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Patient's Satisfaction with Nursing Care Services in Military Hospital Emergency Department (군병원 응급실 간호서비스에 대한 환자만족도)

  • Park, Ju-Young
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.541-554
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for the improvement of the quality in the emergency nursing services by investigating the expectation level and actual received level with nursing care and identifying the factors that influence patient satisfaction with the emergency nursing care in the military hospitals. Method: Using a self report questionnaire, data were collected from 150 patients who had been admitted in military hospitals emergency department. The data collection was done between April 17 and April 30, 2006. At least, 145 questionnaires were analyzed and used in this study. Results: The average sum score was 61.93 out of 76 with standard deviation 9.590. The mean of the patient's expectation levels with the overall emergency nursing services was (3.25±.504) out of the highest score 4. the average sum score was 63.27 out of 76 with standard deviation 9.902. The mean score of the patient's actual levels with the overall emergency nursing services was (3.33±.521) out of the highest score 4. Conclusion: nursing management strategies must be established to remove patient's dissatisfaction factors and to improve the emergency nursing care quality through continuous measurement and assessment of the patient's satisfaction with emergency nursing services in military hospitals.

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A Study on the Development of Standardized Nursing Care Plans for Computerized Nursing Service (간호업무 전산화를 위한 표준화된 간호계획의 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 김조자;전춘영;임영신;박지원
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.368-380
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    • 1990
  • A central issue in the development of nursing practice is to describe the phenomenon with which nursing is concerned. To identify the health problems which can be diagnosed and managed by the nurse is the first step to organize and ensure the development of nursing science. Therefore the academic world has been discussing the application of the nursing diagnosis in nursing practice as a means of improving quality of care. The objectives of this study were to develop a standardized nursing care plan for ten selected nursing diagnoses to form a database for computerized nursing service. The research approach used in the study was (1) the selection of the ten nursing diagnoses which occur most frequently on medical-surgical wards, (2) the development of a standardized nursing care plan for the ten selected nursing diagnoses, (3) application of the plan to hospitalize patients and evaluation of the content validity by the nurses, and (4) evaluation of the clinical effects after the use of the standardized nursing care plans. The subjects were 56 nurses and 395 hospitalized patients on two medical and two surgical unit. The results of this study were as follows ; 1) The ten selected nursing diagnoses for the development of the standardized nursing care plans were “PAIN, SLEEP DISTURBANCE, ALTERED HEALTH MAINTENANCE, ALTERATION IN NUTRITION, ANXIETY, CONSTIPATION, ALTERED PATTERNS OF URINARY ELIMINATION, DISTURBANCE IN BODY IMAGE, POTENTIAL FOR ACTIVITY INTOLERANCE AND ACTIVITY INTOLERANCE”. 2. The developed standardized nursing care plans included the nursing diagnosis, definition, defining characteristics, etiologic or related factors that contribute to the condition, recording pattern, desired outcomes and nursing orders (nursing interventions). 3. The plan was used with hospitalized patients on medical - surgical wards to test for content validity. The patient's satisfaction with the nursing care and nurses' job satisfaction were investigated to evaluate the clinical effects after the use of the standardized nursing care plans. A comparison of patient satisfaction with nursing care before and after the introduction of the standardized nursing care plans showed a statistically significant higher level of satisfaction with the standardized care plans. There was no difference in the level of job satisfaction expressed by the nursing staff before and after the standardized nursing care plans were introduced. However, when opinions about the use of the standardized nursing care plans were examined it was found that there was a positive effect on clarity in defining the nursing problems, determining nursing cost, more feasible goal setting, effective and systematic nursing records and indications for nursing research. The results of this study suggest that in order to increase the use of nursing diagnoses in the clinical area, it would be effective to select some wards as a pilot project, give the nurses training in the use of nursing diagnosis and develop and use the standardized nursing care plans. In addition to the ten diagnosis used in this study it is recommended that continual development of nursing diagnoses be done using diagnoses that are appropriate to Korea and testing them for validity through standardized care plans.

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A Study on Job Satisqaction of Health Ceuter nurses in Chunbuk Province. (전북지역 보건소 간호사의 직업만족도에 관한 조사연구)

  • Ryu Kwang Soo
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 1991
  • The Purpose of this study is to provide the basic data necessary for the high level of nursing service and the efficiency plan of nurse's man power by analyzing job satisfaction level of public health services. The study population included all public health services(118) in health care center within Jeon Buk province. A Survey was conducted to collect data by a self-administered questionnaire from September I to December B, 1990. A Forty item questionnaire was designed to elicit data concerning how nurses feel about the factors of job satisfaction. All the data were analyzed by means of percentage, mean, anova, T-test, Pearsen's correlation coefficient. The Results of this study were summerized as follows. 1. General characteristics of PHN : age: 33.9%20\~29 years old education level: 52.6% professional nursing college marital status: 75.5% married religion: 50.5% protestant clinical experience: 40.7% no clinical experience public health nursing career: 47.9% low 5years 2. Influencing factor of Job satisfaction desired duration of employment: 65% needed duration, 18.3% lifetime duration motives of employment: 40.8% no special motive of employment desired organ of leave: 19.3% public health clinic 3. Level of job satisfaction with job satisfaction components. The level of job satisfaction showed an average score 3.39 out of 5.0. Job prestige 4.09 was the highest among the components of Job satisfaction and was presented organizational requirement 3.69, Human relationship 3.66, task requirement 3.36, Autonomy 3.10, pay 2.46. 4. Level of job satisfaction with general characteristics. General characteristics(age, educational level, manital status, clinical experience, public health nursing carrier, duties, lincense and qualification) and job satisfaction was no relationship. 5. Level of job satisfaction with Influencing factor. Duration of desired employment (p<0.01) and motives of employment(p<0.001) was presented. 6. Relationship composing factor of job satisfaction and level of job satisfaction 6 components of job satisfaction was related all of job satisfaction. organizational requirement (r=0.93). Autonomy (r=0.93), Human relationship(r=0.92), task requirement (r=0.90), job prestige (r=0.83), pay (r=0.81)

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Length of Stay, Health Care Cost, Postpartum Discomfort, and Satisfaction with Medical Service in Puerperas Giving Birth in Midwifery Clinic and Hospitals (조산원과 병원 분만 산모의 재원일 수, 의료비용, 산후불편감과 의료서비스 만족도 비교)

  • Park, Mi-Ran;Lee, Ju-Young
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.24-32
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: To determine traits related to pregnancy and delivery, length of stay, health care cost, postpartum discomfort, and satisfaction with medical service of puerperas giving birth in midwifery clinic and hospitals. Methods: This study used a comparative survey design. Data were collected from a total of 140 postpartum mothers composed of 70 mothers who gave births in two hospitals and another 70 mothers who delivered in one midwifery clinic. Results: Delivery in midwifery clinic had higher Apgar score at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth than hospital. Those who delivered in midwifery clinic had shorter stay in the clinic, fewer health care cost, less postpartum discomfort in physical, environmental, social, and cultural areas, higher satisfaction with medical services than those who delivered in hospitals. Conclusion: Results of this study can be used as a basis for studies on giving birth in midwifery clinic and hospitals. They might increase the autonomy of women in giving birth with positive effect on the delivery experience of the mother and her spouse.

Effects of Hope and Gratitude on Spirituality among Nursing Students (간호대학생의 희망, 감사성향이 영성에 미치는 영향)

  • Jo, Myoung-Ju;Jun, Won-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.569-576
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study investigates the factors affecting spirituality in nursing students. Method: A total of 247 nursing students participated in the study. Data were analyzed by frequencies, t-tests, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple stepwise regression via SPSS WIN 18.0. Results: The mean scores for hope, gratitude, and spirituality were above-average. However, there were significant mean differences in spirituality according to religion, religious activity, voluntary service, satisfaction with the nursing field, and motivation for entering a college of nursing. Spirituality positively correlated with hope and gratitude. Significant predictors of spirituality included hope, gratitude, voluntary service and religious activity. The regression model explained 51.3% of perceived spirituality. Conclusion: To improve spirituality among nursing students, nursing educators should develop educational intervention programs to promote hope and gratitude, and support participation in voluntary service and religious activity.

The Development and Effect of Doctor-Visiting Nurses ICT Communication System for the Elderly: Focusing on Visiting Nursing Services for Long-term Care Patients (고령자 대상 의사-의료인간 ICT활용 협진 모델개발 및 실증에 관한 연구: 장기요양서비스 중 재가노인대상 방문간호서비스를 중심으로)

  • Cha, Sunmi;Yoo, Keunjoo;Choi, Solji;Hong, Seokwon
    • Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing
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    • v.20 no.sup1
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine effectiveness and usefulness of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in communication between physician and visiting nurses who provide visiting nursing services under long-term care insurance. Methods: Structured questionnaires were used to measure usefulness and satisfaction of the system, both accessibility and convenience to visiting nurses (31 people) and users (182 people). Results: From the user perspective, accessibility and convenience in terms of service users were both satisfactory as shown by users' percentage. No statistically significant difference was found for satisfaction between before and after using the system. The usefulness of the system for visiting nurses was satisfactory for most the nurses. Also most nurses answered that the system is needed and is very useful. Most of the participants (both visiting nurse and service users) were satisfied with use of the ICT system. However, there was no statistically significant difference in satisfaction between the pre and post service because the service provision period was too short (three months). Conclusion: The consensus from both users and service providers is that an ICT based visiting nursing system needs to be introduced but a more user - friendly environment for system development will be needed.

The Effects of the Customer Satisfaction of General Health Examination Service on Their Revisiting Intention and Change of Health Belief, Self-Efficacy and Health Promoting Behavior (종합건강검진서비스에 대한 고객만족도가 재이용의도와 건강신념, 자기효능감 및 건강증진행위 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Young-Sook;Jung, Myun-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.94-103
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to evaluate customer satisfaction of general health examination service and to determine how the customer satisfaction affected to revisiting intention, their change of health belief, self-efficacy, and health promoting behavior. Method: Data were collected with questionnaires from 92 customers, who took general health examination at G University Medical Hospital having symptoms of hypertension, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, and obesity. Data were analyzed by the SPSS for windows 10.0 program. Result: Level of customer satisfaction were closely related to one of revisiting intention (r=.791, p=.000). 2) Through multiple regression analysis, factors that affect the customer' revisiting intention were found to be satisfaction in consultation of results (F=126.166, p=.000), examination environment (F=77.490, p=.001), and examination process (F=55.932, p=.024). It could explain 64.4% of customers' revisiting intention. Group displaying higher level of satisfaction showed highly increase in health belief following the examination, and the difference was statistically significant (t=-2.035, p=.045). They also showed a more improved health promoting behavior following the examination, and the difference was statistically significant (t=-2.316, p=.023). Conclusion: Health belief and health promoting behavior was improved following the general health examination. In addition, these changes were more significant in customers who displayed in a higher level of customer satisfaction.

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Measurement of Nursing Service Quality using SERVQUAL Model (SERVQUAL 모델을 이용한 간호 서비스 질 측정)

  • Lim, Ji-Young;Kim, So-In
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.259-279
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    • 2000
  • This study is a descriptive analytic research measuring nursing service quality, using SERVQUAL model, to make fundamental data and strategies for nursing service improvement. Data were collected by self-reported questionnaire from 202 patients and 142 nurses, from June 7 to 14, 1999. The reliability of instrument were adequate(Cronbach α=.94). SAS program was utilized for statistical analysis of collected data. The results were as follows; 1. There was a gab between patient's expectation and perception on nursing service(Gap B). Gap D was indicated an affecting factor to decide nursing service quality. Gap C was indicated an indirect affecting factor of nursing service quality. Because it was not statistically significant in total item analysis, but in individual item analysis, 7 items were appeared statistically significant. Gap A was not a gap occurrence factor of nursing service quality. 2. Focuses of nursing service quality improvement strategies were; (1) to direct qualitative improvement of nursing service in order to correspondence patient's nursing service expectation. (2) to make nurse's service activity modified because nurse's practice were not reached patient's expectation level. (3) to need internal, external factor analysis affecting nurse's service activity. 3. Nursing service quality was decided by rather environmental inappropriateness provided nursing service than itself. Therefore, to make nursing service quality improvement, it is required to improve nursing service environment. For this, followings are required; (1) to strengthen nurse's education on lower part of nursing service satisfaction and QI activities. (2) to balance demand and supply of nursing personnel. 3) to fix computerized system for reducing other duties weight except nursing care through analysis of nursing activity. (4) to construct rational cooperating system among related departments. 4. The important parts for nursing service quality improvement were indicated as follows: (1) Gap B: 'prompt reaction', 'examination symptom before patient's complaint', 'hearted nursing service reducing patient's dissatisfaction', 'explanation goals of nursing activities', 'having special Knowledge enough', 'maintenance position comfortably', 'management of patient's physical hygiene'. (2) Gap C: 'maintenance physical safety', 'explanation about hospital rules and facilities'. (3) Gap D: 'tender, safe injection and wound care'. Because above items are mostly improved through nurse's attitude change and quality improvement, it is required to establish nursing standardization and to strengthen nurse's clinical education. As the based on above results, followings are suggested; 1. SERVQUAL model is very useful to make strategies for nursing service quality improvement because it indicates multiple factors affecting hap occurrence. 2. At individual items analysis of Gap C, statistically significant 7 items appeared higher nurse's perception level than patient's perception level on nursing service were trouble perception level on nursing service quality improvement. So. it need further research to analysis about these difference occurring factors. 3. At analysis of Gap D, it is indicated that in nursing service performance process, multiple factors lowing nursing service quality were intruded. So it needs further research to analysis what these factors are and how each factors affect on nursing performance process. 4. nursing service quality measurement is changeable according to sample select time or sampled subject's characteristics. So to develope strategy for nursing service quality improvement is based on the results of periodical analysis.

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Plan for Invigoration of Visiting Nursing Center in Long-Term Care Insurance for the Elderly - Through SWOT Analysis - (노인장기요양보험 내 방문간호센터 운영의 활성화 방안 - SWOT 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Byeon, Do Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.203-218
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find and suggest ways to invigorate operation of visiting nursing centers. Methods: SWOT analysis was performed based on the status of use of visiting nursing centers and opinion survey on the centers' nursing experts. Results: SO strategy was drawn to improve service satisfaction, develop standardized manuals, and improve the areas of visiting nursing services, and WO strategy was drawn to establish reliability, strengthen promotion or marketing strategy, strengthen management ability, and reinforce the governmental support of visiting nursing services. ST strategy was drawn to recover the functionality of health management, secure competitive advantage, and simplify the issuance of visiting nursing directions, and WT strategy was drawn to provide customized service, establish the cooperative system of related agencies, and adjust fees. Conclusion: For invigoration of visiting nursing centers, people must recognize the importance of the visiting nursing service and institutional standards should be established so that visiting nursing service, which is currently provided as an option according to Standard Long-Term Care Plan, can be provided on a mandatory basis.

A Study on the Effect of Service Recovery(Compensation) and Recovery Fairness on Service Recovery Satisfaction in Medical Service Failure (의료 서비스 실패에서 서비스 회복(보상)과 회복 공정성이 서비스 회복만족도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Chan-Kwon;Kwag, Eun-Jwoo
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.50-76
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    • 2011
  • This study chiefly aims to examine the relations between customer's responsive behavior and service recovery satisfaction in medical service failure. Therefore, this paper deals with the effect of medical service failure severity perceived by customers on complaint behavior and service recovery expectation, the effect of complaint appealing behavior and service recovery expectation on perceived recovery and service recovery satisfaction, and the roles of service recovery(compensation) and recovery fairness as moderating variables. According to the result of this research, it was shown that service failure severity affects complaint behavior and service recovery expectation positively, and compliant behavior and service recovery expectation affects perceived recovery performance and service recovery satisfaction positively. Moreover, the moderating roles of service recovery(compensation) and recovery fairness indicated partially significant results and affected perceived recovery performance and service recovery satisfaction direct positively. The result of this study is expected to provide support when medical institutes establish service recovery strategies.

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