• Title/Summary/Keyword: RGB color image

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Video Haze Removal Method in HLS Color Space (HLS 색상 공간에서 동영상의 안개제거 기법)

  • An, Jae Won;Ko, Yun-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.32-42
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    • 2017
  • This paper proposes a new haze removal method for moving image sequence. Since the conventional dark channel prior haze removal method adjusts each color component separately in RGB color space, there can be severe color distortion in the haze removed output image. In order to resolve this problem, this paper proposes a new haze removal scheme that adjusts luminance and saturation components in HLS color space while retaining hue component. Also the conventional dark channel prior haze removal method is developed to obtain best haze removal performance for a single image. Therefore, if it is applied to a moving image sequence, the estimated parameter values change rapidly and the haze removed output image sequence shows unnatural glitter defects. To overcome this problem, a new parameter estimation method using Kalman filter is proposed for moving image sequence. Experimental results demonstrate that the haze removal performance of the proposed method is better than that of the conventional dark channel prior method.

Color matching between monitor and mobile display device using improved S-curve model and RGB color LUT (개선된 S-curve 모델과 RGB 칼라 참조표를 이용한 모니터와 모바일 디스플레이 장치간 색 정합)

  • 박기현;이명영;이철희;하영호
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.15-18
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes a color matching 3D look-up table simplifying the complex color matching procedure between a monitor and a mobile display device. In order to perform color matching, it is necessary to process color of image in the device independent color space like CIEXYZ or CIELAB. We improved the S-curve model to have smaller characterization error than tolerance error. Also, as a result of the experiments, we concluded that the color matching look-up table with 64(4$\times$4$\times$4) is the smallest size allowing characterization error to be acceptable.

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Digital Color Image Watermarking for JPEG2000 (JPEG2000을 위한 디지털 칼라 영상 워터마킹)

  • Park Jong-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.8 no.8
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    • pp.1755-1759
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    • 2004
  • Digital watermarking technology is one of method of protecting property from the illegal reproduction of digital data. This technology inserts the specific data in a certain file to identify the property, that is an author and rights, not for human to be seen and heard. In this paper, the watermarking technology which inserts a RGB color watermark in a JPEG2000 color image using the visual characteristics of wavelet coefficient was proposed. After applying various attack at a watermarked image according to proposed technology, the likeness between the original image, the watermark and the extracted watermark was measured and investigated. As a result, the PSNR value of image was varied depending on perceptual parameter, but we can obtain 32dB as a whole.

Smoke color analysis of the standard color models for fire video surveillance (화재 영상감시를 위한 표준 색상모델의 연기색상 분석)

  • Lee, Yong-Hun;Kim, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.4472-4477
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    • 2013
  • This paper describes the color features of smoke in each standard color model in order to present the most suitable color model for somke detection in video surveillance system. Histogram intersection technique is used to analyze the difference characteristics between color of smoke and color of non smoke. The considered standard color models are RGB, YCbCr, CIE-Lab, HSV, and if the calculated histogram intersection value is large for the considered color model, then the smoke spilt characteristics are not good in that color model. If the calculated histogram intersection value is small, then the smoke spilt characteristics are good in that color model. The analyzed result shows that the RGB and HSV color models are the most suitable for color model based smoke detection by performing respectively 0.14 and 0.156 for histogram intersection value.

Color Image Filter Using Fuzzy Logic (퍼지 논리를 이용한 컬러 영상 필터)

  • Ko, Chang-Ryong;Koo, Kyung-Wan;Kim, Kwang-Baek
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2011
  • Among various methods proposed earlier, fuzzy image filtering is usually one of the favored techniques because it has less blurring effect and the decrease of noise removal rate after filtering. However, fuzzy filtering is ineffective on color images since it is firstly developed with gray scale. Thus, in this paper, we propose a fuzzy filtering algorithm for color images. First, we divide RGB color information from image into three channels of R, G, and B and judge the possibility of each pixel with mask by fuzzy logic independently. The output pixel value might be the average or median according to the degree of noise. Our experiment successfully verifies the effectiveness of new algorithm in color image.

Development of Three Dimensional Vision Using a Color T.V. Set (Color T.V Set를 이용한 삼차원 영상장치의 개발)

  • Kim, C.J.;Chung, S.S.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 1985
  • A three dimensional vision is obtained by stereoscopic view using a modified commercial TV set and matching color filter glasses. Two video signals from two CCTV cameras are connected to the RGB (red, green, blue) inputs of picture tube selecting two different colors for two video signals. A synchronizing signal drives a CCTV camera and the color TV set. On the other hand, a delayed synchronizing signal drives the other CCTV camera shifting its image on display. This shift is used in correcting image distortion.

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Color Modification Detection Using Normalization and Weighted Sum of Color Components (컬러 성분의 정규화와 가중치 합을 이용한 컬러 조작 검출)

  • Shin, Hyun Jun;Jeon, Jong Ju;Eom, Il Kyu
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.53 no.12
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2016
  • Most commercial digital cameras acquire the colors of an image through the color filter array, and interpolate missing pixels of the image. Because of this fact, original pixels and interpolated pixels have different statistical characteristics. If colors of an image are modified, the color filter array pattern that consists of RGB channels is changed. Using this pattern change, a color forgery detection method were presented. The conventional method uses the number of pixels that exceeds the maximum or minimum value of pre-defined block by only exploiting green component. However, this algorithm cannot remove the flat area which is occurred when color is changed. And the conventional method has demerit that cannot detect the forged image with rare green pixels. In this paper, we propose an enhanced color forgery detection algorithm using the normalization and weighted sum of the color components. Our method can reduce the detection error by using all color components and removing flat area. Through simulations, we observe that our proposed method shows better detection performance compared to the conventional method.

Effective Acne Detection using Component Image a* of CIE L*a*b* Color Space (CIE L*a*b* 칼라 공간의 성분 영상 a*을 이용한 효과적인 여드름 검출)

  • Park, Ki-Hong;Noh, Hui-Seong
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.1397-1403
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    • 2018
  • Today, modern people perceive skin care as part of their physical health care, and acne is a common skin disease problem that is found on the face. In this paper, an effective acne detection algorithm using CIE $L^*a^*b^*$ color space has been proposed. It is red when the pixel value of the component image $a^*$ is a positive number, so it is suitable for detecting acne in skin image. First, the skin image based on the RGB color space is subjected to light compensation through color balancing, and converted into a CIE $L^*a^*b^*$ color space. The extracted component image $a^*$ was normalized, and then the skin and acne area were estimated with the threshold values. Experimental results show that the proposed method detects acne more effectively than the conventional method based on brightness information, and the proposed method is robust against the reflected light source.

Color matching between monitor and mobile display device using improved S-curve model and RGB color LUT (개선된 S-curve 모델과 RGB 칼라 LUT를 이용한 모니터와 모바일 디스플레이 장치간 색 정합)

  • 박기현;이명영;이철희;하영호
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2004
  • This paper proposes a color matching 3D look-up table simplifying the complex color matching procedure between a monitor and a mobile display device. In other to perform color matching, it is necessary to process color of image in the device independent color space like CIEXYZ or CIELAB. To obtain the data of the device independent color space from that of the device dependent RGB color space, we must perform display characterizations. LCD characterization error using S-curve model is larger than tolerance error since LCD is more nonlinear than CRT. This paper improves the S-curve model to have smaller characterization error than tolerance error using the electro-optical transfer functions of X, Y, and Z value. We obtained images having higher color fidelity on mobile display devices through color matching experiments between monitor and mobile display devices. As a result of this experiments, we concluded that the color matching look-up table with 64(4${\times}$4${\times}$4) is the smallest size allowing characterization error to be acceptable.

A Study on Color Management using Optimum Profiling in Soft Proofing (소프트 프루핑에서 최적의 Profiling을 이용한 컬러 관리에 관한 연구)

  • Cha, Jae-Young;Cho, Ga-Ram;Koo, Chul-Whoi
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2009
  • The color reproduction of digital still camera does not, in general, match those of the final output device. Because color gamut of these devices is different, it is therefore necessary to take account of a way to match. The way uses the optimized profile to output device an image. This paper proposed a way to create the input profile of digital still camera for standardization soft proofing process. The results of proposed way showed that for input profiles equivalent, good results relatively. In this paper, an experiment was done where the illumination sources used as the standard illumination 5200K and illuminated at a $45^{\circ}$ angle in the best illumination efficiently. The white balance was in mode 'custom' : aperture F11, exposure time 1/60s, ISO50, focal length 80mm. The images were exported and saved as 16bit RGB TIFF(AdobeRGB, sRGB, ProphotoRGB) images. To do the test, the RGB values of the RGB TIFF images are processed through the ICC input profile to arrive at processed $CIEL^*a^*b^*$ values. A profiling tool such as ProfileMaker 5.0 and Monacoprofile 4.8 are used to do this. The processed $CIEL^*a^*b^*$ values are compared to the reference $CIEL^*a^*b^*$ values and these two values are used to calculate a ${\Delta}E{^*}_{ab}$.

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