• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satellite Imagery IKONOS

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Building Height Extraction using Triangular Vector Structure from a Single High Resolution Satellite Image (삼각벡터구조를 이용한 고해상도 위성 단영상에서의 건물 높이 추출)

  • Kim, Hye-Jin;Han, Dong-Yeob;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.621-626
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    • 2006
  • Today's commercial high resolution satellite imagery such as IKONOS and QuickBird, offers the potential to extract useful spatial information for geographical database construction and GIS applications. Extraction of 3D building information from high resolution satellite imagery is one of the most active research topics. There have been many previous works to extract 3D information based on stereo analysis, including sensor modelling. Practically, it is not easy to obtain stereo high resolution satellite images. On single image performance, most studies applied the roof-bottom points or shadow length extracted manually to sensor models with DEM. It is not suitable to apply these algorithms for dense buildings. We aim to extract 3D building information from a single satellite image in a simple and practical way. To measure as many buildings as possible, in this paper, we suggested a new way to extract building height by triangular vector structure that consists of a building bottom point, its corresponding roof point and a shadow end point. The proposed method could increase the number of measurable building, and decrease the digitizing error and the computation efficiency.

Utilizing Spatial Information for Landform Analysis and Web-Based Sight-Seeing Guidance of the Natural Park -A Case Study of Kumoh Mt Province Park- (자연공원의 지형분석과 웹기반 관광안내를 위한 공간정보의 활용 -금오산 도립공원을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jin-Duk;Choi, Young-Geun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.10 no.2 s.20
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2002
  • For the purpose of data construction for the systematic management and sight-seeing guidance of the natural park, the Kumoh Mt. Province Park was selected as a pilot area. Digital topographic maps, thematic maps and satellite imagery covering the object area were processed and then landform analysis for elevation, slope, aspect and so on was conducted through DEM generation, and the landcover map and NDVI maP were extracted from Landsat TM data. The database was then constructed with these spatial data for GSIS. The image map was generated from IKONOS satellite data, which cover the pilot area data, with one meter resolution and also 3D visualization which was overlaid with main paths up a mountain were conducted. And the moving image files were produced along main paths up including main natural spectacular sights, cultural assets and management facilities. It is expected that the research result can be utilized as the fundamental data for re-assessing suitable land use and constructing Web-based guidance system.

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Analysis of Texture Information of forest stand on High Resolution Satellite Imagery (임분 특성에 따른 고해상도 위성영상의 Texture 정보 분석)

  • 김태근;이규성
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.145-150
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    • 2003
  • 고해상도 위성영상을 이용한 산림의 분석은 기존의 중ㆍ저해상도 영상의 분석과 다른 접근이 필요하다. 본 연구는 임분 특성을 해석하는데 중요한 판독기준인 texture를 이용하여 영상 안에서 임상, 임목직경급, 수관울폐도 등에 따른 Texture 정보를 비교 분석하고자 한다. 울산 일부 산림지역을 대상으로 3개의 가시광선 밴드와 1개의 근적외선 밴드의 1m IKONOS 영상을 이용하여 Texture 정보를 추출하는데 일반적으로 사용되는 통계적인 방법 중에 하나인 GLCM(Gray-Level Co-occurrence matrix)을 통해 Texture 분석을 하였다. 또한 1996년도에 제작된 4차 임상도를 통해 추출된 산림 특성별 Texture 정보를 비교 검토하여 고해상도 위성영상을 활용하여 산림 특성을 해석하는데 최적의 Texture 정보를 제시하고자 하였다. 고해상도 영상에서 나타나는 임분의 특성별 질감정보는 임상, 직경, 임목밀도에 따라 다양하게 나타났다.

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Rational function model-based image matching for digital elevation model

    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.59-80
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    • 2005
  • This Paper Presents a Rational Function Model (RFM)-based image matching technique for IKONOS satellite imagery. This algorithm adopts the object-space approach and reduces the search space within the confined line-shaped area called the Piecewise Matching Line (PLM). Also, the detailed procedure of generating 3-D surface information using the Rational Function model Coefficients (RFCs) is introduced as an end-user point of view. As a result, the final generated Digital Elevation Model (DEM) using the proposed scheme shows a mean error of 2$\cdot$2 m and RMSE of 3$\cdot$8 m compared with that from 1:5000 digital map.

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A Semi-automated Method to Extract 3D Building Structure

  • Javzandulam, Tsend-Ayush;Kim, Tae-Jung;Kim, Kyung-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.211-219
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    • 2007
  • Building extraction is one of the essential issues for 3D city modelling. In recent years, high-resolution satellite imagery has become widely available and it brings new methodology for urban mapping. In this paper, we have developed a semi-automatic algorithm to determine building heights from monoscopic high-resolution satellite data. The algorithm is based on the analysis of the projected shadow and actual shadow of a building. Once two roof comer points are measured manually, the algorithm detects (rectangular) roof boundary automatically. Then it estimates a building height automatically by projecting building shadow onto the image for a given building height, counting overlapping pixels between the projected shadow and actual shadow, and finding the height that maximizes the number of overlapping pixels. Once the height and roof boundary are available, the footprint and a 3D wireframe model of a building can be determined. The proposed algorithm is tested with IKONOS images over Deajeon city and the result is compared with the building height determined by stereo analysis. The accuracy of building height extraction is examined using standard error of estimate.

Comparison of Landcover Map Accuracy Using High Resolution Satellite Imagery (고해상도 위성영상의 토지피복분류와 정확도 비교 연구)

  • Oh, Che-Young;Park, So-Young;Kim, Hyung-Seok;Lee, Yanng-Won;Choi, Chul-Uong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2010
  • The aim of this study is to produce land cover maps using satellite imagery with various degrees of high resolution and then compare the accuracy of the image types and categories. For the land cover map produced on a small-scale classification the estuary area around the Nakdong river, including an urban area, farming land and waters, was selected. The images were classified by analyzing the aerial photos taken from KOMPSAT2, Quickbird and IKONOS satellites, which all have a resolution of over 1m to the naked eye. Once all of the land cover maps with different images and land cover categories had been produced they were compared to each other. Results show that image accuracy from the aerial photos and Quickbird was relatively higher than with KOMPSAT2 and IKONOS. The agreement ratio for the large-scale classification across the classification methods ranged between 0.934 and 0.956 for most cases. The Kappa value ranged between 0.905 and 0.937; the agreement ratio for the middle-scale classification was 0.888~0.913 and the Kappa value was 0.872~0.901. The agreement ratio for the small-scale classification was 0.833~0.901 and the Kappa value was 0.813~0.888. In addition, in terms of the degree of confusion occurrence across the images, there was confusion on the urbanized arid areas and empty land in the large-scale classification. For the middle-scale classification, the confusion mainly occurred on the rice paddies, fields, house cultivating area and artificial grassland. For the small-scale classification, confusion mainly occurred on natural green fields, cultivating land with facilities, tideland and the surface of the sea. The findings of this study indicate that the classification of the high resolution images with the naked eye showed an agreement ratio of over 80%, which means that it can be used in practice. The findings also suggest that the use of higher resolution images can lead to increased accuracy in classification, indicating that the time when the images are taken is important in producing land cover maps.


  • Kim, Hye-Jin;Byun, Young-Gi;Choi, Jae-Wan;Han, You-Kyung;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.238-242
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    • 2007
  • Today's commercial high resolution satellite imagery such as that provided by IKONOS and QuickBird, offers the potential to extract useful spatial information for geographical database construction and GIS applications. Digital maps supply the most generally used GIS data probiding topography, road, and building information. Currently, the building information provided by digital maps is incompletely constructed for GIS applications due to planar position error and warped shape. We focus on extracting of the accurate building information including position, shape, and height to update the building information of the digital maps and GIS database. In this paper, we propose a new method of 3D building information extraction with a single high resolution satellite image and digital map. Co-registration between the QuickBird image and the 1:1,000 digital maps was carried out automatically using the RPC adjustment model and the building layer of the digital map was projected onto the image. The building roof boundaries were detected using the building layer from the digital map based on the satellite azimuth. The building shape could be modified using a snake algorithm. Then we measured the building height and traced the building bottom automatically using triangular vector structure (TVS) hypothesis. In order to evaluate the proposed method, we estimated accuracy of the extracted building information using LiDAR DSM.

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Reconstruction of 3D Building Model from Satellite Imagery Based on the Grouping of 3D Line Segments Using Centroid Neural Network (중심신경망을 이용한 3차원 선소의 군집화에 의한 위성영상의 3차원 건물모델 재구성)

  • Woo, Dong-Min;Park, Dong-Chul;Ho, Hai-Nguyen;Kim, Tae-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2011
  • This paper highlights the reconstruction of the rectilinear type of 3D rooftop model from satellite image data using centroid neural network. The main idea of the proposed 3D reconstruction method is based on the grouping of 3D line segments. 3D lines are extracted by 2D lines and DEM (Digital Elevation Map) data evaluated from a pair of stereo images. Our grouping process consists of two steps. We carry out the first grouping process to group fragmented or duplicated 3D lines into the principal 3D lines, which can be used to construct the rooftop model, and construct the groups of lines that are parallel each other in the second step. From the grouping result, 3D rooftop models are reconstructed by the final clustering process. High-resolution IKONOS images are utilized for the experiments. The experimental result's indicate that the reconstructed building models almost reflect the actual position and shape of buildings in a precise manner, and that the proposed approach can be efficiently applied to building reconstruction problem from high-resolution satellite images of an urban area.

Spectral Signatures of Tombs and their Classification (묘지의 분광적 특성과 통계적 분류)

  • Eunmi Change;Kyeong Park;Minho Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.283-296
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    • 2004
  • More than 0.5 percent of land in Korea is used for cemetery and the rate is growing in spite of the increase in cremation these days. The systematic management of tombs may be possible through the ‘Feature Extraction’ method which is applied to the high-resolution satellite imagery. For this reason, this research focused on finding out the radiometric characteristics of tombs and the classification of them. An IKONOS image of northwest areas of Seoul with 8km x 10km dimension was analyzed. After sampling 24 tombs in the study area, the statistical radiometric characteristics of tombs are analyzed. And tombs were classified based on the criteria such as landscape, NDVI, and cluster analysis. In addition, it was investigated if the aspect or slope of the terrain influenced to the classification of tombs. As a result of this research, authors find that there is similarity between the classification tv NDVI and the classification through cluster analysis. And aspect or slope didn't have much influence on the classification of tombs.

Utilizing GSIS and High Resolution Satellite Imagery for Landform Analysis and Sight-Seeing Guidance (금오산 도립공원의 지형분석과 관광안내를 위한 GSIS와 고해상도 위성영상의 활용)

  • Lee, Jin-Duk;Choi, Young-Geun;Lee, Ho-Chan
    • 한국지형공간정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.03a
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    • pp.156-161
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    • 2002
  • 자연공원의 체계적인 관리를 위해서는 효율적인 자료수집과 처리, 그리고 합리적인 분석과정이 필요하며, 이러한 관점에서 지형공간정보체계와 위성원격탐사를 이용하는 공원관리 및 관광안내시스템의 개발이 요구되는 시점이다. 본 연구에서는 금오산 도립공원구역을 사례연구지역으로 GSIS(Geo-Spatial Information System)기법을 도입하여 수치지형도, 주제도, 위성영상 등으로부터 도형자료 및 비도형자료를 수집 처리하였다. DEM 생성을 통하여 얻어진 경사도, 사면방향, 지형단면, 지질 분석 등 주제별 지형분석을 행하였다. Landsat TM 위성자료로부터 토지피복분류와 NDVI 식생활력도를 추출하였고, 이 자료들로부터 GSIS 데이터베이스를 구축하였다. 또한 대상지역을 포함하는 Im 해상도의 IKONOS 위성자료를 처리하여 영상지도를 작성하고 DEM과 중합하여 3D 시각화를 구현하였다. 위성영상지도 및 3차원 경관도상에 주요 등산로 벡터자료를 중첩하여 표현하고, 5개 루트의 주요 등산로를 따라 3D 경관 및 문화재, 관리시설 등을 포함하는 동영상 파일을 제작하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 개발과 보존의 중도를 취하는 자연공원의 적정 토지이용을 위한 사전평가 자료 및 Web 기반 관광안내시스템을 구축하기 위한 기본데이터로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

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