• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satisfaction for the program

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An analysis of customer needs for the operation of unmanned food stores on a university campus (대학 캠퍼스 내 무인 식품 매점 운영에 대한 고객 요구도 분석)

  • Kim, Se-Eun;Park, Min-Seo;Bae, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.587-600
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study was performed to analyze customer needs for the operation of unmanned food stores on a university campus. Methods: A total of 329 responses were collected from customers who had purchased food at the stores. Statistical analyses were conducted using the SPSS program for frequency analysis, χ2-test, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and Duncan's multiple range test. Results: On average, the overall satisfaction score for lunch and the eating location was 3.91 out of 5 points. Overall satisfaction was significantly higher for home cooking, and lower for eating at convenience stores (p < 0.001), and the score for eating with family was significantly higher than for eating alone or with friends (p < 0.001). On average, the intention to use an unmanned store received a score of 3.98 out of 5 points, while 'home cooking (3.76)' was significantly lower than other eating locations and eating at 'convenience stores (4.38)' was significantly higher than other eating locations (p < 0.05). The desired time of use for unmanned food stores was 'lunch (54.1%)', 'dinner (46.2%)', and 'afternoon snack (41.9%)', and the desired foods were 'doshirak (62.0%)', 'sandwich (56.2%)', 'fruit cup (54.4%)', 'salad (51.7%)', and 'kimbap (50.5%)'. There were significantly more opinions that single-person households would use unmanned food stores for dinner more than family households (p < 0.05), and significantly more willingness to purchase fruit cup (p < 0.05). The average prices (Korean won) that the subjects were willing to pay for the purchase of food were 4,991 for doshirak, 3,403 for salad, 2,745 for fruit cup, 2,609 for sandwich, and 2,235 for kimbap. Conclusion: For the successful operation of the unmanned food stores on the university campus, the store manager should grasp the customer's needs in real-time and establish an effective marketing strategy.

Development of a Community-Based Management System of Home-Stay Cancer Patients (지역사회 재가 암환자 관리 체계 구축 - 일 시 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Boon-Han;Jung, Yun
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.154-160
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : This study, as the first year project of setting up a community based management system, was attempted for the cancer patients and their family to improve their quality of life; investigating and managing the cancer patients, educating volunteers and connecting the patients with the volunteers were performed. Method and result : The education of managing cancer patients for the volunteers was done once in lune for 2 days to the 80 volunteers. Questions about education effect, volunteer motivation and so on were made up. The survey showed, generally, education satisfaction level was high and a longer education and an intensive course were needed and was suggested that organizing a volunteer community be needed for the continuous further education and systematic management. As the result, after the public health center and volunteers deliberated, a volunteer community consisting of 4 teams, 28 members was organized, launched in Oct. and operated for the cancer patients and their family. For investigating and enrolling the patients, advertising on a local information paper, recommending of local doctors, publicizing by educating the heads of a subdivision of the city, the heads of a neighborhood association and the people in charge of the related local communities such as women's society, and surveying the community by volunteers were performed and the total, 41 patients were registered. Management of cancer patients was carried out by volunteers in a community and in a nursing school. A regional volunteers' community is composed of 23 members and they have worked 87 times, that is 3.8 times per capita on an average. The content of duties is attending the education (41.1%) the most. A volunteers' community of nursing students composed of 12 members have worked 135 times, that is 11.3 times per capita on an average. The content of duties - consulting with patients and home visiting (37.8 %) were the most and survey for investigating the cancer patients was the second. Conclusion : This study has the meaning that this is the guiding attempt in building a community based management system, and especially the achievement of this study is that a regional society organized a volunteer community for the cancer patients by itself and went into action for the cancer patients and their family. Furthermore, to activate this volunteering, it is necessary to keep managing volunteers and running continuing education or the intensive course of the volunteers. Indeed we should let the patients have good impression on this program through publicity and education for the residents to keep track of more cancer patients. For that, systematic and powerful cooperation of a self-administrative organization is required.

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Development of Transition Process and Programs for Empowerment of People with Developmental Disorder (발달장애인의 Empowerment 강화를 위한 전환과정과 프로그램 개발)

  • Na, Woon Hwan
    • 재활복지
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this research is to develop transition process and programmes for gently converting people with disabilities to local communities, through their empowerments. The methods used in the research were literature research, case studies on related programs, and expert interviews. The following shows the results. Firstly, the transition process for people with developmental disorders is exceedingly limited, and the process does not consider special attention needed for people with developmental disorders. Secondly, the postsecondary education programs for people with developmental disorders are being started as transition processes, however these programs need more connection with secondary schools. Thirdly, the primary factors which must be contemplated for University programs(for people with developmental disorders, after secondary education) are self-cognition and self-understanding. According to these results, we can suggest transition processes and programs within Universities for people with developmental disorders. (In Korea) Firstly, the postsecondary transition for people with developmental disorders requires a consideration of their characteristics, and mainstreaming education is also needed for their self-cognition and self-understanding. Considering this, the transition process within Universities can be an alternative. Secondly, tertiary educations within Universities for people with developmental disorders need to consider the following factors: ① The programs in Universities need to set up a support network. ② The door to program should be open to all students with developmental disorders within the Universities. ③ Organization of human resources must be systematized and connected, so that specialists within the Universities can participate in the postsecondary education programs for people with developmental disorders. ④ Inclusive learning activities must be under-taken, allowing students without disabilities to participate in the programs for students with developmental disorders.

Development of Suicide Prevention Programs for Mental Health Professionals Working with Children and Adolescens at High Risk of Suicide (아동·청소년 자살고위험군 자살예방평가 및 프로그램)

  • Yang, Jeong-Soon;Woo, Hee-Soon
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.37-50
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    • 2024
  • Korea has the highest suicide rate among Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries, with increasing rates observed among children and adolescents with low levels of life satisfaction. Patients in these age groups exhibit particularly turbulent and impulsive behaviors, which make suicide highly contagious and fatal. The loss of meaningful work or activities increases the risk of suicide, especially in young people. Following revisions to the Mental Health Welfare Act (2016), which has included occupational therapists among mental health professionals, a multidisciplinary approach including occupational therapy has been emphasized upon in mental health services. Screening tools for preventing suicide in children and adolescents include the Suicidal Ideation Scale, Beck's Suicidal Ideation Scale, Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale, Reasons for Living Scale for Adolescents, and the Student Emotional and Behavioral Characteristics Test. The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure, which is an occupational therapy evaluation tool, is also used. Various suicide prevention programs have been proposed across academic disciplines; however, due to the urgent nature of high-risk groups, there is a need for timely services. Currently, most existing programs focus primarily on the cognitive-behavioral aspects. In this study, we aimed to introduce diverse suicide prevention programs for mental health professionals working with high-risk children and adolescents in order to equip them with the relevant information and help apply their learnings effectively in different situations.

A Study on Elementary School Dietitian's Status and Recognition of Nutrition Education in Incheon (인천지역 초등학교 영양사의 영양교육 실태 및 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Park Jeong Ah;Chang Kyung Ja
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.716-724
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the elementary school dietitian's status and recognition of nutrition education (NE) in Incheon. A cross-sectional study was carried out using a self-administered questionnaire and subjects were 100 elementary school dietitians. The results are as follows. As for training in NE, 61.2% of the dietitians attended training in NE. After training in NE, 86.5% of the dietitians who attended training in NE were more concerned about NE. Also 59.5% of the dietitians gave students NE and most of them did as a weekly printout 2-4 times per month. There was a significant difference in experience of NE for teachers between subgroups by experience of training in NE; while 48.1% of the dietitians with training in NE gave teachers NE, 20.0% of the dietitians without training in NE gave teachers NE. The main reason for not giving NE was too much work load and low concern of school administration. Also 96.4% of the dietitians answered that NE is necessary in elementary school and the main reason for being necessary was correction of unbalanced diet and good table manner, As for proper time to start NE for children, 51.8% of dietitians answered 'kindergarten' and 45.8% of them answered 'lower grade of elementary school'. As for effective type for NE, 59.5% of the dietitians answered 'NE as a part of other subject' and 23.8% of them answered 'NE as a separate subject'. Also 79.5% of the dietitians answered 'teacher' as the suitable person for NE. Most of the dietitians recognized menu formation as the ideal major work load and office work as the most time-consuming work load. As to job satisfaction, most of them were dissatisfied with office work and NE. Therefore, it is nationally supported for elementary school students' health and well-being that school dietitians as NE specialists give NE with minimizing their office work and developing a standardized NE program.

A Study on the Operation Condition and Improvement for Japanese Language Continuing Education - Focused on Social Welfare Centers Located in Seoul - (일본어 평생교육 프로그램 운영 실태 및 개선 방안 - 서울시 소재 종합사회복지관을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Hwal Ran
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.35
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    • pp.315-338
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to propose actual operation condition of Japanese lecture based on social welfare organizations located in Seoul to investigate the current status and problems of Japanese language education in terms of lifelong education. According to the result of this study, the remarkable point was that a majority of Japanese lecture courses are highly focused on the elderly and 86% of the welfare organizations are providing free education. Regarding the effect of specialized business for the aged run by social welfare community center, it says, as Korea changing to aging society at the beginning of 21st century, it has put focus on strengthening personal competences of seniors through opportunities for participation in lifelong education, recreational activity programs and culture classes. It means foreign language classes are operating as one of the lifelong education programs for reinforcement of individual capability. Considering this tendency, it is expected that the lifelong education participation rate of the elder in Seoul will be raised. So, systematic improvements will be needed for this. First, it is required to recognize the existence of Educational and Cultural Industry and work hard to make it public so it could be invigorated and utilized by people usefully at the same time. Second, Japanese language training that mostly 55-year-old or more than 60-year-old people receive at the welfare center needs to be systematized for preparations on proper studying environment which provides the older with appropriate education method and content as well. Third, stable and systematic operation should be available through the link with experts in the field of Japanese language education and elderly education. Fourth, education program development is needed, which is able to satisfy one's desires for learning. Hence, targeting Japanese learners at each welfare center, we need to know the estimation of satisfaction degree and consciousness on learning Japanese. Finally, it has not been studied sufficiently regarding the instructors on teaching Japanese language in this paper, but it has been reported that most of social welfare centers, where Japanese language lectures are provided, are run by volunteers who can teach Japanese. Thus, the study on actual condition for Japanese language instructors will be conducted as well later on.

A Study on Dental Hygienists' Needs for Specialized Education in Health Promotion Projects (보건분야 치과위생사들의 건강증진사업을 위한 전문교육 필요도 조사)

  • Hwang, Yoon-Sook
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.611-625
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze dental hygienists' opinions on health promotion projects in public health and their needs for specialized education in the projects, so that it could help prepare specialized education program required for health promotion projects in the future. To meet the goals, total 364 dental hygienists working in public health were asked to join a questionnaire survey via e-mail in September 2007 for data analysis. As a result, this analysis came to the following conclusions: First, it was found that 29.9% of total respondents took in charge of health promotion projects, and 26.9% respondents considered it very necessary to be responsible for the health promotion projects(56.0% considered it necessary). Almost half respondents considered nonsmoking assistance most desirable task(48.4%) and foremost demanded(50.5%) out of all current health promotion projects, 39.8% respondents answered that they could carry on health promotion task, if assigned, after completing occupational training course. Second, it was found that 39.3% respondents acquired other licenses and qualifications than certificate of registered dental hygienist, and their medical licenses or qualifications included certificate of nursing assistant(18.7%) and certificate of social worker(11.8%) by category. Third, in terms of opinions on possible ways to facilitate health promotion projects, it was found that over half respondents considered it recommended to step up specialized education(56.9%) and prepare legal basis and administrative system(53.6%). Notably, 90.7% respondents considered it necessary to step up specialized education in health promotion. Fourth, in terms of opinions on participation in health promotion projects, it was found that almost half respondents(49.7%) considered it necessary and very positive for extending dental hygienists' works in the future. Moreover, in terms of reasons for sum positive answers, it was found that many respondents considered it helpful for appointment(41.8%) and contributing to capability development and job satisfaction(44.5%). In terms of opinions that sud, participation would be unnecessary, 29.7% respondents thought that nothing would be changed in their dental health projects even with reduced number of public health dentists, and 31.3% respondents thought that dental hygienists are professional manpower responsible only for dental health works. Finally, in terms of on-the-job training(OJT) related to health promotion, it was found that 92.9% respondents desired for OJT. In terms of experiences in OJT, 79.9% respondents answered that they never joined OJT course. In other words, only 20.1% respondents joined OJT courses for health promotion task, such as nonsmoking assistance(8.8%), health promotion FMTP training(2.2%), exercises(1.4%) and nutrition(0.6%).

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A Study on the Utilization of Sports Cooperatives as a Model for Creating Jobs for the Elderly (노인 일자리 창출 모델로서 스포츠협동조합의 활용방안)

  • Jung-Dong Kim;Sung-Tae Park
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze how to utilize sports cooperatives that can be a pleasure to work and add living expenses through sports as a model for creating jobs for the elderly. To this end, after reviewing the literature and expert survey using Delphi techiques for 9 sports experts and 4 cooperative experts, the following conclusions were drawn analyzing with Excel, SPSS V28, and AHP analysis Dress V 1.7 program First, as a model for creating jobs for the elderly, the economic factors, social factors, institutional factors, and middle categories 10 factors and sub-categories 36 factors were derived from the major categories for the utilization of sports cooperatives. Second, through senior sports cooperatives, economic activities generate income, and volunteer and talent-sharing activities provide opportunities for physical and mental health and social participation. And, as corporations, they can expand profit-making projects through government and local government collaboration and partnership projects, contributing to solving issues related to the elderly. In the future, follow-up studies are needed to explore the needs, satisfaction, problems, improvement plans, utilization plans, and development directions of sports cooperatives in the sports field.

A study on the Application of Housing Welfare Service in Self-sufficiency Assistance Program (자활분야의 주거복지서비스 변화와 함의)

  • Seo, Kwang-Guk
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2016
  • Housing benefits service that was implemented according to the National Basic Livelihood Security Act in 2002 has been changed with the enactment of "Housing benefits Law"(2014.1.24). Though the service was conducted for 13 years to improve the living environment of recipient households and create self-supporting jobs for low-income, there was a limit to ensure the efficiency due to variations in the administrative act and implementation in local governments. For that reason, the sales account and the profits of self-supporting enterprises and their cooperative in housing welfare sector that played a pivotal role had gone through many ups and downs and that is why the national coalition of self-supporting enterprises that were newly formed are forced to take self-effort and play a leading role for the improvement of future beneficiaries' satisfaction, namely to develop the level of service to keep the decent jobs consistent for low-income while responding institutional policy change and the demands for improving the home-amelioration system. Accordingly, this article has attempted to supplement existing research on housing-benefits service and determine how the field can keep pace with the new institutional environment. As a result, first, Central self-supporting enterprises provide high specialized-quality services to low-income families, second, central self-supporting enterprises induce to transition customized service agencies for improving the quality of residential housing benefits, Third, Housing self-supporting enterprises should correspondence with institutional change through the provision of explicit guidelines in relating to housing-service amelioration, the last, business practical process shall be accompanied by a consistent basis for innovative and procedural standards.

Survey on Educational Needs for Workers in Social Welfare Facilities in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (제주특별자치도 사회복지시설종사자의 교육요구 조사)

  • Hwang, Seong-Joon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.271-284
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the educational needs among social workers in social welfare facilities in Jeju province concerning lack of knowledge, skill and attitude, and establish the systematic education for prosecuting diverse training and suggest fundamental data for designing future curriculum. The results of analyzing top 10 educational needs for the workers are as follows: firstly technics for managing crises, understanding and practice for clients (characteristics, human right, safety and health), case management (basic), counseling technique (basic), case management (advanced), counseling technique (advanced), planning and operating social welfare program, managing client response and emotional labor, improving competence for communication (between staffs and clients, etc.), and finally assessing project outcome (project plan, execution, management and assessment, etc.). Social workers in social welfare facilities in the area have highly recognized the necessity of profession centred education. However, they had low satisfaction with the diversity of profession education in the Jeju island and the systematic training courses. This survey suggests the various results concerning qualitative growth of profession education, expansion of job-centred curriculum and security of professional instructors to fulfil systematic education training for social workers.