• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rural Space Planning

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Construction of Farmlands Spatial Information for Reasonable Adjustment of Farmland Use (합리적인 농지이용조정을 위한 농지공간정보구축)

  • Chung, Hoi-Hoon;Na, Sang-Il;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Choi, Jin-Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.213-220
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    • 2009
  • Farmland spatial data are needed as a basic information in conducting rational use of farmlands in regional scale. This study develops a method that can be used to make up such farmland spatial data in a simple way and to develop a technique to manage them in a unitary way, and examines the effectiveness of the technique by applying it to the case area. A method that Web-Service Raster Image and Digital Cadastal Map can be utilized as a base map was devised. It was designed applying the vector system, in which one lot of farmland is area unit. Raster image and field survey data were combined to increase the accuracy of data. The lot boundaries of the existing boundary map were adjusted to the shapes of actual farmlands using GIS edition function. A proper farmland use classification system to the area characteristics was established and data obtained from the field survey were coded. Usually it is very difficult to identify the size of one lot of actual farmland in the existing space data, based on the results of the case study, the result map showed actual topography very realistically. Also the frequently occurring lot divisions and the serious topographical modifications by natural disasters frequently have made it impossible to survey farmlands on the catastral map in the field. But the final map had a great usefulness in that it may solve such problems by expressing the filed survey results graphically.

A Case Survey and Analysis of Complex with Theme of Green Care and Healing (치유테마단지 사례조사 분석)

  • Koo, Hee-Dong;Kim, Dae-Sik;Lee, Han-Jun;Lim, Hye-Ji
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.153-164
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    • 2016
  • Developed countries in agriculture like Netherlands, Belgium and England, have managed Green Care policy and project during the last decades. The needs in Green Care is also increasing as new growth power in rural area of Korea. This study investigated sites which are already operating as complex with Green Care theme. This study surveyed the operating conditions like type, scale, location pattern, purpose, customer and finance for cases of the complex. The period of the survey is from 2015. 8. 11 to 2015. 09. 10 for the 24 activated cases in aspect of operation and management. Among the 24 cases, 16 cases were classified as Green Care Complex which facilities are aggregated a place, and the other 8 cases as Green Care Cluster which are distributed at several places. The analysis result showed that there were apparent distinction among cases in total budget, costs of construction, capacity for guest, and the total number of annual visitors. Despite of the type and scale the accommodation cost, the number of workers, and amount of sales have small deviation in distribution of values, although the cases have various type of contents and scale of space. The result of this study can be used as data of bench marking to develop the Green Care Complex or Cluster in rural area.

A Study on the Landscape Preference Analysis of Facility Horticulture Complex in Rural Area - Focus on Korea, Netherlands, Japan - (농촌지역 시설원예단지 경관선호도 분석 연구 - 한국, 네덜란드, 일본을 대상으로 -)

  • Son, Jinkwan;Kong, Minjae;Shin, Minji;Shin, Jihoon;Kang, Donghyeon;Yun, Sungwook;Lee, Siyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2017
  • Humans are provided with a wide range of public benefits from ecosystems and agricultural ecosystems. But the establishment of the horticulture complex is a space that hampers the public ecosystem. Therefore, we have evaluated the creating landscape function of the horticulture complex and found improvement. A total of 20 landscape slides were used for the study. Korea-paddy field, Korea-vinyl greenhouse, Korea-glass greenhouse, Japan-vinyl greenhouse and Netherlands-glass greenhouse were selected as 4 slides. The evaluation used the AHP method and 10 adjectives Likert which compares 20 landscape slides. Four Korea-paddy fields were rated highly positive images. All 10 adjectives can be selected as representative images of production scenes. In most adjectives, four scenes of KVG1, KVG2, KVG3 and KVG4, which are the Korea-greenhouse scenes, were evaluated as negative images. Netherlands and Korea-glass greenhouse scenes and Japan-vinyl greenhouse scenes were generally positive images. In conclusion, it is confirmed that glass greenhouse scenery is higher than vinyl greenhouse scenery. And Japan and Netherlands scenery are higher and better than Korea. Therefore, JVG1 in Japan and NGG3 in the Netherlands were proposed to be set as landscape improvement targets.

The Evaluation of Biodiversity Functions According to Land Use in Rural Areas (농촌지역 토지이용에 따른 생물다양성 기능 평가)

  • Son, Jin Kwan;Kong, Min Jae;Park, Min Jung;Lim, Ryu Gab;Kang, Tae Gyoung;Kim, Kwang Ho;Kim, Chang Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2021
  • Rural and agricultural landscapes are important forms of land use in maintaining biodiversity. In addition humans are provided with various public functions from ecosystems and agricultural ecosystems. But the creation of a facility horticultural complex can be a space that can undermine the public interest function of the agricultural ecosystem. Therefore, this study aims to quantify the function of ecosystem services that land use changes affect biodiversity in Korea's rice paddy fields. The area subject to the study was selected as the largest agricultural complex in Korea due to rice paddy fields and land use changes, and field agriculture was also carried out simultaneously. The survey was conducted only in the fields of vegetation, insects, amphibians, and birds, four areas of biodiversity that are believed to have a high impact on changes in land use in agricultural landscapes. The valuation of ecosystem services in four areas of biodiversity derived from this study was evaluated as non-market value. As a result of quantitative evaluation, about 25 species of vegetation were reduced due to changes in land use. The diversity of about 40 species of aquatic insects that inhabit rice paddies among insects has disappeared due to the creation of a horticultural complex. Birds and amphibian reptiles were also found to have decreased diversity and populations. This research is expected to be used in various ways to develop policies to enhance ecosystem service functions.

Analysis of Determinants of Farmland Price Using Spatio-temporal Autoregressive Model (시공간자기회귀모형을 이용한 농지가격 결정요인 분석)

  • Lee Kyeongok;Yi, Hyangmi;Kim, Yunsik;Kim Taeyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2024
  • Farmland transaction prices are affected by various factors such as politics, society, and the economy. The purpose of this study is to identify multiple factors that affect the farmland transaction price due to changes in the actual transaction price of farmland by farmland unit from 2016 to 2020. There are several previous studies analyzed the determinants of farmland transaction prices by considering spatial dependency. However, in the case of land transactions where the time and space of the transaction affect simultaneously, if only spatial dependence is considered, there is a limitation in that it cannot reflect spatial dependence that occurs over time. In order to solve these limitations, To address these limitations, this study builds a spatio-temporal autoregressive model that simultaneously considers spatial and temporal dependencies using farmland transactions in Jinju City as an example. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that there was significant spatio-temporal dependence in farmland transactions within the previous 30 days. This means that if the previous farmland transaction was carried out at a high price, it has a spatio-temporal spillover effect that indirectly affects the increase in the price of other nearby farmland transactions. The study also found that various location attributes and socioeconomic attributes have a significant impact on farmland transaction prices. The spatio-temporal autoregressive model of farmland prices constructed in this study can be used to improve the prediction accuracy of farmland prices in the farmland transaction market in the future, and it is expected to be useful in drawing policy implications for stabilizing farmland prices

Estimating the urban radiation heat flux distribution and the reduction effect of building and tree shade (건물과 수목의 그림자에 의한 도시의 열 분포 산정 및 저감효과 연구)

  • Park, Chae-Yeon;Lee, Dong-Kun;Yoon, June-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2018
  • Mapping radiation heat flux of urban area is essential for urban design and landscape planning. Because controlling urban geometry and generating green space are important urban design strategies for reducing urban heat, urban planner and designer need to recognize the micro urban heat distribution for adequate urban planning. This study suggests a new methodology for mapping urban radiation heat flux in a micro scale considering buildings and trees' shade. For doing that, firstly, we calculate net radiation for each urban surfaces (building, road (not shaded, building shaded, tree shaded), ground (not shaded, building shaded, tree shaded), tree (not shaded, building shaded)). Then, by multiplying the area ratio of surfaces to the net radiation, we can obtain the radiation heat flux in micro-scale. The estimated net radiation results were found to be robust with a $R^2$ of 90%, which indicates a strong explanatory power of the model. The radiation heat flux map for 12h $17^{th}$ August explains that areas under the building and tree have lower net radiation heat flux, indicating that shading is a good strategy for reducing incident radiation. This method can be used for developing thermal friendly urban plan.

A Study on the Environmental Analysis of Home for the Elderly in Care Service of Senior citizen who lives alone - A study on the model of co-housing for senior citizen who lives alone in the rural and fishing village (IV) - (노인돌봄서비스를 강화한 독거노인 경로홈의 주거환경 분석에 관한 연구 - 농어촌 독거노인을 위한 친환경 공동주거의 모형개발 연구(4) -)

  • Cho, Won-Seok;Kim, Heung-Gee;Kwon, Young-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2012
  • This study is to propose the dwelling planning of collective housing for the senior citizen who lives alone in rural and fishing villages. and this paper analyzed a change element regarding the field of care service for the elderly. The results of research are as follows: First, the range a village unit of "Home for the Elderly" was investigated most primarily. Second, on the lifestyle of a bedroom, proper using person per a room was investigated to two people to use with one room and life style of using bed preferred more in life style of sitting on the floor(ondol). Third, most necessary facilities were examined into bathroom and steam-room, and the separation of man and woman space, toilet was investigated to 1 ranking. Fourth, to be most difficult care service was investigated by long-distance circulation. This is the item which can be reduced naturally in case of service activity caring for a visit in a collective housing.

Analyzing Perceptions of Unused Facilities in Rural Areas Using Big Data Techniques - Focusing on the Utilization of Closed Schools as a Youth Start-up Space - (빅데이터 분석 기법을 활용한 농촌지역 유휴공간 인식 분석 - 청년창업 공간으로써 폐교 활용성을 중심으로 -)

  • Jee Yoon Do;Suyeon Kim
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.556-576
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    • 2023
  • This study attempted to find a way to utilize idle spaces in rural areas as a way to respond to rural extinction. Based on the keywords "startup," "youth start-up," and "youth start-up+rural," start-up+rural," the study sought to identify the perception of idle facilities in rural areas through the keywords "Idle facilities" and "closed schools." The study presented basic data for policy direction and plan search by reviewing frequency analysis, major keyword analysis, network analysis, emotional analysis, and domestic and foreign cases. As a result of the analysis, first, it was found that idle facilities and school closures are acting importantly as factors for regional regeneration. Second, in the case of youth startups in rural areas, it was found that not only education on agriculture but also problems for residence should be solved together. Third, in the case of young people, it was confirmed that it was necessary to establish digital utilization for agriculture by actively starting a business using digital. Finally, in order to attract young people and revitalize the region through best practices at home and abroad, policy measures that can serve as various platforms such as culture and education as well as startups should be presented in connection with local residents. These results are significant in that they presented implications for youth start-ups in rural areas by reviewing start-up recognition for the influx of young people as one of the alternatives for the use of idle facilities and regional regeneration, and if additional solutions are presented through field surveys, they can be used to set policy goals that fit the reality.

The Selection of Suitable Site for Park and Green Spaces to Increase Accessibility and Biodiversity - In Case of Seongnam City - (접근성과 생물다양성 증진을 고려한 도시 공원·녹지의 필요지역 선정 - 성남시를 사례로 -)

  • Heo, Hankyul;Lee, Dong Kun;Mo, Yongwon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2015
  • Urban park and green space provide various functions. Among the functions, human benefit and increase of biodiversity are known to be important. Therefore, it is important to consider human and biotic aspect in the process of selecting suitable site for park and green space. However, there is insufficient research on both aspects. In this study, we used green network to analyze human and biotic aspect to select suitable site for park and green space in Seongnam City in Korea. To analyze the green network, we used accessibility for human aspect and used dispersal distance and habitat size for biotic aspect. We conducted least-cost path modelling using movement cost. In case of biotic aspect, GFS (generic focal species) is used to estimate habitat size and dispersal distance. To find out suitable site for park and green space, we used an overlay analysis method. As the result, old residential areas are shown have insufficient green network which needs park and green space. Furthermore, the green network for biotic aspect is insufficient in old residential areas comapred to green network for human aspect. The result of this study could contribute in planning of park and green space to maximize their functions.

The Visual Impacts of the Apartment Complex in Suburban Rural Area -The Case of Young-In City- (도시근교농촌 아파트 단지의 시각적 영향 -용인시를 대상으로-)

  • 서주환;최현상;변성진;나혜진
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effect factors in suburban rural landscape and significant factors of apartment complex which are effective to the skyline of the sloped mountains. Also it is to propose the basic resources to preserve and improve the suburban rural landscape. The target site is Young-In, which shows the typical of rural development. Sides were take in young-In City along the roads and selected for 20 pieces. This study used questionnaire about the suburban rural landscape surveying of 45 students in Kyunghee Univ.. Also we found 2 dependent variables and 8 independent variables totally. Moreover, we have analyzed the data using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression method between the preference and physical factors, and between the vulnerability and perceptional factors. The results are as follows: 1) With the dependent variable of preference, the areas of "green space" and "agricultural productive lands" were highly influenced in the suburban rural landscape positively, but the areas of "apartment complex" and "other buildings" were negatively effected. 2) With the dependent variable vulnerability, the area "apartment complex" and cutting numbers of the "skyline of mountainous ridge" were proved as significantly positive factors, but the length of the "skyline of mountainous ridge" turned out to be a negative factor. Although this study has the difficulty to be generalized, it can be used for planning and designing of the apartment complex in suburban rural landscapes, and it will provide the basic guideline for preserving and managing of the suburban rural landscapes.uideline for preserving and managing of the suburban rural landscapes.

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