The Purpose of this study is to provide the basic data necessary for the high level of nursing service and the efficiency plan of nurse's man power by analyzing job satisfaction level of public health services. The study population included all public health services(118) in health care center within Jeon Buk province. A Survey was conducted to collect data by a self-administered questionnaire from September I to December B, 1990. A Forty item questionnaire was designed to elicit data concerning how nurses feel about the factors of job satisfaction. All the data were analyzed by means of percentage, mean, anova, T-test, Pearsen's correlation coefficient. The Results of this study were summerized as follows. 1. General characteristics of PHN : age: $33.9\%\;20\~29$ years old education level: $52.6\%$ professional nursing college marital status: $75.5\%$ married religion: $50.5\%$ protestant clinical experience: $40.7\%$ no clinical experience public health nursing career: $47.9\%$ low 5years 2. Influencing factor of Job satisfaction desired duration of employment: $65\%$ needed duration, $18.3\%$ lifetime duration motives of employment: $40.8\%$ no special motive of employment desired organ of leave: $19.3\%$ public health clinic 3. Level of job satisfaction with job satisfaction components. The level of job satisfaction showed an average score 3.39 out of 5.0. Job prestige 4.09 was the highest among the components of Job satisfaction and was presented organizational requirement 3.69, Human relationship 3.66, task requirement 3.36, Autonomy 3.10, pay 2.46. 4. Level of job satisfaction with general characteristics. General characteristics(age, educational level, manital status, clinical experience, public health nursing carrier, duties, lincense and qualification) and job satisfaction was no relationship. 5. Level of job satisfaction with Influencing factor. Duration of desired employment (p<0.01) and motives of employment(p<0.001) was presented. 6. Relationship composing factor of job satisfaction and level of job satisfaction 6 components of job satisfaction was related all of job satisfaction. organizational requirement (r=0.93). Autonomy (r=0.93), Human relationship(r=0.92), task requirement (r=0.90), job prestige (r=0.83), pay (r=0.81)