• Title/Summary/Keyword: Start-up women

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Peer Network Based Shopping Mall Supporting platform with Metaverse Technique

  • Kim, Sea Woo
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.222-229
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    • 2022
  • Through this technology development, companies that operate online shopping malls and prospective startups will support education, consulting and expert group matching so that they can solve various issues that may arise in the course of the entire business life cycle, from startups to closures. It is expected that differentiated consulting programs will be designed for companies that currently operate shopping malls and start ups, and customized consulting programs will be provided to improve the effectiveness of consulting while improving customer satisfaction. It is planning to develop a "successful start-up and operation helper" that helps successful start-ups. It is a system that primarily diagnoses problems of prospective entrepreneurs and operators through an automation system at the start-up and operation stage, and professional consultants participate to derive and solve problems, and takes care of all stages of shopping mall birth and growth. In this paper Metaverse based shopping mall Creation is also discussed. Through Big Data creation these accumulated data, we intend to help operators start and operate shopping malls through accurate information by managing all knowledge of shopping malls as a system in the long run.

The effect of start-up education on female college students' startup intention (창업 교육이 여대생의 창업 의지에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Seong-Ju;Chae, Byung-Wan
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.47-66
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    • 2020
  • Even a lot of research has shown about entrepreneurship, there are still some limitations to apply to women. It was limited because it has been illuminated by general points of view. In this situation, it is needed to study more about entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship will. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of entrepreneurship education experience and the effect of entrepreneurship education on the will of entrepreneurship. First, the implications of the study were to verify that the effect of entrepreneurship education, which is the ability of entrepreneurship knowledge, can contribute to raising the will of entrepreneurship. Therefore, in the entrepreneurship education conducted by universities, operating as a participatory program that can enhance entrepreneurship skills rather than theoretical aspects will contribute to enhancing the willingness of female college students to start up. Second, career orientation and entrepreneurship, which are characteristics of individual psychological behavior, have the result of raising the will to start a business and linking it to actual start-up. Therefore, it is suggested that students conduct their entrepreneurship comprehension and connect themselves to active entrepreneurship activities by conducting a diagnosis of the career orientation and entrepreneurship of students during the start-up education of the university. Third, women's entrepreneurship will become more active in government, and university entrepreneurship support programs expanded to target women's college students.

Estimation of Occupational Accident Rate about Start-up Establishment and Analysis of Characteristics about Occurrence (신생사업장 재해율 및 재해발생형태 분석)

  • Kim, Young Sun;Koo, Kwon Ho;Choe, Seong Weon;Kwon, Oh Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2012
  • In order for start-up establishment to enter the business market, it has to get over the first mover advantage of the existing establishment. As a result, its working condition deteriorates and a great deal of occupational accidents take place. Based on 2009 standard, the occupational accident rate of start-up establishment is 1.28%, which is two times higher than existing establishment and the gap between manufacturing and service industry has been getting wide. For the characteristic of injured person in start-up establishment, it is showed that the occupancy rate of women and people with less than 30 age starting out in a career is high and the occupancy rate of occupational accident for holiday and night work is high. Therefore, the act for occupational accident prevention is needed in the early period of business and underprivileged group for occupational accident.

A Study on factors affecting the promotion of Women-Owned Business (여성창업기업의 기업성과에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • 문숙재;최자경
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.61-78
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    • 2001
  • This study intends to provide the groundwork for an establishment of women entrepreneur policy and the guidelines for start-up of women-owned business. The findings of the study are as follows; Women starts business for a financial reasons and this makes up 26 percent, which ranked the highest of respondents motive for starting up a business. The double labor - due 새 the practice of housework and running a business simultaneously - forms 19.6 percent of the bottleneck in operating business. In addition, the worst financial strain, 43 percent, occurred during the business preparatory period. As the entrepreneurship is higher, they are more backed up with support in education and training. In addition, annual net profit of business operated by the older age group is relatively greater. The firm performance is greater as she holds a higher academic degree. As the goal of annual net profit is higher that is set up before the start-up, the net gain turns out to be greater in actual operation, thus resulting in greater effects. The study shows that when they received economic aid, the initial capital had been greatly affected The younger age group makes up the higher percentage of support in education and training. After considering all the findings collectively, the conclusions are as follows; First, the firm performance is affected by the entrepreneurship, schooling, age, and the goal of the female entrepreneur. Second, a support in education and economic does not have a direct effect on the firm performance. However, the study reveals that the entrepreneurship of those who received educational support is higher than that of those who did not. Third, the in-depth interview reveals the facts that how they had been brought up and how the role of the family had a significant effect on their management of business.

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A Study on the Support Method for Activate Youth Start-ups in University for the Creation of a Start-up Ecosystem: Focused on the Case of Seoul City (지역 청년창업생태계 조성을 위한 대학의 지원방안 탐색: 서울시 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, In Sook;Yang, Ji Hee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.57-71
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the perception and demand of local youth and to find ways to support universities in order to create an youth start-up ecosystem. To this end, 509 young people living in Seoul were analyzed to recognize and demand young people in the region for youth start-ups, and to support universities. The findings are as follows. First, as a result of analyzing young people's perception of youth start-ups in the region, the "Youth Start-up Program" was analyzed the highest in terms of the demand for regional programs by university. In addition, there was a high perception that the image of youth startups in the region was "challenging" and "good for changing times." Second, after analyzing the demand for support for youth start-ups in the region, it appeared in the order of mentoring, start-up education, and creation of start-up spaces. And it showed different needs for different ages. Third, the results were derived from analysis of the demand for university support for the creation of a regional youth start-up ecosystem, the criteria for selecting local youth start-up support organizations, and the period of participation in local youth start-up support. Based on the results of the above research, the implications and suggestions of university support for the creation of a community of youth start-up ecosystem are as follows. First of all, it is necessary to develop and operate sustainable symbiosis mentoring programs focusing on university's infrastructure and regional symbiosis. Second, it is necessary to develop and utilize step-by-step systematic microlearning content based on the needs analysis of prospective youth start-ups. Third, it is necessary to form an open youth start-up base space for local residents in universities and link it with the start-up process inside and outside universities. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for establishing policies for supporting youth start-ups and establishing and operating strategies for supporting youth start-ups at universities.

Geographical Characteristics of Business Start-up and Closing Business according to the Type of Industry (업종별 창업 및 폐업의 지리적 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Keumsook;Park, Sohyun
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.178-195
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we examine business start-up and closing business in a geographical context. In particular, we analyze the geographical characteristics of business start-up and closing business according to the type of industry. For the purpose, we use the last 10 years data that have been related with current economic situation since the financial crisis. In first, we identify the spatial distribution patterns of business start-up and closing business, We examine the difference between individual businesses and corporations. Finally, we construct general linear regression models and spatial regression models for them, and derive meaningful socioeconomic variables that explain their location distribution. The results of this study could provide basic data for regional planning of national and local governments that activate local economies as well as job creation.

Analysis of Start-up Sustainability Factors Based on ERIS Model: Focusing on the Organization Resilience (ERIS모델 기반 창업지속요인 분석: 조직 리질리언스를 중심으로)

  • Kim, InSook;Yang, Ji Hee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 2021
  • This study is based on ERIS model for start-up performance, and aims to derive the main reason for start-up sustainability centered on organizational resilience. To this end, systematic literature examination and modified Delphi method were used to investigate start-up sustainability factors based on ERIS Model focused on organizational resilience. The results showed that ERIS model-based entrepreneurial continuity factors were divided into four categories: entrepreneur, resource, industrial environment, strategy, subdivision 8 and detailed factors 54. In addition, the ERIS model-based continuity factors were structured around organizational resilience, and the continuity factors were structured according to ERIS model under five categories: leadership, culture, people, system and environment. The results of this study are as follows. First of all, the results of existing research and analysis show that the concept of successful start-up and sustainability of start-up are used in various fields. Second, it is confirmed that there are common factors of influence on start-up performance and start-up sustainability based on ERIS model. Third, Delphi method's results showed that the general characteristics of entrepreneurs, such as academic background, education level, gender, age, and business experience did not affect the sustainability of entrepreneurship. This study is significant in that it is based on ERIS model focused on organization resilience, and ERIS-R, which integrates Strategy into System and Organization resilience into R in the field of gradually expanding start-up development and support. It is expected that the results of this study will improve the sustainability of start-up that can predict, prevent, and overcome various crises at any time.

Development of Fashion Product Entrepreneurship Education Process for Crowdfunding (Part I) -Focusing on Wadiz Rewards-based Crowdfunding- (크라우드펀딩을 위한 패션제품 창업교육과정 개발 (제I보) -와디즈(Wadiz) 보상형 크라우드펀딩을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jungho;Kwon, Hajin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.175-191
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    • 2020
  • This study proposes an entrepreneurship education process for fashion product start-ups through rewards-based crowdfunding. It examines issues such as: the general concept of crowdfunding and the pros and cons of rewards-based crowdfunding, the detailed curriculum plans in a chronological order for the regular class development, and the presentation of a visual plan to show the whole process. An entrepreneurship education process is developed in 13 steps: research on crowdfunding market, prototype plan, prototype production, story development, visual contents development, rewards development, project evaluation, public schedule & service setting, period setting & start funding, community management (Q&A), funding ends & deposit, complete manufacturing & start delivering, and the final information disclosure & open the next project plan. This research is intended to investigate rewards-based crowdfunding as a new paradigm of entrepreneurship and apply entrepreneurship education in fashion product development. However, it is limited to studying the Wadiz crowdfunding platform in Korea. Therefore, we propose a case study on various crowdfunding platforms in Korea, a case study on entrepreneurial curriculum application, and a follow-up study on the possibility of entry into an overseas crowdfunding platform.

A Systematic Review Study on the Start-Up Sustainability Factors by Franchises Growth Cycle in Korea : Focusing on the ERIS Model

  • Kim, Insook;YANG, Jihee
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide basic data such as development of sustainable support policies and performance management evaluation to support sustainable management of domestic franchises by deriving the sustainable growth cycle of domestic franchises. Research design, data, and methodology: This study is based on systematic review study. We combined search terms such as "Start-up", "Sustainability" and "Success" with four databases, RISS, KISS, e-article and DBpia and searched a total of 1,219 articles published by April 21, 2021. In the process, 35 studies were selected and analyzed after an expert review, excluding documents whose overlapping documents, gray zones (e.g., reports, conference presentations, etc.), degree papers, foreign language literature, and dependent variables were not related to the Sustainability factors. Using ERIS model, which is applied to research on the results of startup, and the franchise's growth cycle, which reflects the growth stage of franchises, we analyzed the factors behind the sustainability of franchise. Result: The results of the study are as follows. First, research on the sustainability of franchise has continued since 2009 in Korea, and has been conducted in various fields such as social welfare in addition to venture, start-up and management. Second, sustainability factors of franchise were analyzed from the ERIS performance model indicating the performance of venture, and the 68 subfactors were derived. Third, it is confirmed that there are important factors that affect the sustainable growth of franchise startups in each franchise's growth cycle. Conclusions: It is significant that through this study, we provided better understanding of the factors that sustain sustainability of franchises, policy suggestions, and presented the direction of future study. Theoretical suggestion is that the main reason for the continuous growth of franchise in each domestic franchise is based on the ERIS performance model. The practical implication is that the headquarters and Franchisor can use it to establish and evaluate performance indicators based on the business growth cycle. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for development and performance management evaluation of franchise start-up support policies to support the sustainable management of domestic franchises.

A Grounded Theoretical Analysis of the Career Transition Experience of Mid-life Career-interrupted Start-up Women (중년기 경력단절 창업여성의 진로전환 경험에 대한 근거이론적 분석)

  • Won Jae Rho;Jae Hee Han
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.61-84
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to deeply analyze the career transition experience and the essence of the entrepreneurial process of women who experienced a career break in middle age, to understand the career transition experience of women who experienced a career break in middle age, and to present a theoretical framework for the entrepreneurial settlement process. The research participants were 17 women who got a job in middle age after a career break or started a business through a career change during their career. Based on this, data were collected through in-depth interviews, and a qualitative analysis was conducted by applying the grounded theory research method proposed by Strauss and Corbin (2008, 2001). The results are as follows. First, 220 concepts, 58 subcategories, and 23 categories were derived. Second, the paradigm of the entrepreneurship process through the career transition experience of middle-aged women with a career gap was derived by setting the exhaustion of work and career identity due to decreased autonomy in uncertain jobs, and the limitations of the immediate jobs and job roles in middle age as the causal situations, and setting the employment barriers after the career gap, re-employment attempts, and job changes in middle age as the contextual situations, setting entrepreneurial efficacy and job maintenance awareness as the mediating conditions of middle-aged entrepreneurial transition, and setting entrepreneurial challenges as actions/interactions in the process of executing career transition behaviors, and setting the process of realizing entrepreneurial vision and business vision through career development. Third, the entrepreneurial decision-making process model through the career transition experience of middle-aged female entrepreneurs with a career gap was implemented in six stages: 'career gap and job maintenance stage', 'mid-aged career limitation recognition stage', 'subjective career and independent life accompanying stage', 'career transition and entrepreneurship execution stage', 'entrepreneurial career capacity building stage', and 'entrepreneurial career growth and change stage'. Fourth, the core category through the story outline was found to be 'career development and career development efforts and entrepreneurship tasks for overcoming adversity through career transition experience'. Through each category of the core category and paradigm model, the career transition experience and entrepreneurship competency performance in the entrepreneurship process of middle-aged female entrepreneurs were classified into three entrepreneurship types: entrepreneurship career development expansion type, entrepreneurship career meaning pursuit type, and entrepreneurship career stability maintenance type. This study presented what middle-aged start-up women with career interruptions actually experience in the entrepreneurship process through career transition experience. The significance of this study lies in revealing the entrepreneurship path of middle-aged women who recognize entrepreneurial efficacy by utilizing their strengths and competencies through career transition and work life after career interruption and pursue career development through the process of entrepreneurial challenge and settlement. Based on these results, the career transition experience and entrepreneurship path of middle-aged women who start a business after career interruption were discussed, and suggestions for the significance of this study and follow-up research were made.

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