• 제목/요약/키워드: Spatial boundary

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The Establishment of BPR for National Spatial Data Infrastructure Quality Management System (국가공간정보통합체계 품질관리시스템 구축을 위한 BPR 수립)

  • Youn, Jun Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2014
  • In Korea, National spatial data infrastructure has implemented in order to integrated manage and share the national spatial information producted by public agencies and local governments. The necessities of systematic quality management are raised, because information, which is generated by different agencies, is integrative managed by national level. In this paper, the establishment of BPR(Business Process Reengineering) for national spatial data infrastructure quality management system. Quality management business is defined as quality management object definition, quality measuring, evaluation and analysis, and quality enhancement process. Next, activities for each process are designed. For the quality management business, business rule(BR) is required for determining error. We derive the BR for six objects(legal-dong, railway boundary, railway centerline, road boundary, road centerline, building) among the basic spatial information. Other information's BR can be generated by using the derivation method described in this paper. Based on the BPR of this paper and derived BR, national spatial data infrastructure quality management system can be implemented in the future.

Reconsideration of the Spatial Composition of the Korean Traditional Village (한국 전통마을의 공간구성 재론(再論))

  • KIM, Kiduk
    • Journal of Korean Historical Folklife
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    • no.57
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    • pp.197-228
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted under the judgement that there was a need to make several mentions by reference to studies about the spatial composition of the traditional village. The judgement was not about the dimension that there was a problem about the spatial composition of the existing village but that it would be effective to make a fresh reorganization of it in a little more detail. As a result, this study presented seven spaces in the spatial composition of the traditional village. It attempted to analyze it by dividing it into four spaces such as ① natural space, ② residential space and work space, ③ moving space and boundary space and ④ play space and ritual space to fit its basic nature. First of all, it made a pictorial presentation of the basic form of the spatial composition of the traditional farming village in the late Joseon Dynasty which was most general and whose form has been handed down up to the present. And it described the composition of each space accordingly. It was not intended for a specific village. So it presented the historical change, the behavior of the members surrounding the village and a difference according to the nature of the village, which were judged to be very important in explaining the items of the composition of each space. As a result, it was found that the spatial composition of the traditiona Korean village well embodied the framework of their life in terms of their view of nature, lifestyle and worldview. The view of nature acted on the spatial composition of the village as a whole and is well reflected in the natural space in particular. Their lifestyle is reflected in the residential space, farming space, moving space and play space, and their worldview is spcifically mirrored in the boundary space and ritual space. In particular, this study focused on how to take a look at the element of Feng-Shui in discussing the spatial composition of the village.

Spatial Modulation of Nonlinear Waves due to Bragg Reflection (Bragg 반사에 의한 비선형파의 공간적 파형변조해석)

  • Choi, Ka-Ram;Koo, Weon-Cheol
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 2010
  • Bragg reflection of nonlinear waves is simulated by a 2D fully nonlinear numerical wave tank (NWT). The developed NWT was based on the Boundary Element Method (BEM) with potential theory and the mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian (MEL) time marching scheme with Runge-Kutta 4th-order time integration. A spatial variation of wave elevations and their Fourier amplitudes of each component are compared to investigate the effect of sea bottom ripples and their relative heights. The incident waves over an undulated sea bottom are partially reflected and changed to partial standing waves due to Bragg reflection. The present results are verified with linear calculations and experimental data. It is found that the 1st-order wave component is mainly affected by Bragg reflection and its spatial modulation is significant in front of the bottom ripples.

A study of the spatial amplification of the Type II instability for the Rotating-disk flow (회전원판 유동의 제2형 불안정성 공간증폭에 관한 이론적 연구)

  • Lee, Yun-Yong;Lee, Kwang-Won;Hwang, Young-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.11b
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    • pp.481-486
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    • 2001
  • The hydrodynamic instability of the three-dimensional boundary layer on a rotating disk introduces a periodic modulation of the mean flow in the form of stationary cross flow vortices. Detailed numerical values of the growth rates, neutral curves and other characteristics have been calculated for the Type II-instabilities. Presented are the neutral stability results concerning the two instability modes by solving new linear stability equations reformulated not only by considering whole convective terms but by correcting some errors in the previous stability equations. The present stability results are agree with the previously known ones within reasonable limit. The spatial amplification contours have been calculated for the moving disturbance wave, whose azimuth angle is between $\varepsilon=-10^{\circ}$ and $-20^{\circ}$. The transition flow of the moving disturbance wave will be developed at $\varepsilon=-15^{\circ}$ and Re=352 corresponding at the growth rates n = 5.8 from the spatial amplification contours.

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Methodology of the Spatial Boundary Determination for Trade Area of Large-scale Discount Stores Using GIS and Road Connectivity (GIS와 도로연결성을 이용한 대형할인점 상권의 공간적 범위 설정 방법)

  • Lee, Yong-Ik;Hong, Sung-Eon;Park, Soo-Hong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2010
  • The present study attempts to provide the practical methodology to determine the spatial boundary of trade area, not depending on conventional circle-based regional analysis, but adopting dimension-diverging conception based on GIS and road connectivity by exemplifying a large-scale discount store with an outlook to enhance accuracy and reliability in trade area analyzing. Unlike the preliminary researches frequently relying on circular form of interpretation which were not likely to exclude obstacles blocking the accessibility to trade areas, the method suggested by the study is to suggest an alternative way for demarcating the trade areas more practically with better access by excluding in-between obstacles. Finally, we show verification of proposed cost models and performance by join strategy.

The Boundary Delimitation of Busan Metropolitan Area using Network Analysis (네트워크 분석기법을 이용한 광역도시권 설정방안 - 부산광역권 설정사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Shim, Jae-Heon;Cho, Yeon-Ho
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes a modified way to delimit the boundary of Busan metropolitan area and compares the empirical analysis with the existing metropolitan area boundary. More specifically, the present state of the metropolitan transportation network is reflected by service area analysis in our study area. The analysis of the linkage between the central city and its fringes considers various travel behaviors as well as commuting to work and school, based on origin-destination trip information. In addition, more diverse indices are applied to the analysis of urban characteristics, and the land cover map is used as well. Compared with the current Busan metropolitan area boundary, our empirical analysis captures the status quo of the undergoing spatial dynamics such as the newly form ed homogeneous sphere of living in our study area.

A Study on the Ambiguity of Architectural Space by the Expended Boundary (경계의 확장에 따른 건축 공간의 모호성에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Sung-Wook;Lee, Kyoung-Hun;Kim, Yong-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.176-179
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    • 2005
  • 'Boundaries' are divided in various types and expressed in diverse ways. Since the progress of socio-cultural, scientific, technological and ideological changes has been so fast, spaces, including cities and their architecture, are also changing rapidly. It is really hard to catch the general flow of modern architectural situations and the logic behind them since they are very complicated and diverse. It is even more complicated to determine which architectural phases represent the same period and how to provide the accompanying characteristics. Therefore, in this study, the boundary has infinite possibilities. By how to provide the accompanying characteristics. Therefore, in this study, the boundary has infinite possibilities. By reorganizing the structure of the ambiguous boundary and what the ambiguous boundary means itself in the process of thinking of creative designers as well as encompassing spatial design. This study will suggest a formative possibility that can be applied as space.

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Effects of Boundary Conditions on Redevelopment of the Boundary Layer in a Backward-Facing Step Flow (후향단유동내 경계층의 재발달에 미치는 경계조건의 영향)

  • Kim, Dong-Il;Lee, Moon-J.;Chun, Chung-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06e
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    • pp.506-511
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    • 2001
  • This paper presents how redevelopment of the boundary layer in a backward-facing step flow is affected by boundary conditions imposed on velocity at the inlet, top and exit of the flow. A two-dimensional, laminar, incompressible flow over a backward-facing step with an open top boundary has been computed by using numerical methods of second-order time and spatial accuracy and a fractional-step method that guarantees a divergence-free velocity field at all time. The inlet velocity profile above the step is of Blasius type. Along the top boundary, shear-tree and Dirichlet conditions on the streamwise velocity were considered and at the exit fully-developed and convective boundary conditions were examined. (The vertical velocity at all boundaries were assumed to be zero explicitly or implicitly.) From the computed flow fields, the reattachment on the bottom side of shear layer separated from the tip of the step and succeeding redevelopment of the boundary layer were investigated.

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Development of Real Time Monitoring Program Using Geostatistics and GIS (GIS 및 지구통계학을 이용한 실시간 통합계측관리 프로그램 개발)

  • Han, Byung-Won;Park, Jae-Sung;Lee, Dae-Hyung;Lee, Gye-Choon;Kim, Sung-Wook
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2006.03a
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    • pp.1046-1053
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    • 2006
  • In the large scale recent reclaiming works performed within the wide spatial boundary, evaluation of long-term consolidation settlement and residual settlement of the whole construction area is sometimes made with the results of the limited ground investigation and measurement. Then the reliability of evaluation has limitations due to the spatial uncertainty. Additionally, in case of large scale deep excavation works such as urban subway construction, there are a lot of hazardous elements to threaten the safety of underground pipes or adjacent structures. Therefore it is necessary to introduce a damage prediction system of adjacent structures and others. For the more accurate analysis of monitoring information in the wide spatial boundary works and large scale urban deep excavations, it is necessary to perform statistical and spatial analysis considering the geographical spatial effect of ground and monitoring information in stead of using diagrammatization method based on a time-series data expression that is traditionally used. And also it is necessary that enormous ground information and measurement data, digital maps are accumulated in a database, and they are controlled in a integrating system. On the abovementioned point of view, we developed Geomonitor 2.0, an Internet based real time monitoring program with a new concept by adding GIS and geo-statistical analysis method to the existing real time integrated measurement system that is already developed and under useful use. The new program enables the spatial analysis and database of monitoring data and ground information, and helps the construction- related persons make a quick and accurate decision for the economical and safe construction.

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