• Title/Summary/Keyword: School achievements

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First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics

  • Gorzkowski, Waldemar
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.3_4 no.1
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    • pp.139-147
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    • 1994
  • The "First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics" is an annual competition in research projects in physics for secondary (high) school pupils organized by the Institute od Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. This year the second competition of that type has been completed. Pupils from 36 countries took part in the first two competitions, what certainly should be treated as a great success. We have organized the above competition for the following reasons. During our contacts with secondary school pupils we discovered that some of them try to perform different physical investigations by themselves: at schools, in some laboratories and even at home. Then we decided to organize the National Competition in Pupils' Research Projects in Physics and next - after gaining some experience in the national scale - the international competition "First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics". Our aim was to recognize the effort of the pupils, give them a chance to compare their own achievements with the achievements of their colleagues and organize their work. One should underline that the "First Step" refers to quite different features (long term research work) of the pupils than the International Physics Olympiad (solving well formulated physics problems). The prizes in our competition are not typical. Instead of buying some items for our winners we decided to invite them to our Institute for a research stay. In our opinion in case of people whose hobby is physics such a form of prize is more valuable and more instructive than anything else. The aim of this article is to discuss a genesis of the competition, to present conditions of participation and to discuss the results.

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Effectiveness of a Motion Picture Contents in Middle School Career Education (중학교 진로교육에서 동영상 콘텐츠의 교육효과성 및 선호도에 대한 연구)

  • Chung, Yon-Soon;Yu, Byeong-Min;Roh, Kyung-Ran;Lee, Seung-Chul;Park, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.101-128
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness of instructional method using by a motion picture at cognitive and affective learning domain, and students' preferences for instructional methods in middle school career education. The nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest research design was applied to an experimental group and to a control group. A pair of 75students from four classes participated in an experiment. The results show higher learning achievements both of cognitive and affective domains in experimental group than in control group. Higher students' preferences for instructional methods were found in experimental group than in control group. It is concluded that a motion picture could give a more concrete experience and a more pleasure to students than traditional lecture. Higher learning achievements in cognitive and affective learning domain of career education and higher preferences were came out in consequence of using a motion picture.

Correlation between clinical clerkship achievement and objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) scores of graduating dental students on conservative dentistry

  • Bang, Jae-Beum;Choi, Kyoung-Kyu
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.79-84
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the effect of clinical clerkship-associated achievements, such as performance of procedures at the student clinic, observation, and attitude towards a clerkship, on the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) scores of dental students graduating in restorative dentistry. Materials and Methods: The OSCEs consisted of two stations designed to assess students' clinical skills regarding cavity preparation for a class II gold inlay and a class IV composite restoration. The clerkship achievements, consisting of the number of student clinical procedures performed, observation-related OSCE, and scores of their attitudes towards a conservative dentistry clerkship, were assessed. Correlation and multiple regression analyses were conducted. Results: The correlation coefficient between the OSCE scores for cavity preparation for a class II gold restoration and clerkship attitude scores was 0.241 (p < 0.05). Regarding a class IV composite restoration, OSCE scores showed statistically significant correlations with the observation (r = 0.344, p < 0.01) and attitude (r = 0.303, p < 0.01) scores. In a multiple regression analysis, attitudes towards a clerkship (p = 0.033) was associated with the cavity preparation for a class II gold inlay OSCE scores, while the number of procedure observations (p = 0.002) was associated with the class IV composite restoration OSCE scores. Conclusions: The number of clinical procedures performed by students, which is an important requirement for graduation, showed no correlation with either of the OSCEs scores.

Grounded Theory Analysis on the Substitute Behavior and Consumption of Mothers in terms on their Children's Academic Achievements and Appearances (근거이론에 기초한 자녀의 학업과 외모에 대한 어머니의 대리만족과 소비 분석)

  • Kim, Sang Ji;Jin, Hyun Jeong
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.527-539
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzed the substitute behavior of mothers of infants or elementary-school-aged children in terms of consumption. For this study, in-depth interviews were conducted with women residing in the Seoul metropolitan area who show significant interest in their children. The interviews were analyzed based on the grounded theory. The findings of this study are as follows. First, mothers show substitute behavior for their children's appearance. The younger the children, the more substitute consumption exhibited by mothers. As children grow older and are able to choose what to wear, mothers show less substitute behavior tendencies regarding appearance management. Second, mothers tend to exhibit substitute behavior regarding their children's academic achievements. Mothers hope their children will be more successful than themselves were or will achieve the dreams that they failed to accomplish, which drives substitute behavior. Mothers affectionately provide children with financial support so they can obtain academic achievement and they hope their children will have successful occupations in the future. Third, mothers who are not satisfied with their appearance and have low self-esteem are more likely to exhibit substitute behavior with their children. This study will be helpful in understanding mothers' motivation and psychological factors regarding the support of their children.

Reading Education at School Libraries: New Considerations Based on the Analysis of Students' Attitudes Toward Reading and their Reading Achievements (독서 태도와 읽기 성취도 분석이 시사하는 학교도서관 독서 교육의 방향 - 중학교를 중심으로 -)

  • Kwon, Eun-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.249-269
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    • 2012
  • In an attempt to promote reading among middle school students which has been declining sharply, this study suggests new directions for reading education in school libraries. The study examined the following: correlation between students' attitudes toward reading and their reading achievements as revealed in PISA 2009, nationwide survey results on reading, and studies on attitudes and motives for reading. Korean students' reading achievement is very high among the OECD countries but their reading attitude is not positive enough. The strong positive relationship between pleasure reading and reading achievement indicates the importance of the provision of ample collections at school libraries as well as library programs fostering independent, free-will reading. Reading programs at school libraries should cater to students' individual characteristics and needs, such as their sex, abilities, affective and cognitive attitudes, experiences, as well as the quantity, the formats, and the time of their reading, etc.

Anatomical Achievement and Thought of Leonardo da Vinci (레오나르도 다빈치의 해부학 업적과 사고)

  • Chai, Ok Hee;Song, Chang Ho
    • Anatomy & Biological Anthropology
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2016
  • Leonardo da Vinci is remembered as the greatest genius of the Renaissance. He left outstanding achievements as an artist, scientist and inventor, and contributes up to today's science. He ranks the best in a variety of fields, such as botany, mathematics, geology, astronomy, geometry and optics. It has well known that Leonardo is an artist, scientist, inventor and philosopher. And he was a great anatomist that dissected dead bodies and animals directly and left many anatomical drawings. He took an interest in anatomy from the point of view of the artist, which is why the human body structure and function to know the sakes were "ignorant of the anatomy should not be upset." Over time, he became interested in the structure and function of the body, even get the human body in a difficult environment; he dissected many the human bodies directly. His scientific inquiry and infatuation made him as an advanced pioneer for more than 100 years, and got enough level to surpass the artistry. Leonardo left about 1,800 anatomical figures of the muscular, skeletal, vascular, nervous and urogenital system, and they are also very scientific and high artistic achievements. The aim of this article is to take a look at Leonardo da Vinci's anatomical achievements and thoughts. In addition, the goal is to knowledge today's anatomists about Leonardo da Vinci's astonishing achievements as a great pioneer in anatomy.

The Effects of Cooperative Learning through STAD Model on High School Student' Learning Achievements and Scientific Attitudes in the Field of Astronomy (Student Team-Achievemenl Division(STAD) 모형의 협동학습이 고등학교 학생들의 천문영역에 대한 학업성취도와 과학적 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Hong-Seo;Cho, Yong-Goo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.640-648
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    • 2002
  • The purposes of this study is to examine the effects of cooperative teaming through student team-achievement division (STAD) model on high school students’ leaming achievements and scientific attitudes in the field of astronomy. It is another aim to compare effects of cooperative learning based on improvement scores with traditional teaching method done only by teachers in astronomy field. This study was conducted on two tenth grade classes in a boy’s high school in Incheon. Students had four classes a week in cooperative learning way for four weeks. During cooperative learning classes, formative evaluation was given to students every week oil Stars and Exploring the Solar System. The results show that these two approaches have great different effects on students’ astronomical knowledge and that students adopt more positive scientific attitude toward cooperative learning classes than traditional ones. In conclusion, the cooperative learning is more effective and positive than traditional one in learning astronomical knowledge and in students scientific attitude for science classes.

Ethically Related Decisions in Different Scenarios of Medical School Applicants for Graduate-Entry Program (가상시나리오를 활용한 의과대학 학사편입학 지원자의 윤리적 의사결정능력)

  • Kim, Do-Hwan;Kim, Eun Jeong;Hwang, Jinyoung;Shin, Jwa-Seop;Lee, Seunghee
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.90-98
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    • 2016
  • Assessment tools for non-academic qualities such as ethics frequently employ hypothetical scenarios to lay out a contextual framework underlying the corresponding criteria of assessment. Due to the context-specific nature of the assessment criteria, details of the scenarios become very important in obtaining accurate results. This study aims to explore how medical school applicants differ in ethical decision making depending on the types of ethical dilemma scenarios, and how they correlate with academic achievements after admission. In 2014, all 82 applicants invited for an admission interview for a graduate-entry program were asked to complete a questionnaire comprised of 13 hypothetical scenarios. There were three domains (unethical business decisions, unethical academic decisions, and sexual quid pro quos) and participants were made to choose between the profitable-but-unethical choice or the unprofitable-but-ethical choice, using a four-point Likert-type scale. On average, tendencies toward unethical decisions were lowest for sexual favors ($1.34{\pm}0.46$), and highest for gaining academic advantages ($2.22{\pm}0.56$). Unethical decisions for academic advantages and sexual benefits showed significant correlation respectively with the female gender and those who graduated from overseas universities. In addition, the propensity for choosing unethical academic decisions was significantly correlated with high academic achievements in medical school (r=0.396). Not only does this study demonstrate that different levels of ethical decision making depend on the scenarios, but also those differences may be a determinant factor in subsequent academic performances in medical school. In conclusion, given the possible influence of the details of the hypothetical scenarios to the applicant's responses, careful consideration must be given during their development.

Analysis of the Descriptive Evaluation's Status in Middle School Science: Focused on the Item's Type, Subject Unit, and Evaluation Object (중학교 과학에서 서술형 평가의 실태 분석: 문항유형, 단원, 평가목표를 중심으로)

  • Noh, Eun Sill;Kim, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.198-213
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    • 2018
  • In recent years, descriptive evaluation has been gaining importance at school. The purpose of this study is to analyse descriptive evaluation items which have been made by school teachers. 300 items for regular examinations are collected from 7 middle schools (grades 1 through 3) in Gyeongnam Province. Distribution and types of items are examined to compare educational objectives of standard achievements and those of evaluation according to Bloom's revised taxonomy of educational objectives. The result shows that there exist a majority of shared subject units for descriptive evaluation. Huge difference of frequency is also found among subject units and standard achievements. Less than 65% of evaluation items are descriptive and the rest is simple completion or short answers. In addition, it reveals only 40.3% of agreement between educational objectives of standard achievements and those of evaluation items. The interviews with 27 teachers indicate that lack of ability to develop proper items and grading are the major obstacles. In conclusion, systematic training courses are to be provided in order to resolve issues over descriptive evaluation.

After-School Activities of Preadolescents, Academic Achievements and social Development (초기 청소년기의 방과후 활동과 학업성취 및 사회적 발달)

  • 김미해;옥경희;천희영
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.93-108
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    • 2001
  • After-school activities of 817 7th grade children from Kwangju, Busan, and Kumi were studied to determine relations with (a) child, family and contextual variables (b) child's academic achievement and social development. Children were more likely to engage in extracurriculum activites and TV watching than other after-school activities. After-school activities were related to child's, parent's and contextual variables. Child's characteristics related to after-school activities were sex, impulse control, mastery and self-care. family's characteristics related to after-school activities were mother's employment, emotional support, control, monitoring and SES. Region and regional sagy were related to after-school activities. Some of after-school activities were related child's academic achievement and social development. Especially academic activites have a positive and powerful effects on child's academic achievement and social development.

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