• Title/Summary/Keyword: Non- Newtonian Fluid

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A flow characteristic of non-newtonian fluid in coutte flow of concentric cylinder (동심원통속의 Coutte flow에 있어서 비 Newton 유체의 유동특성)

  • 권혁칠;이성노;부전유사
    • Journal of the korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study is to experimentally research the effects of polymer additives on turbulent transition of Couette flow between concentric cylinders when outer one is rotating and inner one is at rest; the diameter ratio being 0.2. Aqueous polymer solution generate the degradation phenomena in machine forming work, but this is not effected in about 10 minute at 5ppm. aqueous polymer solution testing. The Reynolds number, referred to the gap distance and rotation velocity of the outer cylinder, of turbulent transition is about 20000 for water flow. In the laminer region, the torque value is as same as theoretical one in the region of low Reynolds number, but becomes high with an increase in the Reynolds number. The polymer additives reduce the Reynolds number for turbulent transtition. In the turbulent region, the torque is remarkably reduced by the polymer additives, soluble polymer take down effect of turbulent transition boundary torque.

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In Vivo Measurements of Blood Flow in a Chicken Embryo Using Micro PIV Technique (유정란 배아 혈액유동의 in vivo 계측)

  • Yeo Chang-Sub;Han Kyu-Yeon;Lee Sang-Joon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.30 no.4 s.247
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    • pp.314-319
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    • 2006
  • To analyze in-vivo blood flow characteristics in a chicken embryo, in-vivo experiment was carried out using micro-PIV technique. Because endothelial cells in blood vessels are subject to shear stress of blood flow, it is important to get velocity field information of the placental blood flow. Instantaneous velocity fields of an extraembryonic blood vessel using a high-speed camera and intravital microscope. The flow images of RBCs were obtained with a spatial resolution of 20×20μm in the whole blood vessels. The mean velocity field data confirm that the blood flow does show non-Newtonian fluid characteristic. The blood in a branched vessel merged smoothly without any flow separation into the main blood vessel with the presence of a slight bump. This in-vivo micro-PIV measurement technique can be used as a powerful tool in various blood flow researches.

A Numerical Study on the Planar Contraction Flow of Oldroyd B Fluids (Oldroyd B 유체의 평면 수축 유동에 관한 수치 해석적 연구)

  • Yoo, Jung-Yul;Na, Yang
    • The Korean Journal of Rheology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.33-45
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    • 1990
  • This study analyzes the planar 4:1 contraction flow of viscoelastic fluids with retardation time using finite volume method. To consider separately the elasticity effect of the viscoelastic fluid without shear thinn-ing effect, Oldroyd B liquid model is adopted for the numerical simulation. Instead of the stream function-vorticity formulation, SIMPLER algorithm with staggered grid system which incorporates primitive variable has been introduced in discretizing the momentum equations. An upwind corrected scheme has been used in discetizing the constitutive equations for the non-Newtonian part of the stress. The size of the corner vortex is shown to be slightly influenced by the Weissenberg number. However as the Weissenberg number is increased the chang-ing of the vortex shape agrees qualitatively well with some experimental studies.

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Comparison of shear rate and viscosity of the commercial dental impression materials (치과진료용 인상재의 전단율과 점도의 비교)

  • Jin, Myoung-Hoon;Lee, Kwang-Rae
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.34
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    • pp.11-14
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    • 2014
  • Viscosity and shear stress of the dental impression materials on commercial market(Imprint Garant LB(3M, U.S.A), EXAMIXFINE IT(GC, Japan), Vonflex S LB(Vericom, Korea), S-Silicone LB(Shinwon, Korea)) were measured with increasing shear rate from 50(1/sec) to 100(1/sec). The viscosity of EXAMIXFINE IT was decreased from 20,542(cP) to 14,684(cP), which is the shear thinning property of pseudoplastic as non-Newtonian fluid. Since the pseudoplastic property makes the impression material shear thinning and softly injected from cartridge, EXAMIXFINE IT might be popularly used in dentistry.

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A Diagnostic Method of Control-in/out in the Glass Furnace

  • Cho, Jin-Hyung;Lee, Sae-Jae;Jang, Do-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.151-154
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    • 2006
  • The high degree of viscosity and the non-Newtonian fluid dynamics characterizes the process inside a glass furnace. Because the temperature is fluctuating in very short time-intervals, it is hard to determine that the status of its fluctuation is stable or unstable. Usually Shewhart-chart is used to determine the control status. However because of the characteristics of the temperature fluctuations in the glass furnace it does not directly serve the purpose here. Therefore we suggest using ARIMA to diagnose control status and confirm that the method using ARIMA can be a better tool than Shewhart-chart.

Computer Simulation of Ink Flow In the Various Types of Gravure Cell (그라비어 셀의 형태에 따른 잉크 유동 시뮬레이션에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Soon-Sim;Youn, Jong-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.59-75
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    • 2005
  • In gravure printing, the amount of ink from cells has a great effect on the qualities of final printed products. And printability of final products is determined by every kinds variables. Ink transfer process is not verified scientifically because gravure cell is of small size and print speed is rapid. Therefore in order to study of ink transfer mechanism, this study is using the Computational Fluid Dynamics Evaluation. Polyflow 3-10 simulation software is used for considering of non-Newtonian flow. Among the various factors, this study have dealt with gravure cell types used computer simulation in order to define distinctive features in ink flow and transfer. The results of simulation, it defined the distribution of pressure, speed, stream function, viscosity, shear rate during the gravure printing. It is fined out the difficulties and characteristics according to the shape of cell types. Through this study, the condition of gravure printing is depending on the print condition and characteristic of cells.

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CAE Analysis of Powder Injection Molding Process for Dental Scaler Mold (치과용 스케일러 금형의 분말사출성형 CAE 해석설계)

  • Ko Y. B.;Park H. P.;Chung S. T.;Rhee B. O.;Hwang C. J.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.14 no.6 s.78
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    • pp.570-576
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    • 2005
  • Powder Injection Molding(PIM) has recently been recognized as an advanced manufacturing technology for low-cost mass production of metal or ceramic parts of complicated geometry With this regards, design technology of dental scaler tip PIM mold, which has complex shape and small core pin (diameter=0.6mm), with the help of computer-aided analysis of powder injection molding process was developed. Computer-aided analysis for dental scaler tip mold was implemented by finite element method with non-Newtonian fluid, modified Cross model viscosity, PvT data of powder/binder mixture. Compter-aided analysis results, such as filling pattern, weldline formation, air vent position prediction were compared with experimental result, and eventually have been shown good agreement. The core pin (diameter=0.6mm) deflection analysis of dental scaler tip PIM mold during PIM filling process was also investigated before mold fabrication.

Discharge and loss coefficients for viscoelastic fluids in differential pressure flow meters (차압식 유량계에서 점탄성유체의 유출 및 손실계수)

  • Jeon, U-Cheong;Jo, Byeong-Su;Baek, Byeong-Jun;Park, Bok-Chun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.1501-1509
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    • 1996
  • Differential pressure devices such as an orifice and Venturi are widely used in the measurement of flow rate of fluid mainly due to cost effectiveness and easy installation. In the current study, the viscoelastic effect on discharge and loss coefficients of those flow meters were investigated experimentally. Aqueous solutions of Polyacrylamide (200, 500, and 800 ppm) as viscoelastic fluids were used. Discharge coefficient of an orifice for viscoelastic fluids increased significantly up to approximately 15-20% when compared with that for water, while loss coefficient decreased up to 10-25% depending on the diameter ratio, .betha.. Also, pressure recovery for viscoelastic fluids was extended much longer than that for water. On the other hand, discharge and loss coefficients of Venturi for viscoelastic fluids were found to be strongly dependent on the Reynolds number. In both flow meters, the concentration effect for discharge and loss coefficients was not observed at more over than 200 ppm of aqueous solution. Conclusively, orifice and Venturi flow meters should be calibrated very carefully in the flow rate measurement for viscoelastic fluids.

The Rheological Behaviors and Non-Newtonian Characteristics of Maltenes Made by SDA Method from Oil Sands Bitumen (SDA 방법으로 제조한 오일샌드 역청의 말텐에 대한 유변학적 거동 및 비뉴톤 특성)

  • Kwon, Eun Hee;Lee, Eun Min;Kim, Min Yong;Chang, Heyn Sung;Guahk, Young Tae;Kim, Kwang Ho;Nho, Nam Sun
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.209-214
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, the rheological behaviors and non-Newtonian characteristics of maltenes which is effected by hydrocarbon solvent type, solvent mixing ratio, temperature and shear rate was measured and compared with oil sands bitumen. Maltenes was made by SDA (solvent deasphalting) method from oil sands bitumen. Oil sands bitumen had apparent viscosities of 800150000mPas measured at a shear rate of 50sec1 in the range of 2585C and showed yield stress of 0.1~0.3 Pa at the temperatures below 35C. All the oil sands bitumen and maltenes exhibited a shear-thinning, i.e. pseudoplastic behavior and apparent viscosity of maltenes decreased with decreasing carbon numbers of hydrocarbon solvent. The change in apparent viscosity with temperature could be described by the simple Guzman-Andrade equation, and maltene viscosities were decreased as the mixing ratio of n-pentane was raised. Also, all maltenes approached to Newtonian fluid as temperature were increased. the degree of pseudoplasticity was enhanced with decreasing carbon number of solvent.

The Effects of Packing and Cooling Stages on the Molded Parts in Injection Molding Process (사출 성형시 보압 및 냉각 과정이 성형품에 미치는 영향)

  • 구본흥;신효철;이호상
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.1150-1160
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    • 1993
  • The behavior of polystyrene in the strip cavity during the packing and cooling stages for an injection molding process is examined numerically. The mathematical model is based on the unified post-filling model and finite element/finite difference methods are used to solve simultaneously the continuity, momentum and energy equations coupled to an equation of state. Simulated results show that the density of the molded parts is lower in the core than at the skin, and that the hotter the melt or the higher the packing pressure, the higher the density in the core. The density variation during the packing stage comes up to 50% compared with the total density variation. Also, the density variation after gate sealing and the effect of cooling rate on the equation of state are negligible.