• Title/Summary/Keyword: Normal stiffness

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A Robotic Medical Palpation using Contact Pressure Distribution (접촉 압력 분포를 이용한 로봇 의료 촉진)

  • Kim, Hyoungkyun;Choi, Seungmoon;Chung, Wan Kyun
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.322-331
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    • 2017
  • In this paper we present a novel robotic palpation method for the lump shape estimation using contact pressure distribution. Many previous researches about the robotic palpation have used a stiffness map, which is not suitable to obtain geometrical information of a lump. As a result, they require a large data set and long palpation time to estimate the lump shape. Instead of using the stiffness map, the proposed palpation method uses the difference between the normal force direction and the surface normal to detect the lump boundary and estimate its normal. The palpation trajectory is generated by the normal of the lump boundary to track the lump boundary in real-time. The proposed approach requires small data set and short palpation time for the lump shape estimation since the shape can be directly estimated from the optimally generated palpation trajectory. An experiment result shows that our method can find the lump shape accurately in real-time with small data and short time.

Sliding Frictional Characteristics with the Change of Dynamic Parameters in the Friction Measurement (마찰시험기의 시스템 동적변수 변화에 따른 미끄럼마찰 특성)

  • 공호성;윤의성;권오관;오재응
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.44-55
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    • 1995
  • Frictional characteristics with the change of dynamic parameters, such as stiffness, inertia and damping, in the friction measurement at dry sliding surfaces were experimentally and theoretically investigated throughout the study. Dynamic frictional force and the variation in the normal load were mainly measured at the various conditions of system dynamic parameters with which stiffness in the normal direction, loading mechanisms and test materials were varied. For the normal load, mechanisms using both a dead weight and a pneumatic cylinder were applied, which resulted in change of the inertia and damping of the test rig. Test materials were steel, rosin and PTFE, which have different types of intrinsic frictional characteristics. Test results showed that frictional characteristics under different dynamic parameters could be different even though the operating variables were the same and also they could result in the variation in the normal load, which could consequently affect the wear mechanism.

Characteristics of the Compensation for Gait of the Induced Knee Stiffness in Normal Subjects (정상인 보행에서 무릎관절의 유도된 강직에 따른 신체 보상 특성)

  • Woo, Byung-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.357-367
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    • 2013
  • The purposes of this study were investigated physical compensation for gait on induced knee stiffness in normal subjects. Ten subjects were participated in the experiment(age: $26.0{\pm}6.3$ yrs, height: $175.5{\pm}5.3$ cm, weight: $69.1{\pm}6.1$ kg). The study method adopted 3D analysis with five cameras and ground reaction force with two force-plate. Induced knee stiffness level were classified as gait pattern on ROM of knee(free level, $30^{\circ}$ restriction level, fix level). The results were as follows; In angular displacement of hip joint, left hip joint was the more extended in mid-stance on induced right knee stiffness. In angular displacement of knee joint, there was no physical compensation on induced right knee stiffness, but free knee level gait was more flexed in swing phase of right knee joint. In angular displacement of ankle joint, right ankle joint was the more dorsiflexed on induced right knee stiffness, and $30^{\circ}$ restriction level and fix level gait were less plantarflexed in TO2. In trunk tilt, free and $30^{\circ}$ restriction level gait was more backward tilt on induced right knee stiffness. In ROM of each joint, right knee joint was more larger and trunk tilt was more lower on induced right knee stiffness. In GRF, Fx was more bigger lateral force in free and $30^{\circ}$ restriction level gait, and was more bigger medial force in fix level gait. Fy was more bigger propulsion force in free level gait, and was was more bigger braking force in $30^{\circ}$ restriction level gait. Left braking force in $30^{\circ}$ restriction level gait was more bigger. Fz was no significant.

Shear Tests Under Constant Normal Stiffness for Granite-concrete Interface (화강암 절단면과 콘크리트 부착면에 대한 일정강성도 전단시험)

  • 조천환;이명환;유한규
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this paper is to make an understanding of fundamental mechanism of shear behaviour between rock and concrete interfaces in the pile socketed into granite. The interface of pile socketed in rock can be modeled in laboratory tests by resolving the axi-symmetric pile situation into the two dimensional situation under CNS(constant normal stiffness) direct shear condition. In this paper, the granite core samples were used to simulate the interface condition of piles socketed in granite in our country. The samples were prepared in the laboratory to simulate field condition, roughness(angle and height), stress boundary condition, and then tested by CNS direct shear tests. This paper describes shearing behaviour of socket piles into domestic granite through the analysis of CNS test results. It was found out that the peak shear strength increases with the angle of asperity and CNS value, and also the dilation increases with the angle of asperity but decreases with the CNS value.

Shear Load-Transfer Function of Rock-Socketed Drilled Shafts Considering Borehole Roughness (굴착면 거칠기를 고려한 암반 근입 현장타설말뚝의 주면 하중전이함수 제안)

  • Seol, Hoon-Il;Woo, Sang-Yoon;Han, Keun-Taek;Jeong, Sang-Seom
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2006
  • Shear load transfer characteristics of rock-socketed drilled shafts were analyzed. The constant normal stiffness (CNS) direct shear tests were performed to identify the major influencing factors of shaft resistance, i.e., unconfined compressive strength, borehole roughness, normal stiffness, initial confining stress, and material properties. Based on the CNS tests, shear load transfer function of drilled shafts in rocks is proposed using borehole roughness and the geological strength index (GSI), which indicates discontinuity and surface condition of rock mass in Hoek-Brown criterion (1997). The proposed load-transfer function was verified by the load test results of seven rock-socketed drilled test shafts subjected to axial loads. Through comparisons of the results of load tests, it is found that the load-transfer function by the present study is in good agreement with the general trend observed by in situ measurements, and thus represents a significant improvement in the prediction of load transfer of drilled shafts.

A Study on Control of Robot Manipulator by Hybrid Position / Force Control (하이브리드 위치/힘 제어방법에 의한 로봇 매니퓰레이터의 제어에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Suk;Gil, Jin-Soo;Han, Sang-Wan;Hong, Suk-Kyo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1994.11a
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    • pp.308-310
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    • 1994
  • Position control for robot manipulator may not suffice when any contacts are made between the end-effector and various environments. Therefore interaction forces must be controlled in tasks performed by robot manipulator. In general, there are two types of force control for robot manipulator. One is a stiffness control and the other is a hybrid position/force control. Stiffness control is that environment can be modeled as a spring and utilizes the desired normal force to determine the desired normal position. Hybrid position/force control, however, can be used for robot manipulator to track position and force trajectories simultaneously. This paper will compare the result of the hybrid position/force control method with that of the stiffness control method.

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Anisotropic Shear Strength of Artificially Fractured Rock Joints Under Low Normal Stress (낮은 수직응력 하에서 인공 절리면의 전단 이방성에 관한 연구)

  • 곽정열;이상은;임한욱
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.169-179
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    • 2003
  • Anisotropic shear strength of rock joints is studied based on the artificially fractured specimens using experimental and analytical methods. Series of direct shear tests are performed to obtain the strength, stiffness and friction angle of joints under various low normal stresses and shearing directions. The results of shear strength and stiffness show anisotropic value according to shearing direction under low normal stress specially less than 2.45 MPa. But, the effect of joint roughness on strength decreases with increasing normal stress. To estimate more effectively the peak shear strength under low normal stress, the modified Barton's equation is suggested.

Effect of Functional Ankle Instability and Surgical Treatment on Dynamic Postural Stability and Leg Stiffness Variables during Vertical-Drop Landing

  • Jeon, Kyoung Kyu;Kim, Kew Wan;Ryew, Che Cheong;Hyun, Seung Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2018
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of functional ankle instability (FAI) and surgical treatment (ST) on postural stability and leg stiffness during vertical-drop landing. Method: A total of 21 men participated in this study (normal [NOR]: 7, FAI: 7, ST: 7). We estimated dimensionless leg stiffness as the ratio of the peak vertical ground reaction force and the change in stance-phase leg length. Leg length was calculated as the distance from the center of the pelvis to the center of pressure under the foot. Furthermore, the analyzed variables included the loading rate and the dynamic postural stability index (DPSI; medial-lateral [ML], anterior-posterior [AP], and vertical [V]) in the initial contact phase. Results: The dimensionless leg stiffness in the FAI group was higher than that of the NOR group and the ST group (p = .018). This result may be due to a smaller change in stance-phase leg length (p = .001). DPSI (ML, AP, and V) and loading rate did not show differences according to the types of ankle instability during drop landing (p > .05). Conclusion: This study suggested that the dimensionless leg stiffness was within the normal range in the ST group, whereas it was increased by the stiffness of the legs rather than the peak vertical force during vertical-drop landing in the FAI group. Identifying these potential differences may enable clinicians to assess ankle instability and design rehabilitation protocols specific for the impairment.

Elastic stiffness of perfobond connections in composite structures

  • Qin, Xi;Yang, Guotao
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.221-241
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    • 2022
  • Perfobond rib connectors are widely used in composite structures to achieve the composite action between the steel and the concrete, and empirical expressions for their strength and secant stiffness have been obtained by numerical simulations or push-out tests. Since perfobond connections are generally in an elastic state in the service process and the structural analysis are always based on the elastic properties of the members, the secant stiffness is not applicable for the normal structural analysis. However, the tangent stiffness of perfobond connections has not been introduced in previous studies. Moreover, the perfobond connections are bearing tension and shear force simultaneously when the composite beams subjected to torque or local loads, but the current studies fail to arrive at the elastic stiffness considering the combined effects. To resolve these discrepancies, this paper investigates the initial elastic stiffness of perfobond connections under combined forces. The calculation method for the elastic stiffness of perfobond connections is analyzed, and the contributions of the perfobond rib, the perforating rebar and the concrete dowel are investigated. A finite element method was verified with a high value of correlation for the test results. Afterwards, parametric studies are carried out using the reliable finite element analysis to explore the trends of several factors. Empirical equations for predicting the initial elastic stiffness of perfobond connections are proposed by the numerical regression of the data extracted by parametric studies. The equations agree well with finite element analysis and test results, which indicates that the proposed empirical equations reflect a high accuracy for predicting the initial elastic stiffness of perfobond connections.

Stochastic Finite Element Analysis for Rock Caverns Considering the Effect of Discontinuities (불연속면의 영향을 고려한 암반동굴의 확률유한요소해석)

  • 최규섭;황신일;이경진
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 1996.10a
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 1996
  • In this study, a stochastic finite element model is proposed with a view to consider the uncertainty of physical properties of discontinuous rock mass in the analysis of structural behavior on underground caverns. In so doing, the LHS(Latin Hypercube sampling) technique has been applied to make up weak points of the Crude Monte Carlo technique. Concerning the effect of discontinuities, a joint finite element model is used that is known to be superior in explaining faults, cleavage, things of that nature. To reflect the uncertainty of material properties, the variables such as the the elastic modulus, the poisson's ratio, the joint shear stiffness, and the joint normal stiffness have been used, all of which can be applicable through normal distribution, log-normal distribution, and rectangulary uniform distribution. The validity of the newly developed computer program has been confirmed in terms of verification examples. And, the applicability of the program has been tested in terms of the analysis of the circular cavern in discontinuous rock mass.

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