• Title/Summary/Keyword: Nursing service satisfaction

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Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Home Care Service for Cerebrovascular Disease Patients (가정간호서비스의 비용효과분석;뇌혈관질환자를 중심으로)

  • Lim, Ji-Young;Park, Young-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.323-334
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: This study was designed to analyse economical efficiency of home care service by comparing a cost-effectiveness ratio(CER) between hospitalization and home care service. Method: The analytic framework of this study was constructed in 5 stages; perspective of the analysis, measurement of costs, measurement of effects, analysis of CER, and sensitivity analysis. The SAS program was utilized for the general characteristics of the subjects, descriptive statistics, homogeneous test, normality test and difference test. Result: The results were as follows; 1) CER was 35,248,256 of ADL, 7,996,026 of nursing satisfaction, 6,144,946,000 of QALY of patients in the hospital and 11,168,863 of ADL, 2,322,239 of nursing satisfaction, 3,674,556,000 of QALY of patients in the home care center. ICER was 438,067,932 of ADL, -190,044,176 of nursing satisfaction, 8,615,336,000 of QALY. 2) In the sensitivity analysis of sex, age and discount rate, the CER of patients in the home care center was lower than the CER of patients in the hospital. Conclusion: With these findings, it affirmed that home care service had an economical efficiency compared with hospitalization in cerebrovascular disease patients. Therefore, these results will be used to develop governmental policy or expansion of the home care service.

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Expectation and Satisfaction of Parents with Inpatient Hospital Service (입원 아동 부모의 병원서비스 기대수준과 만족도)

  • Choi, Eun Kyoung;Kim, Sun Hee;Jung, Song Yi;Cho, Eun Hee;Choi, Kyung Sook;Sim, So Jung;Mok, Mi Soo;Kang, Eun Kyung;Cho, Youn Kyoung;Byun, Eun Sook;Kim, Kyung Hee;Yoo, Il Young
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.228-238
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate parent expectation and satisfaction with respect to pediatric inpatient care and to identify the variables related to parent satisfaction. Methods: The study was conducted in pediatric wards of a tertiary children's hospital in Korea. The participants were 361 parents of children who were inpatients. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire (The Pediatric Family Satisfaction Questionnaire) at the time of discharge. Results: The highest parent expectation domain was medical service. The parents were most satisfied with nursing service and least satisfied with general hospital service and accommodation. The parents expressed lower satisfaction with hospital facilities, equipment, noise, cleanliness, and communication by health care professionals. Parents with younger children reported higher expectation from the complete hospital service and those who had a longer length of stay reported higher expectation from the nursing service. Conclusion: To improve the quality of hospital services, we need to understand parent expectation and improve and provide clear communication. In addition, the general hospital service and accommodation should not be overlooked for improvement.

Effects of Surgery Information Service on One-Day Surgery Patients' Anxiety and Satisfaction with Nursing Care (간호정보 제공이 당일수술 환자의 불안과 간호만족도에 미치는 효과)

  • Lim, Yean-Ho;Suh, In-Sun;Chung, Seung-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of surgery information service on one-day surgery patients' anxiety and satisfaction with nursing care. Methods: The study used the nonequivalent control group time difference design. Sampling and measurement of the control group participants (n=30) was completed first. Later, participants in the experimental group (n=30) were sampled, intervened, and measured. The experimental group participants received the surgery information services twice: before and after the surgery, 20~30 minutes for each of the sessions. The anxiety was measured with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory developed by Spielberger (1975), and modified by Kim & Shin (1978). The patient satisfaction with nursing care was measured with the Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care Scale developed by La Monica and colleagues (1986), and modified by Shin (1999). The data was collected between February 1 and May 30, 2006. Results: The results were as follows: 1) The level of anxiety in the experimental group was not significantly different from that in the control group. 2) The level of patient satisfaction with nursing care in the experimental group was significantly higher than in the control group (t=-4.53, p=.00). Conclusion: These findings suggested that the one-day vocal cord surgery information service could be a useful nursing intervention to improve patient satisfaction with nursing care, but not for controlling the anxiety of one-day surgery patients.

Regional Comparison of Home Visiting Care Service Satisfaction among Elder Beneficiaries of the Long Term Care Insurance (장기요양보험 등급판정 대상자의 지역별 방문간호 서비스 이용 만족도 및 요구도: 대도시, 중소도시, 농촌 지역을 중심으로)

  • Kwak, Chanyeong
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.114-123
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study aims at comparing levels of service satisfaction with and needs for visiting nurse(VN) services among their beneficiaries in order to make a plan for extending VN services. Methods: The number of the subjects of this study is 270 in total. They were selected in random sampling in which 30 VN service recipients were randomly selected from each of 7 regions based on their grades and region types. Results: The highest total score for satisfaction with the VN services was 46.30, which the rural residents gave to their received VN services, then the metropolitan residents gave 44.57, and the small and middle size cities' residents 43.64. On the other hand, the highest total score for needs for VN services was 33.03, which the small and middle size cities' residents gave to their received VN services, then the rural residents gave 31.68, and the metropolitan residents 30.88. Conclusion: As the small and middle size cities' residents showed low satisfaction with and high needs for local VN services, policies need to be made to promote service providers' expertise and accessibility.

Mediating Effect of Satisfaction with Clinical Practice on the Relation between Satisfaction with Major and Career Preparation Behavior of Nursing Students (간호대학생의 전공만족도와 진로준비 행동과의 관계에서 임상실습만족도의 매개효과)

  • Chae, Min-Jeong;Jung, Hyo-Ju
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.213-222
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : This study identified the mediating effect of satisfaction with clinical practice on the relation between nursing students' satisfaction with major and career preparation behavior. Methods : Study participants were 454 nursing students with a clinical practice experiences who were enrolled as members of two university in Korea. Data were collected with self-report questionnaire and analyzed with SPSS 19.0 program. Results : Satisfaction with major was positively correlated with career preparation behavior, and satisfaction with clinical practice was also positively associated with career preparation. A mediating effect of satisfaction with clinical practice was found in the relation between satisfaction with major and career preparation behavior. Conclusions : Universities and departments should provide much effort and support for the development of clinical practice experience curriculum and hands-on training that are appropriate for the students' level and interests so that their outcomes can be connected to the career preparation behavior.

The Family Burden and Hospital Satisfaction of Family Caregivers f Cerebral Ischemia Patients (뇌졸중 환자 가족의 부담감과 병원서비스 만족도)

  • Kim, Eun-Jung;Kim, Soon-Lae
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to provide the data for the improvement of cerebral ischemia patient nursing services through the investigation of burden and hospital service satisfaction by family caregivers who were nursing the cerebral ischemia inpatients. The study subjects consisted of 125 family caregivers who were enrolled in four university hospitals with over 300 beds and one Chinese medicine hospital with over 100 beds. The Data were collected from all of the personal subjects using standardized questionnaires by interview from March 1 to March 30 in 2000. Data were analyzed by using t-test, ANOVA. Scheffe's multiple comparison, and Pearson's Correlation Coefficients. The results were as follows: 1. The mean score of burden felt by family caregivers who were nursing the stroke patient was 2.18. In relation to the characteristics of patients, higher scores were shown in male patients who were over 80 years old, and patients who had from 4 to 12 days care giving, over three month duration of admission, from one month to three month duration of illness. The burden felt by family caregivers revealed higher score of dependency in the Activities of Daily Living. 2. The mean score of hospital service satisfaction perceived by family caregivers was 3.35. The highest hospital service satisfaction score was shown in female caregivers, and caregivers whose patients graduated from element school, and treatment method was Chinese medicine, the duration of admission was under 1 month. As a result. the family caregivers' burden was seemed to be high when the patients who were old, male and as care giving time, duration of admission, duration of illness were getting longer. In conclution, hospital service satisfaction was good, but the satisfaction was tend to decrease that family caregivers who were male, higher education background and duration of patients' admission getting longer.

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A Study on Relations among the Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, Emotional Labor, and Turnover Intention of Nurses at the Comprehensive Nursing Care Service and General Wards

  • Young-ok Yoon;Sun-Yeun Hong
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.11
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    • pp.181-190
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    • 2023
  • In this paper is a descriptive survey research to compare correlations among the job stress, job satisfaction, emotional labor, and turnover intention of nurses between the comprehensive nursing care service and general wards. The subjects include total 185 nurses that consisted of 93 nurses at the comprehensive nursing care service ward and 92 at the General Ward. Results of this study are as follows; The study analyzed correlations among the job stress, job satisfaction, emotional labor, and turnover intention of nurses at the comprehensive nursing care service and general wards and found that both the groups showed significant positive correlations between job stress and emotional labor, between job stress and turnover intention, and between emotional labor and turnover intention, which indicates that higher job stress led to higher emotional labor and that higher job stress and emotional labor led to higher turnover intention. These findings raise a need to increase the manpower standard, offer proper rewards, and improve the work environment and treatment for nurses, who play the pivotal roles at the hospital organization, to solve their increased job stress and emotional labor issues and ultimately ensure the successful expansion of the comprehensive nursing care service system. There should be multifaceted efforts to reduce the turnover of skilled nurses that are capable of providing quality nursing service.

A Study on Service Satisfaction of Users' Family in Charged Recuperation Facilities Specializing in the Old (유료노인전문요양시설 이용자 가족의 서비스 만족도 및 요구조사)

  • Chung, Yeon-Kang;Han, Seung-Eui;Lee, Young-Mi
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.397-406
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data in order to improve the quality of charged recuperation facilities which are specialized in the old. after finding out the satisfaction degree for the services which are provided in the current charged recuperation facilities specialized in the old and surveying the services which are demanded by users. As for the research method. the subjects were 88 family members of the users in the five charged recuperation facilities, which are specialized in the old and located in Seoul and Incheon. The survey research was executed from 27th July to 15th September, 2002. Then the collected data were analyzed by using the SPSS 10.0 for windows program. The research results are as follows. Firstly, in the satisfaction degree of the user's family about the daily service showed the highest satisfaction degree for the kind service of the staff to the users. In the satisfaction degree about the specialized service of the user's family, the satisfaction degree was high in bedsore prevention, periodical health care, proper medical treatment, family counsel, and adequate disease management. In the satisfaction degree about the facility and environmental service, the satisfaction degree about the surrounding environment of the facility or safety facility, and the comfort condition was high. In the satisfaction degree about the services related to the local society, it was high in the hospital and medical-related field. Secondly, in the demanded services, the demanding degree for worship, mental and spiritual nursing, hospice, funeral service, family meeting, and support for the special vehicle were not so high, but it was shown that they were generally demanded. Thirdly, it was shown that the provided services had an overall high satisfaction degree. In the service satisfaction degree according to the general characteristics of the user's family, it was recognized that there was a significant difference between the distinction of sex and local society related services. Also, there was a significant difference in the satisfaction degree between age and specialized service. Through the above research results, detailed rehabilitation programs such as linguistic treatment and working treatment should be more and more compensated in order to supplement the insufficient points of the services provided by the charged recuperation facility specialized in the old. Additionally, the correlation with the local society such as education and training for specialized human labor, close cooperation among the facilities, and positive participation in local society events are thought to be reinforced.

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Effects of Nursing Organizational Culture and Self-leadership on Job Satisfaction for Nurses Working in the Comprehensive Nursing Care Service Ward in Public Hospitals (간호조직문화, 셀프리더십이 공공병원 간호·간병통합서비스 병동 간호사의 직무만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Jo, Eun Jin;Lee, Kyung-Sook;Jeon, Jaehee
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study investigated the effects of nursing organizational culture and self-leadership on job satisfaction for nurses working in the comprehensive nursing care service ward in public hospitals. Methods: The participants were 138 nurses working in Gyeonggi-do medical center. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and regression analysis with SPSS/WIN 23.0. Results: Factors affecting job satisfaction were innovation-oriented culture (β=.29, p<.001), want to work in this department (β=.25, p<.001), the cognitive strategy of self-leadership (β=.23, p=.002), hierarchical-oriented culture (β=.21, p=.002), and marital status (β=.18, p=.005). These factors accounted for 42.0% of the variability in job satisfaction. Conclusion: In order to improve the job satisfaction of nurses in the comprehensive nursing care service ward in public hospitals, institutional-level efforts should be made to encourage an innovation-oriented culture and avoid a hierarchy-oriented culture. In addition, education and program development are needed to improve the cognitive strategy of self-leadership.

A Study for the Present Conditions and the Service Satisfaction with Hospital Home Care Service (병원가정간호사업 운영 현황 및 서비스 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Chun-Sil;Oh, Kyong-Ok;Park, Mi-Young;Sim, Hee-Sook;Cha, Young-Nam
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.121-134
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study were to analyze the home care services and to evaluate the client's satisfaction with the home care services provided by home care service center in the C hospital. The data were collected by reviewing charts of 128 home care clients who were receiving home care services at C hospital from October 1997 to September 2000. The subjects for satisfaction of home care service were 20 clients from July 10 to September 30, 2000. The tool for measurement of present condition of home care service was developed by the researchers. The satisfactions of the home care services were measured by using the instrument developed by Im(997). The data were analyzed by using the SPSS/PC+. The results of this study were as followings : 1. Majority of the subjects was female(61.7%). The average of age was 63.5 years. The service has been used mostly by the elderly 60 years of age or older(71.1%). The economic level of most of subjects was in middle class(94.5%). 2. Majority of the subject had a cancer(55.4%), following stroke(25.0%). The average duration of disease for the subjects was 31 months. The average time of hospitalization for the subjects was 3.3 times. The duration of hospitalization was 1030 days(26.6%), 3060 days(23.4%) and above of the 210 days(9.4%). 3. Most of the subjects used his/her doctor (47.7%), as a consultant, following his/her nurse (28.1%), other patients or their family (21.9%). Most of reasons for a consultation were supportive management(Infusion or medication, 60.94%), following tube management(L-tube or T-tube, 25%), Foley catheter management (15.63%) etc. 4. 28 types of nursing diagnoses were used by the home care service. The nursing diagnosis altered nutrition: less than body requirement were used mostly by the home care service, following risk for infection, impaired skin integrity, impaired swallowing, ineffective airway clearance altered comfort: pain, impaired physical mobility. By the human-response pattern, exchanging(63.2%), moving(7.5%), feeling(10.4%), knowing(5.2%), communicating (2.6%), relating(0.5%) perceiving(0.4%) and choosing(0.3%). There were 42 nursing intervention types were performed by the home care service. By the NIC(nursing intervention classification. McCloskey. Bulech. 1996). physiologic: complex (30.3%) was the most, safety(28.3%), behavioral(20.0%), physiologic: basic(10.8%) and health system(1.7%). Observation or assessment was the most nursing intervention performed by the home care service. following IV infusion. vital sign observation. infusion management and fluid-electrolyte balance management. 5. The level of client's satisfaction with provided home care services showed considerably high(2.67/ 3).

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