After-School Activities of Preadolescents, Academic Achievements and social Development

초기 청소년기의 방과후 활동과 학업성취 및 사회적 발달

  • 김미해 (구미1대학 유아교육과) ;
  • 옥경희 (광주대학교 사회복지학부) ;
  • 천희영 (고신대학교 아동학과)
  • Published : 2001.06.01


After-school activities of 817 7th grade children from Kwangju, Busan, and Kumi were studied to determine relations with (a) child, family and contextual variables (b) child's academic achievement and social development. Children were more likely to engage in extracurriculum activites and TV watching than other after-school activities. After-school activities were related to child's, parent's and contextual variables. Child's characteristics related to after-school activities were sex, impulse control, mastery and self-care. family's characteristics related to after-school activities were mother's employment, emotional support, control, monitoring and SES. Region and regional sagy were related to after-school activities. Some of after-school activities were related child's academic achievement and social development. Especially academic activites have a positive and powerful effects on child's academic achievement and social development.
