• Title/Summary/Keyword: Out of distribution

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Difference in Characteristics in the Formation of Anti-E and Anti-E/-c in Patients with the CDe Phenotype (CDe 표현형의 환자에서 항-E와 항-E/-c 항체 생성 특이성의 차이)

  • An, Gyu-Dae;Kim, Kyeong-Hee;Lim, Hyeon-Ho;Jeong, In-Hwa
    • The Korean Journal of Blood Transfusion
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.282-290
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    • 2018
  • Background: Anti-E or paired anti-E/-c antibodies can develop in patients with the Rh CDe phenotype. This study examined the differences in transfusion in patients with the CDe phenotype according to formation of anti-E or anti-E/-c antibodies. Methods: Retrospective reviews were carried out on the results of antibody identification tests performed in 2014. The Rh phenotype and antibody specificity were investigated. The transfusion and medical records of patients with the CDe phenotype were examined. Results: In total, 76 patients were included in the review. Of these 76 patients, 38 (50.0%) were of the CDe phenotype. Anti-E antibodies were the most frequent (60.5%), followed by anti-E/-c antibodies (23.7%). The total transfusion units and platelet transfusion units were significantly higher in patients with anti-E/-c antibodies (P=0.028 and P=0.01, respectively). The distribution of categorized diseases was similar in the patients with the anti-E and anti-E/-c antibodies. A frequency of transfusion episodes greater than or equal to four was higher in patients with hepatobiliary diseases (85.7%). Conclusion: In CDe phenotype patients, platelet transfusion was significantly higher in the anti-E/-c positive group than the anti-E positive group, indicating that platelets play a role in red blood cell alloimmunization. Because E is the most immunogenic antigen in Korea, it is important to define the disease group, in which patients with CDe phenotype require a transfusion of E and c-negative blood.

Reaction Characteristics of Phytoplankton Before and After the Yellow Dust Event in Taean Peninsula and Yellow Dust Impact Assessment (태안반도주변에서 춘계 황사 전·후 식물플랑크톤 반응특성과 황사분진 영향평가)

  • Yoo, Man Ho;Youn, Seok Hyun;Oh, Hyun Ju;Choi, Joong Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.898-906
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    • 2018
  • To investigate the effect of yellow dust on phytoplankton, a field survey and physiological experiments were carried out in the waters near Taean Peninsula from April 22 to 26, 2006, when yellow dust occurred. Phytoplankton populations during the yellow dust period were in the range of $26{\sim}290{\times}10^3cells{\cdot}L^{-1}$, a somewhat low standing crop. An increase in diatoms (a main taxonomic group), especially benthic diatoms such as Paralia sulcate, a typical species for active mixed sea water areas, was also remarkable. In addition, the Chl-a concentration after yellow dust exceeded the Chl-a concentration change range according to the tide before yellow dust. As the concentration of yellow sand increased in a yellow sand treatment experiment, primary productivity decreased, and the maximum assimilation number showed the same tendency. In the 48h culture experiment, primary productivity of the test group was lower than that of the control group at the early stage (T0) of yellow sand treatment, but after 48 hours (T48), the test group showed higher primary productivity than the control group. In particular, the primary productivity of the test group significantly increased to 321 % after 48 hours. Therefore, strong physical environment accompanied by yellow dust may temporarily inhibit the growth of phytoplankton in the waters adjacent to China in the early stage of yellow dust, but the formation of stable water mass has also been identified as a potential factor promoting the growth of phytoplankton.

Statistical Analysis of Count Rate Data for On-line Seawater Radioactivity Monitoring

  • Lee, Dong-Myung;Cong, Binh Do;Lee, Jun-Ho;Yeo, In-Young;Kim, Cheol-Su
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.64-71
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    • 2019
  • Background: It is very difficult to distinguish between a radioactive contamination source and background radiation from natural radionuclides in the marine environment by means of online monitoring system. The objective of this study was to investigate a statistical process for triggering abnormal level of count rate data measured from our on-line seawater radioactivity monitoring. Materials and Methods: Count rate data sets in time series were collected from 9 monitoring posts. All of the count rate data were measured every 15 minutes from the region of interest (ROI) for $^{137}Cs$ ($E_{\gamma}=661.6keV$) on the gamma-ray energy spectrum. The Shewhart ($3{\sigma}$), CUSUM, and Bayesian S-R control chart methods were evaluated and the comparative analysis of determination methods for count rate data was carried out in terms of the false positive incidence rate. All statistical algorithms were developed using R Programming by the authors. Results and Discussion: The $3{\sigma}$, CUSUM, and S-R analyses resulted in the average false positive incidence rate of $0.164{\pm}0.047%$, $0.064{\pm}0.0367%$, and $0.030{\pm}0.018%$, respectively. The S-R method has a lower value than that of the $3{\sigma}$ and CUSUM method, because the Bayesian S-R method use the information to evaluate a posterior distribution, even though the CUSUM control chart accumulate information from recent data points. As the result of comparison between net count rate and gross count rate measured in time series all the year at a monitoring post using the $3{\sigma}$ control charts, the two methods resulted in the false positive incidence rate of 0.142% and 0.219%, respectively. Conclusion: Bayesian S-R and CUSUM control charts are better suited for on-line seawater radioactivity monitoring with an count rate data in time series than $3{\sigma}$ control chart. However, it requires a continuous increasing trend to differentiate between a false positive and actual radioactive contamination. For the determination of count rate, the net count method is better than the gross count method because of relatively a small variation in the data points.

Interpretation of volcanic eruption types from granulometry and component analyses of the Maljandeung tuff, Ulleung Island, Korea (울릉도 말잔등응회암의 입도와 구성원 분석으로부터 화산분화 유형 해석)

  • Hwang, Sang Koo;Lee, So-Jin;Han, Kee Hwan
    • Journal of the Geological Society of Korea
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.513-527
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    • 2018
  • We have carried out granulometry and component analysis on pyroclastic deposits of the Maljandeung Tuff, Ulleung Island, to interpret the eruption types and prime dynamic mechanisms. It is divided into three members in the extracaldera area, each of which comprises the lithofacies of coarse tuffs and lapillistones in the lower part, and pumice deposits in upper one. The lithofacies present quantitative evidences in the granularity and component distribution patterns. As compared to the pumice deposits, the coarse tuffs and lapillistones exhibit a relative increase in both the lithic/juvenile and the crystal/juvenile ratios, and a preferential fragmentation of the juvenile fraction. The abundance of lithics and crystals in the tuffs and lapillistones can be attributed to preferential fragmentation of the aquifer-hosting rocks due to explosive evaporation of ground water, and indirect enrichment in lithics and crystals due to removal of juvenile fines from eruptive cloud. The above data exhibit that early phreatopmagmatic phase was followed by purely magmatic fragmentation phases. The coarse tuffs and lapillistones suggest phreatoplinian eruption derived from explosive interaction of magma with ground water near the conduit, while pumice deposits indicate magmatic eruption by magmatic explosion from juvenile gas pressure. In early stage, phreatoplinian eruption occurred from explosive magma/water interaction in connecting confining water with drawdown of the magma column in the conduit; Later it shifted to plinian eruption by explosive expansion of only magmatic volatiles in intercepting water influx due to higher magmatic gas pressure than confining water pressure with rising of the magma column in the conduit.

Development of Basic Research for Establishing the Apple IPM System in Korea: Dr. Lee Soon-Won's Research Case (한국형 사과 병해충종합관리(IPM) 체계 수립을 위한 기초연구의 전개: 이순원 박사의 연구 사례)

  • Ahn, Jeong Joon;Oh, Hyeonseok;Choi, Kyung San;Choi, Kyung-Hee;Do, Yun-Su;Lee, Sun-Young;Lee, Dong-Hyuk
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2021
  • The concept of integrated pest management (IPM) first developed in the 1950s, and the concept of economic control via pest management was established in the 1960s. Research on IPM began in the United States and Europe, and IPM studies in Korea started with citrus insects and paddy field pests following the distribution of high-yield varieties of rice. Apple IPM in Korea began with research on pest control using chemical pesticides and pesticides resistant to insect pests, studies on the ecology of insect pests and their natural enemies, and the exploitation of sex pheromones on insect pests. Since the 1990s, IPM research and field projects have been carried out simultaneously for farming households. In the 2000s, the development of pest monitoring and forecasting models centered on mating disturbances, database programs for pests, and networks for sharing information. IPM technology has expanded via the development of unmanned forecasting systems and automation technologies in the 2010s.

A Report on Patterned Ground in the Baekdusan (백두산 일대에 나타나는 구조토 보고)

  • CHOI, In-Sook;SEONG, Yeong Bae;KIM, Jong Wook;PARK, Seung-Phil;LI, Chun Jing
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2010
  • This study is based on the observation on the patterned ground found in the northern part of the Baekdusan during two fieldtrips of 2008 summer. The patterned grounds are found in two areas-Dalmun and Socheonji. The patterned ground found around Dalmun are well-sorted, having fine materials in the center and coarse (boulder size) materials in the rim, and stretching in the form of stairs. Meanwhile, the types of patterned ground found around Socheonji are various, including polygon, stripe, and circular patterns. The particle size analysis and morphological analysis of comprising materials are carried out only for the patterned ground of Socheonji. The mean short and long axis of the patterned grounds are 91cm and 163cm, respectively. The distribution pattern of material size from the most samples increase toward the rim, indicating the patterned grounds are well-sorted. The comprising materials are dominated by silt, which is very susceptible for freeze-thaw cycle. The lower ratio of clay (low less than 10%), suggests that physical weathering is more dominant rather than chemical weathering. The involution structure found in the vertical section of the patterned grounds is likely to have formed by active cryoturbation which is one of the dominant geomorphic processes in the periglacial environments like the study area.

Determination of Exposure during Handling of 125I Seed Using Thermoluminescent Dosimeter and Monte Carlo Method Based on Computational Phantom

  • Hosein Poorbaygi;Seyed Mostafa Salimi;Falamarz Torkzadeh;Saeid Hamidi;Shahab Sheibani
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.197-203
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    • 2023
  • Background: The thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) and Monte Carlo (MC) dosimetry are carried out to determine the occupational dose for personnel in the handling of 125I seed sources. Materials and Methods: TLDs were placed in different layers of the Alderson-Rando phantom in the thyroid, lung and also eyes and skin surface. An 125I seed source was prepared and its activity was measured using a dose calibrator and was placed at two distances of 20 and 50 cm from the Alderson-Rando phantom. In addition, the Monte Carlo N-Particle Extended (MCNPX 2.6.0) code and a computational phantom with a lattice-based geometry were used for organ dose calculations. Results and Discussion: The comparison of TLD and MC results in the thyroid and lung is consistent. Although the relative difference of MC dosimetry to TLD for the eyes was between 4% and 13% and for the skin between 19% and 23%, because of the existence of a higher uncertainty regarding TLD positioning in the eye and skin, these inaccuracies can also be acceptable. The isodose distribution was calculated in the cross-section of the head phantom when the 125I seed was at two distances of 20 and 50 cm and it showed that the greatest dose reduction was observed for the eyes, skin, thyroid, and lungs, respectively. The results of MC dosimetry indicated that for near the head positions (distance of 20 cm) the absorbed dose rates for the eye lens, eye and skin were 78.1±2.3, 59.0±1.8, and 10.7±0.7 µGy/mCi/hr, respectively. Furthermore, we found that a 30 cm displacement for the 125I seed reduced the eye and skin doses by at least 3- and 2-fold, respectively. Conclusion: Using a computational phantom to monitor the dose to the sensitive organs (eye and skin) for personnel involved in the handling of 125I seed sources can be an accurate and inexpensive method.

A Study on the Distribution of Bats (Chiroptera) in Jeju Island, Korea (제주도에서 박쥐류의 분포에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Su-Gon;Kim, Yoo-Kyung;Kim, Tae-Wook;Park, Jun-Ho;Adhikari, Pradeep;Kim, Ga-Ram;Park, Seon-Mi;Lee, Jun-Won;Han, Sang-Hyun;Oh, Hong-Shik
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.394-402
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out to investigate the bat (Chiroptera) fauna in Jeju Island. Bat distribution was monitored in lava tubes, sea caves, cave encampments and eco-corridors from July, 2006 to June, 2015. Bat specimens were also confirmed at the museums in Jeju Island. From the present study, we found 8 species of 6 genera belong to 3 families, which was different from the records had previously described in Jeju Island since 1928. Five species (Rhinolophus ferrumequium, Myotis bombinus, M. formosus, M. macrodactylus and Miniopterus schreibersi) were commonly found to live in lava tubes and cave enforcements. But only R. ferrumequium was found in a sea cave and five species including Murina leucogaster and Pipistrellus abramus were found in eco-corridors. We have also found seven species including Tadarida insignis in the specimens stored in local museums. From the results of this study, we actually could not found the remaining seven species (Hypsugo savii, Miniopterus fuscus, Myotis mystacinus, Myotis ikonnikovi, Myotis branditii, Myotis petax and Pipistrellus endoi). Interestingly, Myotis formosus which is known as one of endangered species and Myotis bombinus which is very rare in Korean Peninsula were currently found in Jeju Island. In addition, Tube-nosed bat (Murina leucogaster) that was discovered for the first time through this study. A variety of habitats for Chiroptera were identified, but the information is still not sufficient to understand. These results will be useful to provide a fundamental data in preserving the diversity of bats and in ecological study in Jeju Island.

Design Information Management System Core Development Using Industry Foundation Classes (IFC를 이용한 설계정보관리시스템 핵심부 구축)

  • Lee Keun-hyung;Chin Sang-yoon;Kim Jae-jun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.1 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.98-107
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    • 2000
  • Increased use of computers in AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) has expanded the amount of information gained from CAD (Computer Aided Design), PMIS (Project Management Information System), Structural Analysis Program, and Scheduling Program as well as making it more complex. And the productivity of AEC industry is largely dependent on well management and efficient reuse of this information. Accordingly, such trend incited much research and development on ITC (Information Technology in Construction) and CIC (Computer Integrated Construction) to be conducted. In exemplifying such effort, many researchers studied and researched on IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) since its development by IAI (International Alliance for Interoperability) for the product based information sharing. However, in spite of some valuable outputs, these researches are yet in the preliminary stage and deal mainly with conceptual ideas and trial implementations. Research on unveiling the process of the IFC application development, the core of the Design Information management system, and its applicable plan still need be done. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to determine the technologies needed for Design Information management system using IFC, and to present the key roles and the process of the IFC application development and its applicable plan. This system play a role to integrate the architectural information and the structural information into the product model and to group many each product items with various levels and aspects. To make the process model, we defined two activities, 'Product Modeling', 'Application Development', at the initial level. Then we decomposed the Application Development activity into five activities, 'IFC Schema Compile', 'Class Compile', 'Make Project Database Schema', 'Development of Product Frameworker', 'Make Project Database'. These activities are carried out by C++ Compiler, CAD, ObjectStore, ST-Developer, and ST-ObjectStore. Finally, we proposed the applicable process with six stages, '3D Modeling', 'Creation of Product Information', 'Creation and Update of Database', 'Reformation of Model's Structure with Multiple Hierarchies', 'Integration of Drawings and Specifications', and 'Creation of Quantity Information'. The IFCs, including the other classes which are going to be updated and developed newly on the construction, civil/structure, and facility management, will be used by the experts through the internet distribution technologies including CORBA and DCOM.

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The Characteristics on the Spatio-temporal Distributions of Phytoplankton Communities in Deukryang Bay, Southwestern Korea (득량만 식물플랑크톤 군집의 시.공간적 분포특성.)

  • 윤양호
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.481-492
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    • 1999
  • The observations on the spatio-temporal distribution and seasonal fluctuations of phytoplankton community were carried out in Deukryang Bay of the Korean Southwestern Sea from June 1992 to April 1993. A total of 75 species of phytoplankton belonged to 47 genera was identified. In Deukryang Bay seasonal succession in dominant species; P. alata, G. flaccida, S. costatum, L. danicus and N. longissima in summer, St. palmeriana, Ch. curvisetus and B. paxillifera in autunm, S. costatum, Ch. curvisetus, E. zodiacus and Pn. pungens in winter, and As. glacialis, As. kariana, N. pelagica, Th. nitzschioides and S. costatum in spring, were very marked, that is to say, the communities structure of phytoplankton in Deukryang Bay appeared to be various species composition and it was occupied with diatoms all the year round. Phytoplankton standing crops fluctuated with an annual mean of $1.4{\times}10^5 cells/1 between the lowest value of 2.6{\times}10^3 cells/1 in July and the highest value of 1.0{\times}10^6 cells/1$ by S. costatum in January. Densities of the phytoplankton cell number by the samples of Deukryang Bay ranged from $2.6{\times}10^3cells/1 to 1.2{\times}10^5 cells/1 with the mean value of 3.6{\times}10^4cells/1 in summer, from 6.0{\times}10^3cells/1 to 2.6{\times}10^5 cells/1 with mean of 1.5{\times}10^5 cells/1 in autumn, from 1.3{\times}10^4cells/1 to 1.0{\times}10^6 cells/1 with mean 3.5{times}10^5 cells/1 in winter, and from 4.8{\times}10^3cells/1 to 6.0{\times}10^5 cells/1 with mean of 1.6{\times}10^5 cells/1$ in autumn. That is to say, phytoplankton standing crops was large in low temperature seasons, on the other hand small in high temperature seasons. Chlorophyll $\alpha$ concentration fluctuated between 0.l9 $\mu$g/l and 12.3 $\mu$g/l in March. in Deukryang Bay seasonal flucturation in chi-$\alpha$ concentration was not marked. Especially, chl-$\alpha$ concentration in the water around Deukryang Island located in the middle part of Deukryang Bay showed patchy distributions with a very high concentration. And chl-$\alpha$ concentration was high during a year. Therefore, phytoplankton production in Deukryang Bay could be very high year-round.

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