• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Media Education

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A Study on the Effect of Digital Literacy in the Elderly on Critical Thinking Disposition: Focused on the Moderating Effect of Need for Cognition (노인의 디지털 리터러시가 정보의 비판적 수용에 미치는 영향: 인지욕구의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Jang, Hye-Yoon
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2022
  • As social problems related to the digital divide are increasing, the elderly are facing various problems as an information alienated group. In particular, there is a need to strengthen the ability to critically understand and accept information. In this study, using the 2020 media panel survey, the effects of digital literacy in the elderly on critical thinking disposition of information were analyzed, focusing on the moderating effect of need for cognition. As a results of the analysis, it was confirmed that the operational and the information skill had a positive effect on the critical thinking disposition of information. Also, as a result of analyzing the moderating effect of NFC(Need for Cognition), it was found that NFC strengthens the influence of operational skill and reduces the influence of information skill. This suggests that the digital literacy education for the elderly needs to change from strengthening accessibility to improving information judgment.

How Much Do We Understand About Use of E-Commerce in OPAL Generation?: Focused on Diffusion of Innovation Theory (우리는 오팔(OPAL)세대의 이커머스 이용을 얼마나 이해하고 있는가?: 혁신확산이론을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yesolran;Kim, Tae-Eun
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2022
  • This study compared the sociodemographic characteristics and innovativeness of OPAL generation e-commerce users and non-users based on the innovation diffusion theory, and examined the effect of these personal characteristics on the availability of e-commerce use. The result showed that OPAL generation e-commerce users differed from non-users in gender, age, income level, education level, and functional, hedonistic, social and cognitive innovativeness. In addition, gender, age, educational level, functional and hedonistic innovativeness were found to be significant variables that determined the OPAL generation's use of e-commerce. Based on these results, we presented the theoretical and practical implications of this study.

Personalized University Educational Contents Recommendation Scheme for Job Curation Systems (취업 큐레이션 시스템을 위한 개인 맞춤형 교육 콘텐츠 추천 기법)

  • Lim, Jongtae;Oh, Youngho;Choi, JaeYong;Pyun, DoWoong;Lee, Somin;Shin, Bokyoung;Chae, Daesung;Bok, Kyoungsoo;Yoo, Jaesoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.134-143
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    • 2021
  • Recently, with the development of mobile devices and social media services, contents recommendation schemes have been studied. They are typically applied to the job curation systems. Most existing university education content recommendation schemes only recommend the most frequently taken subjects based on the student's school and major. Therefore, they do not consider the type or field of employment that each student wants. In this paper, we propose a university educational contents recommendation scheme for job curation services. The proposed scheme extracts companies that a user is interested in by analyzing his/her activities in the job curation system. The proposed scheme selects graduates or mentors based on the reliability and similarity of graduates who have been employed at the companies of interest. The proposed scheme recommends customized subjects, comparative subjects, and autonomous activity lists to users through collaborative filtering.

The Consumption, Perception, and Sensory Evaluation of Soy Meat by University Students Majoring in Food and Nutrition (일부 식품영양 전공 및 비전공 대학생의 콩고기 인식과 섭취실태 및 콩고기 미트볼 관능평가)

  • Choi, Seoli;Kim, Jieun;Kong, Yubin;Park, Junghee;Lee, Hongmie
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.267-280
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the consumption status and perception of soy meat among university students and to compare their sensory evaluations of commercial meatballs and soy meatballs. The subjects were students at a university who were grouped into those majoring in food and nutrition and those not majoring in the subject. The results of the two groups were compared. The main sources through which the students became aware of meat analogs were examined. The food and nutrition major students were about three times more likely to learn about meat analogs through 'education', and those not majoring in the subject were about four times more likely to learn about them from the social media (P<0.01). The most common reason for having tried soy meat was 'curiosity' and that for not eating it was 'no opportunity'. Without significant differences between groups, the most common answer for questions relating to the product that they had eaten was 'Ramen flakes' (30.5%) and the most common answer for the routes for eating the product was in the order of: 'restaurants' (36.6%)>school lunches (24.9%)>large and medium-sized supermarkets (22.8%). The most common answer to the question inviting suggestions on 'improvement points to promote the consumption of soy meat' was 'taste'(19.2%), followed by 'product promotion' and 'reasonable price'. About half of the subjects failed to differentiate the soy meatballs from regular meatballs before the sensory test and 21.3% after that. The difference in the sensory test scores of the two types of meatballs with respect to 'texture' was significantly higher for the major students than for the non-major students (P<0.05). These results could provide basic information that could enable the promotion of soy meat.

Radio and Senior Generation: Focused on Radio Program for Senior (라디오와 노인: 라디오 노인 대상 프로그램을 중심으로)

  • Hong, Myungshin
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1329-1344
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    • 2010
  • This study is intended to find out how production people have been creating senior radio program. For this purpose, the study set up the three research questions and employed in-depth interviews with ten production people: First, production people find out senior radio listeners who have been very royal attendance of the program for a long time. And they examined senior listeners prefer to listen about health care, information about elderly life and singing contest. They have been made para-social interaction with master of ceremonies (MC). Second, unlike other radio program, the senior radio program has concentrated on the radio station's image and public interest rather than financial profit and viewing rate. Normally, it was known that radio program for senior used carried on break of the day. But some program has been broadcasted on prime time in the afternoon. Target audience of senior radio program has been expanded over the forties and the fifties from sixties. Thirdly, in general the role of producer is critically important to produce program. However, MC and scriptwriter are far more experienced and specialized on the field than producer in radio program for senior.

Analysis of Regional Fertility Gap Factors Using Explainable Artificial Intelligence (설명 가능한 인공지능을 이용한 지역별 출산율 차이 요인 분석)

  • Dongwoo Lee;Mi Kyung Kim;Jungyoon Yoon;Dongwon Ryu;Jae Wook Song
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2024
  • Korea is facing a significant problem with historically low fertility rates, which is becoming a major social issue affecting the economy, labor force, and national security. This study analyzes the factors contributing to the regional gap in fertility rates and derives policy implications. The government and local authorities are implementing a range of policies to address the issue of low fertility. To establish an effective strategy, it is essential to identify the primary factors that contribute to regional disparities. This study identifies these factors and explores policy implications through machine learning and explainable artificial intelligence. The study also examines the influence of media and public opinion on childbirth in Korea by incorporating news and online community sentiment, as well as sentiment fear indices, as independent variables. To establish the relationship between regional fertility rates and factors, the study employs four machine learning models: multiple linear regression, XGBoost, Random Forest, and Support Vector Regression. Support Vector Regression, XGBoost, and Random Forest significantly outperform linear regression, highlighting the importance of machine learning models in explaining non-linear relationships with numerous variables. A factor analysis using SHAP is then conducted. The unemployment rate, Regional Gross Domestic Product per Capita, Women's Participation in Economic Activities, Number of Crimes Committed, Average Age of First Marriage, and Private Education Expenses significantly impact regional fertility rates. However, the degree of impact of the factors affecting fertility may vary by region, suggesting the need for policies tailored to the characteristics of each region, not just an overall ranking of factors.

Effects of Smartphone Addiction on Quality of Peer Relationships among Adolescents : The Mediating Role of Depression (청소년의 스마트폰 중독이 또래 관계의 질에 미치는 영향 : 우울의 매개 역할)

  • Yesolran Kim
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.161-166
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    • 2024
  • The current generation of adolescents stands out as the most digitally interconnected in the annals of history, navigating an era characterized by unprecedented levels of technological connectivity. This study explored the impact of smartphone addiction on the quality of peer relationships among adolescents, with a focus on the mediating role of depression. Analyzing data from 2,288 responses of 14-year-old adolescents extracted from the 2022 cross-sectional data of the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey 2018, research questions were tested. The findings showed that smartphone addiction among adolescents exacerbates depression, consequently leading to a deterioration in the quality of peer relationships. The results contribute to expanding scholarly understanding of the intersection between digital technology and the mental and social well-being of adolescents. Furthermore, there is a call to action for parents, teachers, counselors, policy maker, and practitioner in education institutions to establish programs that monitor and intervene in cases of excessive smartphone use among adolescents.

A study on cultural consumers of OTT original contents based on Text Mining, focusing on Netflix's 'Parasyte: The Grey' based on a comic book (텍스트 마이닝 기반 OTT 오리지널 콘텐츠의 문화소비자 연구, 만화 원작의 넷플릭스 '기생수: 더 그레이' 중심으로)

  • Oh Se Jong
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.789-797
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    • 2024
  • The study of cultural consumers plays an important role in selecting actors, location selection, marketing, and scenarios in movies and series, and in box office factors. In particular, the study of cultural consumers of OTT original contents can produce viewer-tailored works by utilizing massive viewing data, social media user analysis, and location-based information. The research method analyzed the emotional vocabulary of text mining N-gram, CONCOR, and Bayesian classifier machine learning. Through the Netflix work 'Parasyte: The Gray' based on a comic book, the analysis of cultural consumption patterns of cultural consumers, actor selection, implications of genre change, complex human emotional narrative, location selection, and the effects of VFX were analyzed. In addition, the changed story development and storytelling structure were examined through Dan Harmon's 8 stages of hero storytelling. This study will save costs and time in cultural content development and the entertainment industry through the response factors of cultural consumers in OTT original contents and considerations for production.

The Study on The Cyber Communities of Migrant Workers in Korea (한국 이주 노동자의 '사이버 공동체'에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong Hyang;Kim, Yeong Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.324-339
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to investigate the characteristics of cyber communities composed of migrant workers from communities without propinquity in Korea. Its methods are both qualitative and quantitative. It further seeks to discover the relationship between the social capital formed and reproduced within these cyber communities and participants' cultural adaptation to Korean society. The study revealed that ethnic and non-ethnic communities differed in terms of strength of cohesion, space constraints, and links with the outside world. The former showed characteristics of a localized community type. The main motivations for migrant workers' participation in the ethnic cyber community were communication and friendship rather than cooperation and sharing among members. They usually used cyber communication media to communicate with one another. Conversely, the latter showed characteristics of an integrative type. Despite the difficulties in applying for membership and information provided in Korean, a high percentage of migrant workers participated in the community to obtain crucial information. The results did not show a significant correlation between social capital and migrant workers' traits within the cyber community, while a strong correlation emerged among four factors of social capital: faith, norms, networking, and political participation. The study showed that social capital in the cyber community was in direct proportion to an integrative type of cultural adaptation to Korean society. In particular, there was a strong connection between the cultural adaptation exhibited by members of the migrant subculture and their participation in discussions on political issues and human rights, with some migrants even functioning as agents of social change as participants in citizens' movements. The findings suggest that the cyber community facilitates the migrant subculture's communication with and integration into the indigenous Korean culture. Migrant workers' participation in the cyber community is therefore validated as an instrumental practice for members of this subculture to adapt to Korean society.

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Modern Enterprise & ESG Management philosophy of Gaeseong Ginseng Merchant (개성 인삼상인의 근대기업화와 ESG 경영이념)

  • Ock, Soon Jong
    • Journal of Ginseng Culture
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    • v.3
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    • pp.90-118
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    • 2021
  • Gaeseong fostered the conditions necessary for modern capitalism, as huge capital was accumulated through the cultivation and trade of ginseng, which were activities that flourished in the 18th century. During the Japanese colonial era, ginseng merchants were not simply limited to acquiring landowner capital from ginseng trade but actively converted such resource to productive and financial capital, thereby becoming modern entrepreneurs. Ginseng merchants led the joint management and investment of Gaeseong Electric Co., Ltd., Daehan Cheonil Bank, Gaeseong Brewing Co., Ltd., and Songgo Textile Company, founded in the early 20th century. They pursued corporate profits and, as leading individuals of society, spearheaded regional development by supporting educational and cultural projects in Gaeseong. These projects included the establishment of the Gaeseong Commercial School, the publication of Goryeo Times, and the operation of the Gaeseong Jwa Theater. Although liberal economics prioritized shareholder interest, the 21st century witnessed an emphasis on social responsibility among stakeholders asthe major purpose of enterprises. A trend that emerged was ESG (environment, social, governance) management, in which non-financial factors are valued more highly than financial performance. A successful business, which was denoted only by high profits in the past, is now defined by whether a company fulfills its social responsibility. In the early 20th century, the corporate activities of ginseng merchants in Gaeseong reflected entrepreneurship and stakeholder-centered ESG management, which later emerged as essential elements of modern business management. The modern management philosophy ahead of its times stemmed from the regionality of Gaeseong. The political discrimination against Gaeseong residents in the Joseon Dynasty precluded them from becoming government officers, and under a strict social hierarchy, yangban ("noblemen"), the intellectuals of the Joseon Dynasty, were forced to serve as merchants. Son Bong-sang and Kong Seong-hak, aside from being representative ginseng merchants, were both Confucian scholars and writers. The second and third generations of ginseng merchant families who had received higher education abroad returned to Gaeseong to carry on with their family businesses, then established modern companies with capital accrued from the ginseng industry. An analysis of the commercial activities of ginseng merchants in the early 20th century confirmed that these individuals were pioneering entrepreneurs who adopted the ESG management philosophy. In ginseng merchants, one sees a dimension of capitalism with a human face, as with ginseng thatsaves human life.