• Title/Summary/Keyword: Requirements analysis

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Analytical Design and Verification of a High-Precision Comparator (고정밀 비교기의 분석적 설계 및 검증)

  • Sukjun Choi;Jungkook Jo;Jaehoon Jun
    • Transactions on Semiconductor Engineering
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2024
  • This paper presents a methodology for the design and verification of a high-precision comparator using an analytical approach. The primary objective is to meet the performance of comparator by performing an initial design based on parameters derived from theoretical equations, and then analytically verifying performance metrics such as offset through transient Monte Carlo simulations. The transistor size can be then optimized by considering the trade-offs between parameters to design a comparator that ultimately meets the performance requirements. In this methodology, the correlation between device size, threshold voltage mismatch, and input offset voltage is validated through transient Monte Carlo simulations, confirming analytical results. This analysis also verifies the reliability of comparator performance, demonstrating the validity of the design. This study presents an analytical design technique for comparator design and is expected to contribute to the evaluation of performance and reliability.

Efficiency Analysis for Real-Time Task Offloading of Cloud and Edge Servers (클라우드와 엣지 서버의 실시간 태스크 오프로딩 효율성 분석)

  • Gahyeon Kwon;Hyokyung Bahn
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.121-126
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    • 2024
  • Recent research has been actively exploring the technology of offloading real-time tasks to cloud or edge servers to reduce power consumption in Internet of Things (IoT) systems. Offloading to cloud servers, which possess ample computing resources, can significantly reduce the computational burden on mobile systems. More recently, offloading to nearby edge servers via stable network connections has gained attention as a method to more effectively meet the deadline requirements of real-time tasks. This paper compares and analyzes the impact of cloud and edge servers when task offloading is combined with traditional dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) and low-power memory technologies to optimize power-saving in mobile real-time systems. Specifically, we experimentally compare the trade-offs between offloading to cloud versus edge servers, depending on task set load, network conditions, and the computing capabilities of remote servers.

A Study on the Risk Factors for Maternal and Child Health Care Program with Emphasis on Developing the Risk Score System (모자건강관리를 위한 위험요인별 감별평점분류기준 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 이광옥
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.7-21
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    • 1983
  • For the flexible and rational distribution of limited existing health resources based on measurements of individual risk, the socalled Risk Approach is being proposed by the World Health Organization as a managerial tool in maternal and child health care program. This approach, in principle, puts us under the necessity of developing a technique by which we will be able to measure the degree of risk or to discriminate the future outcomes of pregnancy on the basis of prior information obtainable at prenatal care delivery settings. Numerous recent studies have focussed on the identification of relevant risk factors as the Prior infer mation and on defining the adverse outcomes of pregnancy to be dicriminated, and also have tried on how to develope scoring system of risk factors for the quantitative assessment of the factors as the determinant of pregnancy outcomes. Once the scoring system is established the technique of classifying the patients into with normal and with adverse outcomes will be easily de veloped. The scoring system should be developed to meet the following four basic requirements. 1) Easy to construct 2) Easy to use 3) To be theoretically sound 4) To be valid In searching for a feasible methodology which will meet these requirements, the author has attempted to apply the“Likelihood Method”, one of the well known principles in statistical analysis, to develop such scoring system according to the process as follows. Step 1. Classify the patients into four groups: Group $A_1$: With adverse outcomes on fetal (neonatal) side only. Group $A_2$: With adverse outcomes on maternal side only. Group $A_3$: With adverse outcome on both maternal and fetal (neonatal) sides. Group B: With normal outcomes. Step 2. Construct the marginal tabulation on the distribution of risk factors for each group. Step 3. For the calculation of risk score, take logarithmic transformation of relative proport-ions of the distribution and round them off to integers. Step 4. Test the validity of the score chart. h total of 2, 282 maternity records registered during the period of January 1, 1982-December 31, 1982 at Ewha Womans University Hospital were used for this study and the“Questionnaire for Maternity Record for Prenatal and Intrapartum High Risk Screening”developed by the Korean Institute for Population and Health was used to rearrange the information on the records into an easy analytic form. The findings of the study are summarized as follows. 1) The risk score chart constructed on the basis of“Likelihood Method”ispresented in Table 4 in the main text. 2) From the analysis of the risk score chart it was observed that a total of 24 risk factors could be identified as having significant predicting power for the discrimination of pregnancy outcomes into four groups as defined above. They are: (1) age (2) marital status (3) age at first pregnancy (4) medical insurance (5) number of pregnancies (6) history of Cesarean sections (7). number of living child (8) history of premature infants (9) history of over weighted new born (10) history of congenital anomalies (11) history of multiple pregnancies (12) history of abnormal presentation (13) history of obstetric abnormalities (14) past illness (15) hemoglobin level (16) blood pressure (17) heart status (18) general appearance (19) edema status (20) result of abdominal examination (21) cervix status (22) pelvis status (23) chief complaints (24) Reasons for examination 3) The validity of the score chart turned out to be as follows: a) Sensitivity: Group $A_1$: 0.75 Group $A_2$: 0.78 Group $A_3$: 0.92 All combined : 0.85 b) Specificity : 0.68 4) The diagnosabilities of the“score chart”for a set of hypothetical prevalence of adverse outcomes were calculated as follows (the sensitivity“for all combined”was used). Hypothetidal Prevalence : 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Diagnosability : 12% 23% 40% 53% 64% 75% 80%.

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A Study on Integrated Logistic Support (통합병참지원에 관한 연구)

  • 나명환;김종걸;이낙영;권영일;홍연웅;전영록
    • Proceedings of the Korean Reliability Society Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.277-278
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    • 2001
  • The successful operation of a product In service depends upon the effective provision of logistic support in order to achieve and maintain the required levels of performance and customer satisfaction. Logistic support encompasses the activities and facilities required to maintain a product (hardware and software) in service. Logistic support covers maintenance, manpower and personnel, training, spares, technical documentation and packaging handling, storage and transportation and support facilities.The cost of logistic support is often a major contributor to the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of a product and increasingly customers are making purchase decisions based on lifecycle cost rather than initial purchase price alone. Logistic support considerations can therefore have a major impact on product sales by ensuring that the product can be easily maintained at a reasonable cost and that all the necessary facilities have been provided to fully support the product in the field so that it meets the required availability. Quantification of support costs allows the manufacturer to estimate the support cost elements and evaluate possible warranty costs. This reduces risk and allows support costs to be set at competitive rates.Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) is a management method by which all the logistic support services required by a customer can be brought together in a structured way and In harmony with a product. In essence the application of ILS:- causes logistic support considerations to be integrated into product design;- develops logistic support arrangements that are consistently related to the design and to each other;- provides the necessary logistic support at the beginning and during customer use at optimum cost.The method by which ILS achieves much of the above is through the application of Logistic Support Analysis (LSA). This is a series of support analysis tasks that are performed throughout the design process in order to ensure that the product can be supported efficiently In accordance with the requirements of the customer.The successful application of ILS will result in a number of customer and supplier benefits. These should include some or all of the following:- greater product uptime;- fewer product modifications due to supportability deficiencies and hence less supplier rework;- better adherence to production schedules in process plants through reduced maintenance, better support;- lower supplier product costs;- Bower customer support costs;- better visibility of support costs;- reduced product LCC;- a better and more saleable product;- Improved safety;- increased overall customer satisfaction;- increased product purchases;- potential for purchase or upgrade of the product sooner through customer savings on support of current product.ILS should be an integral part of the total management process with an on-going improvement activity using monitoring of achieved performance to tailor existing support and influence future design activities. For many years, ILS was predominantly applied to military procurement, primarily using standards generated by the US Government Department of Defense (DoD). The military standards refer to specialized government infrastructures and are too complex for commercial application. The methods and benefits of ILS, however, have potential for much wider application in commercial and civilian use. The concept of ILS is simple and depends on a structured procedure that assures that logistic aspects are fully considered throughout the design and development phases of a product, in close cooperation with the designers. The ability to effectively support the product is given equal weight to performance and is fully considered in relation to its cost.The application of ILS provides improvements in availability, maintenance support and longterm 3ogistic cost savings. Logistic costs are significant through the life of a system and can often amount to many times the initial purchase cost of the system.This study provides guidance on the minimum activities necessary to Implement effective ILS for a wide range of commercial suppliers. The guide supplements IEC60106-4, Guide on maintainability of equipment Part 4: Section Eight maintenance and maintenance support planning, which emphasizes the maintenance aspects of the support requirements and refers to other existing standards where appropriate. The use of Reliability and Maintainability studies is also mentioned in this study, as R&M is an important interface area to ILS.

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Evaluation of Supply Adequacy of The Urban Park by Spatial Imbalance Analysis (도시공원의 공간적 불균형 분석을 통한 공급적정성 평가)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Jun;Jung, Sung-Gwan;Lee, Woo-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.18-27
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    • 2011
  • Recently, the location of urban parks has become more important in terms of the construction of an environment-friendly, sustainable city. To build a refined and desirable urban park, it is necessary to have precise understanding on the evaluation of supply adequacy and selection method for its location. However, there have been few studies on the spatial imbalance and location plan of urban parks. Therefore, this study has attempted to evaluate the spatial imbalance of urban parks in Hwanggeum-dong, Suseong-gu in Daegu and propose a policy suggestion to solve the imbalance. According to the analysis, Hwanggeum 1-dong and 2-dong recorded 943.08$m^2$/GRID and 380.61$m^2$/GRID, respectively, in terms of legal requirements for urban parks and 406,730.80$m^2$ and 157,086.40$m^2$ in terms of total service supply from two neighborhood parks and four children's parks. According to the evaluation of optimal supply area across Hwanggeum-dong, Hwanggeum 1-dong and 2-dong recorded 12.3% and 51.5%, respectively. In an evaluation of the supply adequacy of urban parks, the areas described as 'very satisfying' were 20.5% and 5.4% in Hwanggeum 1-dong and 2-dong, respectively. On the contrary, the areas described as 'very dissatisfying' accounted for 27.6% and 10.8%, respectively, in the two regions. It appears that additional parks should be developed in the inferior areas in terms of urban parks in consideration of various factors such as area and shape. The results of the supply adequacy evaluation will be used as a tool to figure out and solve problems in the location of urban parks and as basic data for a master plan to build an environment-friendly, sustainable city.

A Study on the Evaluation of Wide-scale Site Suitability for Water-friendly Recreation Area Planning (친수 휴양활동공간 계획을 위한 광역수준의 부지 적합성 평가)

  • Cho, Hyun-Ju;Ra, Jung-Hwa;Lee, Hyun-Taek;Ku, Ji-Na
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to look into the feasibility of site suitability focused on the potential for environmentally- and water-friendly recreation area development in a wide area(Nakdong River 35km) and to study new methods for providing basic data in regard to the recreation planning over a wide area as well as in application to other sites. The results of this study are as follows. Through classification by mesh method, the site of this study was classified into 42 grids, and by means of the analysis of evaluation indicators, 20 indicators were established and sorted into 4 types of significant recreation activity. According to the results of the analysis for each recreation activity type, there were 8 essentials for water-friendly recreation activity types based on water use while water-friendly recreation types for static activity included 12 sub-essentials. As a result of the first evaluation(the minimum required evaluation) by each classified grid, 32 of the 42 total grids were implemented by the minimum requirements. These grids were usually distributed evenly through the whole site. In terms of the second evaluation(specific site evaluation) results, 6 grids were highly suitable for recreational nature experiences and landscape ecological learning, 4 grids for developing water-friendly recreation for exercise, 1 grid for building water-friendly recreation based on water use, and 4 grids for planning water-friendly recreation for static activity. The results of the grid evaluation of this study could be extended to contiguous grids or reduced. Actual planning for a water-friendly recreation area must change the grid shape or size through boundary adjustments.

A Study on Balanced -type Oseillating Mole-Drainer(III)-Model Test for Draft Force, Torque, Power and Moment (평행식 진동탄환 암거 천공기의 연구(III)-견인력, 토크, 동력 및 모멘크에 관한 모형시험-)

  • 김용환
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1976
  • This paper is the third one of the study on balanced type oscillating mole-drainer, the first one was presented in No 9. Gyeongsang College Report and the second one in Vol. 17, No.4 of the KSAE. In the first part of this study, the characteristics of traction forces between the nonoscillating earth working equipments and oscillating ones was compared. A model of the balanced type oscillating mole-drainer, which composed of a mechanism that may reduce the machine vibration, was designed following the dimensional analysis and similitude technique. The model test was carried out to clarify the balancing mechanism of the oscillating parts and other parts of the machine. In the light of the results from the model tests, a prototype machine was made for experimental purpose. Results from the field test by a reported in the near future. In the second report, the model tests were carried out under the same soil conditions, i.e, . oscillating frequency, running velocity, and oscillating amplitude, etc. It was clear that use of balanced type oscillating model could substantially reduce the vibration of the whole system of the machine, when compared with the nonoscillating type model. In this paper(the third report), results of investigation on the traction force, power requirement, and moment. etc, is presented. Analysis of variance technique was used for analyzing the effect of the frequency, amplitude, and running velocity on the draft force, torque, power requirements, and moments. The results obtained from the model tests are as follows, 1) By practicing a balanced-type oscillating mole-drainer, it was possible to reduce the traction resistance by 55.1-61. 2 percent of traction resistance, however, was 1.75 - 1.95 times greater than the value of resistance which was induced by use of a mole-drainer with single bullet. The resistance of rear shank against soil was considered as a main causing factor of the above results. 2) As the oscillation frequency was increased, the traction resistance was decreased. Considering on the effect of oscillation the greater the amplitude, and the slower the running velocity was, the greater the reduction ratio of traction resistance was. 3) The ratio of the traction resistance of oscillating mole-drainer to that of non-oscillating one could be represented as a function of dimensionless variable (V/$Af$). The results from the tests were well agreed with the reported results from the experim ents on oscillation plow or hoe. 4) By taking a lower value of (V/$Af$), reducing the traction resistance was possible. This fact meant, however, that the efficiency of mole drain practice would be lower. 5) It was experimentally confirmed under the same condition of soil that the variable (R/$rD1^3$) could be represented as a function of a variable($V^2/gD$) when a non\ulcornerocillating mole-drainer was used. 6) When a oscillating mole-drainer was used, the variable(R/$rD_1^{3}$) could be represented as a function of two variables ($v^2/gD_1$) and (V^2/gD_1$). 7) The torque was not affected by a change of frequency. However, a relation of proportionality existed between torque and amplitude, running velocity, and ratio of bullet diameter. When a balanced type oscillating mole-drainer with two bullets was used, torque was increased by 52.8-78. 4 percent and total power requirement was also increased. 8) Total power requirement was increased linearly in accordance with the increasing frequency, 41.96 percent of total power was used for oscillating action. The magnitude of total power requirement was 1. 8-9. 4 times greater than that of a non-oscillating mechanism. In the view point of power requirement, it was not advisable to increase the frequency, amplitude, running velocity, and ratio of bullet diameter at the same time. 9) Only the positive moment occured in the rear shank. Change of the diameter of a rear bullet, could not affect the balancing against the soil resistance. It was necessary for rear bullet to have a large resistance against soil only when the rear bullet was in backward motion. 10) Within an extent of the experimental base, optimum limits for several design factors were A=0.5cm, $f$=22.5Hz, V=O. 05m/sec, and $\lambda$=1.0 By adapting these values traction resistance was reduced by 40 percent and vibration acceleration wa s reduced by 60 percent. Even though the total , power requirements for operating a balanced type oscillation mechanism was greater ~than that of non-oscillating one, using a oscillating mechanism would be more effective. Because a balanced type oscillating mechanism is used, tractive resistance will be reduced and then the lighter . tractive equipment could be used.

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Requirements and Self-evaluation of Competencies Necessary to be Effective Nutrition Teachers Perceived by School Food Service Dieticians (학교급식 영양사가 인식하는 효과적인 영양교사의 역량 요구도와 자기 평가)

  • Lee, Kyung-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.626-635
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    • 2009
  • The purposes of the study were to identify a comprehensive competency list related to the jobs of nutrition teachers and to compare the competency needs for nutrition teachers and dieticians' competency levels. Job functional areas and a competency list for nutrition teachers were developed based on a review of literature and revised through expert panel reviews. A total of 53 competency statements associated with 11 job functional areas were specified. Questionnaires were distributed to 457 dieticians engaged in school food service and 148 responses were returned (response rate: 32.4%). Excluding incomplete responses, 142 questionnaires were used for data analysis. Approximately half of the respondents were enrolled in an 1-year nutrition teacher certificate program, 25% in a graduate school of nutrition education, and 19% had completed an 1-year nutrition teacher certificate program. The dieticians highly rated requirements of the competencies related to sanitation and employee safety, nutrition counseling, nutrition education, and teaching practices; in contrary, their competency levels for nutrition education, nutrition counseling, and teaching practices were low. Respondents' competency levels were significantly lower than the required competency levels of effective nutrition teachers in all functional areas. A quadratic analysis based on the requirement and self-evaluation of the competencies revealed that priorities of education programs targeting school nutrition teachers or students preparing to be nutrition teachers should be placed on improving competencies related to nutrition education, nutrition counseling, teaching practices, sanitation and employee safety, menu management, and human resource management. These results can be used to develop curriculum materials for basic and continuing professional education for nutrition teachers. It is necessary to review and update competencies regularly to reflect environmental changes in school food service programs.

A Methodology to Develop a Curriculum based on National Competency Standards - Focused on Methodology for Gap Analysis - (국가직무능력표준(NCS)에 근거한 조경분야 교육과정 개발 방법론 - 갭분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Byeon, Jae-Sang;Ahn, Seong-Ro;Shin, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 2015
  • To train the manpower to meet the requirements of the industrial field, the introduction of the National Qualification Frameworks(hereinafter referred to as NQF) was determined in 2001 by National Competency Standards(hereinafter referred to as NCS) centrally of the Office for Government Policy Coordination. Also, for landscape architecture in the construction field, the "NCS -Landscape Architecture" pilot was developed in 2008 to be test operated for 3 years starting in 2009. Especially, as the 'realization of a competence-based society, not by educational background' was adopted as one of the major government projects in the Park Geun-Hye government(inaugurated in 2013) the NCS system was constructed on a nationwide scale as a detailed method for practicing this. However, in the case of the NCS developed by the nation, the ideal job performing abilities are specified, therefore there are weaknesses of not being able to reflect the actual operational problem differences in the student level between universities, problems of securing equipment and professors, and problems in the number of current curricula. For soft landing to practical curriculum, the process of clearly analyzing the gap between the current curriculum and the NCS must be preceded. Gap analysis is the initial stage methodology to reorganize the existing curriculum into NCS based curriculum, and based on the ability unit elements and performance standards for each NCS ability unit, the discrepancy between the existing curriculum within the department or the level of coincidence used a Likert scale of 1 to 5 to fill in and analyze. Thus, the universities wishing to operate NCS in the future measuring the level of coincidence and the gap between the current university curriculum and NCS can secure the basic tool to verify the applicability of NCS and the effectiveness of further development and operation. The advantages of reorganizing the curriculum through gap analysis are, first, that the government financial support project can be connected to provide quantitative index of the NCS adoption rate for each qualitative department, and, second, an objective standard is provided on the insufficiency or sufficiency when reorganizing to NCS based curriculum. In other words, when introducing in the subdivisions of the relevant NCS, the insufficient ability units and the ability unit elements can be extracted, and the supplementary matters for each ability unit element per existing subject can be extracted at the same time. There is an advantage providing directions for detailed class program and basic subject opening. The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Employment and Labor must gather people from the industry to actively develop and supply the NCS standard a practical level to systematically reflect the requirements of the industrial field the educational training and qualification, and the universities wishing to apply NCS must reorganize the curriculum connecting work and qualification based on NCS. To enable this, the universities must consider the relevant industrial prospect and the relation between the faculty resources within the university and the local industry to clearly select the NCS subdivision to be applied. Afterwards, gap analysis must be used for the NCS based curriculum reorganization to establish the direction of the reorganization more objectively and rationally in order to participate in the process evaluation type qualification system efficiently.

Effectiveness Analysis of Alternatives for Water Resources Management Considering Climate Change and Urbanization (기후변화 및 도시화를 고려한 수자원관리 대안의 효과 분석)

  • Park, Kyung-Shin;Chung, Eun-Sung;Kim, Sang-Ug;Lee, Kil-Seong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.42 no.12
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    • pp.1103-1111
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    • 2009
  • This study derived the analysis results of alternatives for integrated watershed management under urbanization and climate change scenarios. Climate change and urbanization scenarios were obtained by using SDSM (Statistical Downscaling Method) model and ICM (Impervious Cover Model), respectively. Alternatives for the Anyangcheon watershed are reuse of wastewater treatment plant effluent, and redevelopment of existing reservoir. Flow and BOD concentration duration curves were derived by using HSPF (Hydrological Simulation Program - Fortran) model. As a result, low flow ($Q_{99},\;Q_{95},\;Q_{90}$) and BOD concentration ($Q_{10},\;Q_5,\;Q_1$) were very sensitive to the alternatives comparing to high flow($C_{30},\;C_{10},\;C_1$). Although urbanization makes the hydrological cycle distorted, effective alternatives can reduce its damage. The numbers of days to satisfy the instreamflow requirements and target water quality were also sensitive to urbanization. This result showed that the climate change and urbanization should be considered in the water resources/watershed and environmental planning.