• Title/Summary/Keyword: Parking satisfaction

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Tourist Behavior of Bi-eung Port in Gunsan (군산 비응항 방문객의 관광행태에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Rock;Park, Jong-Chun;Kim, Hye-Young;Yoo, Sun-Kyung;Yoon, Yi-Na
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.753-765
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    • 2011
  • Tourist behavior has been a major topic in tourism research. Since the construction of Saemangeum seawall, May 2010, it has been working actively to make a tourist complex fishing port project of Bi-eung port, with the increase of tourists visiting to Saemangeum seawall and Bi-eung port. The purpose of this study is to analyze tourist behaviors conducted in Bi-eung port of Gunsan area. Most of the tourists were the residence of the Jeonbuk, and one-day tourists mostly consisted of families and friends. It was examined that the main destinations were Saemangeum seawall and Bi-eung port. The major complaints of tourists were the lack of parking and convenience facilities. In order to activate the tourism of Bi-eung port, it is required the landscape maintenance and place marketing of Bi-eung port. The satisfaction indicators about tourism base on facilities such as accessibility, promotion and information, tourism products and food, linkage of tourist places and tourism resource with surrounding areas, and the related tourism programs show as below average, respectively. Seven kinds of tourism infrastructure as measured by indicators below average in satisfaction with the analysis but Comprehensive assessment as a tourist destination was the relatively high levels.

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Evaluation Criteria for Appropriateness of Bicycle Riding Path Considering Cyclist's Trip Purposes (자전거 이용자의 통행목적을 고려한 주행경로 적정성 평가지표 개발)

  • Kim, Eui-Jin;Kim, Dong-Kyu
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.12-25
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is providing an evaluation criteria for appropriateness of bicycle riding path considering trip purpose based on cyclist's response of importance and satisfaction. The survey presents a quantified criteria of evaluating appropriateness of the bicycle path by investigating difference of impotance and satisfaction between two purposes among 5 selected influence factors about bicycle lane and bicycle parking facility, and in case of commuting purpose, information of destination is additionally considered. All the influence factors are analyzed by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) which yields importance. For the factors which have a huge difference between two purposes, evaluation criteria using a GIS Data of respondent's path and satisfaction of each factors is developed, and other factors are made it by reviewing literature. The importance analyzed by AHP and evaluation criteria can provide a path based LOS for cyclist, and this information can be improved through user's response from app or search engine in the future. and by considering individual's evaluation, it can provide individually specified information.

A Study on the Effect of Residential Environment Characteristics on Residential Satisfaction, Residential Ownership Consciousness, and Housing Movement: Focusing on MZ Generation in the COVID-19 Period (주거환경특성이 주거만족도, 주거보유의식과 주거이동에 미치는 영향 연구: 코로나19 시기의 MZ세대를 중심으로)

  • Yun-Hui, Hwang;Jaeho, Chung
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.47-66
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    • 2023
  • This study reviews prior studies on the residential environment characteristics, residential satisfaction, residential ownership consciousness and housing movement of MZ generation and analyze the structural equation models using the 2020 Korea Housing Survey data. Using 14 residential characteristics based on three classifications, we explore the effects on residential satisfaction, residential ownership consciousness, and housing movement. The empirical results are summarized as follows. First, based on factor analysis with Varimax of principal component analysis, parking facility items were excluded from the analysis by hindering validity, and as a result, KMO was 0.925 and Bartlett's test result showed a significant probability of less than 0.01. This indicates that the factor analysis model was suitable. Second, the results of the structural equation analysis for the MZ generation show that the surrounding environment, which is a potential variable of the residential environment characteristics, was statistically significant, but the accessibility and convenience were not statistically significant. Third, we find that the higher the satisfaction with the accessibility of commercial facilities, the more significant the sense of housing ownership appears. This suggests that the younger generation such as the MZ generation has a stronger desire for consumption. Fourth, the overall housing satisfaction of the MZ generation was significant for housing movement, but not for housing ownership. Compared to the industrialized generation, the baby boom generation, and the X generation, MZ generation shows distinct factors for housing satisfaction, housing ownership, and housing movement. Therefore, the residential environment characteristics of the residential survey should be improved and supplemented following the trend of the times. In addition, the government and local governments should prioritize actively participating in the housing market that suits the environment and characteristics of the target generation. Finally, our study provides implications regarding the need for housing-related research on how differ in special temporal situations such as COVID-19 in the future.

Categorizing Quality Features of Franchisees: In the case of Korean Food Service Industry (프랜차이즈 매장 품질요인의 속성분류: 국내 외식업을 중심으로)

  • Byun, Sook-Eun;Cho, Eun-Seong
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.95-115
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    • 2011
  • Food service is the major part of franchise business in Korea, accounting for 69.9% of the brands in the market. As the food service industry becomes mature, many franchisees have struggled to survive in the market. In general, consumers have higher levels of expectation toward service quality of franchised outlets compared that of (non-franchised) independent ones. They also tend to believe that franchisees deliver standardized service at the uniform food price, regardless of their locations. Such beliefs seem to be important reasons that consumers prefer franchised outlets to independent ones. Nevertheless, few studies examined the impact of qualify features of franchisees on customer satisfaction so far. To this end, this study examined the characteristics of various quality features of franchisees in the food service industry, regarding their relationship with customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The quality perception of heavy-users was also compared with that of light-users in order to find insights for developing differentiated marketing strategy for the two segments. Customer satisfaction has been understood as a one-dimensional construct while there are recent studies that insist two-dimensional nature of the construct. In this regard, Kano et al. (1984) suggested to categorize quality features of a product or service into five types, based on their relation to customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction: Must-be quality, Attractive quality, One-dimensional quality, Indifferent quality, and Reverse quality. According to the Kano model, customers are more dissatisfied when Must-be quality(M) are not fulfilled, but their satisfaction does not arise above neutral no matter how fully the quality fulfilled. In comparison, customers are more satisfied with a full provision of Attactive quality(A) but manage to accept its dysfunction. One-dimensional quality(O) results in satisfaction when fulfilled and dissatisfaction when not fulfilled. For Indifferent quality(I), its presence or absence influences neither customer satisfaction nor dissatisfaction. Lastly, Reverse quality(R) refers to the features whose high degree of achievement results in customer dissatisfaction rather than satisfaction. Meanwhile, the basic guidelines of the Kano model have a limitation in that the quality type of each feature is simply determined by calculating the mode statistics. In order to overcome such limitation, the relative importance of each feature on customer satisfaction (Better value; b) and dissatisfaction (Worse value; w) were calculated following the formulas below (Timko, 1993). The Better value indicates how much customer satisfaction is increased by providing the quality feature in question. In contrast, the Worse value indicates how much customer dissatisfaction is decreased by providing the quality feature. Better = (A + O)/(A+O+M+I) Worse = (O+M)/(A+O+M+I)(-1) An on-line survey was performed in order to understand the nature of quality features of franchisees in the food service industry by applying the Kano Model. A total of twenty quality features (refer to the Table 2) were identified as the result of literature review in franchise business and a pre-test with fifty college students in Seoul. The potential respondents of our main survey was limited to the customers who have visited more than two restaurants/stores of the same franchise brand. Survey invitation e-mails were sent out to the panels of a market research company and a total of 257 responses were used for analysis. Following the guidelines of Kano model, each of the twenty quality features was classified into one of the five types based on customers' responses to a set of questions: "(1) how do you feel if the following quality feature is fulfilled in the franchise restaurant that you visit," and "(2) how do you feel if the following quality feature is not fulfilled in the franchise restaurant that you visit." The analyses revealed that customers' dissatisfaction with franchisees is commonly associated with the poor level of cleanliness of the store (w=-0.872), kindness of the staffs(w=-0.890), conveniences such as parking lot and restroom(w=-0.669), and expertise of the staffs(w=-0.492). Such quality features were categorized as Must-be quality in this study. While standardization or uniformity across franchisees has been emphasized in franchise business, this study found that consumers are interested only in uniformity of price across franchisees(w=-0.608), but not interested in standardizations of menu items, interior designs, customer service procedures, and food tastes. Customers appeared to be more satisfied when the franchise brand has promotional events such as giveaways(b=0.767), good accessibility(b=0.699), customer loyalty programs(b=0.659), award winning history(b=0.641), and outlets in the overseas market(b=0.506). The results are summarized in a matrix form in Table 1. Better(b) and Worse(w) index indicate relative importance of each quality feature on customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction, respectively. Meanwhile, there were differences in perceiving the quality features between light users and heavy users of any specific franchise brand in the food service industry. Expertise of the staffs was labeled as Must-be quality for heavy users but Indifferent quality for light users. Light users seemed indifferent to overseas expansion of the brand and offering new menu items on a regular basis, while heavy users appeared to perceive them as Attractive quality. Such difference may come from their different levels of involvement when they eat out. The results are shown in Table 2. The findings of this study help practitioners understand the quality features they need to focus on to strengthen the competitive power in the food service market. Above all, removing the factors that cause customer dissatisfaction seems to be the most critical for franchisees. To retain loyal customers of the franchise brand, it is also recommended for franchisor to invest resources in the development of new menu items as well as training programs for the staffs. Lastly, if resources allow, promotional events, loyalty programs, overseas expansion, award-winning history can be considered as tools for attracting more customers to the business.

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Selection and Application of Evaluation Factors for Urban Regeneration Project (도시재생사업의 평가요인 선정 및 적용)

  • Jang, Cheol-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to suggest indicator-based selection and improvement plans for evaluating urban regeneration projects. First, we selected the indicators by conducting expert surveys and analysis of the responses received. Additionally, using the selected indicators, we analyzed the residents' opinions in Wongogae Village, where urban regeneration projects were in progress. Based on these, we suggested a plan to improve Wongogae Village. According to the study, we classified the urban regeneration evaluation indicators into 'Physical environment', 'Social environment' and 'Economic environment' according to their characteristics. We selected urban regeneration evaluation factors through the first expert survey and MCB analysis. As a result, we selected six factors for the 'Physical environment' category: 'Traffic and pedestrian environment', 'Residential (housing) environment', 'Safety and security environment', 'Greenspace', 'Landscape improvement' and 'Public space', In the 'Social environment' category, four factors were chosen: 'Resident participation', 'Community activation', 'Role of the local government and support centers' and 'Resident education' while for the 'Economic environment' category three factors were selected: 'Local economic revitalization', 'Creating an economy-based environment', 'Job creation'. Next, we conducted a second expert survey and carried out an AHP analysis using the selected evaluation factors to derive the overall weight for each. Among the evaluation factors for urban regeneration, the 'Residential (housing) environment' has the highest weighted value of 0.108, followed by 'Local economic revitalization' and 'Resident participation'. Lastly, the analysis of the residents' opinions of Wongogae Village using the urban regeneration evaluation factors, Parking environment', 'Maintenance of old houses and living environment', 'Environment for founding town and social enterprises', 'Improve commercial and business environment', 'Maintain and activate existing business' and 'Vitalizing small regional economies such as domestic handicrafts and side-job' had high overall importance, but low satisfaction, which means that it is necessary to improve the focus. Therefore, in order to improve the urban regeneration project in villages, it is necessary to improve the parking environment by expanding public parking lots, eliminate close houses, and idle lands, or open a school playground in the village for the residents. In addition, it is essential to encourage economic activities, such as fostering village enterprises and social enterprises in connection with cooperatives and allow for the selling of the products through resident activities, such as neighboring markets.

Activation Measures for Rural Education Farms in Korea - focusing on IPA - (한국 농촌교육농장 활성화 방안 - IPA 기법을 활용하여 -)

  • Son, Jindong;Kim, Seonhee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2015
  • The Purpose of this study is to analyze the importance and satisfaction on the items related to rural education farm management. The survey was carried out on the operators of rural education farm from October 6th, 2014 to April 30th, 2015, and 144 questionnaires were used for the final analysis. According to the analysis result, In the first quadrant, the environment of the farms(safety of the education farms, accessibility to the farms) and the existing customer management(dealing actively with the customer complaints, consulting with schools regarding the hands-on education and the feedbacks) were included. In the second quadrant, fourteen items were included. To mention these items in detail, the environment of the farms(lounge area for the guiding teachers), customer management(diversification of the publicity for the education farms, efforts to secure loyal customers, efforts to create new customers), campaigns of publicity and contents of publicity management(diversification of the publicity channels for education farms, off-line contents management, on-line contents management), ensuring professionalism(worksheet development and utilization, periodical supplemental education for operators), hands-on education programs(new program development, customized program development, distinguished program development), costs(efforts for cost reduction, fees for hands-on education) were included. In the third quadrant, the environment of the farms(size of the education farms), publicity activities and publicity contents management(enthusiastic publicity activities), strengthening professionalism(participation in the training programs related to rural education farm management) and in the fourth quadrant, the environment of the farms(environmentally-friendly and aesthetic natural landscape, convenient facilities such as powder rooms and washstands, parking lots) were included.

Elicitation and Evaluation of Landscape Components for Vitalization of Rural Tourism -Centered on Rural Tourist Attractions of China- (농촌관광활성화를 위한 경관요소 도출 및 평가 -중국 농촌관광지를 대상으로-)

  • Sun, Chang Juan;Kim, Jong Gu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.937-945
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    • 2016
  • Recently, Rural tourism in China is developing rapidly, however, the rural tourism remains unsatisfactory due to ignoring the landscape aspect which is considered as an integral part for rural tourism. Therefore, we aim to investigate the effect of the landscape elements on vitalization of rural tourism by evaluation of the landscape elements. To this end, we made a questionnaire survery concerning importance and satisfaction of landscape elements through factor analysis, and clamp IPA analysis. As the result, 1) Regional product, safety facilities and public parking lots are the primary considerations as primary factor. 2)Traffic facilities and accommodation should reflect regional characteristics; Garbage collection facility, food and beverage facilities, network and electricity facility should be rectified and maintained; Regaining the original nature characteristics of river and lake, Securing the integrity of the visual appreciation by shelter landscape for Sewage Purification. Our study results may provide a basic reference for the development and management of rural tourism attractions in China.

A Study on the Planning Consideration for the Realization of Sustainable Housing - In the Aspect the Residents' Opinions at the Pilot Project 'Livable City Making' in Busan - (지속가능한 주거지 실현을 위한 계획적 고려사항 - 부산지역 '살고싶은 도시만들기' 실천사례 거주자 의견을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Myo-Jung;Jeong, Ji-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the incomplete aspects of the government pilot project 'Livable City Making' Also, the study was conducted to consider a plan that residents will satisfy for the realization of the project. The study used a case study and a survey method in research process. For the case study, two projects in Busan that have similar planning were chosen. The contents of the survey included the residents' interest in their housing area, their recognition and opinions of the pilot project, their satisfaction about the environmental alterations, and their thought about conditions of sustainable housing. The main results of this study were as follows. First, the residents were satisfied with the alteration of the street space and the provision of green and open spaces. Meanwhile they revealed that the preservation of the natural environment and the vitalization of community are insufficient. Second, they also believed that the construction of the pedestrian streets, the provision of parking lots, and the remodeling of the deteriorated buildings are incomplete. Third, the residents believed that the following provisions need to be made for successful sustainable housing waste discharge needs to be minimized, facilities need to be used for saving energy, opportunities for employment need to be provided within their housing areas, and safe street spaces and comfortable traffic systems need to be provided.

The Survey and Analysis of Public Infrastructures in Korean Rural Areas (농촌 공공기반시설 현황 조사 및 문제점 분석)

  • Heo, Hag-Young;Nam, Sang-Chae;Choi, Sang-Un;Oh, Min-Geun;Ahn, Tong-Mahn
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.8 no.1 s.15
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2002
  • This investigation aims to provide basic data for rural village planning and rehabilitation planning. Public infrastructures of forty selected villages have been surveyed. Provision of facilities, user satisfaction, perceived problems, and conditions of maintenance have been surveyed for three classified types of infrastructures; 1) public utility spaces such as community hall, and parking lots, 2) public production infrastructures such as warehouses, and irrigation facilities, and 3) public infrastructures for living environments such as roads, water supply, and sewage system. All twenty smaller villages (ki-cho-ma-ul) had problems of poor conditions and insufficient spaces with community halls. Most of the smaller villages suffered from lack of public production infrastructures, or had problems of insufficient spaces and poor maintenance conditions. They also lacked good access roads with adequate right of ways. Only three villages were provided with sewage systems. In the twenty larger villages (myun-bo-ma-ul), though public utility spaces were provided for most of them (as an example, sixteen villages had welfare centers), they were not large enough and they were maintained in poor condition too. On the one hand twelve of the larger villages had farm machine service centers, only a few villages were equipped with warehouses. Many more public infrastructures for living environments were found in larger villages. However, only a few villages had pollution control facilities. Multidimensional scaling revealed groups of distinctive characteristics, in terms of public infrastructures, among smaller villages. It did not show any noticeable distinctions among larger villages.

Calculating the Carrying Capacity and Management Planning of the Gwangneung Area (관광지의 적정 수용력 산정과 관리 방안 연구 - 광릉지역을 사례로 -)

  • Kim Sunhee
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.3 s.108
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    • pp.321-334
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    • 2005
  • This study aims to calculate reasonable carving capacity of the Gwangneung area and to review its tourism policies from the perspective of the tourist's demands. According to the analysis results, The socio-psychological carrying capacity by targeted intervals of time is generally underestimated and less than desired. Parking lots followed by stores and then roads are the biggest issues weighing down the area's carving capacity Also, another finding shows that the physical carrying capacity, analyzed based on area use, is estimated for 600 tourists and 130 cars. This study recommends following that Gwangneung establish various tour programs linking its cultural and historical sites to forest and ecological resources. Further to this, Gwangneung might be better off exerting efforts to developing environmental education programs and training more cultural and ecological guides. The findings necessitate that should be made off limits to cars, and instead servicing the area with shuttle buses. Management offices can also be classrooms used for cultural, historical and ecological education and exhibitions. Other findings suggest an expansion of convenience facilities such as more potable water stations, benches, resting areas and a continued monitoring of tourism activities in the area.