• Title/Summary/Keyword: Regional value Creation

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The Development and Institutional Isomorphism of Social Economy in Chungnam Province (충청남도 사회적경제의 발전과 제도적 동형화)

  • Lee, Hongtaek
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.52-69
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    • 2019
  • The aim of this study is to examine the development of social economy and institutional isomorphism in Chungnam Province. Although 'social economy enterprises' in Chungnam Province achieved rapid quantitative growth, public-led policy and institutional framework has intensified institutional isomorphism. Institutional isomorphism is a phenomenon in which all type of organization and activities become similar in an institutional environment. This isomorphism hinders the social value orientation and innovation of social economic enterprises. As a result of the case analysis, institutional isomorphization was intensified if regional ecosystem(that can maintain and strengthen social value orientation) was not established. The creation of social value is at a level that satisfies the institution and the social value orientation is also weakened.

A Study on Certified Management Bodies for Rural Convergence Industry Promotion in Jeonnam Province (전남 농촌융복합산업 활성화를 위한 인증경영체 육성방안)

  • Song, Kyung-Hwan;Lee, Sang-Ho;Jang, Duck-Kee
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.133-146
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    • 2019
  • This study analyze the certified management bodies for rural convergence industry promotion in Jeonnam province. The main results are as follows. Firstly, both certified management bodies and committee members are positive about the prospects of the 6th industry, and they also agree on the need for 6th Industrial accreditation system. Secondly, The 6th industry affects "creation of value added" and "linked to regional agriculture." In other words, we can see that the 6th industry can contribute to creating new values and linking regional agriculture. Finally, in order to foster certified management bodies for the 6th industry, the management bodies put joint promotion, marketing and sales support on a priority basis, and was interested in supporting commercialization, such as on-site coaching, while the expert committee put priority on fostering the search for profit models, placing importance on supporting commercialization such as customized coaching.

A Business Cluster of IT Enterprise (IT기업의 비즈니스클러스터)

  • Park, Jae-Sue;Park, Jung-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.1558-1564
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    • 2019
  • Corporate business clusters create a borderless business network through value chains and value creation activities. Clusters in the IT sector are crossing regional boundaries because of their rapid technological development and short product life cycle. To investigate this phenomenon, we examined the value activities of IT companies. As a result, the global expansion of the case companies was limited, but they had business clusters that exceeded the regional boundaries. However, because the order of business clusters is not advanced, value activities are focused on productivity rather than innovation. Given the rapidly evolving nature of IT, it is necessary to evolve into a business cluster that can create new value. Companies must design and implement value-creating processes to develop new technologies or enter new markets, which can lead to cluster growth. Companies must design and implement value-creating processes to develop new technologies or enter new markets, which can lead to cluster growth.

Pioneering New Markets: A Case study of SevenBräu

  • Yoo, Shijin;Kang, Myung Soo;Kim, Minjeong
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2019
  • This paper reports a case study of SevenBräu, the first company to acquire a license for small and medium scale beer manufacturing in Korea. This study explores how SevenBräu analyzed its consumers, competition, and environment to set its target market and successfully positioned itself to explore new markets in Korea. The company accomplished this through a mixture of marketing strategies with differentiated products and consumer benefits. SevenBräu has been growing fast and establishing its image as a "high-quality craft beer locally produced in a traditional way" and a "beer with regional characteristics," with young consumers (aged 20 to 35) as the main target. Such remarkable growth of SevenBräu can be attributed to factors such as: (1) product differentiation to satisfy the needs of consumers for taste, flavor, diversity, and freshness, (2) developing brands with regional characteristics and actively communicating its strategy through earned and owned media, and (3) sustainable management, considering both social value creation and environmental performance. Lastly, this case study presents challenges in the areas of brand management, value delivery network, and communication that SevenBräu needs to address in the beer market that faces increasing competition.

A Study on Selection Standard for Long-Term Practical Field Training of Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries - Focused on Agriculture and Fisheries Business Major - (한국농수산대학 장기현장실습장 선정기준에 관한 기초연구 - 농수산비즈니스전공을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, S.Y.;Shin, Y.K.;Kim, J.S.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.73-87
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    • 2018
  • The area of agriculture and fisheries business are expanding according to changes in the agriculture and fisheries environment. For the direction of long-term practical field training of department of Agriculture and Fisheries Business, which is a newly created department of Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries, production as well as other areas must be reviewed. The original long-term practical field training and the direction of selecting a long-term practical field training appropriate for the new department reviewed in this study are as follow. First, the original long-term practical field training can be summarized as single product-focused management, inadequate connection of production-processing-service areas, and individuality-focused management. However, a case management that sees new value creation as a basis of agricultural development can be summarized as diversification of value creation, horizontal integration, entrepreneurial management through corporate management, and leading management for regional revitalization through connecting local agricultural. Therefore, the direction of selecting the new department's long-term practical field training requires seeking of value creation management through horizontal integration, exploration of agricultural businessmen who have entrepreneurship needed to create added value in agriculture, and a way to connect to the original production-centered long-term practical field training.

An Analysis on Economic Effects of Port-Liquid Freight - Focusing on Ecomomic effects of Liquid Freight in Ulsan Port - (항만 액체화물 처리의 경제적 파급효과 분석 - 울산항 액체화물 중심 -)

  • Kim, Sang-Choon;Choi, Bong-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.265-287
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    • 2008
  • This paper studies the economic effects of port-liquid freight by focusing on Ulsan port and its regional economic effects. The direct industrial effects of port-liquid freight are analysed to be an increase in about 1billion dollars' worth of production of the regional port-logistic industry, an increase in about 0.22billion dollars' worth of value-added of the industry, and the creation of about 2,600 employment in the industry. Including the indirect effects, the total effects on Ulsan regional economy are estimated to be an increase in about 1.9billion dollars worth of production, an increase in about 0.51billion dollars' worth of value-added and an increase in about 6,442 employment.

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Global Value Chains and Creating Shared Value in Vietnamese Coffee Frontier (베트남 커피변경지역의 글로벌 가치사슬과 공유가치 창출)

  • Lee, Sung-Cheol;Chung, Su-Yuel;Joh, Young-Kug
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.399-416
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    • 2016
  • The main aim of the research attempts to identify value relations appropriated and realized in the coffee frontier of Vietnam by investigating the ways in which it is integrated into coffee global value chains driven by multinational companies, and to provide some implications of the integration of the frontier into sustainable coffee global value chains for creating shared value in Dak Lak, Vietnam. Recently Dak Lak has gone through the transition of value relations from exploitative value chains based upon conventional coffee production into shared value chains relied upon the production of sustainable or certified coffee in Dak Lak. The transition has been expected to result in sustainability in the creation of value by enhancing regional competitive advantages and regional bargaining power in global value chains driven by multinational companies. However, the reality has shown the intensification of hierarchical profits allocation among stakeholders such as farmer, middlemen, and multinational companies in the region. The main reasons for this could be found in two perspectives. Firstly, the formation of exclusive relations among farmers, middlemen, and processors has led to stakeholders to secure market, but resulted in the intensification of hierarchy among them in global value chain, because multinational companies could control indirectly over the farming system through exclusive middlemen. Secondly, social and ecological costs imputed by multinational companies to coffee farmers in the name of creating shared value has deteriorated the economic profits of stakeholders such as farmers and middlemen. As a result, it has led to the configuration of systematically hierarchical and subordinated global value chain in Dak Lak.

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A Study on the Application Plan of Basic Original Technology in Science & Research Parks : Focus on Science Parks in Korea (과학연구단지의 기초원천 기술 활용방안에 관한 연구 : 지방과학연구단지를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Won Cheul;Choi, Jong-In
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2014
  • From the 1950s, the science parks were begun the composition as a way for innovation and commercialization in the world around developed countries. Since the 1980s, Korea also starting with quantitative investment in R & D for technology innovation, so far has been a continuous effort. Korea's patent creation level according to these R & D investment is already within the world's top 10, but the fact that the domestic technology trade balance appearing current competitive level compared to the developed technology is very insufficient. This means that the creation of economic value is low as compared with financial commitment. Therefore the plans to ensure the economic value through technology are required. As one of plans to do this for local economy activation through technical advances, constructing regional innovation systems and making science parks have been made. These science parks are required to develop the basic original technology in order to secure new growth engines, but the science parks in Korea are facing difficulties of performing research and development for regional industry advancement and local economy activation. Accordingly, this study attempts to organize the concept of 'science park' is similar but there is difference, and to compare institutions with similar functions based on regional innovation systems theory. In addition, the study is to obtain the application plans of basic original technology in science & research Parks through the model for overcoming weaknesses of Korea's innovation system and enabling organic cross-linking between institutions.

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Study on activation of job creation in Pyeongtaek area through natural dyeing education (천연염색 교육을 통한 평택지역 일자리창출 활성화 연구)

  • Park, HyeSook
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.117-122
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    • 2020
  • In this study, among the new industries that are attracting attention as a new industry to lead the 4th Industrial Revolution era, Korean traditional culture and arts are being promoted in the context of local community efforts and collaboration between industry and academia. It aims to create jobs through local traditional culture, arts, tourism events and design product development, while seeking ways to secure labor force that can save and revitalize high value-added industries in the community. In particular, in the current situation where the era of change and the education of traditional techniques are increasingly ignored and neglected, this study is a traditional cultural art through natural dyeing education and cultural and art events conducted by industry, regional universities, and research institutes in Pyeongtaek for many years. It is expected to be used as a basic data for the transmission and creation of high value-added jobs.

Value Chain System and Management of Cultural Contents Industry in Daegu (대구 문화콘텐츠산업의 가치사슬 체계와 경영 특성)

  • Park, Kyung-Sook;Lee, Chul-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.171-186
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    • 2007
  • This paper was to examine the existing foundation of cultural contents industry through analyzing the development process, the location pattern, and the value chain system and the management of cultural contents industry in Daegu. Most cultural contents industry in Daegu had less than ten employees: so, it was classified into the early stage of commercialization. The firms that dealt with on-line distribution were recently founded. The high portion of the finns was located in the center of city such as Jung-Gu and Nam-Gu in which the Center for Digital Industry Promotion of Daegu (DIP) is located. The value main system consisted of four nodes such as creation node, production node, marketing node and distribution node. The production node was played the most important role. Based on value chain system, the cultural contents industry firms in Daegu could be divided into four types: Type I is a contents production firm with a single value chain in the cultural contents industry. Type II is a contents production firm with two or three value chains. Type III is a contents production firm with comprehensive value chain. Type IV is a non contents production firm with multiple value chains.

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