• Title/Summary/Keyword: Public attitude

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Development of Reproductive Health Program and Identification of Effect for Married Women Immigrants (여성결혼이민자를 위한 생식건강프로그램의 개발 및 효과)

  • Park, Myeong Nam;Choi, So Young
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.248-258
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was done to develop a reproductive health program to improve reproductive health of women immigrants. Methods: The participants in the study were 58 immigrant women who lived in Vietnam, China, Philippines, or Cambodia before marriage. They were assigned to the experiment group (n=29) or the control group (n=29). The reproductive health program for this study consisted of reproductive health education, health counseling, phone monitoring, and emotional support based on Cox (1982)'s Interaction Model of Client Health Behavior and was implemented for four weeks. Results: There were significant differences in reproductive health knowledge (t=9.78, p<.001), reproductive health attitude (t=6.59, p<.001), and reproductive health behavior (t=5.11, p<.001) within and between groups after the reproductive health program. But there were no significant differences in clinical indicators between the two groups. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate the that reproductive health program for the women immigrants is effective in terms of reproductive health knowledge, reproductive health attitude and reproductive health behaviors. Therefore, nurses in public and private facilities, such as multicultural centers and public health centers in each community, should develop strategies to expand and provide reproductive health programs for women immigrants.

Attitude of Urban Employees on Hobby, Recreation and Practical Use of Holiday (도시직업인(都市職業人)의 취미(趣味), 오락(娛樂) 및 휴일활용(休日活用)에 관(關)한 태도조사(態度調査))

  • Kang, Dae-Min
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.139-145
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    • 1974
  • Attitude on hobby, recreation and practical use of holiday among group of employees comprised of 400 primary, middle, high school teachers, bankers and public servants who serviced in Kwang ju city area, was studied during the period of two months from April to May 1974. The results obtained were concluded as follows; 1 Age distribution: $29{\sim}33$ age group came first with 26% while last with 0.3%. Average was 31.5. 2. Sex distribution: Male 94.0%, female 35.3% and noteworthy was the fact that in primary school female occupied 74.0%. 3. Hobby and recreation or entertainments: Cinema 24.0%; badook 24.5%; athletics 18.5%; Chinese chess 13.5%. Among primary school teachers cinema came first 37.0%, while among the administrative officials badook came first with 34.0%. 4. How they spent the previous Saturday afternoon; 25.0% of subjects helped household affairs, this rate reached 35.0% among primary school teachers. Sunday: 19.0% helped household affairs and again primary school teachers ranked top. During the vacation of last year, 52.1% of total subjects traveled and 61.0% of bank employees traveled.

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A Study on the Health Perceptions and Health Behaviors in Nursing Students (간호대학생들의 건강지각과 건강행위에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Ock Suk;Suh In Sun
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 1997
  • This study was designed to identify the relationship between health perception and health behavior in nursing students and provide basic data for structuring the strategies of health promotion. The targets in this study were the 191 nursing students in nursing department of one national university in Chonju city. The data were collected during the period from 10 to 25 in Nov. 1995 by means of a structured questionnaire. Health perception was measured by the health perception questionnaire developed by Ware and translated by You. Health behavior was measured by health promotion questionnaire developed by Cho. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation using the $SPSS-PC^+$ program. The results of this study were as follows; 1. The mean health perception score of the subjects was 3.21; the level of health perception was relatively high. 2. The mean health behavior score of the subjects was 3.61; the level of health behavior was relatively high. 3. When health perception and health behavior was analyzed by Pearson correlation., it was found that the higher the degree of health perception, the better the reported health behavior(r=.1463, p=.022). 4. General characteristics related to health perception were attitude and school life(p<0.05). General characteristics related to health behavior were degree, religion, attitude and school life(p<0.05).

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A Study on the Determinants of Utilization of Family Health Worker in Rural Korea (일부농촌주민의 가정건강요원 이용에 영향을 주는 요인에 관한 연구 -연세 강화보건시범사업지역을 중심으로-)

  • Park, Jong-Ku
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.38-42
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    • 1979
  • The objectives of this study were to identify the determinants of the 1. Home visiting activities by FHWs 2. Utilization of village Family Health Workers(FHWs) 3. Attitudes towards FHWs 4. Knowledge about FHW's activities] among housewives in the Kang Wha Community Health Project area This study was analysed by using path analysis Exogenous variables were 1. Distance between the housewives' houses and that of their local FHW 2. Duration of work of each FHW as FHW in her village 3. Number of preschool children in the households Endogenous variables were 1. Home visiting frequency to each household by FHW 2. Knowledge about FHW's activities 3. Attitude towards FHWs 4. Utilization of FHW] by the housewives The results were as follows: The shorter the distance between client's and FHW's house, the higher the number of preschool children in the household, and the longer the duration of work of FHW as FHW, the higher is the number of her household visits in a given time span. The more frequently the FHW visits a household and the higher the knowledge about FHW's activities in the household, the more positive is the attitude of the housewives to the FHW and the more frequently she visits and utilizes the FHW on her own initiative.

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A Study on the Structural Relationships between the Antecedents of Knowledge Management and Performance in Public Enterprise: Focus on the KORAIL (공기업의 지식관리 영향요인과 성과 간의 구조적 관계: 한국철도공사를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hong-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.189-211
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the causal relationships among knowledge management(KM) influence factors(leadership, learning culture, member' attitude, reward, knowledge quality, KMS quality), KM activities(knowledge creation, knowledge sharing), KM performance in public enterprise. The results of data analysis by structured equation model(SEM) indicate that learning culture, knowledge quality and KMS quality significantly influence the knowledge creation and sharing. Member' attitude has significant influences on the knowledge creation. And knowledge creation and sharing have a significant affect on KM performance. Based on the results, the potential implications of the strategy for effective knowledge management are discussed.

Investigating Utility, Attitude, Intention, and Satisfaction of Skill-Sharing Economy

  • La, Soo-Jung;Cho, Yooncheong
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - Previous studies examined effects of sharing economy in the fields such as accommodation and automobile sector, while there are lack of researches in the field of skill-sharing economy. By classifying skill-sharing into general and special skill-sharing, this study explored effects of variables such as transaction utility, social utility, sustainability utility, emotional utility, economic utility, and trust utility, on attitudes, intention, satisfaction, and loyalty of demand (i.e., customers) and supply (i.e., providers) sides, potential, and actual customers. Research design, data, and methodology - Data were collected via both online and offline surveys. This study applied factor analysis and multiple regression analysis for findings. Results - Results show that utilities for general suppliers' skill-sharing are significant than other cases. Among utilities, this study found that trust utility shows significant for the cases of special customers', general suppliers' and special suppliers' potential skill-sharing. The results implies that trust is crucial in the transaction of the sharing economy. Conclusions - Enhanced managerial systems help resolve issues on the sharing economy. This study provides implications what are positive effects of skill-sharing economy and recommends proper establishment of the sharing economy.

A Proposal of a Nursing Model Applicable to Group Occupational Health Service (보건관리대행 간호모형의 제안)

  • Jung Moon-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1995
  • This study was conducted to propose a model for nursing performance in group occupational health service. To achieve such a goal, the writer choose and analysed two kinds of journals which were thought to be the most suitable for that purpose and authoritative on community health nursing: The Journal of Korean Community Nursing and the Journal of Korean Academic Society of Industrial Nursing. The total number of the articles analysed in this study was 16 and in the analysis of them the writer was specially concerned with the following questions: 1) Have there been any different performances in occupational health management between staying nurses and visiting ones? 2) What are the levels of knowledge, attitude, and practice of workers and how can we, on the basis of them, develop the program that workers are able to participate positively in ? the obtained conclusions are as follows. 1) Different performances are revealed between staying nurses and visiting ones: Common symptom management frequently appeared in staying nurses. Counseling, health education and follow-up care after medical examination were more frequently revealed in visiting nurses. 2) As for the lovel of knowledge, attitude, and practice of occupational health, workers have average one respectively. The major factors influencing the level of KAP of workers were area, age, sex and status. Counseling, health education, follow-up care after medical examination, and health promotion should be reinforced as core programs in group occupational health services. And for the part of visiting nurses, it is necessary to put more emphasis on efficiency training using the method of nursing process.

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Gender Differences Regarding Parental Teasing of Korean Children's Weight and Anti-Fat Attitudes

  • Ra, Jin Suk;Cho, Kyung Seu;Cho, Yoon Hee
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.289-300
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study aimed to identify gender differences associated with weight related teasing by parents, and development of anti-fat attitudes among Korean children aged 5 to 7 years. Methods: This study used a descriptive cross-sectional design. Questionnaire interviews were conducted by enrolling 222 healthy children having normal development and living with their parents in South Korea. Results: Results showed gender and parental weight-related teasing was significantly associated with anti-fat attitudes among children. Significance of the association between parental weight-related teasing and anti-fat attitudes among kindergarten children differed according to the child's gender. Among girls, the higher level of parental weight-related teasing was associated with greater anti-fat attitude. However, parental weight-related teasing was not associated with increased anti-fat attitude among boys. Conclusion: Considering our study results, we recommend developing programs aimed towards decreasing teasing in the family environment, such as changing the gender-specific weight norms to prevent anti-fat attitudes in Korean girls.

Factors Related to the Recognition and Behavioral Intention for Smoking Cessation Programs (금연프로그램에 대한 인지도, 이용의도 및 영향요인)

  • 장혜정;노맹석
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to evaluate factors related to the recogniton and behavioral intention for smoking cessation programs. Five effective smoking cessation programs were considered: acupuncture, nicotine patch, clinic program, mass education, and alliance programs. To explain the health behavior for smoking and smoking cessation programs, a five-stage behavioral intention model was built, and 500 questionnaires were completed through a telephone survey. Stages of the model included recogniton of the programs, past experiences, present smoking status, intention for smoking, and behavioral intention for smoking cessation programs. The results showed that the recogniton rate of the programs were low in general, therefore strategies of education, public relations, and advertisement need to be pursued. Nicotine dependency resulted in the fact that success rates were low although trial rates of smoking cessation were high among smokers. The necessity for smoking cessation programs was suggested. And the significant factors related to the intention for smoking cessation were individual attitude and reluctancy to pay time and money. Others' attitude was insignificant to subjects' smoking cessation. Purchase rates for nicotine patches were 11.3% for male and 27.3% for female, those for acupunture were 7.6% for male and 10.0% for female. There were very low purchase rates for clinic, mass education, and alliance programs. In conclusion, evidence-based and effective smoking cessation programs need to be promoted by medical doctors. Strategies in education, public relations, and advertisement also need development. In addition, continuing legal and systematic support for smoking cessation would lower the smoking rate and ultimately contribute to the nation's health.

A Study on Attitude of Ethical Dilemmas in Clinical Nurses (임상간호사의 윤리적 딜레마에 관한 태도 조사)

  • Kang Ik Wha
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.48-66
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    • 1998
  • This study was conducted to identify the attitude of ethical dilemmas (human life area. clients area. nursing practice area. and nurses-co-worker area) in hospital nurses. 169 nurses working in clinical setting were selected Inchon area. Data were gathered from 5. march to 30. 1998 by structured questionnaires. Descriptive statistics were employed to analyze the data. The results obtained from data were as follows. 1) In human life area mean score was 3.17. This area showed remarkerble individual differences between utilitarian and deontological position. 2) In clients area mean score was 3.99. It means that nurses tend to take a deontological position. 3) In nursing practice area mean score was 3.44. It means that nurses tend to take a slightly deontological position. 4) In nurses-co-worker area mean score was 3.84. It means that nurses tend to take a deontological position. 5) There were significant relationship between human life area & clients area. nursing practice area (P<.0l). nurses-eo-worker area (P<.05). There were significant relationship between client area & nursing practice area (P<.05). nurses-co-worker area (P<.01). There were significant relationship between nursing practice area & nurses-co-worker area (P<.01).

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