damit verfolgtem Zweck variabel sind Damit habe ich mich am Beispiel der Textsorte $besch\"{a}ftigt$.

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How Do Korean and U.S. Elementary Preservice Teachers Analyze Students' Addition and Subtraction Computational Strategies and Errors? (한국과 미국 예비 초등교사는 자연수 덧셈과 뺄셈 연산에 대한 학생의 수학적 전략과 오류를 어떻게 분석하는가?)

  • Hyungmi Cho;Hea-jin Lee;Gima Lee;Hee-jeong Kim
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.423-446
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    • 2022
  • This study explores and compares Korean and U.S. elementary preservice teachers' analytic approaches of students' addition and subtraction computational strategies. Twenty-six Korean and twenty U.S. elementary preservice teachers participated in the study. Participants were asked to analyze mathematical approaches and errors from students' addition and subtraction operations. Preservice teachers' written documents were analyzed by applying open coding and inductive coding based on the grounded theory. As a result, the pattern of error analysis and interpretation of students' addition computations were similar for both Korean and U.S. preservice teachers whereas there were some differences in the analysis of students' subtraction computations. Both Korean and U.S. preservice teachers had difficulties identifying students' strategies and errors for a complicated and unconventional computational approach. Results also indicated that preservice teachers' noticing and interpretation of students' strategies and errors were influenced by their K-12 mathematics curriculum and teacher education program. This study suggests implications and future directions for teacher education, more contextualized teacher preparation programs and balanced connection to the K-12 curriculum.

Effects of Box Shape and Diverse Components of Large-Sized Products on Consumers' Product Evaluations in Logistic Business

  • Dongkyun Ahn;Seolwoo Park
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.83-95
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - With the recent spread of COVID-19, U.S. consumers' consumption pattern is changing towards purchasing large-capacity products, as they stay at home longer. Thus, the current research investigates the effects of box shape and component diversity for large-sized products on product evaluation in logistic business. Moreover, this research examines that information-processing fluency mediates the moderating effects of box shape and product components on target evaluations to confirm psychological mechanism for generating this effect. Design/methodology - In order to examine the hypotheses, the current research conducts two online experiments. The 184 participants (Study 1), and 205 participants (Study 2) of U.S. nationality were recruited through Amazon Mechanical Turk. This research analyzes the data by using SPSS 25 and PROCESS macro 4.0. Findings - Study 1 demonstrates that when the height of a box is greater than its width, products with single components promote positive target evaluations, while when the width of box is greater than its height, products with a variety of components lead to positive target evaluations. Study 2 shows that the same results are replicated in other product categories and with different box shape ratios. Moreover, Study 2 also finds that the ease of information processing mediates the interaction effects of box shape and component diversity on U.S. consumers' target evaluations. Originality/value - The current research has originality in that it investigates the effect of box shape and product composition diversity on U.S. consumer product evaluation from the perspective of information-processing theory Moreover, this research has practical implications for global traders who prepare for entering the U.S. market.

Wave Characteristic in the Axially Loaded Axial-Bending-Shear Coupled Composite Laminated Beams (축 방향 하중을 받는 인장-굽힘-전단이 연성된 복합재 적층보의 파동특성)

  • Jang, In-Joon;Lee, U-Sik
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.2650-2652
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    • 2011
  • The fiber reinforced composite materials have many advantages due to their high strength-to-density ratios. Thus they have been widely used in many industrial applications. As the wave propagation are closely related to dynamic analysis of structures, it is very important to predict them. This paper presents a wave propagation in the axially loaded axial-bending-shear coupled composite laminated beams which are represented by the Timoshenko beam models based on the first-order shear deformation theory.

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Spectral Element Modeling of an Extended Timoshenko Beam Based on the Force-Displacement Relations (힘-변위 관계를 이용한 확장된 티모센코 보에 대한 스펙트럴 요소 모델링)

  • Lee, Chang-Ho;Lee, U-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.45-48
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    • 2008
  • Periodic lattice structures such as the large space lattice structures and carbon nanotubes may take the extension-transverse shear-bending coupled vibrations, which can be well represented by the extended Timoshenko beam theory. In this paper, the spectrally formulated finite element model (simply, spectral element model) has been developed for extended Timoshenko beams and applied to some typical periodic lattice structures such as the armchair carbon nanotube, the periodic plane truss, and the periodic space lattice beam.

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  • Liu, Yuhui
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.1659-1666
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    • 2018
  • Let $P_r$ denote an almost-prime with at most r prime factors, counted according to multiplicity. In this paper, it is proved that for every sufficiently large even integer N, the equation $$N=x^2+p_1^2+p_2^3+p_3^3+p_4^4+p_5^4$$ is solvable with x being an almost-prime $P_4$ and the other variables primes. This result constitutes an improvement upon that of $L{\ddot{u}}$ [7].

An Introductory Study on Korean Quality Management System (한국적 품질경영 시스템에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Park Chae-Heung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.48-63
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    • 2004
  • On the process of Korean last half century's condensed economic growth, the contribution of quality management was very important. But if we continued the way in which U.S.A. developed and Japan revised, we would not be able to catch up the developed country. This paper says allegedly that we'd better introduce Korean Quality Management system, which is based on Korean traditional thought.