• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ship velocity

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A Study on the Wave Drift Damping of Moored Floating Structures in Regular Waves (계류된 부유체의 규칙파중 표류감쇠에 대한 연구)

  • Park, In K.;Choi, Hang S.
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, the wave drift damping is studied. An approximate method is adopted to calculate the wave drift damping for the sake of practical applications. By assuming the ship's forward speed to be low, the Green function and the velocity potential are expanded asymptotically with respect to the Brard number(${\tau}$) and terms up to the first order of ${\tau}$ are retained. Mean wave drift forces are computed straightforwardly. The wave drift damping is estimated as the change rate of the mean wave drift force with respect to the ship's speed. In order to validate the present method, Series 60(Cb=0.7) ship is exemplified for forward speed of Fn=0, 0.02 and 0.04. To predict the wave drift damping experimentally, three geosym models of the Esso-Osaka tanker are used. Also the effect of drift angle on the wave drift damping is also considered. Comparisons between numerical and experimental results show reasonable agreements.

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Performance Test and Model-Ship Correlation for a Waterjet Propulsion System (실선 물분사 추진장치 성능시험 및 모형선-실선 상관관계)

  • Jong-Woo Ahn;Chang-Yong Lee;Young-Ha Park;Jong-Ahn Chung;Byung-Hyun Kim
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 1998
  • This study describes sea trial tests for a waterjet propulsion system attached in the hybrid super high speed cargo ship named "Narae". A measuring technique of jet velocity, gross thrust and impeller torque for the waterjet system is explained. From the measured data in sea trial test, performance of the waterjet propulsion system is analyzed and compared with model test results of a similar waterjet system which was carried out in 1996. The erective horse power estimated from sea trial tests shows a good agreement with resistance test results of the model ship. The optimum rising height is estimated as 0.75 m, and the overall efficiency of the waterjet system is predicted as 0.315 at 15 knots. Useful data such as the pump performance, the jet efficiency, the losses of inlet duct and nozzle were obtained. Test results show a similar behavior to the model test results.

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Hydrodynamic Interaction Effects Between Vessels in Confined Waters (제한수역에서 항행선박이 계류중인 선박에 미치는 간섭영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chun-Ki
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.35 no.10
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    • pp.799-804
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    • 2011
  • The hydrodynamic interaction effects between the multi-bodies can not be neglected when vessels are close to each other in congested and confined waters, such as in a harbour or narrow channel. Increase in speed and size of modern vessels make it necessary to consider this interaction effects when designing harbours and navigation channels. In this research, the hydrodynamic interaction effects of the spacing between vessels and water depth along with ship's velocity are summarized and discussed. The goal of this research is to propose a guideline of appropriate speed and distance between passing and moored vessels to avoid the influence of hydrodynamic forces and to navigate safely in confined sea areas.

Theoretical Analysis of Linear Maneuvering Coefficients with Water Depth Effect (수심의 영향을 고려한 선형(線形) 조종성 계수의 이론적 해석)

  • In-Young Gong
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 1994
  • Theoretical calculations are carried out for the estimation of linear maneuvering coefficients of a ship moving in shallow water region. Hydrodynamic forces and moments acting on a maneuvering ship are modelled based on a slender body theory, from which integro-differential equation for the unknown inner stream velocity is derived. Numerical algorithms fur solving this equation are described in detail. By considering water depth effects in the mathematical model, variations of maneuvering coefficients with water depth are studied. Programs are developed according to this method and calculations are done for Mariner, Series 60 and Wigley hull forms. For the verification of the programs, calculated results are compared with some analytic solutions and with published experimental results, which show good agreements in spite of many assumptions included in the mathematical model. It is expected that this method can be used as a preliminary tool for the estimation of maneuverability coefficients of a ship in shallow water region at its initial design stage.

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A Numerical Analysis of Free Surface Wave around a ship (선체주위 자유수면파의 수치해석)

  • Choon-Bum Hong;Seung-Hee Lee
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.80-86
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    • 1994
  • A numerical method for simulations of inviscid incompressible flow fields around a ship advancing on the free surface is developed. A body fitted coordinate system, generated by numerically solving elliptic type partial differential equations is used to conform the ship and free surface configurations. Three dimensional Euler equations transformed to the non-staggered body fitted coordinate system are discretised by finite difference method. Time and spatial derivatives are discretised by forward and centered differencings, respectively, and artificial dissipations are added to discretised convection terms for improvements of numerical stability. At each time steps, free surface elevations are recomputed to satisfy nonlinear free surface conditions. Poisson equations for pressure field are solved iteratively and the velocity field for next time step is extrapolated. To verify the developed numerical method, flow fields around a Wigley model are simulated(Fn=0.250-0.408) and compared with experimental data to show good agreements.

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Study on Plunging Wave Breaking near Ship Bow (선수 주위의 플런징 쇄파 연구)

  • Koo, Bon-Guk
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.122-127
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    • 2021
  • Flow features near the ship bow such as wave breaking, small scale phenomena have been studied using numerical methods. In this study, the bow shaped wedge was adopted which is from previous paper [1, 2] and the conditions of simulation were Re = 1.64 × 105) and Fr = 2.93. Star CCM+, one of the commercial CFD programs has been used for the simulations. Simulation results such as wave profiles near the ship bow, shape of plunging jet, air entrainment, and wave breaking process have been compared with previous experimental and numerical studies. Overall results showed good agreements with previous studies. Profiles of bow waves showed that overturning jet has been created and broken along the wedge. Plunging wave breaking has been observed along the wedge and four components of plunging wave breaking process were shown. It is confirmed that velocity near the overturing jet significantly increased during plunging wave breaking.

Studies on the Trial Manufacture of Telesounder and its Application (2) - Remote Observations of Fishes Entering in the Gape Nets With Wings - (원격어군탐지기의 시작 및 그 응용에 관한 연구 -II -낭장망 입망어군의 원격관측-)

  • 이원우
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.54-62
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    • 1995
  • In order to telemeter the behavior and distribution of fishes. the telesounder was manufactured and it was examined to verify its performance and effects in the gape nets with wings located around Gokunsan islands. Yellow Sea. on August 8. 18~19 and September 8~9, 1994. The behavior of fish entering the net was observed with the buoy station at sea which was installed at the entrance of the gape nets with wing and its echosignal was transmitted remotely to the base station on ship at distance of about 1 km away from the buoy station at sea. The fishes catched by the gape nets with wings were 12 species and Anchovy(Engraulis japonica), Beka squid(Loligo beka), Herring(Harengula zunasi) was 95% of total catches. The images of color display monitor at the base station on ship were very well coincident with the records of fish finder from the buoy station located at sea. When the current velocity was less than 0.6 kt and slight fluctuation, the fishes entered into the gape net were much more in comparision with over 1.0kt and heavy fluctuation, and then the average swimming depth was about 4 m. The catches per one hauling was about 10~30 kg and when the current velocity was too weak and the current direction did not coincident with the direction of net or the current velocity was too strong, the catches was a few. It is concluded that telesounder system is very useful for investigating the distribution and the swimming behavior of fishes entering in the gape nets with wings.

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A Study on the Heat Flow Analysis of Infra-Red Signature Suppression System for Naval Ship (함정 적외선 신호저감 장치의 열 유동해석 연구)

  • Yoon, Seok-Tae;Cho, Yong-Jin;Ko, Dae-Eun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.740-746
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    • 2017
  • Infrared signatures emitted from hot exhaust gases generated by the internal combustion engine and generator of naval ships and from the metal surfaces of the funnel have become the targets of infrared homing missiles, which is the main cause of a reduced survivability of naval ships. The infrared signatures from the exhaust gas and the metal surface of a funnel can be reduced by installing an infrared signature suppression (IRSS) system on a ship. The IRSS system consists of three parts: an eductor that generates turbulent flow of the exhaust gas, a mixing tube that mixes the exhaust gas with ambient air, and a diffuser that forms an air film using the pressure difference between the inside and outside air. As a basic study to develop an IRSS system using domestic technology, this study analyzed the model test conditions of an IRSS system developed by an overseas engineering company and installed on a domestic naval ship, and a numerical heat-flow analysis was conducted based on the results of the aforementioned analysis. Numerical heat-flow analysis was performed using a commercial numerical-analysis application, and various turbulence models were considered. As a result, the temperature and velocity of the exhaust gas at the educator inlet and diffuser outlet and that of the metal surface of the diffuser were measured, and found to agree well with the measurement results of the model test.

Relationship between Rock Quality Designation and Blasting Vibration Constant "K" & Decay Constant "n" by Bottom Blasting Pattern (바닥발파에서 암질지수(RQD)와 발파진동상수 K, n의 관계)

  • 천병식;오민열
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 1995
  • This paper is the analysis of the relationship between RQD and decay constant, blasting vi bration constant of cube root scaling and square root scaling, through experimental blast ins test in subway construction for excavation of shaft hole by bottom blasting. The magnitude of particle velocity is largely effected by the distance from blasting source, the maximum charge per delay and the properties of ground. In order to verify the effects of ground properties on blast-induced vibration, the relation-ship between magnitude of blasting vibration and Rock Quality Disignation which stands for joint property was studied. The results of test are verified that blasting vibration constant "K" and the absolute value("n") of decay constant relatively increse as RQD increased. According to the result, it can be predict the particle velocity by the blast -induced vibration in bottom blasting pattern.om blasting pattern.

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Effect of the Laser Beam Size on the Cure Properties of a Photopolymer in Stereolithography

  • Sim, Jae-Hyung;Lee, Eun-Dok;Kweon, Hyeog-Jun
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.50-55
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    • 2007
  • Stereolithography (SLA) is a technique using a laser beam to cure a photopolymer liquid resin with three-dimensional computer-aided design (CAD) data, The accuracy of the prototype, the build time, and the cured properties of the resins are controlled by the SLA process parameters such as the size of the laser beam, scan velocity, hatch spacing, and layer thickness, In particular, the size of the laser beam is the most important parameter in SLA, This study investigated the curing properties of photopolymers as a function of the laser beam size, The cure width and depth were measured either on a single cure line or at a single cure layer for various hatch spacings and laser beam sizes, The cure depth ranged from 0.23 to 0.34 mm and was directly proportional to the beam radius, whereas the cure width ranged from 0.42 to 1.07 mm and was inversely proportional to the beam radius, The resulting surface roughness ranged from 1.12 to $2.23{\mu}m$ for a ratio of hatch spacing to beam radius in the range 0.5-2.0 at a beam radius of 0.17 mm and a scan velocity of 125 mm/sec.