• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satisfaction for the program

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The Effects of Social Support, Self-Efficacy on Aging Anxiety of the Middle-Aged Women (중년여성의 사회적지지, 자기효능감이 노화불안에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.569-577
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to determine the effects of middle-aged women's social support and self-efficacy on their aging anxiety, with the ultimate goal of providing basic information for devising educational and interventive programs to help reduce aging anxiety. Participants of this study were 210 middle-aged women living in B Metropolitan City. Data were collected from May 10 to 28, 2018, and statistically processed using t-tests, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis. Participants showed significant differences in aging anxiety depending on age, education, monthly income, marital life satisfaction, leisure time activities, and number of friends. In addition, aging anxiety had significant negative correlations with social support and self-efficacy, and the main factors affecting middle-aged women's aging anxiety were found to be self-efficacy, marital satisfaction and social support. Of these, self-efficacy had the greatest effect, explaining 42.7% of the participants' aging anxiety. To help middle-aged women reduce their aging anxiety, it is necessary to provide them with programs that improve social activity participation, raise self-efficacy and promote relationships with family and communities. It is also recommended that these women be provided with educational and interventive programs that help them adjust to aging and develop a positive awareness of it.

A Study on the Effects of Convergence-type CRM on Relationship Quality and Customer Royalty in Kumdo Club (검도장 융복합형 고객관계가 관계품질과 고객충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Pum-Ho;Park, Chun-Woo;Lim, Jung-Il
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.277-289
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    • 2015
  • This study was designed to shed light on the influence of CRM strategies on relationship quality and customer loyalty in Convergence-type Kumdo training clubs. The survey tool used for this research are questionnaires. The lead-time was achieved over a period of 23 days from 7 July 2014 to July 30th. The resulting data were processed by means of frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis using SPSS 20.0 program. The findings acquired based on the aforementioned research methods and data analysis are as follows: First, CRM strategies had significant influences on satisfaction. Second, CRM strategies had significant influences on some of belief. Third, CRM strategies had not significant influences on commitment. Fourth, satisfaction and belief had significant influences on attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty. Fifth, Convergence-type CRM strategies had significant influences on attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty.

The Effect of Multi-faceted Learning by Application Game-based Student Response System in Nursing Education : Focusing on Kahoot! (간호교육에서 게임기반 학생응답시스템을 적용한 다각적인 학습효과 : Kahoot!을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yu-Jeong
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.255-265
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Kahoot!(Game-based Student Response System) on nursing education. This study used an one group Pretest-posttest design. Participants were 179 nursing students from one D university located in Gwangju, Korea. The Kahoot!(Game-based Student Response System) was provided for 6 times. Data were collected between August 26 and October 25, 2019. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, paired t-test, pearson's correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression using IBM SPSS 21.0 program. The results showed that learning engagement(t=-6.257, p=.000) was significantly higher than levels before Kahoot!(Game-based Student Response System), critical thinking disposition(t=-2.163, p=.032) was significantly higher than levels before Kahoot!(Game-based Student Response System), problem solving ability(t=-3.032, p=.003) was significantly higher than levels before Kahoot!(Game-based Student Response System). Significant relationships were found among learning engagement(r=.375, p=.000), critical thinking disposition(r=.286, p=.000), problem solving ability(r=.291, p=.000) and learning satisfaction. The results of stepwise multiple regression indicates that learning engagement(β=.307, p=.000), problem solving ability(β=.158, p=.041) predicts 15.2% in learning satisfaction(F=16.905, p=.000). In conclusion, Kahoot!(Game-based Student Response System) is effective in improving learning engagement and problem solving ability to nursing education.

A Study on the Push and Pull Factors of Temple Stay in Korean National Parks - Focused on Temples in National Parks in Gangwon-Do - (국립공원 내 템플스테이의 추진요인과 유인요인에 관한 연구 - 강원도 소재 국립공원 내 사찰을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jeong-Min
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.621-630
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    • 2011
  • This research examines the push and pull factors of temple stay in Korean national parks. 152 participants of temple stay in Woljeongsa and Guryongsa in national parks in Gangwon-do area completed a survey to access their reasons for participating in temple stay(push factors) and to evaluate how well the visiting experience performed on a selected set of attributes(push factors). Demographics of respondents were similar to the visitor characteristics of Korean national parks. The result of factor analysis identified 6 push factor domains of 'self actualization', 'health enhancement', 'nature assimilation', 'relationship elevation', 'religious experience', and 'leisure experience'. 6 pull factor domains were 'recuperative quality', 'quality of a temple stay program', 'attributes of a temple', 'user convenience', 'tourism experience' and 'accessibility and transportation'. Satisfaction level of temple stay in a national park was very high of 4.71 in a 5 Likert scale. Gangwon- Do was most preferred with the percentage of 89.2 as a suitable area for temple stay in a national park. Findings of multi-dimensional tourism motivations of temple stay in a national park that encompass nature tourism, cultural tourism and religious tourism is expected to provide useful information for the future development of a more competitive temple stay program and a marketing strategy. However, more defined successive research work is required to generalize findings of wellness oriented push and pull factors of temple stay based on nature in national parks.

A Study on Relationship among Positive Psychological Capital, Physical Health Status, Depression, Interpersonal Relationship and Learning Flow in Nursing Students (간호대학생의 긍정심리자본과 신체적 건강상태, 우울, 대인관계 및 학습몰입의 관련성 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Ok;Lee, Hae Jin;Lee, A Yeong
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.349-357
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    • 2020
  • This study is a descriptive study designed to identify the relationships among positive psychological capital, physical health status, depression, interpersonal relationship and learning flow. The subjects were 181 nursing students and the data collection was from May 8 to June 20, 2019. Data analysis methods were descriptive statistics, t-tests, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression, using the SPSS 22.0 program. Positive psychological capital showed statistical differences according to age, grade, motive for major choice, major satisfaction and subjective health status. Positive psychological capital was correlated with depression(r=-.454, p<.001), interpersonal relationship(r=.611, p<.001) and learning flow(r=.452, p<.001). The factors affecting learning flow were positive psychological capital(β=.414, p<.001), major satisfaction(β=.177, p=.014), and grade(β=-.150, p=.026), which explained 24.4% of the variance. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and apply educational programs that can promote positive psychological capital in nursing students.

A Study on the Factors Influencing Burnout of Psychiatric Ward Nurses -Violence Experience, Violence Coping, Social Support- (정신과병동 간호사의 소진 영향 요인에 관한 연구 -폭력경험, 폭력대처, 사회적지지)

  • Seo, Jeong-Won;Kang, Mi-Ran;Je, Nam-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.393-405
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    • 2019
  • This study is descriptive survey research to find out factors which violence experience, violence coping and social support affect. This study aims at reducing burnout of psychiatry nurses and founding problem-oriented violence handling standardized intervention. The subjects were 204 nurses who have worked for more than a year in a hospital. The data collection period was conducted with structured survey from July 1, 2018 to August 31, 2018. Collected data was analysed with average, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's Correlation confident, Multiple Regression and this data will go to by SPSS. The results of the study were as follows. 92.2% of psychiatry nurses are experiencing verbal violence, 92.2% are experiencing physical threat and 75.5% are experiencing physical violence. Relations between violence experience and violence coping(r=0.15. p<.027), violence experience and burnout(r=0.16, p<.017) were positive correlation. Relation between violence coping and social support(r=0.30, p<.001) was positive correlation, and social support and burnout(r=-0.28, p<.001) was negative correlated. Also we found out that nursing job satisfaction, social support and physical violence experience affect burnout. Which shows model's explanatory power was 33.3%. Therefore preventive discipline which can reduce violence experience of psychiatry nurses, founding systems to reinforce social support and creating circumstance where nursing job satisfaction can increase will help reduce burnout and serve better nursing.

A Case Study on the Operation of Artificial Intelligence Camp for Elementary School Students (초등학생을 위한 인공지능 캠프 운영 사례 연구)

  • Youngseok Lee;Jungwon Cho
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2023
  • For given the importance of elementary school students developing the ability to solve problems using artificial intelligence (AI), problem-solving abilities should be developed using AI along with education to develop problem-solving abilities. Such students need a form that allows them to understand the concepts and principles of AI and to be easily educated in a fun way to understand basic understanding of how AI works. To this end, this study planned an 8-hour AI convergence program and operated based on self-driving cars, demonstrating that it was effective in improving elementary school students' problem-solving abilities, creativity, and AI understanding. As a result of operating the camp, students' understanding of AI was 3.56 (standard deviation 0.85), 4.00 (standard deviation 0.71), and t-value was -5.412 (p<0.001), indicating statistically improved understanding of AI, and high satisfaction and interest of students. In the future, it will be necessary to develop an educational program that allows elementary school students to devise their own ideas and create products to which AI models can be applied.

A Study on the Consciousness of Exhibition Administrator of National Museums (국공립 박물관 전시 행정담당자의 의식 연구)

  • Cha, Dong-Ik
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.182-189
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    • 2010
  • An exhibition administrator, one who works in the exhibition space of museums and exhibition halls, has carried on various tasks in order to improve the exhibition standard and viewer's satisfaction. Although exhibition administrators have a variety of direct perceptions regarding an exhibition in the actual on-site space, a study on their consciousness was absent. Thus, this study was to comprehend the awareness of how the consciousness of exhibition administrators, who directly understand the various matters regarding the exhibition on-site, was structured and to investigate the difference between the consciousness of exhibition viewers and designers. For the study, Q-Methodology, which can scientifically manage the consciousness such as awareness and the acquired attitudes through individual experiences from a specific group, was applied. The classification of 33 Q-methodology research questions was carried out with 18 exhibition administrators, who are working at either national or public museums and exhibition halls in Korea, and the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using the QUANL PC program was performed. The results of the analysis provided the following 4 types: 'viewer attraction and exhibition method oriented', 'exhibition standard oriented', 'public relations oriented' and 'the public and government's interest oriented'. Each type showed significant characteristics. Additionally, n showed that 'exhibition standard oriented' was the common type after comparing the type of consciousness among the 3 groups of people, such as an exhibition administrator, an exhibition designer, and a viewer. It indicated that the types of 'public relations oriented' and 'the public and government's interest oriented' from the consciousness category for the exhibition administrator were the most independent type, not being found in any of the other groups. And the Significant correlation between the exhibition viewers and designers was identified after examining the Pearson's correlation among the 3 groups.

The Effect of Service Convenience and Mobile Apps on Consumer Re-Use in the Service Trade Market: A Focus on China Medical Tourist

  • Kim, Seong-Jin
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.58-79
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - This study focused on the effect of mobile app information system quality on re-use intention in the medical service trade, and examined how the Chinese, currently the main consumer of Korea's medical service trade, obtained information through mobile apps, and the status of satisfaction felt by experiencing medical services. Design/methodology - The survey period was from November 2018 to January 2019, and was conducted on Chinese who voluntarily experienced medical services. The collected data verified causality of the study model through the statistical program, SPSS.24. The results showed that the most popular medical institution through the medical service mobile app is dermatology, and the quality of the app's information system plays a mediating role in influencing re-use intention. Findings - Overall, the current trade in medical services is first accessed and acquired through mobile apps, and as a result, consumers revisit medical institutions according to the reliability of information. Comments and likes, another new form of the word of mouth that has greatly influenced revisiting in the past, are seen to be spreading through the app's medical information. Originality/value - The previous market for the medical services trade was formed by very conservative word of mouth, but now we believe that the app's information system actively influences the revisit effect. This means that apps can be used in diverse areas in the medical service trade market. In addition, the medical service market needs to further develop a mobile app environment that can reflect consumers' diverse needs, behaviors, and culture from time to time in order to revitalize the service trade. Such an app environment development will have tremendous promotional effects on the trade market and provide directions for expanding trade in medical services.

An Analytical Study of the Quality of Life in Dental Hygienists in Seoul (서울지역 치과위생사의 삶의질(Quality of Life)에 관한 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Yeun-Sun
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.39-43
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to provide fundamental data for an examination of a health promotion program by determining the influence of the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile on the quality of life of female dental hygienists. The sample was selected from the population of 1,148 who were registered in the Association of Seoul Dental Hygienists. 800 subjects were randomly selected from 25 districts in Seoul. The data was collected by calling the dental hygienists to, explaining the contents and objective of our study, and sending them a questionnaire by post. The questionnaire consists of the total number of 97 questions: 62 questions on the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile, 26 questions on the quality of life and 9 general characteristics questions. The data was collected from August 16 to October 15, 2004. Out of 800 subjects, 481(60.1%) completed the questionnaires. For statistical analysis, the frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis, were analyzed using the SAS 8.1 Analysis program. The significance level was set to 0.05. The results of this study were as follows: First, The average score of the subjects' quality of life was 3.1. For the sub-categories, it was shown that the degree of satisfaction on the condition of society was the highest at 3.2, and the degree of satisfaction on the condition of the individuals was the lowest at 3.1. The average score of the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile variable was 2.5. For the sub-categories, it was shown that the degree of sanitary life was at 3.2, and degree of the professional health maintenance was the lowest at 1.7. Second, There were significant differences in the Quality of Life benefits of action with the general characteristics. There were significant differences in age, educational level, income, marital status, career, and Perceived Health Status. There were significant difference in Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile benefits of action with the general characteristics. There were significant differences in terms of age, educational level, income, marital status, career, and the Perceived Health Status. Finally, The stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that the powerful predictors were Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile, income and the Perceived Health Status. These factors accounted for 37.6% of the variance in the Quality of Life patterns. As the subjects were limited to dental hygienists in Seoul, care should be taken when applying these results to all dental hygienists in Korea. In order to generalize the study, a large number of subjects selected from all regions in Korea will be needed.

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