• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satisfaction for the program

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A study on the oral health behavior of some dental hygiene students and other majors (일부 치위생과 학생과 일반계열 학생의 구강건강행위에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Mi-Kyoung;Kim, Yoon-Mi;Hong, Sae-Young
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.615-627
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : The study has three aims: 1) to assess the perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of dental hygiene students and other college students towards oral and dental care, 2) to provide grounds for developing an oral and dental health educational program, and 3) to improve the oral and dental health status among the college student population. Methods : The subjects in this study were 520 students who included dental hygiene students from J health college and other majors from a four-year university located in Seoul. The survey was conducted from September, 2010, to June 3, 2011. The collected 507 questionnaires were analyzed. The collected data were analyzed by the statistical package SPSS WIN 12.0, and the level of significance was set at 0.05. Results : 1. As for a daily toothbrushing frequency, the largest number of the students brushed their teeth three times a day, and the dental hygiene students did that more often than the other majors(p<0.001). Concerning awareness of the toothbrushing method and the time for the change of the toothbrush, the rolling method was more prevailing among the dental hygiene students than the others(p<0.001). 2. In regard to education experience about the toothbrushing method and satisfaction with the existing toothbrushing method, 64.7% of respondents ever received education about the toothbrushing method(p<0.001). 3. As to scaling experience and gingival bleeding, the dental hygiene students had more scaling experiences(p<0.001), and the other majors who underwent gingival bleeding from time to time outnumbered the dental hygiene students who did(p<0.01). 4. In relation to subjective oral health status, the dental hygiene students found themselves to be in better oral health than the other majors(p<0.001), and the latter had more parts of the mouth in which they didn't feel well than the former(p<0.01). The dental hygiene students were more concerned about their oral health(p<0.001) and felt more uncomfortable in chewing(p<0.05). The other majors felt more uncomfortable in pronunciation(p<0.01). Conclusions : The results of this study indicated that dental hygiene students strongly recognized the importance of knowledge, motivation, and self-care behaviors, and attitudes towards oral health and dental care compared to other college students. It suggested that regular educational programs for the college student population should be implemented to increase their concern for oral and dental issues and to improve their oral and dental health status.

Development and Effectiveness Analysis of Charrette for Improving Agricultural Product Package Design in a Rural Village - Focusing on the Recognition Changes of Voluntary Designers - (농촌마을 농특산물 포장디자인 개선을 위한 샤렛 개발 및 효과 - 재능기부디자이너들의 의식변화를 중심으로 -)

  • Chae, Hye-Sung;Do, Kyung-Rok;Jin, Hye-Ryeon;Hong, Kwang-Woo;Lee, Dong-Gwan;Ahn, Ok-Sun;Jo, Lok-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2013
  • In these days, agricultural products are regarded as a core income source in tourism villages. Nevertheless, poor packaging of agricultural products has threatened the competitiveness and quality of products. For farmers, it is less likely to employ individual designer for developing and improving their packages due to low accessability to rural villages and budgets. Based on this background, this study conducted 'Charrette' in order to improve agricultural product packaging. The target village was 'Goraday' in Gangwon province. This study consisted of different steps for building and implementing proper 'Charrette' programs. Then, it also conducted empirical investigation about the effectiveness and efficiency of 'Charrette'. 'Charrette' has made progress as follows; first step was concerned with advance preparation for constructing program. Second, implementation of 'Charratte' included data collection and analysis, and development of design. Third, evaluation and feedback stage have given presentation and discussion about suggested design with local residents. Empirical investigation about the effectiveness and efficiency of 'Charrette' has been composed with survey and interview targeting participants. In survey and interviews, designers were asked about their attitudinal changes in relation to knowledge, recognition, function, motivation, and satisfaction toward 'Charrette' and 'agricultural product package design' before and after participating the event. The results showed that knowledge and perception of designers toward 'agricultural product package design' have positively increased. In addition, it revealed that designers were satisfied with collaborations with others and their contribution to rural community business. However, the results also suggested that sufficient preparation time/schedules and opportunity to meet other and farmers before events would be required to have better communication and understanding in relation to their tasks and role distribution. Furthermore, it is also required for designers to hold relationship with local community in order to actualize their packaging design.

Does College Experience Effect Job Quality Of Science And Engineering Graduates? -Focusing On Gender Gap (이공계 대학생의 대학생활 경험과 취업의 질 : 성별차이를 중심으로)

  • Shin, Ha-young;Moon, Bo-Eun
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to examine whether a gender works to make the difference on the university experiences of natural sciences and engineering major students; and the income and quality gap between the graduates. In this study, university experiences means job market and job searching related experiences such as job fair attending, The main research questions are as follows; fist, what are the significant university experiences related job preparation and application, and is there a gender gap on those experiences? Second, how is the job market performance of the national sciences and engineering graduates for their income level and quality job, and is there a gender gap on the job market performance of the sample? Third, which variables among the university experiences for job searching and application impacts the job quality and income level of the natural sciences and engineering graduates? To find out the research results, this study conducts a panel data analysis with GOMS (Graduates Occupational Mobility Survey) throughout survey year of 2006 to 2015, towards 568,264 as weighted value number. As analysis methods, this study carries out a descriptive analysis, ANOVA, discriminant analysis, linear regression and T-test. Therefore, here are the brief outputs of the study; first, for natural sciences and engineering students, the off-campus experiences such as job fair, job recruit festival and internship programs are more favored; second, female students are more likely to attend personal and self-driven job preparation programs; third, on job market performance, the graduates' income level and company scale rate are higher in the male but job stability is higher in the female; fourth, as a result of the linear regression, gender factor decides the income level in considerable degree; additionally, gender factor shows the difference of the job satisfaction and self-effectiveness on one's job as a qualitative variables. For obtaining strictness, university program factors are controlled through model fitness process. As above, this study finds out the main factors of university life of natural sciences and engineering graduates which are related their job searching and preparation experiences and figures out stronger factors in job market; and examines the statistically significance of the gender in this casual-effect relationship between job preparation and job quality of the graduates.

Development of International Education and Training Program for Building Practical Competence in Radiation Protection (방사선방호 실무역량 강화를 위한 국제 교육훈련 과정 개발)

  • Kim, Hyun Kee;Son, Miyeon;Ko, Han-Suk
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2013
  • Education and training is an important means of promoting safety culture and enhancing the level of competence of radiation worker in radiation protection. The existing international nuclear education and training of short duration has been carried out on the high-level officials and focussed on the classroom based training. The developing countries has been asking for support to cultivate their own technical experts to Korea which is a donor country exporting nuclear power plants. This paper summarizes the results of developing and operating the international education and training course to froster technical experts in radiation protection that emphasized practical training sessions and technical visits using the excellent domestic radiation facilities and infrastructure of education and training. It mentions the procedures of assessment and feedback as well. In an effort to maximize teaching-learning effects and to maintain consistency of the learning objectives, methods and assessment, SAT methodology has been applied on the processes of developing and operating the course. In the comparative and final assessment which were conducted at the beginning or at the end of training course, participants' average score increased around 2 points. The questionnaire of participants showed a high level of satisfaction of 4.0 points or above for the most of the questions. These imply teaching-learning methods applied to it might be effective. The teaching-learning methodologies may provide the opportunity to develop the customized training course for bringing up international technical experts and to shift educational paradigm from theory-oriented to on-site practice-based education.

A Study on Validity of the Korean Version of the Assessment of Life Habits (LIFE-H 1.0) in Children (아동용 참여평가도구 한글판 Life Habits Assessment(LIFE-H 1.0)의 타당도 연구)

  • Woo, Ye-Shin;Lee, Ye-Jin;Kim, Yeon-Ju;Kang, Jae-Won;Park, Hae Yean
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2017
  • Objective: It is important to assess the participation and understand the characteristics of participation for setting goal of the child's treatment and strengthening participation. In this study, we verified the validity of the LIFE-H 1.0, so that domestic occupational therapists can systematically evaluate children's participation. Methods: This study was conducted for about 2 months from February to April 2016 in 47 children with disabilities and non-disabled children. We divided the children into two groups aged 0-4 years and 5-13 years old and conducted a self-report questionnaire to parents. The collected data were verified by SPSS(Statistical Package for Social Science) statistical analysis program. Results: There was no difference between the two groups in general characteristics. In comparison of two groups, a significant difference(p<.05) was found in the LIFE-H 1.0 total performance and satisfaction score and the high discriminant validity was verified. Conclusion: The ultimate goal of occupational therapy is to increase participation. Therefore, the occupational therapist must be able to assess the level of participation and than set the goal of intervention. This study confirms the high level of validity and expects that Korean version of LIFE-H 1.0 will be widely used in clinical field and research.

Ergonomic Analysis for the Aging-Friendly Exercise Device Utilized on the Digital Load Control Technology (디지털 중량제어기술을 활용한 고령친화운동기구의 인간공학적 분석)

  • Kim, Bo-Kun;Jang, Young-Kwan;Hah, Chong-Ku;Baek, Jun-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.252-260
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    • 2021
  • For frailty management, the importance of resistance exercise has been emphasized, and various devices have been developed. Recently, digital weight control technology that converts electromagnetic resistance to a digital weight is attracting attention, but there are no reports confirming the effectiveness and safety of the device for seniors in Korea. This study conducted a biomechanic-based ergonomic analysis of an elderly-friendly exercise device utilized in digital load control technology to suggest a direction for development. Twenty seniors (age: 62.40 ± 2.09 years) were included. The load of the device was classified into three levels, and the muscle activity and heart rate were assessed during three experimental motions. A questionnaire based on the International Organization for Standardization 9241-11 was adopted to evaluate the stability, operationality, efficiency, and satisfaction with the software and device. The program could be divided into three exercise intensities that can be utilized in the field depending on whether the exercise load, muscle activity, and heart rate were consistent. The monitor size needed to be enlarged to make the menu Korean, reduce the device size, and minimize noise. Considering these findings, the development of an advanced age-friendly exercise device by improving the size, display, and noise is suggested.

The Process of Occupational Socialization of the Court Security Team (법원경비관리대의 직업사회화 과정 분석)

  • Park, Ok-Cheol;Kwon, Tae-Il
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.276-286
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    • 2012
  • The purposes of this study are to investigate various experience factors of the court security team's occupational socialization process and suggest basic materials which are necessary to establish educational service strategies of preliminary court security and guard. Therefore, in-depth interview and ethnographic study were conducted for 4 court securities whose career is more than 3 years. As the result, the process of occupational socialization process of the court security was divided into preparation period, adaptation period, conflict period and maturity period. In the preparation period, vision of university departments, acquisition of certificates and information of the court security team are the factors of basic stage for becoming court securities. In the adaptation period, they adapt themselves for playing their own roles sincerely and become professional manpower after being court securities, through the university educational program useful for practical duties, certificates for practical duties and occupational satisfaction. In the conflict period, they aware conflicts of the company and job stress, that court securities should experience, and endure them. In the maturity period, they are grown by one more step as court securities, through the motivation, job professionalism, occupational prospect and efforts of self-development.

Is Civic Service the Real Antipode of Volunteer Work? - Focusing on AmeriCorps and Senior Corps in the United States (시민서비스는 자원봉사의 대척점에 있는가? - 미국의 AmeriCorps와 Senior Corps를 중심으로)

  • Ji, Eun-Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.31-63
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    • 2014
  • Recently interest in civic engagement and civic service is increasing. However, in Korea, few studies have focused on civic service. This might be on account of general awareness that civic service is fundamentally different from the basic spirit of voluntary work, while interest in paid volunteer work is on the rise. Thus, it is necessary to examine whether civic service is the real antipode of volunteer work. Under this kind of critical viewpoint, this study aims to analyze civic service based on the attributes of voluntary work and civic service. The major findings are as follows. Firstly, contrary to common belief, civic service has not been established to go beyond the principle of voluntary and unpaid characteristics of volunteer work. Rather, some voluntary work has broken out of principle of voluntary activities. Secondly, civic service and volunteer work might be characterized as different not due to spontaneity and unpaid service but the structural characteristics of the goal, continuity and formality. Furthermore, the reason for the soft landing of civic service in the United States is not because they have supported the reimbursement of expenses and the provision of stipends. Rather, it is because their long-term activities have promoted real community development for the purpose of finding solutions to social problems, and they have derived a sense of pride and satisfaction from social recognition and rewards for their contributions.

A Study on the Effect of Caregiver Burden on Suicidal Ideation among Caregiver for the Elderly with Dementia (치매노인의 증상정도가 부양자의 자살생각에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구: 부양부담의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, JaeYop;Kim, JoonBeom;Jang, DaeYeon;Song, InHan
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.883-903
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of the study is examining the mediation effect of caregiver burden's segmentalized sub factors between dementia caregivers on the relationship between Symptom extent of dementia patients and Suicidal Ideation of dementia caregiver, and suggesting social welfare intervention methods for dementia caregiver The survey is targeted to demented elderly people and caregivers, and currently using medical care institution and day care center in Seoul, Gyeonggi Province and Pusan city. As a result of the survey, 415 cases were collected for the final analysis. In data analysis process, we used SPSS 21.0 for the mediation effect of conversational satisfaction and its significance, and the results are following. First, 21% of the caregivers responded that they had thoughts of suicide in the past year. Second, Symptom extent of dementia patients was positively related to caregiver burden. Third, worse in family relationships, which is sub factors of mediate variable, has partial mediate effect on the model. Based on these outcomes, we suggest the importance and necessity of improved approach about dementia elderly and caregiver between elderly couple as way to reduce caregiver burden and proposed social work-based intervention program for enhancing this.

Development of Customer Experience-Based TB Management Service for a Local Public Medical Institution (일 지역공공의료기관의 고객경험기반 결핵관리서비스 디자인)

  • Kang, Myung-Ju;Chung, Kyung-Hee;Jo, Eun-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.399-410
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    • 2018
  • This study is a methodological approach to the study of a customer experience-based Tuberculosis(TB) management service design for a local public medical institution, with the application of the service design process by the Design Council in the UK. This study designed a TB management service for a local public medical institution using the service design method which identifies and resolves TB management-related problems based on experiences of medical personnel of TB facilities as well as of TB patients. To design a TB management service for the whole process from hospitalization to discharge and then to cooperation with local communities, a team was formed with 12 TB management-related personnel. The team went through the four phases of service design process: Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver. In addition, the TB management service based on customer experience was developed that included eight services related to processes from hospitalization to discharge and cooperation with local communities. According to the study results, a service design methodology was found to be considerably effective in developing a service program that takes into account an overall circumstance of various relevant personnel as well as patients. It is suggested that further studies use a service design methodology in developing various health management service programs in need of improvement of work efficiency among relevant personnel as well as providing the best satisfaction for customers by identifying hidden needs based on their experiences.