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Control Strategy for Three-Phase Grid-Connected Converters under Unbalanced and Distorted Grid Voltages Using Composite Observers

  • Nguyen, Thanh Hai;Lee, Dong-Choon
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.469-478
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    • 2013
  • This paper proposes a novel scheme for the current controller for the grid-side converter (GSC) of permanent-magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) wind turbines to eliminate the high-order harmonics in the grid currents under grid voltage disturbances. The voltage unbalance and harmonics in three-phase systems cause grid current distortions. In order to mitigate the input current distortions, multi-loop current controllers are applied, where the positive-sequence component is regulated by proportional-integral (PI) controllers, and the negative-sequence and high-order harmonic components are regulated by proportional-resonance (PR) controllers. For extracting the positive/negative-sequence and harmonic components of the grid voltages and currents without a phase delay or magnitude reduction, composite observers are applied, which give faster and more precise estimation results. In addition, an active damping method using PR controllers to damp the grid current component of the resonant frequency is employed to improve the operating stability of VSCs with inductor-capacitor-inductor (LCL) filters. The validity of the proposed method is verified by simulation and experimental results.

An Experimental Study About The Intermittent Flow Field in The Transition Region of a Turbulent Round Jet (발달하는 원형제트의 간헐적 유동에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 김숭기;조지룡;정명균
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.230-240
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    • 1990
  • An exprimental research has been carried out to find the intermittent flow pattern in the transition region of a turbulent round jet in order to elucidate detailed turbulence structure and to accumulate basic data necessary for computational turbulence modelling. Turbulent signals were processed digitally to obtain conventional or conditional velocity components. The high-order conditional correlations obtained in this study showed similar trends as those of other free shear flows. It was found that the non-turbulent fluid contributes negligibly to the turbulent kinetic energy production and its diffusive transport and that the diffusion by bulk convection has the same order of magnitude as the gradient diffusion in the free boundary region. The statistical analyses such as flatness factor, skewness factor and probability density functions of turbulent and non-turbulent zone durations have also been performed.

Nonlinear Fluid Forces on Hinged Wavemakers (힌지형 조파기에 작용하는 비선형 파력)

  • Kim, Tae-In;Rocbert T. Hudspeth
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.208-222
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    • 1990
  • The nonlinear hydrodynamic pressure force and moment on hinged wavemakers of variable-draft are presented. A closed-form solution (correct to second-order) for the nonlinear wavemaker boundary value problem has been obtained by employing the Stokes perturbation expansion scheme. The physical significance of the second-order contributions to the hydrodynamic pressure moment are examined in detail. Design curves are presented which demonstrate both the magnitude of the second-order nonlinearities and the effects of the variable-draft hinge height. The second-order contributions to the total hydrodynamic force and moment consist of a time-dependent and a steady part. The sum of the first and second-order pressure force and moment show a significant increase over those predicted by linear wavemaker theory. The second-order effects are shown to vary with both relative water depth and wave amplitude. The second-order dynamic effects are relatively more important for hinged wavemakers with shallower drafts.

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Basic Studies on the Consumptive Use of Water Required for Dry Field Crops (3) -Red Pepper and Radish- (밭작물 소비수량에 관한 기초적 연구(III)-고추 및 가을 무우-)

  • 김철기;김진한;정하우;최홍규;권영현
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.55-71
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the basic data for irrigation plans of red pepper and radish during the growing period, such as total amount of evapotranspiration, coefficent of evapotranspiration at each growth stage, the peak stage of evapotranspiration, the maximum ten day evapotranspiration , optimum irrigation point, total readily available moisture and intervals of irrigation date. The plots of experiment were arranged with split plot design which were composed of two factors, irrigation point for main plot and soil texture for split plot, and three levels ; irrigation point with pH1.7-2.0, pF2.1-2.4 and pF2.5-2.8, at soil texture of sandy soil, sandy loam and silty clay for both red pepper and radish, with two replications. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1.1/10 exceedance probability values of maximum total pan evaporation during growing period for red peppr and radish were shown as 663.6 mm and 251.8 mm. respectively, and those of maximum ten day pan evaporation for red pepper and radish, 67.1 mm and 46.9 mm, respectively. 2.The time that annual maximum of ten day pan evaporation can he occurred, exists at any stage between the middle of May and the late of August for red pepper, and at any stage between the late of August and the late September for radish. 3.The magnitude of evapotranspiration and its coefficient for red pepper was occurred large in order of pF1.7-2.0 pF2.1-2.4 and pF2.5~2.8 in aspect of irrigation point and the difference in the magnitude of evapotranspiration and of its coefficient between levels of irrigation point was difficult to be found out due to the relative increase in water consumption resulted from large flourishing growth at the irrigation point in lower water content for radish. In aspect of soil texture they were appeared large in order of sandy loam, silty clay and sandy soil for both red pepper and radish. 4.The magnitude of leaf area index was shown large in order of pF2.1-2.4, pF2.5-2.8, and pFl.7-2.0, for red pepper and of pF2.5-2.8, pF2.1-2.4, pFl.7-2.0 for radish in aspect of irrigation point, and large in order of sandy loam, silty clay, sandy soil for both red pepper and radish in aspect of soil texture 5.1/10 exceedance probability value of evapotranspiration and its coefficient during the growing period for red pepper were shown as 683.5 mm and 1.03, respectively, while those of radish, 250.3 mm and 0, 99. respectively. 6.The time that the maximum evapotranspiration of red pepper can be occurred is in the middle of August around the date of ninetieth to hundredth after transplanting, and the time for radish is presumed to be in the late of September, around the date of thirtieth to fourtieth after sowing. At that time, 1/10 exceedance probability value of ten day evapotranspiration and its coefficient for red pepper is assumed to be 81.8 mm and 1.22, respectively, while those of radish, 49, 7 mm and 1, 06, respectively. 7.Optimum irrigation point for red pepper on the basis of the yield of raw matter is assumed to be pFl.7-2.0 for sandy soil, pF2.5-2.8 for sandy loam, and pF2.1-2.4 for silty clay. while that for radish is appeared to be pF2.5-2.8 in any soil texture used. 8.The soil moisture extraction patterns of red pepper and radish have shown that maximum extraction rates exist at 7 cm deep layer at the beginning stage of growth in any soil texture and that extraction rates of 21 cm to 35 cm deep layer are increased as getting closer to the late stage of growth. And especially the extraction rates have shown tendency to be greatest at 21cm deep layer from the most flourishing stage of growth for red pepper and at the last stage of growth for radish. 9.The total readily available moisture on the basic of the optimum irrigation point become 3.77-8.66 mm for sandy soil, 28.39-34.67 mm for sandy loam and 18.40-25.70 mm for silty clay for red pepper of each soil texture used but that of radish that has shown the optimum irrigation point of pF2.5-2.8 in any soil texture used. 12.49-15.27 mm for sandy soil, 23.03-28.13 mm for sandy loam, and 22.56~27.57 mm for silty clay. 10.On the basis of each optimum irrigation point. the intervals of irrigation date at the growth stage of maximum consumptive use of red pepper become l.4 days for sandy soil, 3.8 days for sandy loam and 2.6 days for silty clay, while those of radish, about 7.2 days.

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Study of the relationship between manual pulse diagnosis and machinery measurement on QiguㆍInyoung comparison pulse diagnosis (기구인영비교맥법에 대한 수지맥진과 기기측정치의 상관성 연구)

  • Jun Yong Seck;Chae Wo Seck;Cho Myung Rae;So Cheal Ho;Choi Chan Hun;Jang Kyeang Sean
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2002
  • The measurement parameter of QiguㆍInyoung pulse diagnosis distinguishes the excess, deficiency and quick-temper of pulse through relative comparison of Qigu and Inyoung. We have estimated the relationship between measurement of QiguㆍInyoung pulse wave detection system and measurement of manual pulse diagnosis by means of quantifying pulse peak and Inyoung/Qigu index. The results can be summarized as follows : When standardizing manual pulse diagnosis measurement was standardized, Inyoung index of machinery measurement was more significantly correlative with the index of manual pulse diagnosis than Qigu index of machinery measurement. The ratio of Inyoung/Qigu magnitude with machinery measurement was doser to manual pulse diagnosis than that of Qigu and Inyoung pulse magnitude measured separately. A linear proportion relationship was found between measurement of QiguㆍInyoung pulse wave detection system and measurement of manual pulse diagnosis. It was necessary to adjust the output signal of pulse in order to estimate the exact relationship between measurement of QiguㆍInyoung pulse wave detection system and measurement of manual pulse diagnosis.

Analysis of Laser-protection Performance of Asymmetric-phase-mask Wavefront-coding Imaging Systems

  • Yangliang, Li;Qing, Ye;Lei, Wang;Hao, Zhang;Yunlong, Wu;Xian'an, Dou;Xiaoquan, Sun
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2023
  • Wavefront-coding imaging can achieve high-quality imaging along with a wide range of defocus. In this paper, the anti-laser detection and damage performance of wavefront-coding imaging systems using different asymmetric phase masks are studied, through modeling and simulation. Based on FresnelKirchhoff diffraction theory, the laser-propagation model of the wavefront-coding imaging system is established. The model uses defocus distance rather than wave aberration to characterize the degree of defocus of an imaging system. Then, based on a given defocus range, an optimization method based on Fisher information is used to determine the optimal phase-mask parameters. Finally, the anti-laser detection and damage performance of asymmetric phase masks at different defocus distances and propagation distances are simulated and analyzed. When studying the influence of defocus distance, compared to conventional imaging, the maximum single-pixel receiving power and echo-detection receiving power of asymmetric phase masks are reduced by about one and two orders of magnitude respectively. When exploring the influence of propagation distance, the maximum single-pixel receiving power of asymmetric phase masks decreases by about one order of magnitude and remains stable, and the echodetection receiving power gradually decreases with increasing propagation distance, until it approaches zero.

Three dimensional finite element analysis of the fully bone anchored bridge and implant-supported overdenture in edentulous mandible (무치하악에서 임플랜트를 이용한 고정성 및 가철성 보철물의 삼차원 유한요소 분석)

  • Lim, Heon-Song;Cho, In-Ho;Lim, Ju-Hwan
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.251-276
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the stress distribution and displacement of the fully bone anchored bridge and implant-supported overdenture in edentulous mandible on certain conditions such as number of implants, different design of superstructure. Three dimensional analysis was used and nine kinds of models designed for this study. FEM models were created using commercial software[$Rhinoceros^{(R)}$ (Ver. 1.0 Robert McNeel & Associates, USA)], and analyze using commercial software [Cosmos/$Works^{TM}$(Ver. 4.0 Structural Research & Analysis Corp., US A)]. A vertical load and $45^{\circ}$ oblique load of 17kgf were applied at the left 1st. molar. The results were as follows : (1) In the group of OVD, the displacement was reduced as increasing the number of fixture under vertical loading but there was no specific difference in Von Mises stress. Under oblique loading, the displacement was same at the vertical loading but Von Mises stress was reduced in order of OVD-3, OVD-4, OVD-2. But, bending moment reduced according to increasing the number of fixture. (2) In the group of FBAB, under vertical and oblique loading, the magnitude of Von Mises stress and displacement reduced according to increasing the number of fixtures. FBAB-4 and FBAB-5 showed similar score and distribution, but FBAB-6 showed lower value relatively. (3) In cantilever design, the maximum displacement reduced under vertical loading but increased under oblique loading. However, von mises stresses on fixtures increased under vertical and oblique loading. (4) In comparing OVD-group with FBAB-group, FBAB showed low magnitude of displacement in respect of oblique loading. However OVD-group was more stable in respect of stress distribution.

An Overcurrent Analysis in Neutral Line and Algorithm to Prevent Malfunction of Relay in Distributed Generations (분산전원 연계선로에서 지락고장시 중성선의 과전류 해석 및 보호계전기의 새로운 알고리즘)

  • Shin, Dong-Yeol;Kim, Dong-Myung;Cha, Han-Ju
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.58 no.10
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    • pp.1916-1922
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    • 2009
  • Introducing distributed generators(DGs) to utility distribution system can cause malfunction of relay on the grid when ground faults or severe load unbalances are occurred on the system. Because DGs interconnected to the grid can contribute fault currents and make bidirectional power flows on the system, fault currents from DGs can cause an interference of relay operation. A directional over current relay(DOCR) can determine the direction of power flow whether a fault occurs at the source side or load side through detecting the phases of voltage and current simultaneously. However, it is identified in this paper that the contributed fault current(Ifdg) from the ground source when was occurred to contribute single-line-to-ground(SLG) fault current, has various phases according to the distances from the ground source. It means that the directionality of Ifdg may not be determined by simply detecting the phases of voltage and current in some fault conditions. The magnitude of Ifdg can be estimated approximately as high as 3 times of a phase current and its maximum is up to 2,000 A depending on the capacity of generation facilities. In order to prevent malfunction of relay and damage of DG facilities from the contribution of ground fault currents, Ifdg should be limited within a proper range. Installation of neutral ground reactor (NGR) at a primary neutral of interconnection transformer was suggested in the paper. Capacity of the proposed NGR can be adjusted easily by controlling taps of the NGR. An algorithm for unidirectional relay was also proposed to prevent the malfunction of relay due to the fault current, Ifdg. By the algorithm, it is possible to determine the directionality of fault from measuring only the magnitude of fault current. It also implies that the directionality of fault can be detected by unidirectional relay without replacement of relay with the bidirectional relay.

Investigation of cause and magnitude of scale effect occurring in model experiments of fishing nets (그물어구의 모형 실험시에 발생하는 축척비 영향의 원인 및 크기 조사)

  • Kim, Dae-An
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2011
  • In order to investigate the cause and magnitude of scale effect occurring in the model experiments of fishing nets, five pairs of Nylon pyramid nets and one pair of PE ones in which all the two nets paired were equal each other in the factors determining their flow resistance, i. e., the ratio d/l of diameter d to length l of bars, the angle f between two adjacent bars, the attack angle q of nettings to the water flow, and the wall area S of nets, and different in the values of d and l were prepared. Then, the nets were attached to the circular steel frame alternately and their flow resistances with shapes in water were measured on the sea ascribing no turbulent flows by using the tension meter made of a block bearing for the experiment. All the Nylon nets were spreads out easily in water to form a circular cone at relatively low velocity of water and showed the resistance smaller a little in the nets with larger d and l than them with smaller d and l, because the filtration of water through meshes become easier in nets especially with larger l. But PE nettings were not spread out sufficiently on account of their small flexibility and showed higher resistance especially in them with thicker twines. Therefore, the difference in bar length or mesh size and flexibility of nettings between prototype and model nets are regarded to become factors ascribing scale effect. Especially the influence of the difference in mesh size may become large significantly in actual model experiments because the mesh size of model nets is decided at much larger value than that given by scale ratio and so the difference of mesh size between the two nets become much larger than that between nets used in this experiment.

Phytoremediation of Organophosphorus and Organochlorine Pesticides by Acorus gramineus

  • Chuluun, Buyan;Iamchaturapatr, Janjit;Rhee, Jae-Seong
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.226-236
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    • 2009
  • The performance of phytoremediation has proven effective in the removal of nutrients and metals from aqueous systems. However, little information is available regarding the behavior of pesticides and their removal pathways in aquatic environments involving plant-uptake. A detailed understanding of the kinetics of pesticide removal by plants and information on compound/plant partition coefficients can lead to an effective design of the phytoremediation process for anthropogenic pesticide reduction. It was determined that the reduction rates of four organophosphorus (OP) and two organochlorine (OC) pesticides (diazinon, fenitrothion, malathion, parathion, dieldrin, hexachlorobenzene [HCB]) could be simulated by first-order reaction kinetics. The magnitude of k was dependent on the pesticide species and found within the range of 0.409 - 0.580 $d^{-1}$. Analytical results obtained by mass balances suggested that differential chemical stability, including diversity of molecular structure, half-lives, and water solubility, would greatly influence the removal mechanisms and pathways of OPs and OCs in a phytoreactor (PR). In the case of OP pesticides, plant accumulation was an important pathway for the removal of fenitrothion and parathion from water, while pesticide sorption in suspended matter (SM) was an important pathway for removal of dieldrin and HCB. The magnitude of the pesticide migration factor (${\Large M}_p^{pesticide}$) is a good indication of determining the tendency of pesticide movement from below- to above-ground biomass. The uncertainties related to the different phenomena involved in the laboratory phyto-experiment are also discussed.